NEWS ON 05/10 1. PEERING THROUGH TIME AT CHINA BRAND DAY 中国品牌日:老字号、新科技、国货精品,你想要的都有! 2. DIGITAL SYSTEM INSTALLED IN JING’ANWET MARKET 省时省钱省心的智慧菜场在这里 3. U.S. DECLARES STATE OF EMERGENCY OVER PIPELINE CYBER-ATTACK 美国宣布进入国家紧急状态 ----------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦---------- 1. PEERING THROUGH TIME AT CHINA BRAND DAY China Brand Day exhibition opened today with time-honored brands spinning their products into the realm of bold and blingy. Reporter Sun Siqi looks at what they have to offer. Fromtime honored to cutting edge ... let’s begin with the traditional. Anyonewould like to venture a guess? What is the oldest brand in the time-honoredbrand section, and how old would it be? Would you be guessing 100 years old, 200 max? The answer is 302 years old and the brand is eyeglass maker Wuliangcai. Notsatisfied with resting on its laurels, the eyewear maker worked with its parent company and launched Gozem for 20 somethings who tend to impulse buy and are attracted to anything blingy. This is like Mick Jagger, yeah? I look like a rockstar from the 1970s. And then ...This one, super cool -- looks like one of those 3D movie goggles, I’m gonna goout looking like this. INTERVIEW: Chen Kang, Brand Manager, ShanghaiSanlian Group “The sunglasses and spectacles range between 299 to 2,000 yuan. Eyeglasses include the price of prescription lenses. The brand also sells watches and accessories.The target is clear, we sell to millennials who need the ‘it’factor. ” Shanghai Watch, which was established in 1955, now features time pieces with tourbillion, an engineering feature that corrects slowing. This intricate watch retails for 50,000 yuan. INTERVIEW:**** Xia Zhenyi, Market Operations Manager,Shanghai Watch “Tourbillion makes sure the watch’s timing is accurate even when its winding wears off. Wetarget high-end customers and collectors, customers aged between 35 and 50. ” As for newer brands, China Southern Airlines’ remote diagnosis system gives engineers on the ground the mechanical readings on an aircraft during the flight so ground crew spend less time on maintenance, resulting in fewerdelays. A VR system for engineers and flight attendants speeds up training. INTERVIEW:**** Yu Guo, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer,China Southern Airlines “A mechanic spends more than 200 hours on theoretical knowledge and more than 15 days applying that knowledge in real situations. With the VR device, they can study with no interruptions. ” Shanghai Electric’s autonomous tram with an invisible track costs only a third of regular trams. Construction is three times faster. INTERVIEW:**** Jiang Jianfei, Head of Marketing,Shanghai Electric Group 蒋建斐,上海电气自动化集团、上海电气轨道交通集团市场销售部部长 “Parking accuracy is within 10 centimeters sideways and 20 centimeters along the track. “ 它是利用数字化的技术,横向的精度可以控制在10厘米,纵向停车的位置精度可以控制在20厘米之内。 There’s also domestic carmaker Hongqi’s hydrogen powered engine for buses, and blood vessel stents for your brain to prevent a hemorrage or stroke. Admission is free at China Brand Day exhibition, which runs until Wednesday at Shanghai Exhibition Center. 2. DIGITAL SYSTEM INSTALLED IN JING’ANWET MARKET A digital system that records vegetable prices has been installed in a wet market in Jing’an District. It aims to provide better services for customers and help with wet market management. Zhang Hong has more. Green Pepper? 5 yuan. Lettuce? 5 yuan. 青椒?5块,莴苣?5块。 Wet market staff collected the vegetable prices early in the morning and typed the information into the system. The prices were then shown on the screen at the entrance. INTERVIEW:Resident**** 上海市民 “I will take a look at the prices first and go straight to the vendor that offers the lowest price. It saves me time. ” 先比一下价,在这里看完的话,就知道最便宜的在哪个摊位,直接过去就行了,节省了时间特别高级。 Each vendor is equipped with the same type of cash register that shows the price of vegetables clearly. The market also accepts digital RMB. INTERVIEW:Vendor**** 菜场摊主 “With this system, it is impossible to charge random prices, an alarm would be triggered. If I wrote 5 yuan on the price tag but charge people 7, I will be reported by the system immediately.” 不能乱卖的,办公室里面会警报,报的是五块,假如说我卖7块的话,领导马上就过来找我谈话了。 The data also helps to better manage the market. INTERVIEW:**** Gu Wei, Head of Zhenning WetMarket 谷伟,镇宁菜市场场长 “We can analyze how the business are performing. If there is a noticeable decrease in turnover, we’ll need to study whether the prices are too high. The data allows us to better manage the prices and supplies.” 我们可以分析出菜场的生意的好坏,一旦人少,营业额有所下降,我们就有所警示,是不是我们的业主菜价过高。统计这些数据,我们保价稳供。 As intelligent wet markets are running on a trial basis in the city from April to November, each district in Shanghai is expected have at least one wet market that is equipped with the digital system. 3. U.S. DECLARES STATE OF EMERGENCY OVER PIPELINE CYBER-ATTACK The White House declared a state of emergency in 17 states and the District of Columbia yesterday, in response to the shutdown of one of the largest pipelines in the United States. Zhang Yue has more. The emergency declaration from the U.S. Department of Transportation lifts restrictions for vehicles and drivers who are providing assistance to areas that are suffering shortages of refined petroleum products. The pipeline,operated by Georgia-based Colonial Pipeline, carries gasoline and other fuelfrom Texas to the Northeast. It delivers roughly 45% of fuel consumed on theEast Coast. It was hit by what Colonial called a ransomware attack, in which hackers typically lock up computer systems by encrypting data, paralyzing networks, and then demand a large ransom to unscramble it. The company yesterday said it was in the process of restoring some of its IT systems. INTERVIEW: Gina Raimondo, US CommerceSecretary 雷蒙多 美国商务部长 “It’s an all hands on deck effort right now. And we are working closely with the company, state and local officials to, you know, make sure they get back up to normal operations as quickly as possible and there aren’t disruptions in supply.” 现在各方全力以赴,我们正在与科洛尼尔公司、州及地方官员密切合作,以确保他们能够恢复正常运营,消除供应中断。 Colonial Pipeline said it has temporarily halted all pipeline operations after Friday’scyber-attack. The company given no details as to who the attacker was, or what the demands were, however two people close to the investigation, speaking on acondition of anonymity, identified the culprit as DarkSide. DarkSide claims that it does not attack hospitals, nursing homes, educational or government targets and donates a portion of its take to charity. They are among a group of ransomeware gangs that have cost tens of billions of dollars in losses in the past three years. 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放**“精品大咖访谈”** 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~ 更多视频内容,欢迎订阅我们的油管频道↓↓↓