cover of episode 04/29 TOP NEWS | 上海安排老人接种疫苗/气膜实验室加速核酸检测/中国出口退税再加力

04/29 TOP NEWS | 上海安排老人接种疫苗/气膜实验室加速核酸检测/中国出口退税再加力

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NEWS ON 04/281.CITY STEPS UP VACCINATION DRIVE FOR SENIORS上海安排老年人进行疫苗接种2.MOBILE LAB PROVIDES RAPID MASS TESTING兰卫气膜实验室24小时运转 全力加快检测速度3.CHINA IS OFFERING MORE PREFERENTIAL POLICIES FOR EXPORT TAX REBATES中国出口退税再加力**-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CITY STEPS UP VACCINATION DRIVE FOR SENIORS上海安排老年人进行疫苗接种The number of newly discovered infections in Shanghai continues to fall. The city reported 1,292 confirmed cases and 9,330 asymptomatic carriers yesterday, and more than 27,000 people were discharged from hospitals or medical observation. The city's health commission said they will increase vaccination services for the elderly. Stephen Rancourt has more.上海新增阳性病例数量持续降低,昨天全天,上海新增本土确诊病例1292例、新增本土无症状感染者9330例;同时有27000多例出院或解除集中隔离医学观察。记者Stephen Rancourt带来详细报道。Shanghai reported 47 COVID-19 deaths yesterday, with the average age at 84.7 years. All had severe underlying conditions, only one of them had been vaccinated. Their causes of death were attributed to their underlying illnesses. There are currently 304 COVID-19 patients listed as severe, and 48 listed as critical. 昨天,新增本土死亡病例47例,平均年龄84.7岁。这47位患者合并各种原发基础疾病,其中只有1例曾接种过新冠疫苗。死亡的直接原因均为基础疾病。截至昨天24时,在定点医疗机构接受治疗的重型患者304例、危重型48例。The Shanghai Health Commission said that vaccines do an excellent job at preventing severe symptoms. So far, over 3.6 million Shanghai residents over the age of 60 have received 2 doses of vaccine, accounting for 62 percent of the city's total elderly population, however only 38 percent of them have gotten a booster【加强针】.市卫生健康委表示,接种新冠疫苗对防止重症和死亡的效果非常显著。截至目前,全市60岁及以上老年人累计完成新冠疫苗全程接种超360万人,全程接种率62%,但完成加强免疫接种的人数只占38%。The commission has asked district governments to step up the vaccination drive for seniors to get the resurgence【复苏】 under control. In the districts Jinshan, Fengxian, Chongming and Qingpu, special vehicles have been sent to communities to bring the vaccines to the seniors, and temporary vaccination sites have been set up at local nursing homes. 当前各区为防止疫情复发,以"老年人"为重点,积极推进新冠疫苗接种,比如:金山、奉贤、崇明、青浦等区优化了服务模式,安排移动接种车进社区,在养老机构等设置临时接种点,提供更加便捷、温馨的接种服务。The commission also said during the resurgence, Shanghai has reported more than 12,700 COVID-19 cases in children under the age of 6, so far, 7,480 have been discharged from hospitals or medical observation. 市卫生健康委还表示,这波疫情以来,上海已有12700多例6岁以下儿童确诊,到目前为止,已经有7480人出院或解除医学观察。Zhao Dandan, Deputy Director/Shanghai Health Commission****赵丹丹 市卫生健康委副主任Most of the children are being treated at Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center and other designated hospitals【定点医院】. Some asymptomatic cases are treated at makeshift hospitals【方舱医院】 with their parents or guardians. We have deployed experienced doctors, mainly from infectious disease and respiratory departments, to take care of these children. Medical experts will check in on each patient, either virtually or in person every day and offer treatments that blend traditional Chinese and Western medicines. 他们主要收治在市公共卫生临床中心等定点医院,也有部分无症状的患儿在由监护人陪同下收治在方舱医院。医护人员主要来自儿科领域的传染科、呼吸科等相关科室,均具有丰富的临床诊治经验。各家医院专家组与市级专家组每天线上查房,及时研判病情,预防发生重症。病房内每天由高级职称医师定时带队查房,坚持中西医结合的治疗方针,根据病情及时调整治疗方案。Shanghai's daily new COVID-19 cases have been declining for six consecutive【连续的】 days.上海新增阳性感染病例已连续6天呈递减趋势。2.MOBILE LAB PROVIDES RAPID MASS TESTING****兰卫气膜实验室24小时运转 全力加快检测速度A PCR testing lab made up of 12 inflatable PCR testing rooms was set up in Baoshan district to further speed up the testing ability in the city. Lei Shuran has more. 日前,由12个气膜实验室组成的核酸检测实验室在宝山区建成,进一步提升了上海的核酸检测能力。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。This is Labway's biggest mobile laboratory in Shanghai, it consists of 12 inflatable rooms. The site has been working 24 hours a day, seven days a week since the middle of March. Located in Baoshan District, the labs handle 120,000 to 150,000 tubes everyday, making them one of the busiest PCR testing facilities in the city.作为兰卫在上海最大的移动实验室,这里总共搭建了12个气膜实验室,从3月中旬起就开始了24小时的检测。实验室坐落在宝山区,由于每天要检测12万到15万管样本,这里成为了全市日检量最高的实验室之一。Song Chunguang /Shanghai Labway Medical Laboratory****宋春光 上海兰卫医学检验所Currently, we've got four laboratories operating in Shanghai. Altogether they have a capacity of 350,000 tubes per day. We're also making efforts to add more spaces, more test equipment and more professional teams to increase total test capacity. 目前兰卫医学在上海有4套实验室,每天实际达产可以超过35万管。我们也在积极去准备新的物理空间,包括仪器设备,包括人员大幅度增援,希望在此基础上把产能进一步提升。Nearly 200 staff members work at the facility in Baoshan, and more than half of them come from Hubei Province who are mainly in charge of mass screenings. The Hubei team can test 90,000 samples per day. 宝山区气膜实验室约200名技术人员中,一半以上来自湖北援沪医疗队,主要承接大规模筛查样本。目前全队一天能完成样本检测9万管。Lu Yanjun, Team Leader/Hubei Province Nucleic Acid Testing Aid Team to SH****鲁艳军 湖北援沪核酸检测医疗队总领队Coming to Shanghai to help with COVID-19 control reminds us of the time we fought the virus in Wuhan. It's time for us to return the favor. We hope that, with the help of all the medical teams across the country we'll stop the outbreak in Shanghai as soon as possible. 到上海来支援,我们立马想到在武汉的时候,大家更多带着感恩回馈的心情,希望上海也像湖北当时一样,也能在全国的大力支援下尽快走出疫情。 Test results can be obtained in 4 to 6 hours after being sent to one of these labs.实验室获得样本之后,四到六小时即可出具检测结果。3.CHINA IS OFFERING MORE PREFERENTIAL POLICIES FOR EXPORT TAX REBATES****中国出口退税再加力China's tax authorities said today that from 2016 to 2021, the country's tax department has handled a total of 8.75 trillion yuan in export tax rebates and exemptions【免除】, an average annual growth of 7.3 percent. They added that even more policies are being introduced to solve difficulties for enterprises and stabilize foreign trade.日前,国家税务总局表示,2016年至2021年,税务部门累计办理出口退(免)税8.75万亿元,年均增长7.32%,更好地服务了外贸市场主体,更快地提升了资金流转效率,更有力地促进了外贸稳定增长。At a press conference today, the State Taxation【征税】 Administration stated that the export rebate rates for more than 1,400 kinds of products have been increased since March 20th 2020. As of the end of 2021, 94,000 businesses have benefitted, receiving a total of 37.7 billion yuan in additional tax rebates. Meanwhile, by strengthening cross department data sharing, the efficiency of processing corporate tax rebates【退税】** has increased by nearly 30 percent. In addition, new policies are being introduced for added-value tax exemption for cross border e-commerce and centralized taxation proxies.在今日的媒体发布会上,国家税务总局表示,国务院决定自2020年3月20日起,提高1400余项产品的出口退税率。截至2021年底,已经为9.4万户企业增加出口退税377亿元;同时通过强化部门数据共享、优化系统功能,企业退税申报效率提升近30%。此外,税务部门将认真落实跨境电商增值税“无票免税”和企业所得税核定征收,市场采购贸易方式出口免征增值税试点、外贸综合服务企业代办退税等支持外贸新业态新模式的政策举措。#热词加油站 booster [ˈbuːstə(r)]【加强针】resurgence [rɪˈsɜːdʒəns]【复苏】designated hospital【定点医院】makeshift hospital【方舱医院】consecutive [kənˈsekjətɪv]【连续的】exemption [ɪɡˈzempʃn]【免除】taxation [tækˈseɪʃn]【征税】tax rebates【退税】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~