cover of episode 05/24 TOP OF THE DAY 中国花博会首日/上海港好忙/大熊猫“小奇迹”初亮相

05/24 TOP OF THE DAY 中国花博会首日/上海港好忙/大熊猫“小奇迹”初亮相

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NEWS ON 5/21 1. China Flower Expo Blossoms on Opening Day 中国花博会首日!我们手拉手,一起徜徉在初夏的花海 2. SHANGHAI PORT REPORTS HIGHER HANDLING CAPACITY “苏伊士运河堵船”事件持续影响全球航运,利好上海港 3. *Giant Panda Cub on Display as US National Zoo Reopens 一起见证“小奇迹”!旅美大熊猫幼崽首次公开亮相   ------------你的赞赞,就是我们的动力 -----------   China Flower Expo Blossoms on Opening Day 中国花博会首日!我们手拉手,一起徜徉在初夏的花海 More than 20,000 people visited the 10th China Flower Expo as it opened today in Chongming District. Transportation along with food and drink offerings have been updated to meet different needs. Zhang Yue has more. 在上海市崇明区举办的第十届中国花博会正式开门迎客,首日接待超过2万名游客。为了满足不同游客的需求,相关的交通以及餐饮服务都进行了升级。下面是来自记者张乐的报道。 After more than 3 years of planning and preparations, the expo opened its gates to the public at 1pm. Strict pandemic controls are in place at the entrance, and visitors were seen entered the grounds in an orderly fashion with guidance from employees.Mini trains and electric vehicles are available for those too tired to walk the entire day.经过三年多的筹备,花博会在下午一点钟,正式向公众敞开了大门。进园需要经过严格的疫情防控检查,我们可以看见游客在工作人员的指引下,正有序地入园。 I did some research and I already know which venues I want to visit the most, so it will be faster to take the mini train.【采访 游客:因为之前上午看过直播嘛 其实心里已经有想法对哪个场馆最感兴趣 然后想要直接坐着小火车去了】Restaurants, tea houses, and food trucks serve a variety of meal boxes, barbecued items and even Sichuan cuisine. Nearly 9,000 dining seats are available.餐馆、茶室还有流动餐车提供丰富多样的快餐、烧烤等食物,甚至还有川菜。现场可以提供大约9000个就餐位。 I can have something to eat and drink anytime and anywhere inside the park. There are also plenty of restrooms, which is convenient.【采访 山东游客:随时随地就可以有吃有喝。而且特别方便我感觉就是卫生间,哪里都是】Medical stations and ambulances are strategically stationed around the park, while thousands of benches offer plenty of opportunities to take a load off. Plus, a combination of employees and volunteers are scattered around the site to help visitors. 园区内分设有医疗救助站和急救车,还有几千张长椅供有人休憩。除此之外,园区内还分散安置了工作人员和志愿者,为游客提供指引和帮助。 SHANGHAI PORT REPORTS HIGHER HANDLING CAPACITY “苏伊士运河堵船”事件持续影响全球航运,利好上海港 The "Suez Canal ship jam" incident from two months ago continues to have an impact on the global shipping market, and the first batch of affected cargo ships are beginning to arrive at their destinations, including Shanghai. The city's ports have been speeding up their cargo handling to make room for the returning vessels. 发生在两个月前的"苏伊士运河堵船"事件,对全球航运市场带来的影响仍在继续。之前积压的数百条大型远洋货船相继抵达目的港,上海的海港口岸提升效能,应对第一波货船靠泊高峰。The Shanghai International Port Group says the Yangshan Deep Water Port is now handling over 200 cargo ships a day. To raise the port's daily capacity, all arriving ships are being asked to complete their loading and unloading operations within 24 hours, instead of the previously mandated 36 hours. The port company said that it is also making preparations for handling a second wave of arriving cargo carriers, while at the same time continuing with its normal port maintenance work and with the upkeep of vessels used for watercourse dredging.来自上港集团的数据显示,货船靠港高峰期间,平均每天的船舶处理作业量在200艘次左右,集装箱吞吐量接近历史记录。一般情况下,一艘货船需要36个小时才能完成装卸作业,如今,在确保安全的情况下,24小时内,船只必须离港。上港集团表示,随着前往欧洲的西行航线陆续返程,预计第二波高峰不久后就会到来。为此,上海港各码头正进行人员调配、机械保养、以及码头前沿航道疏浚等工作,为再度迎接高峰做好准备。   Giant Panda Cub on Display as US National Zoo Reopens 一起见证“小奇迹”!旅美大熊猫幼崽首次公开亮相 A 9-month-old panda cub made his first public appearance yesterday and will soon welcome in-person visits by his fans across the country, as the US National Zoo in Washington is set for a phased reopening.(5月20日)9个月大的旅美大熊猫幼崽首次公开亮相。不久之后,熊猫宝宝还将迎来来自全美各地的熊猫粉们。 The cub, named Xiao Qi Ji 小奇迹 or "Little Miracle", is the son of Tian Tian添添 and Mei Xiang美香, who gave birth to him in August at age 22, thrilling zoo officials who thought she had a slim chance of having a fourth healthy cub. Mei Xiang and Tian Tian have been living in the National Zoo in Washington since 2000. According to the Wildlife Conservation Association, the panda family will live in the US until the end of 2023. The zoo will open today at 20 percent capacity, admitting 5,000 to 6,000 visitors on a daily basis.这只名为 “小奇迹” 的熊猫崽崽是大熊猫 “添添” 和 “美香” 的儿子。去年八月, “美香” 以二十二岁的高龄产下幼崽。这是美香的第四胎幼崽,并且非常健康。这让原本并不看好的工作人员们喜出望外,宝宝因此获名 “小奇迹” 。"美香"和"小奇迹"的爸爸"添添",从2000年开始旅美生涯,堪称华盛顿国家动物园里的"元老级"明星。根据园方和中国野生动物保护协会最新续签的协议,"美香"、"添添"和"小奇迹"将在美国生活到2023年底。今天(5月21日),闭园半年的华盛顿国家动物园重新向普通民众开放,人流量控制在其正常负载量的20%,也就是说,每日可以接待大约5000至6000名游客。 订阅我们,打卡*每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~