cover of episode 05/16 TOP NEWS | 内地与澳门驾照互认/4月生产需求指标增速提升/韩国怒批日本排污入海

05/16 TOP NEWS | 内地与澳门驾照互认/4月生产需求指标增速提升/韩国怒批日本排污入海

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NEWS ON 05/1****6 1.CHINESE MAINLAND, MACAO MUTUALLYRECOGNIZE DRIVING LICENSES** 内地和澳门驾驶证今起免试互认换领 2.MAJOR ECONOMIC SECTORS CONTINUED EXPANSION IN APRIL 国家统计局:4月多数生产需求指标同比增速提升 3.S.KOREAN OPPOSITION LEADER CHALLENGES JAPAN'S OFFICIALS TO DRINK FUKUSHIMA WATER 韩国最大在野党党首李在明怒批日本核污水排海计划 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.CHINESE MAINLAND, MACAO MUTUALLYRECOGNIZE DRIVING LICENSES** 内地和澳门驾驶证今起免试互认换领 An agreement enabling mutual recognition and exchanges of driving licenses between the Chinese mainland and the Macao Special Administrative Region takes effect today.   内地与澳门机动车驾驶证免试互认换领的协议,今天(05/16)起正式生效。 The Ministry of Public Security and the government of the Macao SAR signed the agreement in February. Under the deal, the mainland and Macao will allow individuals holding valid driving licenses issued by authorities from either side to drive directly through or obtain driving permits on the other side without additional tests. The ministry said the agreement will facilitate travel in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and enhance the development of the region. A similar agreement already exists between the mainland and Hong Kong. 公安部和澳门特别行政区政府于今年2月签署了该协议。根据协议,内地和澳门将准许持有对方核发的有效驾驶证的人员直接驾车或者免试换领驾驶证。公安部表示该协议将便利粤港澳大湾区的人员往来,并促进地区发展。内地和香港之间已经存在类似协议。      2**.MAJOR ECONOMIC SECTORS CONTINUED EXPANSION IN APRIL 国家统计局:4月多数生产需求指标同比增速提升 The National Bureau of Statistics today announced growth figures for April, showing major portions of China's economy continuing to grow. Ying Junyi has more. 国家统计局今天(05/16)发布4月国民经济成绩单,国民经济延续恢复态势,向好因素累积增多。记者应骏一带来更多报道。 The statistics bureau data showed China's major economic indicators continued to show improvement last month. Value-added Industrial output went up 5.6 percent year-on-year in April and retail sales saw a year-on-year growth of 18.4 percent. 数据显示,上个月中国的多数生产需求指标同比增速提升。4月,全国规模以上工业增加值同比增长5.6%,社会消费品零售总额同比增长18.4%。 Fu Linghui, Spokesperson of the****National Bureau of Statistics and Director General of the Department of Comprehensive Statistics of the NBS** 付凌晖 国家统计局新闻发言人、国民经济综合统计司司长 “前期受到压抑的服务需求继续释放,接触型、聚集型服务业回升明显,服务业整体保持较快增长。随着消费场景有序恢复,居民消费倾向逐步提升。市场销售持续扩大。” “The service sector is seeing a strong and fast recovery with pent-up demand coming back. More places have resumed operations, which will boost consumption demand. The sales data continues to grow.” The latest figure for China's consumer price index, a main gauge of inflation, edged up just 0.1 percent year-on-year. Officials characterized the slow growth of consumer inflation【通货膨胀】as just a temporary phase【阶段】, but they did say domestic demand remains insufficient and the international landscape complex and severe. China's core CPI last month, which deducts for food and energy prices, actually stayed largely stable, and many of today's figures came in below economists' expectations.   最新数据显示,衡量通货膨胀的主要指标——全国居民消费价格(CPI)同比仅上涨0.1%。国家统计局表示,消费通胀的缓慢增长只是一个暂时阶段,但国内需求仍然不足,国际形势复杂严峻。上个月,扣除食品和能源价格的核心CPI实际基本保持稳定。今天(05/16)公布的许多数据均低于经济学家的预期。 Fu Linghui, Spokesperson of the**National Bureau of Statistics and Director General of the Department of Comprehensive Statistics of the NBS** 付凌晖 国家统计局新闻发言人、国民经济综合统计司司长 “当前中国经济不存在通缩,下阶段也不会出现通缩。CPI同比涨幅阶段性低位运行还会持续。我国经济社会恢复常态化运行以后,供给需求都在改善,但是需求的恢复相对于供给改善仍显不足,国际大宗商品价格总体上跟去年相比回落,也会对国内价格产生下拉影响。” “China does not face the risk of deflation, nor will it become an issue in the future. But still, the CPI is expected to stay low on an ongoing basis, which is attributable to a slower recovery on the demand side rather than the supply side after China's economy returned to normal operations. Global commodity【商品】 prices have also seen a year-on-year fall, which has an impact on domestic prices.” The statistics bureau also reported that the surveyed urban unemployment rate in China continued to go down. The reading stood at 5.2 percent in April, down 0.1 percentage point compared to the previous month. 此外,全国城镇调查失业率持续下降。4月该指数为5.2%,比上月下降0.1个百分点。 3**.S.KOREAN OPPOSITION LEADER CHALLENGES JAPAN'S OFFICIALS TO DRINK FUKUSHIMA WATER 韩国最大在野党党首李在明怒批日本核污水排海计划 South Korean opposition leader Lee Jae-myung on Monday rejected Japan's claims concerning the safety of the waste water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, that they soon plan to release into the ocean. Lee said if it is safe enough to drink, Japan should prioritize its use as drinking water instead of proceeding with pumping it into the ocean. Zhang Yue has the story. 周一(05/15),韩国最大在野党共同民主党的党首李在明驳斥了日本有关福岛核电站废水安全的说法。日本政府执意推进福岛核污水排海计划。李在明称日方应“自饮”所谓“安全”的福岛核污水,而非继续将其排入海洋。记者张乐带来详细报道。 The safety of the contaminated water from the Fukushima plant has been a hot issue. The Japanese government agreed earlier this month to allow a group of South Korean experts to visit the plant to confirm the status of the water ahead of its release. 福岛核电站核污水的安全性一直是一个热点问题。日本政府月初曾准许一组韩国专家在排放污水前访问核电站,以确认污水状况。 South Korea's main opposition Democratic Party expressed its opposition to the inspection, raising questions about whether the team can conduct a thorough inspection and claiming that the trip could end up endorsing Japan's plan to release the waste water. 韩国主要在野党共同民主党对此次视察表示反对,并质疑该小组是否能进行彻底的检查,声称此次访问的最终结果可能会是支持日本排放废水计划。 Lee Jae-myung,South Korean Opposition Leader *李在明 韩国在野党*共同民主党党首** “Japan is putting forward claims that the contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, if treated, is safe enough to drink. If it is safe enough to drink, they should use it as drinking water.” “日本政府宣称,福岛核污水经处理后‘安全’,甚至达到可饮用的程度,如果真是这样,日本应将(处理后的)核污水当作饮用水。” The planned Fukushima visit comes amid concerns over possible health and environmental hazards from the proposed release of more than 1.3 million tons of water from the wrecked plant. Three reactors melted down after a powerful earthquake struck off the coast in March 2011. 在韩国考察团计划访问福岛的同时,人们担心从受损的核电站排放130多万吨水可能对健康和环境造成危害。2011年3月,一场强力地震袭击了日本沿海地区,导致三个反应堆熔毁。 Tokyo Electric Power Company Holding says the tanks must be removed to make room for the plant's decommissioning and to minimize the risk of leaks in case of another disaster. 东京电力公司表示,必须移除这些储罐,以便为核电站退役腾出空间,并将下一次发生灾难时泄漏的风险降至最低。 Dozens of anti-nuclear activists protested today, demanding Japan scrap its plan to release treated but still radioactive【放射性的】 water from a tsunami-damaged nuclear power plant into the sea. 数十名反核活动人士今天(05/16)举行抗议活动,要求日本政府放弃将经过处理但仍具有放射性的污水从被海啸破坏的核电站排放入海的计划。 Kyoungsook Choi**, **South Korean in Japan Kyoungsook Choi 在日本的韩国人 “The Pacific Ocean does not belong to Japan. We are here today to send the message that Japan does not have the right to dump radioactive water.” “太平洋不属于日本。我们今天来到这里想要传递的信息是,日本没有权利将放射性污水排入大海。” Some scientists say the impact of long-term, low-dose exposure to tritium and other radionuclides on human beings and the environment is still unknown. 一些科学家表示,长期暴露于低剂量氚和其他放射性核素对人类和环境的影响尚不明确。 #热词加油站 inflation/ɪnˈfleɪʃ(ə)n/【通货膨胀】 phase/feɪz/【阶段】 commodity/kəˈmɑːdəti/【商品】 radioactive/ˌreɪdioʊˈæktɪv/【放射性的】 tritium/ˈtrɪtiəm/【氚】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~