NEWS ON 04/271.MORE THAN 500 NEW PCR TEST SITES SET UP ACROSS SHANGHAI上海新建逾500个常态化核酸采样点**2.RUSSIAN COMPANY DONATES COOKIES, CANDIES TO RESIDENTS“甜蜜”守“沪”,俄罗斯企业为居民赠送“甜点礼包”3.W.H.O. URGES COUNTRIES TO MAINTAIN SURVEILLANCE OF CORONAVIRUS INFECTIONS世卫组织呼吁各国继续监测新冠病毒****-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.MORE THAN 500 NEW PCR TEST SITES SET UP ACROSS SHANGHAI上海新建逾500个常态化核酸采样点The city's health commission yesterday announced that in preparation for more rapid resumption【恢复】 of work and production in Shanghai, a total of 534 newly added PCR testing sites were set up across the city. Lei Shuran has more.为加速上海复工复产做好准备,市卫健委昨日公布了本市建立的新一批采样点,共534个点位。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。This PCR test site at Qiaoziwan, Qingpu District was put into operation on April 21st, and has conducted nearly 2,300 tests so far. During off-peak hours, the entire testing process takes less than a minute. Ample【宽敞的】 space, good ventilation【通风】 and strong signal reception are the common features shared by these testing spots. The locations of these sites were chosen based on factors such as population density and functional layout.青浦区的桥梓湾常态化核酸检测点从4月21日开始投入运行,目前已经检测了将近2300人次。非高峰时期,整个检测过程不超过一分钟。场地空旷、通风良好、信号强,这是便民采样点的共同特点。此外,检测点的选址还需要考量人口密度和功能布局等因素。保供人员We need to do PCR test everyday. This place is convenient, it is on my way to work. 我们每天都需要做核酸。这个地方方便一点,因为我正好上班路过。Yu Xiaodong, Deputy Director/Yingpu Sub-district Office, Qingpu District****喻晓东 青浦区盈浦街道办事处副主任There are more than 300 shops around this testing spot, as well as several large residential compounds【居民区】. After achieving dynamic zero【动态清零】, this test site will be able to serve residents as well as employees headed back to work. 我们这个检测点周边一共有300余家商铺,周边还有几个比较大的居民小区。实现社会面清零以后,这个点位可以为我们居民以及返岗人员提供采样的需求。With two staff taking samples, two more handling registration, and several staff maintaining order, this test site in Hongkou District has sampled more than 400 people during its first morning of operations.在虹口区的这个采样点,两名工作人员负责取样,另外两名负责登记,还有几名工作人员负责维持秩序,第一天上午就已完成400多人的采样。Zhu Wen, Director of Operations/Shanghai Zhongke Runda Precision Medical****朱文 中科润达医学检验实验室有限公司运营总监The test samples are transported every two hours by professional logistics【后勤,物流】** personnel to the laboratory for testing, and a report can be issued within 4 to 6 hours. 每两个小时由专业的物流人员将样本运输到实验室进行检测,4-6个小时就能发布报告。Citizens can check for a test site close to them through the city's official Wechat account shanghaifabu or on the official accounts of each district. 市民可通过微信公众号“上海发布”或各区官方帐号了解点位信息,需要时就近检测。2.RUSSIAN COMPANY DONATES COOKIES, CANDIES TO RESIDENTS**“甜蜜”守“沪”,俄罗斯企业为居民赠送“甜点礼包”**During the lockdown, foreign enterprises have also been swinging into action to help out. The Russian United Confectioners Company is one of them, they've been donating boxes of snacks to residents. 疫情期间,外国企业也行动起来,提供援助。俄罗斯联合糖果集团就是其中之一,他们为居民捐赠了零食。The donations were provided by the Russian United Confectioners Company. So far, the company has sent more than 12,000 boxes of cookies and jelly candies to 14 residential compounds. And another 7,700 boxes are expected to be delivered to places including makeshift hospitals and nursing homes.这些都是俄罗斯联合糖果集团赠送的物资。目前,该公司已经为14个小区捐赠超过12,000 份曲奇和软糖,并准备继续为方舱医院及养老院派发7,700套物资。 **Aleksandr Sadikov, Chief Operations Officer/ Uniconf Trading Shanghai Co., Ltd.*This idea came from my colleagues. When the pandemic started, they came up with an idea to help people. Back in Russia, at our head office, we constantly take part in different social support events. Let’s say it’s our DNA to help people around us.这其实是我同事的主意,疫情暴发之后,他们就想到要为居民提供帮助。在我们俄罗斯总部,我们也经常参加不同的社会互助活动,可以说助人为乐是我们的基因。 There are a lot of people here in Shanghai who need help and support. As a company, we feel like very big social responsibility, and it’s kind of our duty to provide help to people in such complicated times.现在在上海有很多人需要帮助和支持,作为一家企业,这是我们的责任和义务去帮助身处困境中的人们。 Some of our colleagues have volunteered to stay at the warehouse to organize all the deliveries. They are basically living there. It’s our first time but definitely not the last one because we are getting very warm answers and replies with very nice greetings. And it makes you feel happy when you can see the results of your work and results of your actions in such a good way.我们一些同事主动要求住在仓库帮助派发物资,他们一直住在里面。这是我们第一次这样做,但绝不是最后一次,因为我们收到了很多温暖的回应和问候,看到我们的行为和付出得到肯定,我们感到非常开心。 It was amazing to see how community here helps each other during such rough time. Like a lot of guys who are living there, they will also volunteer to help to pull these boxes and give to pretty old people.令人赞叹的是,社区居民在这样困难的时期团结互助,很多住在小区的居民主动帮忙分发物资,把甜点分给爷爷奶奶和社区行动不便的老人。 I hope it was a next step of developing this kind of good relationship between Russia and China, Russians and Chinese people. We will continue to do it until the lockdown is over, and we’ll be sure that everyone is safe and back to normal life.我希望我们这样做能够增进俄罗斯和中国,以及我们两国人民之间的情谊。在疫情结束之前,我们会把这件事一直做下去,我们也相信每个人都能平安渡过难关,如常的生活也一定能回来。3.W.H.O. URGES COUNTRIES TO MAINTAIN SURVEILLANCE OF CORONAVIRUS INFECTIONS*世卫组织呼吁各国继续监测新冠病毒**The World Health Organization yesterday urged countries to maintain surveillance【监测】 of coronavirus infections, saying the world was "blind" to how the virus is spreading because of falling testing rates.昨日世卫组织呼吁所有国家继续保持对新冠病毒的监测,并指出随着许多国家减少新冠病毒检测,越来越难以察觉病毒的传播模式和变异情况。The WHO says it is receiving less and less information about transmission and sequencing as many countries have reduced their testing capacity. According to data from the United States' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least 58 percent of the US population has natural antibodies【抗体】 from a previous coronavirus infection. That means more than 190 million people in the US have been infected, which is far more than the 81 million infections that was previously reported. The White House announced yesterday that US Vice President Kamala Harris tested positive for coronavirus, but was not showing any symptoms. 随着许多国家减少新冠病毒检测,世卫组织收到的病毒传播和基因序列信息越来越少。根据美国疾病控制和预防中心的数据,至少58%美国人体内已有因感染新冠病毒产生的抗体。按人口规模估算,大致相当于逾1.9亿美国人已感染过新冠,这远远超过了之前报告的8100万例感染者。昨日白宫发言人称,美国副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯新冠病毒检测结果呈阳性,但目前没有出现任何症状。#热词加油站 resumption /rɪˈzʌmpʃn/【恢复】ample/ˈæmpl/【宽敞的】ventilation /ˌventɪˈleɪʃn/【通风】residential compound【居民区】dynamic zero【动态清零】logistics /ləˈdʒɪstɪks/【后勤;物流】 surveillance/sɜːˈveɪləns/【监测】antibody/ˈæntibɒdi/【抗体】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~