NEWS ON 05/1****9 1.MACAO APPROVES AMENDMENTS TO NATIONAL SECURITY LAW 澳门特区立法会通过修改《维护国家安全法》法案 2.MAINLAND GROUP TOURS RESUMEFOR TAIWAN RESIDENTS** 文旅部:恢复台湾居民入境团队旅游业务 3.HIGH-END MEDICAL DEVICE PRODUCTION COMES TO CHINA 高端医疗器械国产化**** ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.MACAO APPROVES AMENDMENTS TO NATIONAL SECURITY LAW 澳门特区立法会通过修改《维护国家安全法》法案 The Legislative Assembly of the Macao Special Administrative Region yesterday passed a bill amending【修改】 its national security law. 澳门特别行政区立法会昨日(05/18)表决通过修改《维护国家安全法》法案。 The Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao SAR said the amended law is in line with the "one country, two systems" principle, stipulations in the Constitution and the Basic Law of the Macao SAR, and the requirements of national security. The office said the passage of the amendments will improve the SAR's legal capacity to safeguard national security, prevent and punish criminal activities endangering national security, and guarantee the rights and freedoms of Macao residents and a sound business environment. 澳门中联办发言人表示,修改后的《维护国家安全法》符合“一国两制”方针,符合宪法和澳门基本法的规定,符合落实总体国家安全观的要求。该法案获得通过,有利于进一步完善特别行政区维护国家安全法律制度机制,有利于进一步预防和惩处危害国家安全犯罪活动,有利于进一步保障澳门居民权利自由和澳门特别行政区良好营商环境。 A spokesman from the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of China's State Council said the bill passage is an important measure for the Macao SAR to improve its legal system and safeguard national security. 国务院港澳事务办公室发言人发表谈话表示,《维护国家安全法》修改法案的通过是澳门特别行政区健全维护国家安全法律制度和执行机制的一项重要举措。 2**.MAINLAND GROUP TOURS RESUMEFOR TAIWAN RESIDENTS** 文旅部:恢复台湾居民入境团队旅游业务 Group tours of Taiwan residents to the mainland operated by travel agencies resumed**【恢复】 as of today, according to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Such tours were suspended in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. 据文旅部网站消息,即日起,恢复旅行社经营台湾居民入境团队旅游业务。此前,受新冠疫情影响,此类旅游业务已于2020年暂停。 The ministry also added that local authorities are asked to assist tour operators with organizing such trips. Ma Xiaoguang, a spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, today said that Taiwan compatriots are welcome to take a holiday on the mainland. 文旅部还要求地方政府指导本地旅行社做好线路设计和产品对接。国台办发言人马晓光今日(05/19)表示,热忱欢迎台湾同胞来大陆旅游观光。 3.HIGH-END MEDICAL DEVICE PRODUCTION COMES TO CHINA高端医疗器械国产化 China is improving its network of basic healthcare -which is the world's largestandcovers about 95 percent of the country's 1.4 billion people. The National Healthcare Security Administration told a news conference yesterday that patients have been saved some 500 billion yuan on medicines treating cancers and rare diseases by reimbursements【报销】 under the country's medical insurance program. These efforts are now expanding beyond medications to include medical device treatments as well, an effort helped significantly by projects to produce more high-end medical devices domestically. Zhang Shixuan reports. 中国正不断完善基本医疗保障体系。这一世界上规模最大的医疗保障体系覆盖了全国14亿人口的95%。国家医保局在昨日(05/18)的新闻发布会上表示,国家医保局着力推动抗癌药、罕见病用药以适宜价格纳入医保,加上报销后累计为患者减负超5000亿元。在高端医疗设备国产化项目的大力推动下,医保支付范围将从药物领域扩展到医疗器械治疗领域。张诗旋报道。 The evolution of radiation oncology【肿瘤学】 therapy - a widely used cancer treatment - needs to be focused on the development of precision equipment. The radiation has to be directed at tumors, while avoiding healthy organs. One of the treatment tools is called the TOMO, which has been in the market for around 2 decades ... but all of the equipment was made overseas. To produce this crucial equipment domestically was the goal of a joint venture between the China National Nuclear Corporation and US-headquartered medical device maker Accuray. Established in 2019, the company has just unveiled its first domestically-made device, the CT-TOMO. 放射治疗是一种广泛应用的癌症治疗方法,其发展有赖于精密设备的研发。放射线必须定向照射在肿瘤上,同时避开健康器官。其中一种名为TOMO的治疗设备已上市约20年,但所有设备都是海外制造。为此,2019年中核集团有限公司与总部位于美国的医疗器械制造商安科锐联合成立了一家合资公司,旨在实现TOMO设备国产化。该公司首款国产设备CT-TOMO已于不久前问世。 Yi Zhongwei, CEO CNNC Accuray 易仲伟 中核安科锐CEO “准确地说在一年前还都是进口的。我们的一些产品在国外的需求和国内是不一样的,中国有大量的患者,这需要与国外完全不同的软件配置。CT-TOMO就是第一款产品,我们希望通过这样一个过程,逐渐的把所有产品引进到国内,然后进行本土化的适应改进。” “As recently as a year ago the country was entirely reliant on imports. But the product requirements in foreign countries are different from those in China. China has a huge number of patients, which requires software planning entirely different from that in foreign countries. CT-TOMO is our first domestically made product. We hope that through this process, we can introduce more products to China, and localize them.” Its first domestically produced device introduces a new type of CT beam into the radiotherapy device to provide higher treatment efficiency. 其首台国产设备将一种新型CT射线引入放疗设备,以提高治疗效率。 Yi Zhongwei, CEO CNNC Accuray 易仲伟 中核安科锐CEO “未来定位是医院每天能够达到百人的效果,也就是说它能够实现每天100个病人的治疗量,这是一个巨大的突破。TOMO以前的上限恐怕是60到80人。这对于中国的医院来讲,是一个刚性的需求。” “The future aim of the product is to be able to treat 100 patients a day at a hospital. This will be a huge breakthrough. TOMO previously had an upper limit of treating 60 to 80 patients a day, but Chinese hospitals definitely need more than that.” In just the past 4 years, the company has registered 24 Copyright Certificates and 17 patent certificates. A report by consulting firm Roland Berger shows that last year, China's medical device market was valued at almost 960 billion yuan, making it the world's second largest. China's top 10 medical device companies have maintained a greater than 20% growth in R&D investment for the past several years, but that the field could still do with more funding. 近4年内,该公司已注册24项版权、17项专利。罗兰贝格咨询公司的一份报告显示,去年中国医疗器械市场规模已达近9600亿人民币,跃升为全球第二大市场。过去几年里,中国排名前十的医疗器械公司在研发投资上一直保持着20%以上的增长,但该领域仍需要更多资金注入。 Fan Chunzeng, Associate Professor Shanghai Jiao Tong University 范纯增上海交通大学副教授 “我们这个医疗器械行业起步较晚,在很长一段时间内都是引进进口,主要从事营销来支持这个行业的发展,我们现在才开始关注进行研发创新,所以这需要一个过程,让资本能够适应并逐步来关注这个行业。” “China's medical device market started relatively late. For a very long period of time, we were focused on imports. It was marketing that supported the development of the sector. Now we are starting to concentrate on R&D innovation. It will take some time for venture capital to adjust and gradually pay attention to this industry.” Currently, bottlenecks【瓶颈】 in the medical device sector lie in R&D, fundamental materials and core components. China's centralized bulk buying program could provide a turning point for one of those problems. China initiated a centralized procurement program for medicines in 2018, and it is beginning to expand to include large medical devices. Anhui Province began buying large medical devices under the program two years ago. 目前,医疗器械行业的瓶颈主要为研发、基础材料和核心部件。中国的集中采购计划可能为其中某个瓶颈的突破提供转机。2018年,中国启动国家药品集中采购项目,目前该项目正开始向大型医疗器械领域扩展。安徽省两年前已开始在该项目下采购大型医疗设备。 Fan Chunzeng, Associate Professor Shanghai Jiao Tong University 范纯增上海交通大学副教授 “如果我们继续推进集采,使得低值或者中低端的医疗器械进入一个微利时代,很多企业便会转向研发创新。研发创新一旦成功,就能带来丰厚的利润。从去年的9月22号,我看到这个文件对创新医疗器械不纳入集采,所以很显然到集采它还有一个很好的窗口发展期。” “The centralized procurement program will bring mid- to low-value medical devices into the era of lower profits. This will push more companies into R&D innovation, and once that succeeds their profits will definitely increase. Last September, the government announced the program that aims at cutting costs will not include innovative medical devices, which will allow them a window of development.” Indications are the market is beginning to respond. Last year, the number of China's listed medical device companies hit 163, almost doubling the number of three years ago. 有迹象表明,市场正开始作出反应。去年,中国医疗器械上市公司数量达163家,与三年前相比几乎翻了一番。 #热词加油站 amend /əˈmend/【修改】 resume/rɪˈzuːm/【恢复】 reimbursement/ˌriːɪmˈbɜːrsmənt/【报销】 oncology/ɑːnˈkɑːlədʒi/【肿瘤学】 bottleneck/ˈbɑːtlnek/【瓶颈】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~