cover of episode 05/23 TOP NEWS | 5/20疫情防控新闻发布会/临港新片区线上集中签约/如何打通物流堵点

05/23 TOP NEWS | 5/20疫情防控新闻发布会/临港新片区线上集中签约/如何打通物流堵点

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NEWS ON 05/201.88 CONFIRMED CASES, 770 ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIERS REPORTED YESTERDAY5/20疫情防控新闻发布会:上海昨日新增88例确诊病例,770例无症状感染者2.37 PROJECTS SIGNED AT LINGANG SPECIAL AREA临港新片区线上集中签约 涉及37个重点项目3.SHANGHAI COMPANIES FACE LOGISTICS HURDLES AS OPERATIONS RESUME复工复产进行时:如何打通物流堵点?**-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.88 CONFIRMED CASES, 770 ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIERS REPORTED YESTERDAY5/20疫情防控新闻发布会:上海昨日新增88例确诊病例,770例无症状感染者*Shanghai reported 88 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 770 asymptomatic【无症状的】 carriers yesterday. All but 3 of the carriers were found in isolated and controlled areas. The remaining 3 were reported in Xujing Town of Qingpu District. Zhang Hong has more.昨天,上海新增88例本土确诊病例和770例本土无症状感染者。其中3例本土无症状感染者,是在相关风险人群筛查中发现,他们来自青浦区徐泾镇的同一家庭。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。The three asymptomatic carriers are from the same family, they are fully vaccinated and haven't left Xujing in Qingpu District in the past 14 days. They tested positive in a regular PCR screening at their residential compound. By 8 am today, 18 close contacts and 20 secondary contacts have been found, and have been placed in quarantine.新增的3例本土无症状感染者,为同一家庭,均接种了3剂次新冠疫苗,3人14天内均未离开徐泾镇。三人在小区例行核酸筛查中,混管检测异常,经复核均为阳性。截至今天上午8点,已排查到在沪密接18人,次密接20人,均已落实管控。Zhang Yan/Qingpu District Vice Governor*张彦 上海市青浦区副区长**Yangxiangxiqu of Ze'an Village, Xujing Town is a residential compound with 53 houses built by the farmers themselves. It is home to 898 residents from 537 households. Following pandemic control protocols, we have locked down the compound and residents are required to stay at home. We will do everything we can to meet their daily needs.徐泾镇迮庵村杨巷西区属于农民自建房小区,共有53栋农民自建房,居民共537户、898人。根据疫情防控工作要求,我区已对该小区实施封闭管理,全体居民严格落实足不出户。我们将全面做好居民日常生活保障工作。The residential compound is now listed as a medium risk area. Shanghai health authorities explained that if positive cases are reported in a precautionary area【防范区】, certain places in this area will be listed as medium or high risk depending on the number of infections, the distribution of the infections and risk of cross-infection. Also at today's press conference, the Shanghai Commerce commission spoke on pandemic control work in farmers' markets as they have gradually reopened. 徐泾镇迮庵村(杨巷西区)被列为中风险地区。市卫健委表示,防范区若报告新增阳性感染者,应综合阳性感染者数量、区域分布、疫情风险等,按照国家风险区域有关标准,划定疫情中高风险地区。在今天的新闻发布会上,上海市商务委员会还就农贸市场逐步恢复营业后的疫情控制工作进行了发言。Liu Min/Deputy Director SH Commerce Commission****刘敏 上海市商务委副主任Anyone who wants to enter a wholesale market【批发市场】 must wear a mask and have a valid, negative 48-hour PCR test report and a green health QR code. They must have their temperature taken and do an antigen test at the site before entering the market. Vehicles entering the market need to register in advance. The driver and passengers should not leave the vehicle if possible. The market must ask for the invoice and food safety certificate for any goods entering the market.进入批发市场的人员应佩戴口罩,持48小时内核酸阴性证明和“健康码”绿码。进入市场需测量体温,开展1次抗原检测,无异常后方可入场。进入(批发)市场的车辆应做好预约登记。司乘人员实行闭环管理,非必要不下车。对于进入(批发)市场的货物,市场应做好索证索票和食品安全管理。The government is encouraging retailers【零售商】 in wet markets to allow people to place orders online to be delivered or picked up by customers. Any wet market that allows people in to buy their vegetables in person, should limit the number of customers allowed in at one time and register people's information before they're granted access. 关于菜市场,政府鼓励经营户开展线上订、线下送或消费者自提,恢复线下营业的菜市场应合理控制客流,并在放行前做好信息登记工作。2.37 PROJECTS SIGNED AT LINGANG SPECIAL AREA临港新片区线上集中签约 涉及37个重点项目An online signing ceremony was hosted by the Lingang Special Area today, as Shanghai accelerates its attempt to attract more businesses and investments. 37 contracts were signed during the ceremony, representing a total of over 27 billion yuan in investment and 5.8 billion yuan in registered capital. Lei Shuran has more.随着上海加强招商引资,临港新片区今天举行线上集中签约仪式。37个重点项目集中签约,涉及投资额270.92亿元、注册资本达58亿元。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。The signed projects involved not only cutting-edge technology fields【前沿科技领域】 such as integrated circuits, biomedicine and artificial intelligence, but also service trade fields such as shipping logistics and cross-border finance. A number of foreign-funded projects were among the list.签约项目不仅涉及集成电路、生物医药和人工智能等前沿科技领域,也涉及航运物流、跨境金融等服务贸易项目。 一批外资项目也积极签约落地。Daniel Aylmer/Managing Director****丹尼尔·爱默尔 洲际酒店集团大中华区董事总经理The sign is an important step and a great partnership between IHG and Shanghai Habour city Group. The Lingang Special Area enjoys unique geographical advantages that make a key platform for promoting China's dual circulation【双循环】 strategy. There's therefore no surprise that IHG sees Lingang as a great prospect.此次签约是洲际酒店集团与上海临港之间建立良好合作关系的重要一步。临港特区拥有独特的地理优势,是推动中国双循环战略的重要平台。因此我们非常看好临港的发展前景。Lingang Special Area has been making efforts to assist companies to get up and running again by helping them solve problems such as bottlenecks in logistics, employment and funding.目前,临港新片区正着力帮助受疫情冲击的企业复工复产,破解物流、用工、资金等瓶颈问题。*Gu Changshi, Director/Lingang Investment Promotion Service Center**顾长石 临港新片区投资促进服务中心主任 *This year is a decisive year for Lingang. Despite the resurgence, our determination to advance our work has not changed. And these projects, whether domestic or foreign, have not lost their confidence or determination to invest in Lingang either.今年是临港的决战决胜年。虽然疫情发生了,但是我们推进各项工作的决心没有改变。项目无论是内资还是外资,对于投资临港的信心和决心也没有改变。As of today, all 315 large size enterprises in Lingang have resumed operations. In Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone's logistics park, 87 percent of the logistics firms in have reopened. Despite most of the logistics park being shut down throughout the month of April, total import and export volume for the port in the first 4 months of this year saw a 36 percent increase compared to the same period last year. 截至目前,临港新片区315家大型工业企业,已全部实现复工复产。洋山特殊综保区及物流园区,87%的仓储物流企业已复工,尽管整个4月份大部分物流园都被关闭,但今年前4个月的进出口总额与去年同期相比增长了36%。3.SHANGHAI COMPANIES FACE LOGISTICS HURDLES AS OPERATIONS RESUME*复工复产进行时:如何打通物流堵点?*All 16 districts in Shanghai have achieved zero community transmission, which means more companies and construction projects are being added to the "white list" and resume operations. However, some companies can neither receive raw materials, or ship their goods. Zhang Hong tells us more.目前,上海16区都已实现社会面清零,越来越多的企业和项目被列入“白名单”并复工复产。然而,不少企业都存在相同的问题,物流受阻,原材料运不进来,货物运不出去,企业复工复产“行路难”的堵点能否打通?记者张泓带来更多详细报道。This toy factory was added to a district-level "white list" in mid April, and more than 100 employees returned to work. But the factory soon ran out of parts, and could only hire trucks if the driver had a pass. 这家工具厂于4月中旬上了区级复工“白名单”。100多名工人返岗复工。但工厂零件库存很快就见底了,只有在司机有通行证的情况下才能雇用卡车。Zhang Xinhua, President/Shanghai Xinyue Tool Company*张新华 上海新月工具有限公司董事长 *In the past two months, we received orders for about 10 million units, but have only produced 2 to 3 million. We can only tell our partners to postpone delivery or compensate customers. We spent 15,000 yuan hiring vehicles to secure supplies, normally it's between 600 and 700 yuan. So, we applied for delivery passes the from local government.3到4月份,我们收到了将近一千万的订单,当时生产出来,只有两、三百万(订单)。(交不出来订单怎么办?)一个只能跟客人商量延期,第二个就是按照合同,该赔偿的赔偿。我们租车来保证物资供应,原来成本是六、七百块,但是我们花了15000块。我们就跟镇里面提出,想要办理物资(运输)的车辆通行证。The company was approved for two passes earlier this month. Its drivers are now able to transport raw materials【原材料】 between Pinghu in Zhejiang Province and Shanghai every day.好在5月初,两张跨省通行证终于落实,负责运输的师傅每天往返上海与浙江平湖,运送原材料。Many companies face similar problems. This company in Minhang District produces components for medical facilities. While trying its best to resume production, its raw materials were stuck in Fengxian District.许多工厂都面临着同样的问题。位于闵行的这家企业,为医疗设备提供零部件。在尽全力恢复生产时,研发中心需要的原材料,却被困在一江之隔的奉贤。Wang Jiayi, Assistant General Manager/KEBA Shanghai*汪佳毅 科控工业自动化设备(上海)有限公司总经理助理 *The cost of transporting our goods from Fengxian to Minhang is about the same as it is from other cities to Shanghai.我们奉贤的一家供应商,要把它的货运到我们这边来的成本,其实要不亚于外省市的供应商运货到上海来。And this company in Fengxian doesn't have a delivery pass for its goods,. It had to hire independent drivers. While paying well above normal market rates, it was still difficult to hire people due to demand.而位于上海奉贤西渡工业区的水星家纺,企业自己的货车没有跨省通行证,只能租用第三方车辆。物流费翻了数倍,车辆依然供不应求。Li Laibin, President/Mercury Group*李来斌 水星控股集团董事长 *Previously, it cost about 2,000 yuan to transport our goods to Jiangsu. Then, we had to pay between 6,000 and 10,000 yuan. Even then, there were still not enough vehicles.原来我们运到江苏的某个地方,一辆车大概2000元左右,后来是6000-10000元,即使这样的情况,依然叫不到车。Officials are working to help companies apply for delivery passes.政府也在帮助复工的企业尽快申请到通行证。Xie Weiqing, Deputy Director/Zhuanqiao Town Business Invitation Center, Minhang*闵行区颛桥镇招商中心副主任 谢伟卿**I answer hundreds of calls per day. And most of them are about delivery passes. I report this to the district's economy commission every day, so that they can solve these problems as soon as possible.我一天要接到上百个来电,主要还是要申请通行证。我每天去跟区经委反映,看看他们能不能尽早解决这些问题。Shen Zuqian, Director/Xidu Administrative Committee, Fengxian District申祖钱 上海奉贤西渡工业区管理委员会主任、防疫专员 Some companies are not familiar with the application procedure, and that may mean delays. Our town established a special team to help companies with the application.企业对申报流程的不熟悉导致申报的周期特别长。我们成立了一个特别小组来帮助公司进行申报。  Companies have had production disrupted dating back to March due to lockdowns. But with more being given the green light to reopen, supply chains【供应链】* have been stretched thin. In many cases, they are dependent on government departments for help easing their logistics woes.三月疫情暴发以来,不少企业生产停滞。但是,随着更多的企业被准许复工复产,供应链却捉襟见肘。在许多情况下,他们要依靠政府部门的帮助来缓解他们的物流困境。#热词加油站 asymptomatic /ˌeɪsɪmptəˈmætɪk/【无症状的】precautionary area【防范区】wholesale market【批发市场】retailer/ˈriːteɪlə(r)/【零售商】cutting-edge technology fields【前沿科技领域】dual circulation【双循环】raw materials【原材料】supply chains【供应链】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~