NEWS ON 05/11 *1. NATIONAL CENSUS PEGSPOPULATION AT 1.4 BILLION 14.1178亿,每一个你都很珍贵!* 2. DOMESTIC BRANDS CATERING TO BIGMARKET IN SMALL HOME APPLIANCES 功能、审美统统在线,崛起吧,国产小家电! 3. NASA SPACECRAFT IS HEADED BACK TOEARTH WITH ASTEROID SAMPLES “*奥西里斯-*雷克斯号探测器已成功抓取小行星样本,请求返航!” -----------------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.NATIONAL CENSUS PEGS POPULATION AT 1.4BILLION China’s population on themainland reached 1.41 billion, the National Bureau of Statistics announcedtoday. Here’s Ai Bei with the details. Thank you, He Jian. China’s populationrose 5.38 percent, or 72 million people, in the past decade. The annual growthrate averaged 0.53 percent, down from 0.57 percent between 2000 and 2010.People aged 60 and above reached 264 million, or 18.7 percent of thepopulation, up 5.44 percentage points from 2010. Close to 18 percent of thepopulation were aged below 14 in 2020, up 1.35 percentage point from 2010. INTERVIEW: Ning Jizhe, Director, National Bureau ofStatistics 宁吉喆,国务院第七次全国人口普查领导小组副组长、国家统计局局长 China has 30 million more people in the agebracket of 0 to 14. The second-child policy and its implementation have led tothis change. Second children accounted for 50 percent of all newborns in 2017,compared to 30 percent in 2013. 0-14岁少儿人口的数量比2010年增加了3092万人,比重上升了1.35个百分点。"单独二孩""全面两孩"等决策部署和政策措施,促进了出生人口出现回升,"二孩"生育率明显提升,出生人口中"二孩"占比由2013年的30%左右上升到2017年的50%左右。 Males accounted for 51.24 percent of thepopulation, with females accounting for 48.76 percent. The male-to-female ratiowas 105 to 100, a slight drop compared to 2010. The census also reflectedchanges in the distribution of people as population density increased ineconomically developed regions. Close to 40 percent live in eastern regions.More than 900 million people, or close to 64 percent of the population, live inurban areas. The share jumped 14 percentage points from 2010. The country’sfertility rate was 1.3 children per woman in 2020. The National Bureau ofStatistics cited a combination of factors for slow births, including a declinein the number of women at child-bearing age, delays in having a first child,and rising living costs. It predicted the population growth rate would continueto slow in the future, but added it was too early to indicate when thepopulation would peak. INTERVIEW: Ning Jizhe, Director, National Bureau ofStatistics 宁吉喆,国务院第七次全国人口普查领导小组副组长、国家统计局局长 For some time to come, China’s populationwill remain above 1.4 billion. There are 880 million people aged 16 to 59, westill have an abundant labor force. The average age is 38.8 years. In general,we’re still young. 预计在未来一段时间内我国人口总量会保持在14亿人以上。普查的结果还显示,我国16-59岁劳动年龄人口为8.8亿人,劳动力人口资源仍然充沛。我国人口平均年龄通过这次普查了解到是38.8岁。总的看,依然年富力强。 Here in Shanghai, the number of permanentresidents exceeded 24.8 million -- 51.77 percent male and 48.23 percent female.Shanghai has a relatively high level of education with people above the age of15 having an average of 11.8 years of formal education. More than 33,000 peopleper 100,000 have at least a junior college degree. And the city ranks third interms of an aging population with 16.28 percent of its inhabitants aged 65 orabove. 2.DOMESTIC BRANDS CATERING TO BIG MARKETIN SMALL HOME APPLIANCES Small home appliances have becomeincreasingly popular among Chinese consumers, thanks to young people’s higherexpectations and the convenience of online marketing channels. Zhang Shixuanfinds out how domestic brands are leveraging the booming market, and changingit as they go. An increasing focus on personal health andfood safety has boosted demand for high-quality goods from tech-savvy buyers.Home appliance makers in China have now gradually transformed from simpleoriginal equipment manufacturers into well-recognized global brands, and theyare among the dominant exhibitors at this year’s China Brand Day,reflecting their increasing importance in the market. INTERVIEW: Dong Zhihui, Manager, Galanz ShanghaiSales Center We started to see an uptick since the lastDouble-eleven shopping festival. In the past, people usually bought standardovens with just a single function. But last year, sales of multi-functionappliances almost doubled from a year earlier. People born after 1995 havebroader horizons. They want something with an international appeal, things withwider varieties to suit their own personalities. So they have higherrequirements for kitchen appliances. 我们从去年双十一开始觉得整个小家电开始崛起,过去冷门的,比如多功能机以前很少的,都是传统烤箱,去年双十一开始多功能机,销量上涨特别快,比例基本是翻番。95后接触的视野、渠道国际化、追求多样化,追求个性,他们对于产品、使用的烹饪工具的追求更多了。 The company is showcasing its latest smallhome appliance catering to younger generations’ tastes at the fair this year,including a new oven with double doors. All with cute shapes that appeal to youngerdemands for good-looking products. Zhang Shixuan, Reporter The young generation’s increasing interestin small home appliances has brought a boom to the industry, which sold morethan 56 billion yuan worth of them last year. China now has more than 1 millionsmall home appliance firms, and the number is still growing, by more than 15%every year for the past five years. INTERVIEW: Hou Hongru, Manager, Yolo China,Zhongshan Park Domestic home appliance makers like Midea,Joyoung and Supor sell the best. Our store’s revenue for small appliances hasbeen registering year-on-year increases of 30 to 50% every month since lastyear. Domestic brands have higher turnover rates and are always on order. Theirsales growth is 20% faster than that of foreign brands. 国产小家电,美的、九阳、苏泊尔卖得最好。每个月同比业绩提升30-50%。一年多了。受众程度更高、消费者更容易接受,国产的库存、周转率高,进货更多,周转率快,出样多。国产销量好,国产增速快,比进口增速多20%。 With 70% of its small home appliance salesfrom domestic brands, the uptick in small home appliances at this store indowntown Shanghai began last year, and it’s now selling almost 3 million yuanworth every month. The most popular brand, Midea, accounts for sales revenue ofbetween 300,000 and 400,000 yuan a month. The store is happy to see asignificant increase in per customer transaction values, often double what ithad been in the past. It’s young buyers who are driving much of the sales. INTERVIEW: Mr. Zhang I mainly buy domestic brands, like Mideaand Supor. I’ve bought a Midea induction cooker and air fryer. I spent most of mytime at home last year, so I wanted to be able to cook on my own. 基本上都会选择国产品牌,美的、苏泊尔。之前买过美的电磁炉,空气炸锅。去年不能出门,在家里就会想自己做点吃的 INTERVIEW: Ms. Xu The quality of Chinese brands has improveda lot in the last couple years, and they’re very affordable.I bought several from Xiaomi last year. I look mainly for utility and price. 国产品牌质量比以前好多了,价格可以接受。就前两年觉得国产品牌好了。去年买了各种小米小家电,考虑实用性,价格也很重要。 China’s small household appliance companieshave gradually abandoned strategies of low-price competition, and are tradingup with regular innovations in technology, quality and design. 3.NASA SPACECRAFT IS HEADED BACK TOEARTH WITH ASTEROID SAMPLES NASA spacecraft Osiris Rex, whichscientists believe has collected samples from an asteroid, began it’s two-yearjourney back to Earth from nearly 322 million kilometers away yesterday. The spacecraft is attempting to complete amission to visit a near-Earth asteroid called Bennu, survey the surface,collect a sample and deliver it back to Earth. The spacecraft will eject acapsule containing the samples, which is expected to land in a remote area of Utah.NASA says the samples will be distributed to research laboratories worldwide,but 75 percent of the samples will be reserved for future generations to studywith technologies not yet created. 订阅我们,打卡*每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~ 更多视频内容,欢迎订阅我们的*油管频道↓↓↓