NEWS ON 05/24 1. SEEE STARTS TRADING TESTS TO LAUNCH CHINA’S FIRST CARBON TEETS 碳排放权交易落地在即 各项准备测试进行中 **2. **ANYI ROAD POP-UP FAIR RETURNS 安义夜市来啦,美食活动打卡安排! **----------**喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦---------- **1.**SEEE STARTS TRADING TESTS TO LAUNCH CHINA’S FIRST CARBON TEETS The Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange announced Saturday that it has begun trading tests in preparation of China’s first emissions【排放】 trading system. According to Lai Xiaoming, chairman of the marketplace, more than 30 companies across the country have said they will ’conduct some real trading tests’, adding that the tests will continue for some time. 全国碳排放权交易市场启动在即,上海环境能源交易所5月22日宣布,相关交易测试正在进行当中。上海环交所董事长赖晓明表示,全国有共30多家企业“进行一些真实、实际的测试”,测试还将持续一段时间。 Scheduled to start operating by the end of June, the scheme will allow companies to reduce their carbon emissions at low cost while forming a reasonable pricing mechanism. Lai said that the SEEE strives to include as many firms and financial institutions as possible, and will hope to include nearly 2,230 power companies, and gradually expand the scope【规模】to other industries that use a lot of energy. 全国碳排放权交易计划于6月底之前上线启动,碳市场的主要目标是为了让企业以较低的成本减排,同时形成一个合理的定价机制。赖晓明透露,碳市场建设将尽量多地纳入控排企业和金融机构,并在全国市场启动初期把电力行业近2230家企业作为突破口,纳入第一次交易主体,后面按照各行业的情况稳步推进,纳入更多高能耗行业。 2.ANYI ROAD POP-UP FAIR RETURNS The popular Green Escape street fair, also known as the Anyi Night Market returned for the 3rd time over the weekend in downtown Jing’an. Organizers say the new version of the market is going to provide visitors with a more immersive【沉浸式的】 experience. Zhang Yue was there and tells us more. 上周末,上海的热门打卡地安义夜巷举办了第三季启幕仪式。主办方表示,新一季的夜市将为大家带来更加沉浸式的体验。请听记者张乐报道。 Between Changde Road and Tongren Road, the small lane has once again turned into a stylish weekend night market. In addition to tasty delicacies from around the world, arts and crafts, games, and even plants are also available here. 安义路位于常德路和铜仁路之间,这条小路再次摇身一变,成为了别具一格的周末夜市。除了来自世界各地的美食小吃,在这里还能买到手工艺品、游戏甚至盆栽。 INTERVIEWEE: Johawnes Walch, Vendor “There are lots of people here and everybody is in a good mood. There are lots of people who want to try out our products and many people have brought our products. The location is perfect. It’s in here, the center of the city. Also the quality of the vendors【摊主】here is much different.” “这里有很多人,大家心情也很好。有很多人想试试看我们的产品,也有很多人购买。这里的地理位置很棒,就在市中心,而且这里的摊主也很不一样。” The fair will last 20 weekends, covering five major themes, such as picnics, summer parties, and urban camping. 本次夜市将持续20个周末,期间会有5个不同的主题活动,例如野餐、夏日派对和城市露营。 This year’s Anyi Night Market has opened its morning fair from 8 a.m. to noon for those who might be too busy come here at night, or simply just want to avoid the crowds. Those who visit in the morning can enjoy some live music, breakfast, and a regular yoga session to get in a little stretch【拉伸】 before starting the day. 今年,安义夜巷也会在早晨8点至中午开放早安市集,方便那些晚上比较忙碌,或者想要避开人流的游客。早上前来的游客能够享受到现场音乐、早餐和瑜伽,在新的一天开始前拉伸一下,活动活动身体。 INTERVIEWEE: Lin Xiaojue, Director of Jing’an Commerce Commission 林晓珏 静安区商务委主任 “Visitors are able to taste an authentic Shanghai-style breakfast the ’Big Four’, buy some plants, and learn to be more fit through exercise, like yoga and boxing. We have decorated the fair grounds with green and environmentally-friendly materials, because we encourage people to live in a healthy lifestyle.” “起早的人除了能在这里能品尝到老上海四大金刚早餐,还能买一些绿植、做一些瑜伽、拳击之类的运动,倡导健康的生活方式。我们很多布置的场景都选用了环保材料,希望大家能践行绿色健康的生活方式。” Also at the fair this weekend, was a stand comedy performance by the Jing’an police. The show attracted many people, and besides being funny, it had the added benefit of teaching people about how they can avoid fraud. 在本周末的集市上,静安警方也“摆起了摊”,吸引了许多游客驻足。除了好玩、搞笑,这场表演还能帮助宣传和教育如何防范诈骗。 INTERVIEWEE: Zhou Shiqi, Jing’an Police Officer 周世奇 静安民警 “We are using a fun and entertainment way to tell people how to protect their money. Shanghai is very safe, but it is always good to know these things.” “我们想用这种诙谐、轻松的方式,告诉老百姓如何保护私人财产。尽管上海还是很安全的,但了解一些反诈骗知识肯定不会错。” Since its opening in 2019, the Anyi Night Market has been a hangout【聚会地点;常去的地方】 frequented by style-conscious【注重时尚的】 youngsters. More than 210,000 people visited within the first month that year. Last year, the fair opened in June, just a little later than usual due to the pandemic. 自2019年开幕以来,安义夜巷已经成为了“会穿会玩”的年轻人的打卡地,19年吸引游客超过21万人次,而去年由于疫情原因,夜巷推迟至6月举办。 #*热词加油站 emission【排放】 scope【规模】 immersive【沉浸式的】 vendor【摊主】 stretch【拉伸】 hangout【聚会地点;常去的地方】 style-conscious【注重时尚的】 eruption【喷发】 lava【熔岩】 outskirt【市郊】 flatten【摧毁】 订阅我们,打卡*每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~