cover of episode 05/06 TOP NEWS | 老年人新冠疫苗接种/长沙居民房被困者获救/亚速钢铁厂人道主义走廊

05/06 TOP NEWS | 老年人新冠疫苗接种/长沙居民房被困者获救/亚速钢铁厂人道主义走廊

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NEWS ON 05/05 1.COMMUNITIES WORK TO VACCINATE SENIORS 送"苗"上门,推进老年人新冠疫苗接种 2.10 RESCUED, 5 DEAD IN CENTRAL CHANGSHA BUILDING COLLAPSE 长沙自建居民房倒塌事故 第10名被困者获救 3.CIVILIANS EVACUATED FROM EASTERN UKRAINE 乌亚速钢铁厂人道主义走廊 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.COMMUNITIES WORK TO VACCINATE SENIORS 送"苗"上门,推进老年人新冠疫苗接种 The Omicron variant poses significant risk to seniors, especially if they are unvaccinated or have other health problems. Work is now being done around the city to promote why getting vaccinated is so important. Zhang Hong has more.   奥密克戎变异株对于老年人,尤其是没有接种新冠疫苗和有慢性基础性疾病的老年人带来的危害非常大。上海各区也正积极统筹,积极推进新冠疫苗接种。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。 Vaccination services have resumed in some districts including Fengxian, where the virus hasn't spread as rapidly compared to other areas of the city. At one community, only 65 percent of those aged 60 and above are vaccinated. 这两天,疫情防控形势向好的奉贤区,率先恢复了新冠疫苗接种。在金水合璟苑小区,此前,60岁以上老年人的接种率只有65%。 Jiang Yeyao, DirectorJinshui Hejingyuan Neighborhood Committee 蒋烨瑶 金海街道金水合璟苑居委会 There are 347 residents aged 60 and above in our community and 157 of them haven't been vaccinated yet. 我们小区一共有347名60岁以上的老人,通过我们的统计,还有157名的老人是没有接种疫苗的。 Temporary vaccination sites have been set up in the community. 小区内开设了流动接种点。 Ms. Zhang 张阿姨 居民 I have high blood pressure, so I didn't want to get it before. After talking to my son and daughter-in-law, I have now come to get vaccinated. 本来高血压想不打,后来被儿子媳妇做了思想工作来打。 Wang Cheng/Jinhai Community Health Service Center 王成 金海卫生服务中心预防保健科科长  Many seniors are getting their first jab. They have more awareness of self-protection given the current situation; therefore, they are more willing to get vaccinated. 我们发现有相当多的老年人是第一次接种,那么有可能就是在这次疫情的影响下,老年人对自我的这个保护的意识提高了,然后呢他们对这个接种的意愿也提高了很多。 Over 3.6 million Shanghai residents over 60 years old had been fully vaccinated by mid-April, accounting for 62 percent of the city's total elderly population. Among them, 2.2 million had also gotten a booster shot. Both figures are lower than the national average.  据统计,截至四月中旬,上海60岁以上老年人累计完成新冠疫苗全程接种超360万人,全程接种率62%,完成加强免疫接种超220万人,加强接种率38%,均低于全国水平。 At Baihe town in suburban Qingpu District, Hongqi village also launched a vaccination program for seniors. More than 300 senior residents** lined up【排队】** this morning. Many of them either said they are too old or have concerns about possible adverse effects brought on by underlying diseases. Mrs. Jin has heart disease and has been taking medication【药物】 for it for a long time. Although she is in a stable condition now, she still worries about being vaccinated. 青浦区白鹤镇红旗村也为老年人提供了疫苗接种服务。300多名老人早早前来排队,很多老年人说,他们由于年龄原因以及基础疾病有可能带来的不良反应而放弃接种。金阿姨身患心脏病,常年服药,病情已经稳定,但是她仍心有余悸。 Ms. Jin 金阿姨 村民  I came here to get vaccinated as I saw many others had done so. But I am still afraid because I have heart disease. 我看到他们都来打,所以我来打,但是我吓的,我有心脏病,我不敢打。 Jin did not take the jab, as she was still worried about the adverse reactions. 86-year-old Mrs. Wu was recommended to wait before getting vaccinated as she has several underlying diseases and hasn't slept well these days.  最终,由于实在担心接种之后出现不良反应,金阿姨还是放弃了接种。86岁的吴阿姨十分忧虑,她原本就有多种基础性疾病,再加上最近休息不好,于是,医生建议其暂缓接种。 Dai Lihong, Chief General Practitioner/Baihe Town Health Service Center 代丽红 白鹤镇卫生服务中心全科主治医师  We must make if a senior has a chronic disease that they are in a stable and healthy state before the vaccination. This is a double protection for them. 我们必须保证老人身体慢性病处于平稳期、身体处于一个健康的状态才能接种疫苗,这样对他们来说也是一种双重保护。 Most elderly people in the village got vaccinated following the advice of a doctor. The vaccination rate of people aged 60 and over was now around 80 percent, up from 65%.  红旗村大多数老年人遵循医嘱进行新冠疫苗接种。60岁以上老年的的接种率从65%提升到现在的80%左右。 2.10 RESCUED, 5 DEAD IN CENTRAL CHANGSHA BUILDING COLLAPSE 长沙自建居民房倒塌事故 第10名被困者获救 Ten people have been rescued and 5 others died after a residential structure collapsed in Central China's Hunan province on April 29th.  自4月29日湖南长沙自建居民房倒塌事故发生以来,救出受困人员10人,发现5名遇难者。(截至6日3时3分,共救出10人,遇难53人) At around 12am today, the tenth survivor, a woman, was pulled from the debris about 132 hours after the collapse occurred. She was conscious and could even remind rescuers to not do anything that might further injure her. The rescuers have been searching for survivors for days by shouting and knocking on the debris, as well as using sniffer dogs【搜救犬】, life detectors and drones【无人机】. The building collapse happened in Wangcheng District in the provincial capital, Changsha. A total of 23 people are believed to be trapped in the rubble and 39 others near the site are still missing. Rescue operations are still underway.  5月5日凌晨0点左右,救援现场救出第10名幸存者。该名人员为女性,在废墟中被埋压了约132小时后成功获救。获救女子意识和神志都比较清醒,甚至可以提醒救援人员避免做出进一步伤害的动作。这次事故救援中,救援人员通过喊话敲击、搜救犬、生命探测仪、无人机等综合手段进行生命迹象探测。此次居民房倒塌事故发生于湖南省长沙市望城区,初步核实造成23人被困,事发地附近39人失联。目前现场救援仍在进行中。(6日3时3分,长沙居民自建房倒塌事故现场搜救工作结束,事故现场被困、失联人员已全部找到,共救出10人,遇难53人。) 3.CIVILIANS EVACUATED FROM EASTERN UKRAINE 乌亚速钢铁厂人道主义走廊 Russia's Defense Minister yesterday said that Russian forces were taking "comprehensive measures" to protect civilians and organize the safe** evacuation【撤退】of the city of Mariupol and the Azovstal steelworks.  俄罗斯国防部昨天宣布,俄军正采取必要措施,从马里乌波尔和亚速钢铁厂安全疏散平民。 At a meeting with military officials, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu stated that the remaining militants【好斗分子】 in the Azovstal industrial zone are securely blocked around the pe’rimeter of the territory. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy confirmed yesterday that 344 people had been evacuated from in and around Mariupol, in addition to the more than 150 people who were evacuated earlier this week from bunkers【地堡】** under the city's** steel plant【钢铁厂】**. Also yesterday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov responded to reports that Russia plans to declare an all-out war against Ukraine on May 9th, Russia's Victory Day commemorating the defeat of Nazi Germany, dismissing them as "nonsense." 俄罗斯国防部长谢尔盖·绍伊古在军事会议上表示,马里乌波尔亚速钢铁厂内的乌军残余已经被安全地封锁在厂区内。乌克兰总统泽连斯基昨日表示,又从马里乌波尔市内和郊区疏散344人,将与此前从亚速钢铁厂地堡撤离的150多人汇合。同日,克里姆林宫发言人德米特里·佩斯科夫驳斥有关俄罗斯将于9号卫国战争胜利日,宣布军事总动员、对乌克兰宣战的消息,称其"纯属无稽之谈"。 #热词加油站  line up【排队】 medication [ˌmedɪˈkeɪʃn【药物】 sniffer dogs【搜救犬】 drones [drəʊn]【无人机】 evacuation [ɪ.vækju'eɪʃ(ə)n]【撤退】 militant [ˈmɪlɪtənt]【好斗分子】 bunker [ˈbʌŋkə(r)]【地堡】 steel plant【钢铁厂】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~