cover of episode 05/11 TOP NEWS | “太空快递”天舟六号运力升级/美债务上限会谈陷僵局/中德外长会面

05/11 TOP NEWS | “太空快递”天舟六号运力升级/美债务上限会谈陷僵局/中德外长会面

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NEWS ON 05/10 1.TIANZHOU-6 CARGO CRAFT WILL BRINGSUPPLIES TO SPACE STATION** "宇宙级带货"**!天舟六号运力世界现役第一 2.BIDEN MEETS CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS SEEKING AN INCREASE IN US DEBT LIMIT “违约时刻”逼近!白宫与国会谈判未取得进展 3.CHINESE FM HOLDS TALKS WITH GERMAN FM ANNALENA BAERBOCK 秦刚同德国外长贝尔伯克举行会谈 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.TIANZHOU-6 CARGO CRAFT WILL BRINGSUPPLIES TO SPACE STATION "宇宙级带货"天舟六号运力世界现役第一 The Tianzhou-6 cargo space-craft is scheduled to launch in less than 30 minutes from the Wenchang Launch Site in Hainan Province. The final checks and rehearsals were completed yesterday. Now Chen Xuan tells us more about the mission. 天舟六号货运飞船将在不到30分钟内从海南省的文昌航天发射场发射(新闻截稿时间,现已完满完成发射任务)。5月9日,天舟六号完成了最后的检查和演练。现在,陈璇将带来更多关于这项任务的详细报道。 Tianzhou-6 is 10.6 meters long and weighs 13.5 tons. The craft is comprised of two parts: the small lower section is the propulsion推进 module, while the upper one is for cargo storage. It can carry 20 percent more weight. It will carry clothes, food and water for the astronauts aboard the country's space station. 天舟六号整体长10.6米,总重13.5吨。上下两部分,分别是货物舱和推进舱。飞船整体分成两个部分,下面较小部分为推进舱,上面较大部分为货物舱。经过升级改造后,飞船有效装载容积扩大了20%。天舟六号将为我国空间站上的航天员运送衣服、食物和水等物资。 The supplies include 70 kilograms of fresh fruit, twice as much as previous mission. 这些物资包括70公斤的新鲜水果,是以前任务的两倍。 Apart from daily necessities,it's going to carry materials for biotechnology, microgravity fluid physics, combustion燃烧科学】*and space materials experiments aboard the space station. 除了日常用品外,它还将携带生命科学与生物技术、微重力流体物理与燃烧科学、空间材料科学、空间应用新技术试验的材料登上空间站。 All key components of Tianzhou-6 were domestically manufactured. Researchers began to design it two years ago. 天舟六号实现了关键元器件100%国产化,国产化方案设计开始于两年前。 Wang Lintao, Chief Designerof*China Academy of Space Technology** 王林涛 航天科技集团五院货运飞船系统总体电路主任设计师 “We spent more than 1,000 hours testing the entire spacecraft to determine whether the domestically made components meet our demands. They absolutely do.” “整船的测试时间达到了1000个小时,就为了验证这些我们国产化的器件是不是满足我们任务的需求。经过我们长时间的测试验证,我们国产化的器件是完全能够满足我们的任务需求,实现自主可控。” After Tianzhou-6 docks with the space station, there will be more space for the three astronauts. 天舟六号与空间站对接后,将有更多空间供三名宇航员使用。 Rain is forecast during the launch period, but the designer of the Long March-7 carrier rockets said they have taken it into consideration. 天气预报显示发射期间将有雨,但长征七号运载火箭设计者表示他们已经考虑到了这一点。 Wang Xi, Deputy Chief Designer of Long March-7 Carrier Rockets 王夕 航天科技集团一院长征七号火箭总体副主任设计师 “The launch can be guaranteed under the weather situation. Currently, the evaluation value of the rocket launch has reached 0.9871, which is generally the highest reliability according to the country's level.” “对发射日的天气是可以保障的。目前,长征七号遥七火箭的飞行可靠性的评估值已经达到了0.9871的水平,基本上就是我们国家可靠性最高的水平。” The launch success rate of Long March-7 carrier rockets is 100 percent since debuting in 2016. Supplies are expected to be sent to the space station once or twice a year. The Shenzhou-16 manned mission is expected to take place later this month. 自2016年首次亮相以来,长征七号运载火箭的发射成功率为100%。预计每年将向空间站发送一到两次物资。神舟16号载人飞行任务预计将在本月晚些时候进行。 2.BIDEN MEETS CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS SEEKING AN INCREASE IN US DEBT LIMIT “违约时刻”逼近!白宫与国会谈判未取得进展 US President Joe Biden and top law-makers on Tuesday held talks aimed at breaking a dead-lock僵局】 over raising the country's debt limit, so as to allow the United States government to continue to pay its bills. Lei Shuran has more. 5月9日,美国总统拜登和国会高层领导人举行会谈,旨在打破美国债务上限僵局,以便允许美国联邦政府继续支付其账单。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。 The meeting between US President Joe Biden and congressional leaders on Tuesday ended with no agreement on how to break the deadlock.  House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said that he "didn't see any new movement" toward resolving the stalemate, which could see the government unable to pay its bills beginning next month.  美国总统拜登和国会领导人的会晤未能就如何打破僵局达成协议。众议院议长麦卡锡表示,他“没有看到任何新的进展”,这可能会导致政府下个月开始无法支付其账单。 Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House 麦卡锡美国众议院议长 “Because the House raise the debt limit. I'm speaker of the House. I'm not the leader of the Senate and I'm not the president. So your question is, we'll not default? I have done everything in my power to make sure we'll not default违约. We have passed the bill to raise the debt limit. Now, I haven't seen that in the Senate, so I don't know.” “众议院同意提高债务上限,我是众议院议长,但不是参议院议长,也不是总统。所以问题是,我们能不能阻止违约?我已经做了我权力范围内的一切,以确保我们不会违约。我们已经通过了提高债务限额的法案。现在,我还没有在参议院看到这个,所以我不清楚。” After the hour-long discussion, however, Biden described the talks as "productive." He said he was "absolutely certain" that the country could avert a default, but that he would not accept McCarthy's proposed cuts in government spending.   然而,在长达一个小时的讨论之后,拜登称此次会谈“富有成效”。他说,他“绝对肯定”国家能够避免违约,但他不会接受麦卡锡提出的削减政府开支的建议。 Joe Biden, US President 拜登****美国总统 “Speaker McCarthy offered a very different way forward. He's proposed deep cuts that I believe are going to hurt American families.” “麦卡锡议长的提案太过激了。他要求大幅削减政府支出,但我相信这会伤害到美国的家庭。” It was the first time Biden and McCarthy met on this issue since February. They agreed to have further talks this week to try to avert the looming risk of an unprecedented government default by raising the country's current debt limit of 31.4 trillion dollars.    这是拜登和麦卡锡自二月以来首次就这一问题进行会晤。他们同意在本周举行进一步会谈,试图通过提高国家目前31.4万亿美元的债务上限来避免迫在眉睫的空前政府违约风险。   3**.CHINESE FM HOLDS TALKS WITH GERMAN FM ANNALENA BAERBOCK 秦刚同德国外长贝尔伯克举行会谈 Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang held talks with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock in Berlin yesterday. Qin called on China and Germany to stick to the right path, jointly oppose the "new Cold War" and "decoupling使分离 economies or severing supply chains,". Stephen Rancourt has more. 5月9日,中国国务委员兼外交部长秦刚在柏林与德国外交部长贝尔伯克举行会谈。秦刚呼吁中德应坚持正道,共同反对“新冷战”、反对“脱钩断链”。Stephen Rancourt带来详细报道。 Qin said the two sides should join hands to make preparations for the seventh round of China-Germany inter-governmental consultation. As well as accumulate achievements and make comprehensive plans for practical cooperation in various fields in the future. Qin added China and Germany are both major countries with global influence, and that the two countries should strengthen dialogue and cooperation under the current international situation. 秦刚表示,双方应共同筹备好第七轮中德政府磋商,做好设计、积累成果,为未来一个时期双方各领域务实合作做出全面规划。中德都是有世界影响力的大国,在当今动乱交织的国际形势下,应该加强对话与合作。 Baerbock said Germany is ready to work with China on consultations with a focus on joint efforts, sustainability and action, especially in promoting cooperation in terms of climate change, energy transformation, biodiversity and youth exchanges. 贝尔伯克表示,德方高度重视双方高层交往和各领域交流合作,愿同中方以共同、可持续、行动为重点,推动磋商取得积极成果,特别是促进两国在气候变化、能源转型、生物多样性、青年交流等领域合作。 The two sides exchanged views on the Ukrainian issue. Qin elaborated that China's consistent position is to facilitate talks for peace, and to promote the international community to form the greatest common denominator for a political solution to the crisis. 双方就乌克兰问题交换了意见。秦刚阐述了中方看法,强调中方一以贯之的立场就是劝和促谈,推动国际社会形成政治解决危机的最大公约数。 Qin Gang**, *Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister 秦刚国务委员兼外长 “China is not the creator or a party to the conflict, but a promoter of peace and peace talks.” “中国不是冲突制造者,也不是冲突参与方,而是和平的倡导者,和谈的推动者。” Qin is on a visit to Germany, France and Norway from May 8 to the 12 at the invitation of his German, French and Norwegian counterparts. 应德国外长贝尔伯克、法国外长科隆纳、挪威外交大臣维特费尔特邀请,秦刚国务委员兼外交部长将于5月8日至12日访问德国、法国、挪威。 #热词加油站 propulsion/prəˈpʌlʃ(ə)n/*【推进 combustion/kəmˈbʌstʃən/燃烧科学 dead-lock/ˈdedlɒk/【僵局】 default/dɪˈfɔːlt/违约 decouple/diːˈkʌpl/****【使分离 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~