cover of episode 05/09 TOP NEWS | 继续落实“乙类乙管”措施/上海进博会提供新机遇/叙利亚重返阿盟

05/09 TOP NEWS | 继续落实“乙类乙管”措施/上海进博会提供新机遇/叙利亚重返阿盟

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NEWS ON 0**5/08 1.CHINA TO CONTINUE TO MANAGE COVID-19 新冠不再构成国际关注的突发公共卫生事件”,中国继续落实****“乙类乙管各项措施 2.SHANGHAI'S IMPORT FAIRS STOCK THE MARKETS WITH NEW PRODUCTS “上海进口博览会”为市场注入新产品 *3.SYRIA REJOINS ARAB LEAGUE AFTER 12-YEAR ABSENCE 时隔12年叙利亚重返阿拉伯国家联盟 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------  1.CHINA TO CONTINUE TO MANAGE COVID-19 新冠不再构成国际关注的突发公共卫生事件”,中国继续落实*乙类乙管各项措施 The National Administration of Disease Control and Prevention said today that the ending of COVID-19 as a public health emergency of international concern doesn't mean the pandemic is over, adding China will continue to monitor mutations of the virus, strengthen vaccinations among high risk groups, and look to improve COVID treatment capabilities. Zhang Yue has the details. 国家疾病预防控制局今天(05/08)表示,新冠疫情不再构成“国际关注的突发公共卫生事件”,但这并不意味着疫情已经结束。中国将继续监测病毒突变情况,加强高危人群疫苗接种,强化临床救治能力等。记者张乐带来详细报道。 Authorities said China will continue to manage COVID-19 with measures against Class-B infectious diseases after the World Health Organization said Friday that COVID-19 no longer constitutes apublic health emergency of international concern. 周五(05/05),世界卫生组织宣布新冠疫情不再构成国际关注的突发公共卫生事件。而中国有关部门表示,中国接下来将继续落实“乙类乙管”各项措施。 Authorities said the number of COVID-19 cases slightly increased in some parts of the country during the Labor Day holiday, however, the number of severe cases in hospitals across the country did not show a large increase. Experts believe that the immunity of people who have been vaccinated or have been infected with coronavirus can decay over time. Therefore, the situation in China last month reached the lowest level since last November. Cases increased slightly, but in line with estimations. 有关部门表示,今年“五一”期间,我国部分地区疫情出现小幅上升,但各地在院重症病例数没有大幅增加。专家研判认为,由于人群接种疫苗和新冠病毒感染后的免疫力会随着时间衰减,全国疫情在上个月达到了去年11月以来的最低水平之后开始缓慢上升,这种变化趋势符合预期。 Liu QingNational Administration**** of Disease Control and Prevention** 刘清 国家疾控局传染病防控司副司长 “预计‘五一’假期后,局部地区疫情可能会出现小幅反弹,发生聚集性疫情的场所可能会有所增加,但出现区域性规模性疫情的可能性不大。” “The epidemic situation in some areas may rebound slightly after the Labor Day holiday, and there may be more places with clusters【聚集】 of infections. But large-scale regional case resurgences are unlikely to happen.” The XBB strains accounted for 74% of all infections in late April, an increase from 0.2% in mid-February this year. 4月下旬XBB系列变异株的病例占比为74%,而今年2月中旬该占比为0.2%。 Chen Cao, Researcher of****China CDC 陈操 中国疾控中心病毒病所研究员 “从目前的监测数据看,包括XBB变异株在内的正在流行的这些变异株,与早期流行的奥密克戎亚分支相比,致病力没有明显的变化。” “According to the surveillance【监测】 data, there is no significant change in the pathogenicity of ongoing strains, including the XBB variant, compared with earlier Omicron subvariants.” Doctors also said the majority of current cases were asymptomatic【无症状的】 or mild. 医生表示,目前大多数病例为无症状或轻微症状。 2.SHANGHAI'S IMPORT FAIRS STOCK THE MARKETS WITH NEW PRODUCTS “上海进口博览会”为市场注入新产品 Shanghai has seen a healthy boost in consumption since the beginning of the month, with the launch of its fourth Double Five Shopping Festival. The city's Consumer Market Big Data Lab says that from April 28th to May 2nd, offline consumption payments in the city came to almost 35 billion yuan, while online consumption was worth close to 25 billion yuan. Zhang Shixuan has been looking at some new imports now getting attention from the city's shoppers.   自从上海启动第四届“双五”购物节以来,消费出现良性增长。据该市消费市场大数据实验室称,从4月28日到5月2日,上海市的线下消费支付金额接近350亿元,线上消费支付金额接近250亿元。记者张诗旋发现一些前所未见的进口商品,正吸引着买家们的光顾。 Zhang Shixuan, Reporter 张诗旋 记者 When it comes to Cuban products, what might top your list? Perhaps coffee, or rum? Well, I'm not that familiar with Cuban specialties, so I'm excited totakea look around. 说到古巴产品,您可能会想到什么?咖啡或是朗姆酒?我对古巴的特色产品不是很熟悉,所以很兴奋能四处看看。 The corner reserved for specialties from Cuba was full of visitors on Friday, when this international import trading center in Shanghai inaugurated【开幕】 its two-week-long promotion event featuring products from the Caribbean island nation.   周五(05/05),上海国际进口商品交易中心举行古巴产品促销活动的开幕式,该活动为期两周,其中专门留出一个展区展示古巴的特色产品,这个展区里挤满了参观者。 “今天的话我准备可能买一些蜂蜜、咖啡还有酒,估计总共也就五六百块钱。” “Today, I want to buy some honey, coffee and liquor, for 500 or 600 yuan in all.” “现在很多东西就是国内的已经尝试过了,特别想说国外有什么没有吃到过、没有见过的一些新品,就特别会想去尝试一下,有这种新鲜感。” “I have tried most local products, so I want to try something that I've never seen before from outside China.” This importer has brought honey, coffee,andrum from Cuba to the mall. People can scan the QR code, and order their products through's cross-border e-commerce site. Having been in the import business since last April, the company is shooting for its sales to more than double from last year.   这家进口商从古巴带来了蜂蜜、咖啡和朗姆酒。人们可以扫描二维码,在京东跨境电商网站上订购产品。自去年4月以来,该公司一直专注进口业务,计划今年的销售额翻一番以上。 *Daniel Zhang, Manager ofPabellón Excelencias Cuba* 丹尼尔**·经理** “之前十几年一直在跟古巴有贸易往来,是我们出口到古巴商品,从2022年4月份开馆开始进口。我们进的货两天时间吧差不多就几乎卖掉了50%,非常出乎意料。像酒这样的消费品如果直接进来的话,落地所有的税加在一起大概要50%,如果我们通过跨境电商方式进来,可能只有17%左右。” “For more than 10 years we were just exporting products to Cuba. But since April 2022, we opened an online pavilion on for imports. 50% of them sold within just 2 days, well beyond our expectations. If consumer goods like alcohol are imported through normal channels, they pay combined taxes of around 50%. But with cross-border e-commerce, it's just around 17%.” This is the first imported goods promotion event hosted this year at this International Import Commodity Exhibition and Trade center in Shanghai. This month, another cross-border e-commerce shopping spree will be launched here, featuring products from Belt and Road countries. 这是今年在上海国际进口商品展览交易中心举办的第一次进口商品促销活动。本月,这里还将推出另一场跨境电商购物狂欢节,展示“一带一路”国家的产品。 Freesia Zhu, Deputy General Manager ofShanghai Hongqiao International Import Commodity Exhibition and Trade **朱菁 *上海虹桥国际进口商品展销有限公司 副总经理 “今年到我们这儿来的海外客户特别多,我们现在大概已经接待了五六家总领馆带来的企业。去年进博会之后,已经有一批像韩国的化妆品,南非的保健品,通过跨境电商的方式进来,现在我们的保税仓也是服务于京东跨境,已经成为上海日出货量最大的一个跨境保税仓。” “We've got a lot of overseas clients this year. We've hosted 5 or 6 consulate-generals, who have introduced companies from their countries. Since the International Import Expo last year, a batch of South Korean cosmetics and also healthcare products from South Africa have been imported through cross-border e-commerce. Our bonded warehouse now also handles, so it's responsible for the largest cross-border e-commerce shipment volume in Shanghai.” Shanghai, along with Beijing, Guangzhou, Tianjin and Chongqing, have been designated by the Ministry of Commerce as five key cities targeted to become international consumption centers.  During Shanghai's 2-month import shopping festival that begins this month, some 30 companies will be hosting around 90 special activities. Since the first China International Import Expo five years ago, Shanghai has established permanent trading platforms for many CIIE exhibits, which have so far imported more than 323 billion yuan worth of goods. 上海、北京、广州、天津和重庆被商务部指定为五个旨在成为国际消费中心的重点城市。在本月开始的为期两个月的上海进口购物节期间,约30家公司将举办约90项特别活动。自五年前的首届中国国际进口博览会以来,上海已经为许多进博会展品建立了永久性的交易平台,迄今已进口超过3230亿元人民币的商品。 3.SYRIA REJOINS ARAB LEAGUE AFTER 12-YEAR ABSENCE 时隔12年叙利亚重返阿拉伯国家联盟 At an extraordinary meeting of the Arab League held in Cairo yesterday, Arab foreign ministers voted to restore Syria's membership in the league after being suspended from participation for 12 years. Stephen Rancourt has more. 昨日(05/07),阿拉伯国家联盟在开罗举行外长级紧急会议上,投票决定同意恢复叙利亚的成员国资格。此前,叙利亚被暂停加入该联盟长达12年。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多报道。 Egypt's Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shoukry on Sunday read the statement issued by the pan-Arab organization. 周日,埃及外长舒凯里宣读了同意叙利亚重返阿盟的会议决定。 Sameh ShoukryEgyptian Foreign Minister 舒凯里 埃及外长 “The Arab League has decided to resume the qualification of delegations【代表团】 of the government of Syria to participate in the meetings of the Arab league Council and all its organizations and bodies as of May 7, 2023.” “会议决定从2023年5月7日起,恢复阿拉伯叙利亚共和国代表团参加阿拉伯国家联盟及所有相关组织和机构会议的资格。” The foreign ministers also agreed to form a committee comprised of representatives from Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Lebanon, and Egypt, and that the Arab Legue's secretary-general will continue direct dialogue with the Syrian government to reach a comprehensive solution to the Syrian crisis. 会议还同意成立一个由约旦、沙特、伊拉克、黎巴嫩、埃及和阿盟秘书长组成的部长级委员会,阿盟秘书长将继续与叙利亚政府直接对话,以达成全面解决叙利亚危机的方案。 Ahmed Aboul Gheit*,**Arab League Secretary-General **盖特 **阿盟秘书长 “It is expected that many Western countries in Europe and America will not be happy with our decision to restore the membership of Syria to the Arab League, but this is an independent decision made by Arab countries. The common interests of Arab countries required us to make this decision at this time. The common interests of Arab countries require us to stop turning our backs on Syria.” “对于我们作出的恢复叙利亚阿盟成员国资格的决定,预计不少的欧美西方国家都不会感到高兴,但这是阿拉伯国家独立自主的决定。阿拉伯国家的共同利益需要我们在此时作出这个决定,阿拉伯国家的共同利益要求我们不能再对叙利亚问题置之不理。” The 32nd Arab League Summit will be held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on May 19, and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will be permitted to attend the summit. 第32届阿盟领导人峰会将于5月19号在沙特首都利雅得召开,叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德获准出席。 #热词加油站 clusters/ˈklʌstər/【聚集】 surveillance/sɜːrˈveɪləns/【监测】 asymptomatic/ˌeɪsɪmptəˈmætɪk/【无症状的】 inaugurate/ɪˈnɔːɡjəreɪt/【开幕】 delegation/ˌdelɪˈɡeɪʃn/【代表团】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~