cover of episode 05/01 TOP NEWS | 上海火车站当日票售罄/淄博烧烤爆火出圈/旅游业复苏渐入佳境

05/01 TOP NEWS | 上海火车站当日票售罄/淄博烧烤爆火出圈/旅游业复苏渐入佳境

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NEWS ON 04/2****8 1.TRAIN STATIONS, AIRPORTS REPORT MASS HOLIDAY EXODUS 上海虹桥火车站今日车票售罄****!沪上火车站、机场****客流创新高 2**.ZIBO RISES FROM OBSCURITY TOHOT BARBECUE DESTINATION** *淄博**爆火出圈,成最热门烧烤目的地 *3.*BRIGHTER FUTURE EXPECTED FOR TOURISM SECTOR ** **“五一”出游升温,旅游业复苏渐入佳境 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------  *1.TRAIN STATIONS, AIRPORTS REPORT MASS HOLIDAY EXODUS 上海虹桥火车站今日车票售*!沪上火车站、机场***客流创新高 More than 550,000 people were expected to depart today from Shanghai's three major railway stations, the highest daily total so far this year. To ensure safety at the Hongqiao transportation hub, Public Security Bureau employees will be on duty during the May Day holiday. Lei Shuran has more. 今天(04/28)上海各站(上海虹桥站、上海南站、上海站)预计发送旅客55余万人次,迎来今年以来单日最高客流量。为确保虹桥交通枢纽的安全,公安局员工将在五一期间值班。记者雷舒然带来更多报道。 At about 10 o'clock in the morning, Hongqiao Railway Station's ticket office issued a notice that all train tickets for today were sold out. It marked the first sell-out since the Spring Festival travel rush. 上午10点左右,虹桥火车站售票处发出通知,今天车票已全部售罄。这是春运以来首次售罄。 The station was busiest at 3 pm, with the departure lounge*【候车室;候机室】** filled with travelers. Public security officers said passengers will be banned from getting in or out of cars at the station's P9 and P10 parking lots during the holiday. 下午3点是车站最繁忙的时候,候车室里挤满了旅客。公安人员表示,假期期间,乘客将禁止在车站的P9和P10停车场上下车。 Wang Jian,*Minhang Public Security Sub-bureau 王剑 闵行公安分局新虹派出所副所长 “我们将在相关主干道上增加安全指引员,把车辆劝离到停车位再上下客,防止因为主干道上的临时停车造成拥堵。” "We will add more staff to prevent the cars from stopping and avoid people getting in or out of cars to avoid congestion【交通拥堵】." Traffic police officers have arranged for more parking spaces in nearby commercial areas. 交警已经在附近的商业区安排了更多停车位。 About 46,000 people arrived or departed from Shanghai Pudong International Airport today, the highest daily number in 3 years. 今天约有4.6万人抵达或离开上海浦东国际机场,创下近三年来的单日客流峰值。 Traveler 旅客 “我们是一家三口去新加坡游玩,小朋友长这么大,第一次跟我们出国。” “We will take a trip to Singapore. It's my kid's first trip abroad.” An estimated 217,000 travelers will pass through Shanghai's airports during the holiday. 据预测,“五一”假期上海机场口岸客流总量将达21.7万人次。 2*.ZIBO RISES FROM OBSCURITY TOHOT BARBECUE DESTINATION* *淄博**爆火出圈,成最热门烧烤目的地 Zibo City is so hot for its cooking. The Shandong Province city has emerged as an unlikely, but trendy travel destination on the strength of its barbecue restaurants. Its popularity has risen so much that extra trains have been added between the provincial capital Jinan and Zibo for the May Day holiday. Lei Shuran has more. 淄博烧烤火速出圈,山东省的这座城市已出人意料地成为因烤肉店而广受大众欢迎的时尚旅游目的地。随着淄博的旅游热度不断提升,五一期间,省会济南和淄博之间增加了列车车次。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。 The special route was launched yesterday and will be available until May 7th. It takes one hour to travel between Jinan and Zibo. 这条特别路线于昨天(04/27)开通,将持续到5月7日。济南和淄博之间需要一个小时的车程。 Tourist 游客 “我们从济南专门买了(烧烤)专列(车票),天天被‘种草’,再不去淄博就不礼貌了。” “We bought tickets on the special train to go for a barbecue. I see people recommending the barbecue there every day, and can't resist going there.” A food court in Zibo is home to many barbecue restaurants and it has become the city's most popular destination. One restaurant ran out of meat just 4 hours after opening all while a long queue of customers were still waiting for a table. The owner said sales had almost doubled the number in 2019. 淄博的一个美食广场上有许多烧烤店,已成为该市最受欢迎的目的地。一家餐馆开张仅4小时,肉就卖光了,而顾客们还在排着长队等位。店主表示,与2019年相比,销售额几乎翻了一番。 Yang Benxin,*Owner of Zibo Muyangcun Barbecue Restaurant 杨本新 淄博牧羊村烧烤店老板 “每天卖500斤肉,能同时招待1000人左右。我们每晚最多可以供应210张桌子。” “Every day we sell 250 kilograms of meat, which is enough for about 1,000 customers. We can serve a maximum of 210 tables per night.” Zibo's barbecue scene gained online attention last month. Short videos showed people eating the barbecued skewers【串肉扦】 with a spring onion and wrapped in a pancake. The videos quickly made people from other cities want to go to Zibo for a barbecue. The city's hotel bookings have soared 800 percent compared to 2019, making it one of the hottest travel destinations in the country. 上个月,淄博的烧烤场景在网上引起了关注。短视频中的人们吃着裹在煎饼里的烤串和葱。这些视频迅速让其他城市的人都想去淄博吃烧烤。与2019年相比,该市的酒店预订量飙升了800%,成为全国最热门的旅游目的地之一。 Tourist 游客 “It's very tasty. We come here every week. It's quite delicious.” “非常好吃。我们每周都来这里,非常美味。” Tourist 游客 “I love the atmosphere here. I hope my friends can have a try here.” “我喜欢这里的气氛,希望我的朋友们也能来这里试一试。” Government officials there have issued measures to manage the tourism industry, including tighter supervision of hotel prices and setting up a WeChat mini-program for complaints. 淄博市政府已经出台了管理旅游业的措施,包括加强对酒店价格的监管,并开发了一个用于投诉的微信小程序。  **3.*BRIGHTER FUTURE EXPECTED FOR TOURISM SECTOR ** “五一”出游升温,旅游业复苏渐入佳境 Tourism businesses are looking forward to the Labor Day holiday. With travel restrictions lifted, more people are planning to travel abroad and travel agencies are ready. Ying Junyi has more. 旅游企业正期待着五一假期的到来。随着旅游限制的解除,越来越多的人计划出国旅游,旅行社也做好了准备。记者应骏一带来详细报道。 The country's tourism industry is expected to recover rapidly over the five-day May Day holiday. Flight bookings for the holiday have already exceeded six million, according to the Civil Aviation Administration. The bookings match the same period in 2019. Online travel agencies are reporting a year-on-year surge of 700 percent in trip bookings for the holiday. The pent-up demand to travel abroad has been gradually unleashed【释放】 as well. 旅游业有望在为期五天的五一假期中迅速恢复。根据民航局的数据,假期期间的航班预订量已超过600万,与2019年同期持平。在线旅行社报告称,假期期间的旅行预订量同比激增700%,被压抑的出境旅游需求也逐渐释放出来。 Traveler 旅客 “我们打算五一去泰国,因为今年听说那边会有很多明星。” “We plan to go to Thailand. Many celebrities are also said to take trips there this year.” Traveler 旅客 “周边能自驾的地方去玩一玩,十一打算看看出国,带孩子去泰国、巴厘岛这种。” “I plan to take short trips. But I will take an international trip with my daughter during the National Day holiday, somewhere like Thailand or Bali.” Travel service provider Fliggy said reservations are rocketing for Labor Day trips abroad. Some of its niche travel products are garnering attention. 旅游服务提供商飞猪旅行表示,五一出境游的预订数量激增。一些小众旅游产品正吸引人们的关注。 Wang Liyang, Operation Manager of Fliggy *王立**扬 飞猪旅行运营经理* “今年五一假期出境游的预定相较于今年的春节期间,又增长了超过2倍。在这个前提下,我们发现其实年轻人的旅游消费观正在发生变化,大家对于新奇的商品越来越关注,比如我们今年2月底上线了南极游,上线的第一天销量超过了100件。” “Compared to the Spring Festival this year, our outbound trip bookings for the Labor Day holiday have more than doubled. More travelers, especially young people, are showing interest in many niche travel packages. For example, we received more than 100 bookings the day we launched an Antarctica tour.” More outbound travel packages will be available at some point as the Ministry of Transportation announced that international cruises will be restored after a three-year suspension. Many cruise companies have been preparing and look forward to a full recovery in the sector. 交通运输部宣布停航三年的国际邮轮将恢复运营,未来有更多的出境游套餐可供选择。许多邮轮公司一直在做复航准备,并期待着该行业的全面复苏。 Liu Zinan, Chairman of Royal Caribbean Cruise (Asia) 刘淄楠 皇家加勒比游轮亚洲区主席 “主要目的地包括中国的一些周边国家,比如日本、韩国、菲律宾,而且邮轮本身就是一个目的地,是海上度假村,我们也会做好准备。预计大概一年半到两年的时间能恢复到疫情前的水平。” "We are preparing cruises**【邮轮】* to countries nearby, including Japan, South Korea and the Philippines. The cruise itself is a destination, a resort. We also need to get our cruise liners ready. We expect the industry to fully recover to the pre-covid level within one-and-a-half to two years." According to the China Tourism Academy, 4.5 billion domestic trips will be taken this year, roughly 76 percent of that in 2019. Inbound and outbound travel is expected to see a twofold year-on-year rise to 90 million this year.   根据中国旅游研究院的数据,今年国内旅游人次将达到45亿,约为2019年的76%。预计今年的入出境旅游人次将达到9000万,同比翻一番。 #热词加油站 departure lounge/dɪˈpɑːrtʃər laʊndʒ/【候车室;候机室】 congestion/kənˈdʒestʃən/【交通拥堵】skewer/ˈskjuːər/【串肉扦】 unleash/ʌnˈliːʃ/【释放】 cruise/kruːz/【邮轮】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~