cover of episode 05/20 TOP OF THE DAY 天问传回火星照/城镇就业人员年平均工资/打击反亚裔仇恨法案

05/20 TOP OF THE DAY 天问传回火星照/城镇就业人员年平均工资/打击反亚裔仇恨法案

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NEWS ON 5/19 1. CHINA’S TIANWEN-1 PROBE SENDS BACK MARS LANDING VISUALS     祝融镜头下的火星,天问1号给大家传回来了! 2. URBAN EMPLOYEES’ SALARIES ROSE IN 2020 DESPITE COVID-19     你涨工资了吗?2020年城镇就业人员年平均工资57727元 3. US HOUSE PASSES ANTI-ASIAN HATE CARIME BILL     压倒性优势!美国会众议院通过打击反亚裔仇恨犯罪法案 -----------------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- CHINA’S TIANWEN-1 PROBE SENDS BACK MARS LANDING VISUALS 祝融镜头下的火星,天问1号给大家传回来了!   Two photos and two videos captured by Mars probe Tianwen-1 were released today by the China National Space Administration. 国家航天局今日发布我国首次火星探测天问一号任务探测器着陆过程两器分离和着陆后火星车拍摄的影像。   The first photo shows the lander’s ramp extending to the surface of Mars. The second image shows the rover’s**【火星车的】** solar panels**【太阳翼】and antenna【天线】, with the red soil and rocks on the surface clearly visible. The probe also sent back a video taken by the orbiter【环绕器】. 从第一张照片可以看到,在火星车前进方向上,着陆平台驶离坡道机构展开正常。第二张照片显示,祝融号火星车太阳翼、天线展开正常到位;火星表面纹理清晰,地貌信息丰富。天问一号还传回了一段环绕器拍摄的视频。   The country’s first Martian rover established a link with the orbiting relay station and transmitted the data to Earth on Monday. 本周一,中国首辆火星车与环绕器建立稳定的中继通信链路,陆续传回图像数据。   A new ocean monitoring satellite was sent into orbit【轨道】 today from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in north-western China. A Long March-4B rocket carrying the HY-two D satellite blasted off【发射升空】at 12:03pm. It was the 370th launch in the Long March rocket series. 一颗新的海洋动力环境卫星在酒泉卫星发射中心发射成功,顺利进入预定轨道。长征四号乙运载火箭搭载海洋二号D卫星于中午12:30分发射升空。此次任务是长征系列运载火箭的第370次飞行。   The HY-two D will form a link with the HY- two B and HY- two C satellites to build an all-weather monitoring system to support the country’s prediction of marine disasters, sustainable development and utilization of ocean resources, responses to global climate change, as well as ocean research. 海洋二号D卫星入轨后,将与在轨运行的海洋二号B卫星和海洋二号C卫星组网,共同构建我国首个海洋动力环境卫星星座,形成全天候、全天时、高频次全球大中尺度的海洋动力环境监测体系,为我国预警预报海洋灾害、可持续开发和利用海洋资源、有效应对全球气候变化、开展海洋科学研究等提供精准的海洋动力环境信息。   URBAN EMPLOYEES’ SALARIES ROSE IN 2020 DESPITE COVID-19 你涨工资了吗?2020年城镇就业人员年平均工资57727元**   The average salary of China’s urban employees grew in 2020 despite the impact of COVID-19. According to the National Bureau of Statistics【国家统计局】, the real growth of average salary for urban employees in non-private sectors adjusted for inflation rose by more than 5.2 percent to about 97,000 yuan during the year. 在疫情冲击下,2020年城镇单位就业人员年平均工资仍然保持增长。国家统计局19日发布的数据显示,扣除价格因素,2020年全国城镇**非私营单位就业人员年平均工资实际增长5.2%,达到97379元。   Average annual salaries in the private sector reported year-on-year growth of more than 5.3 percent, to stand at more than 57,000 yuan after deducting price factors. The growth rate of the average salary of urban employees in non-private sectors was at its lowest point since 1984, however, while that of workers in private sectors dropped to its second-lowest point since 2009, according to the bureau. 根据国家统计局的数据,2020年城镇私营单位就业人员年平均工资为57727元,扣除价格因素实际增长5.3%。城镇非私营单位就业人员年平均工资增速为1984年以来的最低值,同时,城镇私营单位就业人员年平均工资的增速为2009年以来的第二低位。   US HOUSE PASSES ANTI-ASIAN HATE CARIME BILL 压倒性优势!美国会众议院通过打击反亚裔仇恨犯罪法案   The US House of Representatives yesterday voted overwhelmingly【压倒性的】to pass a bill aimed at combating the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes in the country. 当地时间18号,美国国会众议院/以压倒性优势,通过一项打击反亚裔仇恨犯罪的法案。   This legislation would create a position at the Justice Department to expedite a review of COVID-19 related hate crimes, provide grants for states to create hotlines for reporting hate crimes. It also provides for law enforcement【执法】training aimed at preventing and identifying hate crimes. 根据法案,美司法部将设立专门职位加快对反亚裔仇恨犯罪的审查;建立多种语言的在线仇恨犯罪举报系统;加强各州和地方执法部门关于仇恨犯罪的报告、追踪等;为提高公众“疫情期间对仇恨犯罪的认识”提供指导意见。   Biden is expected to sign the bill into law as soon as tomorrow.  美国总统拜登有望于5月20号签署法案,使其正式成为法律。 订阅我们,打卡每日精选**英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~