NEWS ON 05/06 1.PUDONG AIRPORT BUSY WITH CARGO DURINGLABOR DAY HOLIDAY 浦东机场五一假期货邮航班数量回升 2.RESTAURANTS & SUPERMARKETS REOPENDURING OUTBREAK 餐馆商场复工开业 3.THE 19TH ASIAN GAMES TO BE POSTPONED 杭州亚运会延期举行 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.PUDONG AIRPORT BUSY WITH CARGO DURINGLABOR DAY HOLIDAY 浦东机场五一假期货邮航班数量回升 Shanghai Pudong International Airporthandled more than 500** cargo****【货物】** flightsduring the Labor Day holiday, a month-on-month increase of 20 percent. Over 350police officers are coordinating【使相配合】 with the airport staff members to ensure normal operations and the stability ofglobal supply chains. “五一”期间,共有500余架次货邮航班进出浦东国际机场,货邮航班量环比增长超20%。350余名移民警察已连续奋战38天,保障口岸安全正常运转,国际产业链供应链稳定。 At 9am today, a cargo flight from Hong Kongcarrying several hundred tons of electronic components landed at PudongAirport, the police managed to complete identity and safety checks in just 10minutes. As the city enacts measures to help businesses resume operations, thedemand for raw materials in auto parts and integrated circuits industries hassurged. Green channels for products such as auto components and lithography【光刻】 machines have been put in place at the airport's border inspectionstations to speed up customs clearance. Since the end of the March, PudongInternational Airport has handled nearly 3,500 cargo flights. 5月4日9时,一架从香港起飞,搭载近百吨机械电子产品的航班平稳降落在浦东国际机场。早在一旁等候的上海机场边检站移民管理警察快速登机,不到10分钟便完成了人证对照、非接触式清舱检查。随着上海持续推进复工复产,汽车零部件、集成电路产业链需求快速恢复,浦东国际机场飞抵的货机中关于上述产业的原材料进口激增。为此,上海机场边检站及时开通绿色通道,全力保障运载电子产品及汽车零部件、光刻机、光刻胶等高精尖物质的国际货机安全快速通关。自3月底开始,已有近3500架次货邮航班进出浦东国际机场。 2.RESTAURANTS & SUPERMARKETS REOPENDURING OUTBREAK 餐馆商场复工开业 Some supermarkets, convenience stores andshopping malls in Shanghai have reopened to meet residents' needs for dailysupplies. The city's Commission of Commerce said it is calling on retailers toresume business while adhering to pandemic management and control measures.Zhang Hong tells us more. 为满足居民生活物资需求,近期,上海已经有不少超市和卖场开始恢复营业。发布会上,上海市商务委表示,在遵守防疫要求的前提下,将推动重点行业应复尽复。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。 In Pudong, Wolicity in central Beicai townis the first shopping malls to reopen in the town. A noodle house, which justreopened yesterday, received a very large order today. 在浦东区北蔡镇北蔡核心区域第一家恢复营业的大商场里,这家兰州面馆复工第二天就接到大单。 Xu He, Store Manager/Ma Ji Yon 徐贺 马记永店长 ** 被隔离了大概也有一个多月了,心里的这种激情一下子就被点燃了嘛。金额4千到5千块钱左右,非常兴奋。 I've been locked down at home for over 1month. I'm very eager to get back to work. Today our sales are at 4 to 5,000yuan and we're excited. Another diner in the mall said theydelivered over 700 bowls of noodles to residents and employees living andworking nearby in one day. 商场里的另一家面店一天卖出700多碗面,配送给周边五公里的居民和企事业单位。 Meng Di, Store Manager/Hefu-Noodle 孟迪 和府捞面店长 北蔡这边的订单相对以前大幅上升,大约是疫情前的十倍。 We saw a huge increase of orders in Beicai.We got 10 times as many as orders as before the lockdown. The mall said 8 stores have reopened sincelate April and about 70 people are now working and living in the mall. 据介绍,4月下旬以来,商场已经有8家商户陆续复工,大约70名员工闭环生产。 In Putuo District where basic clearance ofcommunity transmission has been achieved, an NGS Supermarket on JinshajiangRoad reopened today. Residents in nearby precautionary areas【防范区】** can enter the store with a permit. The store has a limited capacityof 200 people per hour. The supermarket has pre-packaged vegetables and otherfresh products so that customers don't need to weigh them, and the shops are restocked【补充(货源)】 with freshproduce and dairy products in a timely manner. 在首个实现社会面清零的中心城区普陀区,农工商超市金沙江路店,今天正式面向周边防范区居民开门营业,居民可凭小区出入证和印有日期时间的超市邀请函入场购物。目前,该店按照每小时200人次来发放邀请函。原本散装的蔬菜以及生鲜类产品,都已提前分装,不必上秤就可直接拿取,购物动线也重新规划,商品也会及时补货。 Customer 顾客 (消费总金额)限购500块,然后单品也限购,确保每个人来都可以买到物资。 Each customer is limited to spending 500yuan per visit, and there are also limits on the amount one person can buy forcertain products to ensure every customer has a chance to make a purchase. 73% of the over 1,600 branches of thecity's 12 major chain supermarkets have resumed business as of yesterday, mostof them are only offering delivery services【送货服务】 but 220 shops have opened their doors to customers. 截至昨日(5/5),上海12家主要连锁超市的1600多家分店中,有73%已经恢复营业,其中大部分只提供送货服务,但已有220家门店恢复线下营业。 Gu Jun, Director/Shanghai MunicipalCommission of Commerce 顾军 上海市商务委主任 在严格落实好疫情防控措施的前提下,我们将推动超市卖场、便利店、电商平台、生鲜蔬果、餐饮、药品流通等与市民生活密切相关的商贸企业节点和网点有序复工复市。 While following strict pandemic preventionand control measures, we will help with the orderly resumption of operations atsupermarkets, convenience stores, fruits and vegetables markets, restaurantsand drug stores, as well as any manner of shop that is related to people'sdaily life. The city has established a white list ofbusinesses that can resume operations. Vendors【摊贩】 that offer daily necessities can apply for a work resumption permitand their employees will be able to get back to work after the company is addedto the white list. 上海建立了复工复市“白名单”制度,提供日常必需品的商贸企业节点和网点可以申请复工许可,员工可在企业被列入白名单后复工。 3.THE 19TH ASIAN GAMES TO BE POSTPONED 杭州亚运会延期举行 Following detailed discussions with theChinese Olympic Committee and the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee,the Executive Board of the Olympic Council of Asia today decided to postpone【推迟】 the 19th Asian Games, which were scheduled to be held in Hangzhoufrom September 10 to 25. New dates will be announced in the near future. 经与中国奥委会和杭州亚运会组委会讨论,亚洲奥林匹克理事会今日(5/6)发布通告,宣布原定于今年9月10号到25号在中国杭州举办的第19届亚洲运动会将延期举行。新日期将由各方商定后择机公布。 #热词加油站 cargo [ˈkɑːɡəʊ]【货物】 coordinate [kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪt]【使相配合】 lithography [lɪˈθɑːɡrəfi]【光刻】 precautionary area【防范区】 restocked [ˌriːˈstɒk]【补充(货源)】 delivery service【送货服务】 vendor [ˈvendə(r)]【摊贩】 postpone [pəˈspəʊn]【推迟】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~