NEWS ON 05/1****5 1.TRAVEL POLICIES EASED 15日零时起全国口岸全面恢复快捷通关** 2**.HIGH TEMPERATURES RECORDEDACROSS MANY PARTS OF CHINA** “炙烤”模式开启,多地发布高温橙色预警 3.MAINLAND AND HONGKONG OFFICIALS LAUNCH NEW SWAP CONNECT PROGRAM 香港与内地利率互换市场互联互通合作启动 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.TRAVEL POLICIES EASED 15日零时起全国口岸全面恢复快捷通关** Fast-lane entry and exit services resumed at all ports today on the Chinese mainland, making travel easier. The National Immigration Administration announced the changes to immigration policies last Thursday. Song Wenjing has more. 国家移民管理局上周四(05/11)发布公告,为进一步便利出入境人员往来,从今天(05/15)零点起,全国各个口岸全面恢复快捷通关。记者宋文静带来更多报道。 Just past midnight, 104 travelers arrived at Nanjing Lukou International Airport from Don Muang, Thailand. The airport opened all 20 of its fast-lanes. 零点刚过,104名旅客从泰国廊曼抵达南京禄口国际机场,边检站20条出入境快捷通道全部开启。 Liu Hui**, Instructor in****Nanjing Entry & Exit Border Inspection Station 刘慧 南京出入境边防检查站执勤六队教导员 “共有94名旅客使用快捷通道通关,勤务整体用时16分钟,通关效率较开启前大幅提升。” “A total of 94 passengers used the fast-lanes and it took 16 minutes for all them to pass. That's much more efficient than before.” Chinese nationals can use fast lanes if they have one of the following: a Chinese ordinary passport; an exit-entry permit for travel to and from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan; a mainland travel permit for Hong Kong and Macao residents, a five-year mainland travel permit for Taiwan residents, or a multiple entry permit valid for one year. 允许持中华人民共和国普通护照、往来港澳通行证、往来台湾通行证、港澳居民来往内地通行证、台湾居民来往大陆通行证(5年有效)、一年多次有效出入境通行证的中国公民可经边检快捷通道通行。 Foreigners can use the service with their passport and China-issued ID card for permanent residents, or with an electronic passport and residence permit with a validity period of more than six months. 持外国护照和外国人永久居留证、外国电子护照及6个月以上外国人居留许可的外国人也可使用快捷通道。 Mainland residents can apply for a permit to visit relatives, or to work and study in Hong Kong and Macao at any exit and entry administration center across the country. Immigration authorities will also increase the validity period of the visa for mainland students studying in Macao from a maximum of one year to match the length of their study program in Macao. 内地居民因探亲、工作、学习等事由拟前往港澳地区,可向全国任一公安机关出入境管理机构提交与申请事由相应的申请。公安机关出入境管理机构还将调整在澳门就读的内地学生逗留签注有效期,由最长不超过1年调整为与其在澳门就读的学习期限一致。 The changes meant the Shanghai Exit-Entry Administration Bureau was busy this morning. 今天上午,上海市公安局出入境管理局陆续迎来市民。 Ms. Xu, Beijing Resident 许女士 北京居民 “因为这几天在这边参加展会,我过两天正好要从深圳过去(香港),就可以不用先回北京办完签注。” “I came for an exhibition in Shanghai and I'll travel to Hong Kong via Shenzhen later. So, I can apply for the visa here without having to go back to Beijing.” According to the Shanghai Exit-Entry Administration Bureau, more than 2 million people have been inspected**【审理】 while exiting or entering the mainland since January 8th, an increase of nearly 15% year on year compared with the same period of 2019. 据上海市公安局出入境管理局,自1月8日以来,上海公安出入境管理部门共受理中国公民出入境证件超200万证次,较2019年同期增长近15%。 Shen Qiang, Director of Document Management Department in****Shanghai Exit-Entry Administration Bureau 沈强 上海市公安局出入境管理局中国公民出国(境)证件管理处处长 We received a record number of over 30 thousand people on Saturday and we'll offer instructions for each and every aspect of the process, such as photo taking and filling out forms. “刚刚周六就是创纪录的高峰,全市3万多人次来办证,无论是咨询也好、拍照也好、自助填表机也好,我们都有全程引导。” The Shanghai Exit-Entry Administration Bureau said that they'll finish all the services in 30 minutes for people with appointments, while it will take about an hour for people without an appointment. 出入境管理部门表示,将全力做好保障工作,确保预约办理半小时完成,未预约的1小时完成。 2.HIGH TEMPERATURES RECORDEDACROSS MANY PARTS OF CHINA** “炙烤”模式开启,多地发布高温橙色预警 Many regions in China registered high temperatures of over 30 degrees today. Daytime highs in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, parts of Shandong and He'nan even climbed to around 35 degrees or higher. Here's Chen Xuan with more details. 今天,中国许多地区的最高温度超过30度。北京、天津、河北、山东部分地区以及河南的白天最高气温甚至攀升至35度左右或更高。主播陈璇带来详细情况。 Several cities in Shandong province today issued orange warnings for high temperatures. Jinan's high today hit 37 degrees. While in the capital, Beijing's first blue alert for high temperatures of this year was issued last night. Temperatures peaked at 34.4 at 4pm today. Leading most people to spend as little time outdoors as possible. 今天,山东省几个城市发布了高温橙色预警。济南今天最高气温达到37度。而在首都北京,昨晚发布了今年首个高温蓝色预警。今天下午四时气温高达34.4度,导致大多数人尽可能减少户外出行时间。 Beijing Resident 北京市民** “今儿天气非常热非常热,感觉(像)六七月、七八月的天气,以前不戴(帽子),今儿怕晒,特意戴着的,防晒。” “It's extremely hot today. It's like a day in June, July or August. I don't usually wear a cap but I put one today to shield**【防护】 myself from the sun.” Wu Fang, Chief Service Officer** in****Beijing Meteorological Service 吴方 北京市气象服务中心服务首席 “今明两天,北京受高压暖脊控制,这种天气形势容易睛朗少云,有利于气温的上升,另外,北京市近地面受大陆性的干热气团控制。预计今天和明天最高气温都将到达甚至超过35℃。” “From today to tomorrow, due to a warm high-pressure ridge, weather in Beijing will be sunny and clear, and temperatures are likely to rise. Due to a warm overland air mass, temperatures are expected to exceed 35 degrees.” Here in Shanghai, highs hit 34.5 degrees. The city's Meteorological record shows that temperatures in excess of 30 degrees is rare for a day in May, but not impossible. The last occurrence of these kinds of temperatures, this early in the year was in 2018. 在上海,最高气温达到34.5度。该市气象记录显示,5月份气温超过30度的情况很少见,但并非不可能。上次出现这种气温情况是在2018年。 Wu Rui, Chief Service Officer of****Shanghai Meteorological Service 邬锐 上海市气象局首席服务官 “不仅仅是上海,中国其他地方以及世界各地都在经历高温。但是后的气温比较长一段时间还是在30℃之下。去年6月23日,上海首次出现35度以上的高温。虽然这个高温并不是来得很早,但是升温幅度很快。7月上旬就出现了40℃的这样的高温天气,应该说其实高温来得早和晚跟炎热程度还不一定是有关系的。” “It's not just Shanghai, but also other places in China, and around the world that are experiencing higher temperatures. But it will drop to below 30 degrees for quite a long time after today. Last year, Shanghai's first day with high temperatures above 35 degrees was June 23rd. That wasn't earlier than usual but the temperatures rose very quickly. Highs were hitting 40 degrees by early July. So we cannot say there's a connection between the first appearance of the day with 35 degrees and whether it will be hot in summer.” 3.MAINLAND AND HONGKONG OFFICIALS LAUNCH NEW SWAP CONNECT PROGRAM 香港与内地利率互换市场互联互通合作启动 Global investors seeking to trade in mainland finance markets have a new strategic tool as of today. It is a derivatives mutual market access program allowing foreign investors in China's interbank fiancial market to hedge their interest-rate risks here. Called the Swap Connect, it links the China mainland with Hong Kong. Ying Junyi has more. 从今天起,寻求在中国内地金融市场交易的全球投资者拥有了一种新的战略工具。这是一项衍生品相互市场准入计划,允许外国投资者在中国银行间金融市场对冲利率风险。它被称为“互换通”,旨在提升香港与内地利率互换市场互联互通合作。记者应骏一带来更多报道。 The Swap Connect program provides international investors with easier access to hedging protection for their 3.3 trillion yuan in Chinese bond holdings. The new scheme marks another milestone in the gradual opening up of Chinese mainland capital markets, following a range of connect programs focusing on stocks, bonds, ETFs and wealth management products. “互换通”计划为国际投资者提供更便捷的方式来对其在中国债券持有的3.3万亿元资产进行对冲保护。这一新方案标志着中国内地资本市场逐步开放迈出了又一重要里程碑,此前已有一系列股票、债券、ETF和财富管理产品为重点的互联互通项目落地实施。 John Lee, Chief Executive of****Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 李家超 香港特别行政区行政长官 “互换通将与债券通产生协同效应,让境外投资者以方便和安全渠道参与在岸人民币利率互换,提升国家金融市场对外开放的深度和广度,进一步释放境外投资者投资内地资本市场的潜力。与此同时,新措施将为国际投资者提供更丰富的投资和风险管理工具,强化香港作为全球最大的离岸人民币业务中心,和国际风险管理中心的地位。” “Together with the previous Bond Connect program, the Swap Connect will provide a convenient and secure channel for international investors to trade interest rate swap products in the mainland. This financial opening up is going to further encourage overseas investors to increase their participation in the mainland capital market. The new scheme will offer those investors with more investment and risk management tools. It will strengthen Hong Kong's role as an offshore【离岸】 yuan trading center and as a risk-mamgement center.” So far, twenty financial institutions including Bank of Communications have received permission to be onshore dealers under the program. 到目前为止,包括交通银行在内的20家金融机构已根据该计划获准成为在岸交易商。 Huang Yi, Deputy General Manager of Financ****ial Market Department in Bank of Communications 黄轶 交通银行金融市场部副总经理 “市场是非常活跃的,然后市场需求也非常旺盛。经过债券通的几年的发展,应该说境外投资人对中国金融市场的参与度更高、了解更深,交易的活跃度也更高。” “The market is very active, with a lot of demand. The vitality【活力】 comes after overseas investors got a greater understanding of, and growing participation in, China's financial markets through the earlier Bond Connect program.” To ensure the smooth running of the program, the central bank said it has been working with local authorities in Hong Kong to strengthen regulation and improve liaison and negotiation mechanisms. 为确保该计划顺利进行,央行一直在与香港当局合作,加强监管,改善联络和谈判机制。 #热词加油站 inspect/ɪnˈspekt/【审理】 shield/ʃiːld/【防护】 offshore/ˌɔːfˈʃɔːr/【离岸】 vitality/vaɪˈtæləti/【活力】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~