cover of episode 05/18 TOP OF THE DAY 花博会出行指南/巴以冲突升级

05/18 TOP OF THE DAY 花博会出行指南/巴以冲突升级

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NEWSON 05/17 1.TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN UNVEILED FOR FLOWER EXPO 各就各位,低碳出行!上海花博会等你来! 2.UN SECURITY COUNCIL URGES CESSATION OF ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN VIOLENCE 巴以冲突愈演愈烈 中国主持联合国安理会巴以冲突问题紧急公开会 ----------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦---------- 1.TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN UNVEILED FOR FLOWER EXPO Shanghai traffic police say a plan will be in place【到位】during the upcoming 10th China Flower Expo, which begins this Friday and runs through July 2nd. Police say cargo trucks【货车】 will be banned on the Shanghai section of the G40 Expressway from 6am to 8pm on weekends and during the Dragon Boat Festival. Zhang Yue tells us more. 为确保即将到来的第十届花博会安全顺利举办,上海市公安局发布了展会期间(5月21日至7月2日)交通管理方案。双休日、端午假期每日6时至20时,G40沪陕高速(上海段)禁止悬挂黄色机动车号牌载货汽车通行。请听记者张乐带来的报道。 Police also said all sedans【小轿车】, SUVs or vans won’t be allowed to use the G40 expressway’s Yangtze RiverTunnel and Bridge that connects Shanghai with Qidong City in Jiangsu, from 7am to 1pm on weekends and during the Dragon Boat Festival from June 12th to 14th. More than 600 buses, 300 taxis, and five ferry lines will be available to take people between downtown 【市区】and Chongming Island. 此外,双休日、端午假期每日7时至13时,G40沪陕高速上海长江隧道段上海市区往启东方向,禁止悬挂外省市机动车号牌的小客车通行。展会期间将提供600余辆公交车、300辆出租车,并有五条轮渡线路投入使用,便于游客往返于城区和崇明岛。 INTERVIEW: Xing Peiyi, Head of SH TrafficPolice **邢培毅 **市公安局交警总队总队长 “We recommend people take public transportation instead of driving. Those who need to drive are recommended to go at staggered 【交错的】time periods. Traffic control measures around the expo, including parking ban and one-way lanes, will be in place. We have run traffic pressure tests three times to make sure traffic will run smoothly during the expo. ” “我们希望市民群众尽量乘坐公共交通前往场馆。对于需要驾车进出岛的市民和游客,可以在小客车非限行时段错峰出行。同时,我们还对园区周边道路设置了单行线和禁停区。我们进行了三次交通压力测试,确保花博会安全顺利举办。” Police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances are exempt【免除】 from the restrictions. People on Chongming can apply for exemptions from the traffic controls if they are not attending the expo. 警车、消防车、救护车等车辆不会受到道路限行影响。在出入岛交通管控时间段内,崇明本地居民如确有特殊需求需驾车出行,可以预约办理 “出入岛临时通行证”。 INTERVIEW: Wang Jinxing, Deputy Directorof Chongming Public Security Bureau 王金星 *崇明公安分局副局长 “We have run a thorough check to all hotels, homestays, and tourist sites around the expo venue. We will giveout a passes according to their needs. Residents and visitors are required tomake a reservation and register their vehicle information one day ahead.” “我们警方对管控区内的酒店、民宿和其他景点都进行了全面的排摸,根据停车位数量来核发每日的通行证额度。市民群众要提前一天联系预定的酒店、民宿或者是景点前台,由前台对自驾车辆进行备案登记。” Expo tickets are now available from 100 to 160 yuan each. Once the expo opens, tickets will range from 120 to180 yuan. 花博会门票现已开放售卖,预售价为每人100至160元。正式开幕后,价格为每人120至180元。 2. UNSECURITY COUNCIL URGES CESSATION OF ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN VIOLENCE As the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has entered its second week, the United Nations Security Council heldan open debate on the situation last night. During the virtual meeting countries called for an immediate end to the bloodshed【流血冲突】. Zhang Yue has the story. 巴以冲突进入第二周,战火愈演愈烈,联合国安理会16日就巴以冲突问题举行紧急公开会,多国表示关切并敦促冲突方立即停火。请听记者张乐带来的报道。 China hosted the meeting as the Security Council president for the month of May. The emergency meeting was scheduled to be held last Friday, but delayed due to obstruction 【阻碍】from the US.The Palestinian foreign minister urged the UN Security Councilto take action to end Israeli attacks on Gaza during the meeting, saying Israel has committed war crimes. 中国作为联合国安理会5月轮值主席主持了本次会议,而由于美国的不断阻挠,原定于上周五举行的会议延期至5月16日。巴勒斯坦外交部部长敦促联合国安理会采取行动,让以色列停止对加沙开火,并称以色列“已经犯了战争罪”。 SPEAKER: Riad Al-Malki, Palestinian FM “How many Palestinian civilians killed is enough for a condemnation【谴责】? 200 Palestinians have been killed, a third of them children and women. ” “要多少巴勒斯坦人民的死亡才能换来谴责?现在已经有200名巴勒斯坦民众死亡,三分之一是妇女和儿童。” The Israeli Ambassador to the UN blamed Hamas for the exchanges of fire. 同时,以色列驻联合国大使强烈谴责哈马斯对以色列的持续袭击。 SPEAKER: Gilad Erdan, Israeli Ambassador to UN “Hamas’s insidious【潜伏的】 strategy of firing at Israeli civilians while hiding behind Palestinian civilians. It will lead to the death of more innocent Israelis and Palestinians.” “哈马斯把巴勒斯坦民众作为掩护,对以色列人开火,这会导致两方更多的无辜民众死亡。” The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres iterated【重申】 that the only way forward is to return to negotiations. Chinese State Councilor and foreign minister Wang Yi put forward a four-point proposition【主张】 for an immediate end to hostilities: ceasefire and cessation【停止】 of violence, humanitarian【人道主义的】 assistance, international support and a "two-state solution". Wang added that China welcomes negotiators from the two countries to hold direct talks in China. The US ambassador to the UN said America will offer assistance if the two sides seek a ceasefire. 联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯再次表示,唯一的办法只有协商。中国国务委员兼外交部长王毅在会上就巴以冲突问题提出了四点主张:第一,停火止暴是当务之急;第二,人道援助是迫切需要;第三,国际支持是应尽义务;第四,“两国方案”是根本出路。王毅部长表示,中方欢迎巴以双方谈判代表在华举行直接谈判。美国驻联合国大使表示,如果双方停火,美国将会提供援助。 The violence in Israel and Gaza continued today. Early this morning, Israeli planes bombed for nearly 10minutes from North to South in Gaza city. A six-year-old girl named Suzy and her father were the only survivors of a family of seven after being trapped for seven hours under the debris 【废墟;碎片】of their home, destroyed by Israeli airstrikes. 直到今日,以色列和加沙依旧战火纷飞。17日凌晨,以色列战机对加沙地带多个目标发动了一系列猛烈空袭,轰炸从北到南持续了10分钟。6岁小女孩苏西在废墟下被困了7个小时后获救,被送至父亲所在的医院,和父亲一起接受治疗。然而,她的家已被炸毁,她的母亲和4个兄弟姐妹也都在空袭中丧生。 SPEAKER: RiyadEshkuntana, Survivor and Suzy’s Father “A second airstrike hit the room and I felt and the ceiling was destroyed and I was under the rubble【碎石】. The last moments of my wife’s life, I saw her throw herself on floor and concrete【混凝土】 fell on her head.” “空袭击中了我们的房子,我觉得天花板掉下来了,我被埋在了碎石里面。我看到妻子重重地摔在地上,混凝土都砸在她头上。” To provide humanitarian assistance, Egypt opened the Rafah border crossing yesterday, one day earlier than scheduled. It will allow students, the elderly, and people who are sick or wounded to escape from Gaza into Egypt. Within half a day of being open, over 260 Palestinians crossed into Egypt. 埃及为实行人道主义援助,提前一日开放了与加沙边境的拉法口岸,允许加沙的巴勒斯坦学生、老人和病患通过。开放半日内,已有260名巴勒斯坦人通过口岸进入埃及境内。 #*热词加油站 in place【到位】 cargo truck【货车】 sedan【小轿车】 downtown 【市区】 staggered 【交错的】 exempt【免除】 bloodshed【流血冲突】 obstruction 【阻碍】 condemnation【谴责】 insidious【潜伏的】 iterate【重申】 proposition【主张】 cessation【停止】 humanitarian【人道主义的】 debris 【废墟;碎片】 rubble【碎石】 concrete【混凝土】 订阅我们,打卡*每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放*“精品大咖访谈 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~