NEWS ON 05/17 1.COMPANY FINED 13M YUAN AFTER COMEDIAN'S INAPPROPRIATE JOKE 重罚1335万**!笑果无限期暂停在京演出 2.FORMER JEWISH REFUGEE SHARES HER SHANGHAI STORY 上海犹太难民纪念馆:犹太难民讲述上海故事** 3.CHANGES IN HOUSING MARKET PROMPTING NEW REGULATIONS 住建部市监总局加强房地产经纪行业监管 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.COMPANY FINED 13M YUAN AFTER COMEDIAN'S INAPPROPRIATE JOKE 重罚1335万**!笑果无限期暂停在京演出 The Cultural and Tourism Bureau of Beijing announced today that stand-up comedian Li Haoshi , who goes by the stage name “House”, went off-script during two performances in the capital on May 13, the unscripted material was *deemed【认为】*as an insult【侮辱】to the Chinese military. 5月17日,北京市文化和旅游局通报,脱口秀演员李昊石(艺名House)肆意篡改演出申报内容,在5月13日下午、晚上连续两场演出中出现严重侮辱人民军队的情节。 Shanghai Xiaosheng Culture Media Company, the show's organizer and Li's employer, was fined 13.35 million yuan, and a further 1.33 million yuan was confiscated【罚收】by the cultural authorities. The company is banned from putting on performances in Beijing indefinitely【无期限地】. 依照相关法规,对涉事公司上海笑笙文化传媒有限公司作出没收违法所得132万多元、罚款1335万多元的行政处罚,无限期暂停涉事公司在京所有演出。 In response, the Shanghai Xiaoguo Culture Media Company, Xiaosheng's parent company, said that it will be suspending all performances in China in order to conduct a review. The company has terminated its contract with Li, and has taken disciplinary action against its senior management team. 对此,笑笙文化母公司上海笑果文化传媒公司表示,将暂停全国所有演出业务,立即进行全面整顿、学习。该公司已经解除涉事演员合同,并对其高级管理团队采取了纪律处分。 2.FORMER JEWISH REFUGEE SHARES HER SHANGHAI STORY 上海犹太难民纪念馆:犹太难民讲述上海故事 Museum directors, a former Jewish refugee and the descendants of others are now in Shanghai for the Second Meeting of the International Advisory Board of Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum. They are discussing ways to share their experiences with more people. Reporter Zhang Hong brings us their stories. 博物馆馆长、一位前犹太难民和其他难民后代现在正在上海参加上海犹太难民纪念馆国际咨询委员会第二次会议,讨论如何与更多人分享他们的经历。记者张泓为我们带来了他们的故事。 Sonja Muhlberger was born in Shanghai in 1939 after her parents fled to Shanghai to escape persecution【迫害】by National Socialists in Germany. She lived in Shanghai for 8 years before returning to Germany. 1939年,索尼娅·穆尔伯格出生在上海,她的父母为了躲避德国纳粹的迫害而逃到上海。她在上海生活了8年后回到了德国。 Sonja Muhlberger, Former Jewish Refugee in Shanghai 索尼娅·穆尔伯格****前上海犹太难民 “My father told me when I was old enough. He told me if you get any difficulties later on, you can always say you were born in Shanghai because you have the Chinese stamp. That doesn't give me a second nationality but it's got me a bit hope. If I would ever have difficulties, I can go back to Shanghai.” “当我长大后,我的父亲告诉了我这个故事。他告诉我,如果将来遇到任何困难,我可以说自己在上海出生,因为我有上海的出生证。这并没有给我第二个国籍,但它给了我一束希望。如果我将来有困难,我总可以回到上海。” The 83-year-old has been tracking and verifying the names of Jewish refugees who lived in Shanghai, contributing to the list of names inscribed on the wall at Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum. 这位83岁的老人一直在追踪和核实曾居住在上海的犹太难民的名字。她努力的成果体现在上海犹太难民纪念馆内的名单墙上。 “This My father’s name, and my mother, my brother and me, Sonja.” “这是我的父亲的名字,(这是)我的母亲,我的兄弟和我的名字索尼娅。” American Kenny Sheftel said his grandmother Claire Sheftel arrived in Shanghai in 1939. They had fled Austria and took a ship from Italy to Shanghai. 美国人肯尼·谢夫特尔说,他的祖母克莱尔·谢夫特尔于1939年抵达上海。她逃离奥地利后,从意大利乘船来到上海。 Kenny Sheftel, Grandson of Former Jewish Refugee in Shanghai 肯尼·谢夫特尔 前上海犹太难民的孙****子 “She was married in 1943 in the synagogue【犹太教会堂】 here.They received this wedding certificate. Since 1947, they had it hanging up in their living room. CausetheEnglishwriting goes sideways,they had it hanging vertically cause they didn't read Chinese and for 50 years they hung like that,until the interviewers came in 2019 and they realized that it was actually going in a wrong direction.” “她于1943年在这里的犹太教堂(摩西会堂)举行婚礼,收到了这份结婚证书。自1947年起,他们将结婚证书挂在客厅里,但英文是横向书写,她们由于不懂中文将其垂直悬挂。就这样一直挂了50年,直到2019年采访者的到访,他们才意识到原来方向颠倒了。” He said he was happy to be in Shanghai, where he met more people that share this history. 他说他很高兴能来上海,在这里他遇到了更多有着相似身世的人。 Kenny Sheftel, Grandson of Former Jewish Refugee in Shanghai 肯尼·谢夫特尔 前上海犹太难民的孙****子 “I've only met one other person who shares their family history in Shanghai until I came here and I met other people as well. It's important to know of the amazing relationship that the Chinese and the Jewish people had. If it weren't for the people of Shanghai, I wouldn't be here today.” “在此之前,我只遇到过一位上海犹太难民的后裔,直到我来到这里遇到了更多有共同经历的人。了解中华民族和犹太人之间的伟大关系是很重要的。如果没有上海的人民,我今天可能就不存在了。” Paul Martin from Florida Holocaust Museum is also on the advisory board for Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum. He's looking forward to future cooperation with the museum. 来自佛罗里达大屠杀博物馆的保罗·马丁也是上海犹太难民纪念馆咨询委员会的成员之一。他期待与上海犹太难民纪念馆未来的合作。 Paul Martin, Founding Director of Florida Holocaust Museum 保罗·马丁****佛罗里达大屠杀博物馆的创始馆长。 “We have over 22,000 artifacts in our collection. We display some information about the history of what happened here. We would like to see an exhibit that is curated here developedhere and brought to the Florida Holocaust Museum for a special exhibition. We would like to explore exchanging curators and have visiting scholars to come.” “我们有超过22,000件文物的收藏,其中一些展示了关于发生在这里的历史的信息。我们希望能在这里看到由上海犹太难民纪念馆策划、举办的展览,并带到佛罗里达大屠杀博物馆进行特别展览。我们希望探索交换策展人,并邀请访问学者前来参观讨论。” Chen Jian, Director of Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum 陈俭上海犹太难民纪念馆馆长 “我们在2019年的时候成立了纪念馆的国际咨询委员会,来自世界各国的相关领域专家,犹太难民及其后裔,一起为我们出谋划策,对纪念馆的进一步发展产生了重要作用。2020年根据专家们的意见,我们纪念馆完成了扩建,三年之后,在这个时候我们又召集了纪念馆的第二次国际咨询委员会。当年曾经力挺我们的这些世界各地的犹太难民,他们渐渐的离我们而去。为了让这个故事能够得到更好的传承和传播,在这次的国际咨询委员会上,我们会把目光聚焦在寻访寻找团结凝聚这些犹太难民的后裔,让他们和我们一起研究这段历史,讲述这段故事,使得这段历史这个独特的中国故事,能够世界上能够在世界上得到更好的传播,为中国建立更大的朋友圈。” “The International Advisory Board of Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum was set up in 2019. In 2020, we expanded our museum after consulting them. Today, we're holding the second meeting. As more former refugees have passed away, we are working to locate the descendants of Holocaust survivors so that they can share their stories to the world.” According to Chen, some 20,000 Jewish people from Europe fled to Shanghai to escape Nazi persecution between 1938 and 1941. To commemorate Jewish wartime life in Shanghai, the city set up the Jewish Refugees Museum in 2007. 据陈俭说,在1938年至1941年期间,约有2万名犹太人从欧洲逃到上海以逃避纳粹的迫害。为了纪念犹太人在上海的战时生活,上海市于2007年建立了犹太难民博物馆。 3.CHANGES IN HOUSING MARKET PROMPTING NEW REGULATIONS 住建部市监总局加强房地产经纪行业监管 Housing prices in 70 major Chinese cities saw slower month-on-month growth in April, according to new data from the National Statistics Bureau. And fewer cities are now reporting growing housing prices on a monthly basis, especially for purchases of pre-owned homes. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan finds out more about the housing market and new regulatory policies intended to stabilize【使稳固】it. 根据国家统计局的新数据,中国70个大中城市商品住宅销售价格4月环比整体涨幅回落。而且现在报告住房价格按月增长的城市越来越少,二手住宅环比涨幅回落更为明显。本台记者张诗旋带来更多有关住房市场和稳定市场的新监管政策。 In the first 4 months of the year, the Statistics Bureau says the growth in the value of homes sold significantly outperformed housing sales by floor area, so it would seem people's economic confidence is coming back and they're trading up even when the prices are rising. The country's real estate development climate index climbed for the fourth consecutive months to 94.78 in April, but that was still slightly lower than the 96-plus reading from the same period last year. 统计局表示,今年前4个月,住宅销售面积增长明显超过商品房销售面积的增长,由此可以看出人们的对经济的信心正在恢复,即使房价上涨也在换置更大的房产。4月份,我国的房地产开发景气指数连续四个月持续上涨,攀升至94.78,但这仍略低于去年同期的96以上。 Chen Zeming, Associate Research Professor of Institute of Applied Economics, SASS 陈则明,上海社会科学院应用经济研究所副研究员 “以前高端中端,包括这个保障房应该说都是同步发展的。这几年出现一种就是分化现象,高端的可能还能撑得住,可能还要摇号,但是中端市场基本上是走下坡路。” “Previously, high-end, and middle-market and affordable housing kept pace with one another, but during these few years some differences have emerged. High-end housing has been relatively stable, but the middle market has been on the decline.” Experts highlight unreasonable brokerage service fees as a problem in the market. 专家们强调,不合理的经纪服务费用是中端市场存在的一个问题。 Yan Yuejin, Research Director of E-house China R&D Institute 严跃进易居研究院智库中心研究总****监 “比如说我们按照现在上海挂牌量挂的比较多的一些主流的楼盘,大概二手房大概是500万的水平,如果说按照现在一些大城市的情况,按3%的话,那么它就相当于15万的成本。其实对我们购房者来讲,其实压力还是比较大的。” “Take mainstream homes for sale in Shanghai for example. The price of a second-home will be around 5 million yuan. And based on the situation in first-tier cities where a standard brokerage service charge can come to three percent, a buyer would wind up paying an additional 150,000 yuan for the apartment. That's a huge pressure for home buyers.” Easing that pressure was one of the reasons for new guidelines released earlier this month by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the State Administration for Market Regulation. The guidelines contain a raft of regulatory measures on standardizing real estate brokerage services to protect all parties in a transaction. Brokerage service charges are no longer to be fixed by custom, but are to be determined by negotiation taking into account factors like the services a broker provides and their quality, and market supply and demand. 本月初,住房和城乡建设部以及国家市场监督管理总局发布新指导方针以减轻市场压力。这些指导方针包含了一系列规范房地产经纪服务的监管措施,旨在保护交易各方的权益。经纪服务费用不再按照惯例确定,而是通过协商确定,纳入考量的因素包括经纪人提供的服务及其质量以及市场的供求情况。 Zhang Shixuan, Reporter 张诗旋****本台记者 “While some may raise concerns about whether this will impact the interest of real estate agencies, there are experts arguing just the opposite - that the guidelines show the way for brokers to transform their business in the direction of long-term healthy growth.” “虽然有些人可能会对这是否会影响房地产中介的利益提出担忧,但也有专家认为恰恰相反——准则为房产经纪人指明了向长期健康发展方向转型的道路。” Yan Yuejin, Research Director of E-house China R&D Institute 严跃进易居研究院智库中心研究总****监 “传统的房屋买卖就是作为一个信息撮合,这个确实啊没有太多的一个含金量,这一块的费用后续肯定是要往下降的。如果说有一些高附加值的一些业务,客户也可能会买单。比如说我们作为一个房东卖房子,它是这个动辄几百万的这样一个资产。那么关于资产的一个规划、托管等等这方面是不是会有一些新的一些服务等等。” “Traditional housing sales amounted to just information matchmaking, without much value content. Charges like this are on the way out. But if a broker offers services with high added values, clients may be willing to pay for them. When a home-owner takes possession, he has an asset worth several million yuan. So they need things like help with asset planning and custodial services.” The new measures aim at promoting a healthy and sustainable development in the real estate brokerage sector. Some experts are now suggesting measures should also be taken to stimulate spending on housing. 新措施旨在促进房地产经纪行业的健康可持续发展。一些专家现在建议采取措施刺激住房方面的支出。 Chen Zeming, Associate Research Professor of Institute of Applied Economics, SASS 陈则明,上海社会科学院应用经济研究所副研究员 “税收要降,不合理的这个费用也要降下来。这个费用它产生的服务质量要提升上来。我觉得要出几个龙头性的中介企业或者是房地产部门,他做一个大的网络平台,然后这个服务提供的就是买卖当中的一些金融和保险。” “The tax should be lower. And unreasonable charges should be lower. The quality of paid services should be improved. Leading agencies and the regulator can form a large online platform, which could also offer financial and insurance services during the transaction process.” Data from housing transactions and services platform Beike show that in March the mainstream mortgage interest rates of first-home buyers averaged 4.02 percent, down by two basis points from the previous month. 来自住房交易和服务平台贝壳找房的数据显示,三月份首次购房者的主流按揭利率平均为4.02%,较上个月下降了两个基点。 #热词加油站 d****eemed /diːm/【认为】 insult/ɪnˈsʌlt/【侮辱】 confiscated/ˈkɒnfɪskeɪt/【*罚收】 indefinitely/ɪnˈdefɪnətli/*【无期限地】 persecution/ˌpɜːsɪˈkjuːʃ(ə)n/【迫害】 synagogue/ˈsɪnəɡɒɡ/【犹太教会堂】 stabilize/ˈsteɪbəlaɪz/【使稳固】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~