cover of episode 05/13 TOP NEWS 丨 援沪医疗队“上海情” / 上海外资车企复工 / 祝融号发现火星水活动

05/13 TOP NEWS 丨 援沪医疗队“上海情” / 上海外资车企复工 / 祝融号发现火星水活动

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NEWS ON 05/12 1.MEDICS FROM ACROSS COUNTRY PITCH IN DURING LOCKDOWN 援沪医疗队的上海情 2.FOREIGN AUTO COMPANIES GET BACK TO WORK IN SHANGHAI 上海外资车企有序复工 3.CHINA'S MARS ROVER FINDS NEW EVIDENCE OF WATER 祝融号发现火星近期水活动迹象 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE DRIVERS HELP WITH HOSPITAL TRANSFERS 援沪医疗队的上海情 Medical teams from other cities are working on the frontlines【前线】 in Shanghai to help bring the coronavirus under control. Some are at quarantine sites, while others are handling PCR testing in communities. Zhang Yue has more.  来自其他省市的医疗队伍正在上海疫情前线共同抗击疫情。部分医护人员被分配在隔离点工作,其他的医护人员则被分配到社区帮助开展核酸检测。记者张乐为您带来更多报道。 In this neighborhood in Huangpu District, medics are busy doing PCR tests. 24-year-old Qi Suyuan is one of them. She's a nurse at Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, and was among the first medical teams from Jiangsu Province to come to Shanghai. Qi makes a point of reminding people how to reduce the risk of infection.  在黄浦某社区,医务人员正忙着开展核酸检测,24岁的漆苏媛就是其中一员。她是南京鼓楼医院的护士,来自江苏省首批援沪医疗队。漆护士特别提醒居民如何降低感染风险。 Qi Suyuan, MedicAffiliated Drum Tower Hospital, Nanjing University 漆苏媛南京援沪医疗队成员来自南京鼓楼医院 Don't touch the front of the mask. You should hold the straps【绳】 around the ear, then lift it off your face. 口罩不能直接从外侧摘取,要拿挂着耳朵上的这根绳,从这里取下。 Qi also needs to exercise patience while helping children and seniors. Others are on hand to assist medics【医护人员】 and ensure their safety when collecting samples. 在帮助儿童和老年人时,漆苏媛也需要有足够的耐心。其他同事则在采样过程中进行协助,保障每一位队员安心工作,安全回家。 Wang Lili, Medic Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital, Nanjing University 王丽丽南京援沪医疗队成员来自南京鼓楼医院 When doing the PCR tests, you should always take a garbage can or a piece of cardboard like this with you. 下次做核酸的时候,垃圾桶还是要准备好,如果实在没有,就找这样的硬纸箱,把它立起来用胶带缠好。 Residents in the neighborhood have vouched for their patience and professionalism. 医护人员们的耐心和专业精神,居民们都看在眼里,记在心里。 居民 I really appreciate that they have come to Shanghai to help us. 非常感谢医护人员们能前来支援上海。 居民 The medics are from a famous hospital in Nanjing. I hope they and all the people in Nanjing stay safe and healthy. 鼓楼医院在南京也是比较知名的大医院,希望他们到上海来也能平安,然后南京市民也能平安。 Only after finishing their work can Qi and her colleagues take off their protective suits and rest. They have been in Shanghai for more than 30 days.  只有在完成工作后,漆苏媛和她的同事才能脱下防护服休息。他们在上海已经30多天了。 Wen Yajuan, Deputy Director Nanjing Medical Team 翁亚娟****南京援沪医疗队副总领队 Our team comprises 40 nurses and 10 doctors. Most of them are young and willing to work hard. I really appreciate that. 我们援沪医疗队一共有40位护士,10位医生,其中90后还是占了绝大部分。这个过程中没有一个人喊苦喊累,我从他们身上感受到了源源不断的力量。 Heading back to home base, the team is impressed by the scenery along the Bund, saying their biggest wish is to visit Shanghai when everything's back to normal.  在医疗队回到大本营后,队员都表示对外滩江景印象深刻。他们最大的愿望是在一切恢复正常后来上海游玩。 Pan Xinyu, Medic Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital, Nanjing University 潘欣雨南京援沪医疗队成员来自南京鼓楼医院 I'd like to talk a walk along the Bund, wearing my own skirt, not this protective suit. 我就想穿着漂亮衣服在外滩街头走一走,我们想把防护服脱下来,穿上漂亮的小裙子。 Tao Yuli, Medic Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital, Nanjing University 陶玉立南京援沪医疗队成员来自南京鼓楼医院 I want to go to Shanghai Disney. I have been there once. And I also want to visit Oriental Pearl TV Tower, and take a sightseeing cruise on the Huangpu River. 我最想去迪士尼,之前去过一次。还有东方明珠、外滩,想坐坐游轮,欣赏下夜景。 Some 3,500 medical personnel from Jiangsu Province have finished their work here and already returned home. 江苏省援沪核酸采样队3500多名医务人员已圆满完成任务,并全部回到江苏。 2.FOREIGN AUTO COMPANIES GET BACK TO WORK IN SHANGHAI 上海外资车企有序复工 As the city continues to make efforts in order to help key enterprises resume operations, major foreign automobile and auto parts manufacturers【制造商】 have been gradually restoring production capacity under closed loop management. 在上海不断推动重点产业链复工复产的努力下,国外主要汽车企业和汽车零部件制造商已在闭环管理下逐步恢复生产。 Many of the major global auto giants in Shanghai are resuming production with the support of the local government.  在上海政府的支持下,上海的许多全球汽车巨头正在有序复工复产。 German auto parts manufacturer ZF says its Shanghai plants have received support for the delivery of products and raw materials. The company has also set a long-term goal of increasing its China sales from 20 to 30 percent of its total revenue.  德国汽车零部件制造商采埃孚(ZF)公司表示,其上海工厂在产品和原材料的交付方面得到了政府的帮助。该公司还设定了一个长期目标,准备将中国市场销售额占总收入的比例从 20 %提高到 30 %。 Another German auto parts giant, Bosch, has also resumed operations. The company reported record high sales of 128 billion yuan in China last year, with a 9.1 percent year-on-year growth. They also say more investments in key strategic fields, as well as cooperation in the development of innovative technologies and products in China is in the works.  另一家德国汽车零部件巨头博世也已恢复生产。该公司去年在中国的销售额达到创纪录的1280亿元,同比增长9.1%。他们还表示,准备在关键战略领域进行更多投资,以及在中国创新技术和产品开发方面的合作正在进行中。 U.S. EV giant Tesla is also showing confidence in the Chinese market as the Shanghai Gigafactory is back up and running. Production capacity at the facility is expected to return to normal by the middle of this month.  随着上海超级工厂的复工复产,美国电动汽车巨头特斯拉也对中国市场表现出信心。该工厂的生产预计将在本月中旬恢复正常。 3.CHINA'S MARS ROVER FINDS NEW EVIDENCE OF WATER 祝融号发现火星近期水活动迹象 Chinese scientists have found hydrated【含水的】 minerals on the red planet, new evidence that there was once water on Mars, the newly discovered minerals could be potentially exploited during future crewed Mars missions.  中国科学家通过祝融号在火星发现了含水矿物。这一发现证明了祝融号着陆区以及火星北部平原的广泛区域可能含有大量以含水矿物形式存在的可利用水,可供未来载人火星探测开发利用。 The study published today in the journal "Science Advances" revealed that a large impact basin on Mars may have had water activity just 700 million years ago, 2.3 billion years later than previous estimates. The researchers used data gathered by China's "Zhurong" Mars rover on the sedimentary【沉积的】 and mineral characteristics in the southern region of Utopia Planitia, a vast plain in Mars' northern hemisphere. They interpreted the bright-toned rocks seen by Zhurong's camera as a layer of "duricrust" that could have been sculpted by a substantial quantity of liquid water, perhaps rising groundwater or melting subsurface ice. This solid sulfate【硫酸盐】 mineral crust is very different from the thinner, weaker duricrusts, observed by other Mars rovers, that may have formed through the actions of water vapor.  今天(5/12)发表在《科学进展》期刊上的研究显示,火星上的一个大型撞击盆地可能在7亿年前有过水活动迹象,比之前的估算数据晚23亿年。研究人员利用中国“祝融”火星探测车收集的数据,研究了火星北半球的一片广阔平原——乌托邦平原南部地区的沉积和矿物特征,发现了一种形貌上类似沉积岩的岩石类型——板状的亮色岩石。研究团队认为,这些亮色岩石是一层本地发育的硬壳,形成原因可能是过去有大量液态水涌溢,这些液态水可能来自地下水的上升或地下冰的融化。这种固体硫酸盐矿物外壳和其他火星探测器观察到的更脆薄的硬壳不同,后者可能是由大气中的水汽长期和火星表面土壤相互作用胶结形成。 #热词加油站  frontline /ˈfrʌntlaɪn/ 【前线】 strap /stræp/ 【绳】 medics /ˈmɛdɪks/ 【医护人员】 manufacturers /ˌmænjʊˈfæktʃərəz/【制造商】 hydrated /ˈhaɪdreɪtɪd/【含水的】 sedimentary /ˌsedɪˈmentri/【沉积的】 sulfate /'sʌlfeɪt/【硫酸盐】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~