cover of episode 05/10 TOP NEWS 丨 方舱医院休舱改建/药师志愿者在行动/洋山特殊综保区进出口额增长

05/10 TOP NEWS 丨 方舱医院休舱改建/药师志愿者在行动/洋山特殊综保区进出口额增长

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NEWS ON 05/09 1.MAKESHIFT HOSPITALS BEING CLOSED OR REFIT AFTER DISINFECTION 方舱医院消杀后休舱或改建 2.PHARMACIST VOLUNTEER TEAMS DELIVER MEDICATION 送药送指导,药师志愿者在行动 3.YANGSHAN PORT RECORDS 36% INCREASE FOR Q1 洋山特殊综保区一季度进出口额同比增长36%**** -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.MAKESHIFT HOSPITALS BEING CLOSED OR REFIT AFTER DISINFECTION 方舱医院消杀后休舱或改建 Shanghai is rearranging makeshift hospitals based on the outbreak's current situation. Several district-level makeshift hospitals that were set up in schools will be closed and disinfected. Zhang Hong has more. 根据疫情形势,上海正对方舱医院进行重新调整与安排。一些在学校建设的区级方舱医院将优先退出,并进行消杀。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。 The canteen on the right can take 160 people while the gym on the second floor can handle 340.  右边是一个食堂区域,可以容纳160个人,二楼是一个体育馆,可以容纳340个人。 A makeshift hospital set up inside a school in Changning district has been closed and began a thorough cleaning and disinfection【消杀】 today. After a first pass is complete, the inspectors collect samples from 600 key spots around the school, including the canteen, gym, classrooms and some other high traffic areas. Professional evaluators will then collect the samples, bring them back to a lab for analysis.**** 长宁区首个由学校改建成的方舱医院已经休舱,今天开始进行严格的清洁消杀。在第一轮消杀完成后,检测人员从学校周围的600个放样点收集样本,包括食堂、体育馆、教室和其他公共区域。然后,专业评估人员将收集的样本,送回实验室进行分析。 Kuang Yuanming Ji You Environmental Protection Technology Co. 匡渊明吉尤环保科技有限公司现场负责人**** If a sample tests positive, we'll have to do another thorough cleaning and disinfection followed by another safety evaluation again. We won't let this kind of situation happen.  如果样本检测有阳性,我们就要重新进行彻底的清洁消杀,随后再进行安全评估。我们不太会允许这种情况的出现。 The cleaning and disinfection work will cover more than 44,000 square meters both inside and outside of the school. It's estimated to be finished in three days. 清洁消杀工作将覆盖校内外4.4万多平方米。预计在3天内完成。 Another makeshift hospital in the Zhongye building in Jing'an district also closed yesterday and began the disinfection process today, the site is also expected to be completed within 3 days.  位于静安区中冶大厦的另一家方舱医院也于昨天(5/8)正式关舱,并于今天开始消杀,预计3天内完成。 Song Yichao, Deputy General Manager Boshide City Appearance & Environmental Sanitation Co. 宋逸超上海铂士德市容服务有限公司副总经理**** The key disinfection areas include the kitchen, and washroom facilities that were frequently used by the patients. We'll clean and disinfect these areas repeatedly.  消杀重点区域包括病人经常使用的厨房、洗手间等。我们将反复清洁消杀这些区域。 The local CDC will conduct two rounds of safety evaluations after any disinfection process is complete. In the future, the 16-story Zhongye building will become a central quarantine site to receive close contacts in the neighborhood. Medical staff and support staff will continue work at the site.  当地疾控部门将在消杀完毕后组织两轮安全评估。达标后,这里将转为密接人员的集中隔离点。医疗及运维团队继续保留。 2.PHARMACIST VOLUNTEER TEAMS DELIVER MEDICATION 送药送指导,药师志愿者在行动 A volunteer team of Shanghai General Hospital's clinical pharmacists【药剂师】 was recently set up to deliver drugs to locked down residents. Zhang Yue has the story.**** 近日,上海市第一人民医院成立了一支"药师志愿者送药先锋队",为被封锁的居民配送药物。记者张乐带来更多详细报道。 At 9am, volunteers were busy packing drugs and confirming information at Shanghai General Hospital's pharmacy. 上午9点,志愿者们在上海第一人民医院的药房窗口忙着包装药品和确认信息。 56 orders were to be delivered in the morning. 今天上午,一共要送56单。 Qi Chendong, Clinical Pharmacist Shanghai General Hospital 戚晨冬上海市第一人民医院临床药师**** This patient needs to take anti-coagulation and lipid-adjusting drugs after heart stent【心脏支架】 surgery. He also has an enlarged prostate, so he was prescribed five medications.**** 患者在做完心脏支架手术之后,需要服用抗凝和调整血脂的药品。他本身还有前列腺增生的基础疾病,所以给他开了五种药品。 The pharmacists have more than 10 years of clinical experience and also know the contraindications【禁忌症】 of mixing multiple drugs.**** 临床药师有10年以上临床工作经验,精通各种专科用药和多种药物混合使用时的配伍禁忌。 Gao An, Clinical Pharmacist Shanghai General Hospital 高岸上海市第一人民医院临床药师**** I'm a clinical pharmacist in the intensive care unit, and we are here to help deliver medications as there may be some logistical problems due to the lockdown. 我是ICU驻科临床药师,我们是来帮忙运送药物的,因为封城可能会导致一些物流问题。 The pharmacists have passes to deliver the drugs and use their own car due to a shortage of hospital vehicles. Pharmacist Qi Chendong戚晨冬's first order was to a senior who just had heart stent surgery, but also has an enlarged prostate. Qi gave the instruction sheet to the man. It lists the name, dosage and purpose of the drug. Each medication also has a note summarized by the pharmacist.  由于医院车辆有限,药师们就开着自己配备防疫通行证的私家车,开始送药。药师戚晨冬的第一单,是一位房颤术后合并前列腺增生的老人。戚把用药指导单给了老人。上面列出了药物名称、规格、用法、每次用量及主要用途。每个药品还都附有临床药师总结的注意事项。 The pharmacists are using their time off to volunteer so that their usual workload will not be affected. Due to limited manpower, the drug delivery team prioritizes patients in urgent need. 这些临床药师都是利用轮休日做志愿服务,不占用本身医疗服务时间。由于人力有限,送药先锋队会提前一天筛选互联网处方,主要保障特殊人群、特殊疾病的患者送药。 Fan Guorong, Director of the Clinical Pharmacy Dept. Shanghai General Hospital 范国荣上海市第一人民医院临床药学科主任**** We will focus on patients over 65 years old first. There are also patients who need special drugs for several underlying diseases or those who need immunosuppressive【免疫抑制力的】 drugs after a transplant.**** 我们首先关注65岁以上的患者。还有一些患者需要治疗几种基础疾病的特殊药品,或者在移植手术后需要服用免疫抑制剂。 The volunteer team has delivered about 10% of the daily prescriptions issued by the hospital's online platform in the past week. Only 10 percent of patients chose to pick up their medications in person. 试点一周以来,送药先锋队的日均配送数量占到互联网每日处方的10%左右。另外90%中,只有10%左右的患者选择到医院互联网药品专窗自提。 34 hospitals in the city launched free online consultations during the Labor Day holiday, with nearly 1,800 doctors treating patients online. The hospitals issued more than 3,300 prescriptions on May 1st. Doctors said there are quite a few patients whose conditions have changed within one month and they need to adjust their medication. These patients often have questions about usage, making the online consultations valuable to them. 五一期间,全市34家市级医院开展互联网医院义诊,近1800名专家参与"云端义诊"。5月1日,各家医院累计开具3300多张线上处方。专家表示,有不少患者的病情在一个月内发生了变化,需要增加用药或调整用药的患者不在少数。这类患者往往会存在很多用药疑问,“云端义诊”对他们来说非常有用。 3.YANGSHAN PORT RECORDS 36% INCREASE FOR Q1 洋山特殊综保区一季度进出口额同比增长36%**** Shanghai's Yangshan Free Trade Zone today released latest data showing stable economic operations. Handling 42.2 billion yuan in imports and exports during the first quarter of this year, a 36 percent increase year on year. Lei Shuran has the story.  上海洋山特殊综合保税区,今天发布了1至4月相关运营数据,今年一季度,区域内经济运行良好,实现进出口额422亿元,同比增长36%。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。 The resumption【恢复】 of work and production of front-end trading companies has been directly reflected in port operations.**** 前端贸易企业的复工复产直接反映在港口的作业量上。 Yang Xiaobin, General Manager ShTongsheng Logistics Park Investment & Devpmt 杨晓斌同盛物流园区投资开发有限公司总经理**** Traffic conditions at Shanghai Port have been improving. On April 30th the port handled 113,000 TEUs, that's basically recovering to 80 percent of what came through the port before the outbreak. 上海港的通行情况一直在改善。4月30日当天作业量达到了11.3万标准箱,基本上恢复到疫情爆发前的80%。 The number of companies coming back to the Yangshan Free Trade Zone and Logistics Park has also been steadily growing. 193 companies in the park resumed work as of yesterday, nearly half of them are operating at more than 50 percent of their normal levels.  洋山特殊综保区及物流园区复工复产的企业也在稳步增加。截至昨天(5/8),已复工实体园区运营企业193家,其中近一半企业经营规模恢复至正常水平的50%以上。 Lin Yisong, Deputy Division Chief Lingang New Area Administration 林益松临港新片区管委会特殊综合保税区处副处长**** The applications for foreign companies such as Maersk and OOCL to carry out coastal piggybacking businesses have been approved, and are expected to established by the end of May. The New Area is also promoting the launch of supply and container forward freight【货物】 contract trading platforms.**** 马士基和东方海外等外资船公司开展沿海捎带业务的申请已获得批复,预计5月底前完成业务落地。同时新区还在推动保税船供平台集装箱远期合约交易平台上线。 Judging from the overall situation of Shanghai Port, container throughput has rebounded steadily since late April. And the number is expected to further recover in May. 从整个上海港情况来看,4月份的箱量下旬开始平稳回升,预计将在5月份进一步恢复。 #热词加油站  disinfection /ˌdɪsɪnˈfekʃn/【消杀】 pharmacist /ˈfɑːməsɪst/【药剂师】 heart stent【心脏支架】 contraindication /ˌkɒntrəˌɪndɪˈkeɪʃn/【禁忌症】 immunosuppressive /ˌɪmjʊnəʊsəˈpresɪv/【免疫抑制力的】 resumption /rɪˈzʌmpʃn/【恢复】 freight /freɪt/【货物】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~