NEWS ON 05/18 **1.**CORE MODULE OF SPACESTATION ENTERS RENDEZVOUS ORBIT “天和”号已完成在轨测试,静候天舟! **2.**SHANGHAI POPULATON UP BY8% IN PAST DECADE TO 24.9 MLN 十年过去了,上海人口变了,真的变了! 3.*MOSCOW HIT BY HIGHTEMPERATURES,WHITE UK HIT BY HAILSTORM 高温冰雹轮番上演,每一个极端天气都让人颤抖! -----------------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.CORE MODULE OF SPACE STATION ENTERSRENDEZVOUS ORBIT The core module of China’s space stationpassed all tests today and entered its planned orbit【轨道】, where it will dock with the Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft. 中国空间站的核心舱今天通过了所有测试,已进入预定轨道,等待与天舟二号货运飞船交会对接。 Tian-he was launched on April 29th and hassince undergone more than 40 tests, which included checks covering rendezvous【会面】 and docking, the living conditions of astronauts, and itsmechanical arms. The China National Space Administration plans to construct a spacestation【空间站】by 2022, and Tian-he is its core piece.Tianzhou-2 is expected to launch within days. “天和”号核心舱于4月29日发射升空,此后进行了40多项测试,包括交会对接、航天员驻留以及机械臂测试。中国国家航天局计划在2022年前完成空间站的建造,而“天和”号是空间站的核心部分。天舟二号则预计在未来几日内发射升空。 2.SHANGHAI POPULATON UP BY 8% IN PASTDECADE TO 24.9 MLN Now data from the seventh national census【人口普查】showed that the population of Shanghai reached 24.9 million in 2020,up by 8 percent from 2010. Authorities from the city’s statistics bureau【统计局】said the rate of the city’s growth was only 0.8 percent. That’s 2.6percentage points lower than the annual growth rate reported between 2000 and2010. 第七次全国人口普查数据显示,2020年上海市常住人口为2490万,与2010年相比增长8%。市统计局表示,上海市年平均增长率仅为0.8%,比2000年到2010年的年平均增长率下降2.6个百分点。 The census data showed an increase in the proportion【比例】of the city’s young people. There are 2.4 million children under theage of 14, or 9.8 percent of the city’s population, up by 1.2 percentage pointsfrom 2010. Although there was an increase, Shanghai’s proportion of childrenunder the age of 14 is the lowest among all the provinces and municipalities【自治市】in China. 人口普查数据显示,上海市少儿人口比重有所回升。0-14岁人口为240万人,占全市人口9.8%,与2010年相比提高1.2个百分点。虽然少儿人口比重有所回升,但上海14岁以下儿童比例在全国各省市中仍为最低。 Officials acknowledged that Shanghai’soverall population is aging. The latest figures showed 5.8 million people overthe age of 60, accounting for 23.4 percent of the city’s population, up by 8.3percentage points from 2010. As for gender balance in the city, males still outnumber【(在数量上)比…多】females by small margin, 51.8 to 48.2 percent, statisticallyspeaking the ratio【比例】comes out to 107.3 men forevery 100 women; up from 106.2 in 2010. 市统计局表示,上海总人口呈现老龄化态势。最新数据显示,60岁及以上人口为580万,占全市人口的23.4%,比2010年提高8.3个百分点。全市常住人口性别构成中,男性仍小幅超过女性,男性人口占51.8%,女性人口占48.2%。常住人口性别比(以女性为100,男性对女性的比例)为107.3,相较于2010年的106.2有所上升。 SPEAKER: Shi Fang, Seventh Shanghai PopulationCensus Team 施方,上海市第七次全国人口普查领导小组办公室主任 The main reason of the higher ratio is thatmore men come to Shanghai for work from other cities. For example in 2019, morethan 75 percent of the people who came to Shanghai, came for work, most of themare male. 上海人口性别比高于全国平均水平的主要原因是,外省市来沪常住人口性别比是偏高的。从2019年的抽样调查情况来看,这部分人口来沪主要以工作、经商为主。2019年上海外来常住人口来沪经商、务工的比例为75.1%,其中男性比例是比较高的,因此把整个上海性别拉高了。 3.MOSCOW HIT BY HIGH TEMPERATURES,WHITEUK HIT BY HAILSTORM The world has been experiencing someunusual weather recently. Temperature peaked at more than 30 degrees inRussia’s capital city of Moscow yesterday, while a freak hailstorm【冰雹暴】hit the southern and central parts of England. Sun Siqi has more. 近日,世界多地出现反常天气。昨日,俄罗斯首都莫斯科的最高气温超过30℃;英格兰南部和中部地区遭受罕见冰雹袭击。以下是孙思琪的报道。 The unusually high temperatures hit Moscowyesterday to the delight of many residents. 昨日,莫斯科出现反常高温,众多市民开心纳凉。 INTERVIEW: Moscow Resident 莫斯科市民 The temperature varies greatly here. Thetemperature can dip below 25 degrees in winter. And now, it’s so warm. It’sgreat that we can enjoy such warm weather in May. 这里的温差很大,冬天有零下25度,现在又这么热。我们很喜欢这样温暖的5月。 Meteorologists【气象学家】said that the influence of dry and warm air masses from Central Asiaas well as an anticyclone have resulted in an unusually hot weather in Moscow.However, thunderstorms are in the forecast for the next two days, accompaniedby a drop in high temperatures of at least 10 degrees. In southern and centralEngland, a very rare and intense hailstorm momentarily【短促地】turned the region white as large hailstones flooded the streets.This particular hailstorm is considered rare as it hit during unseasonably【反季节地】low temperatures. 气象学家表示,受来自中亚的暖气团、干气团以及反气旋的影响,莫斯科出现异常炎热的天气。不过,预计未来两天将有雷雨,并伴有10度以上的大幅降温。英格兰南部和中部则遭受了一场罕见冰雹的猛烈袭击,街上随处可见大块的白色冰雹。本次冰雹是在反常的低温条件下发生的,因此尤为罕见。 #热词加油站 orbit【轨道】 rendezvous【会面】 space station【空间站】 census【人口普查】 statistics bureau【统计局】 proportion【比例】 municipalities【自治市】 outnumber【(在数量上)比…多】 ratio【比例】 hailstorm【冰雹暴】 Meteorologists【气象学家】 momentarily【短促地】 unseasonably【反季节地】 订阅我们,打卡*每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~