cover of episode 04/28 SHLIVE | TOP OF THE DAY 绝美超级月亮/熊猫公交车/上海国际艺术节

04/28 SHLIVE | TOP OF THE DAY 绝美超级月亮/熊猫公交车/上海国际艺术节

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NEWS ON 04/28 1.FIRST SUPERMOONOF 2021 LIGHTS UP THE NIGHT SKY 全球各地的超级月亮,你pick哪一款? 2.PANDA BUSES HITTHE STREETS OF SHANGHAI 熊猫公交车——上海公交的“呆萌”担当 3.ARTRA TO DEBUTIN JUNE 上海国际艺术节来啦,打造没有边界的艺术乐园! 喜欢我们的小伙伴记得点赞评论+关注哦!

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Welcome to thisedition of ShanghaiLive, I’m He Jian / ICS News Anchor. 欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是何健/ICS主播。 1.FIRST SUPERMOON OF2021 LIGHTS UP THE NIGHT SKY 全球各地的超级月亮,你pick哪一款? The year’s first supermoon【超级月亮】 appeared yesterday, illuminating【照亮】 night skies around the world. 今年第一轮"超级月亮"昨天现身全球多地夜空,呈现缤纷色彩。 A supermoon refersto a full moon that occurs when the moon’s orbit is closest to Earth making it appear largerthan usual. According to NASA, this year’s super moon has been called a "pink" supermoon, as it appears in April and named after an American plant that blooms inSpringtime called the "pink phlox". The extra-large moon glowed overlandmarks in Sydney, New Delhi, Istanbul and Berlin. The moon was also clearlyvisible over the cities in Argentina, Venezuela, and Chile. 超级月亮是指当月球按椭圆轨道运行至近地点时出现的满月。由于月亮离地球近,人们看到的满月也比平时大。美国国家航空航天局称,今年的超级月亮被称为“粉色”月亮,这个名字来源于一种春季开花的美国本土植物“粉红福禄考”。超级月亮与悉尼、新德里、伊斯坦布尔和柏林等各地的著名地标交相辉映,在阿根廷、委内瑞拉和智利的各个城市,民众也可以一睹超级月亮的风采。 2.PANDA BUSES HITTHE STREETS OF SHANGHAI 熊猫公交车——上海公交的“呆萌”担当 The first"panda buses" can now be seen driving along riverside areas in thedistricts of Huangpu and Xuhui, attracting curious passengers. 在上海黄浦区和徐汇区滨江一带,首批“熊猫公交车”沿岸穿行,吸引了众多乘客。 As the namesuggests【顾名思义】, each panda bus is painted black andwhite. The headlights are designed to look like panda eyes with dark circles.There are also two small round black ears on the roof. Each panda bus has 27seats, as well as a barrier-free area for wheelchairs near the rear door. Sincethe buses are used on a sightseeing【观光】 route, the windows are larger, making it easier forpassengers to get good views of the scenery. “车如其名”,每辆熊猫公交车都是黑白相间的。公交车的前照灯就像有黑眼圈的熊猫眼睛,车顶上还装有两个圆圆的黑耳朵。每辆熊猫公交车有27个座位,后门附近还设有轮椅无障碍区。由于熊猫公交车是旅游观光型公交车,因此它的窗户面积更大,以方便乘客欣赏风景。 3.ARTRA TO DEBUTIN JUNE 上海国际艺术节来啦,打造没有边界的艺术乐园! The Center forChina Shanghai International Arts Festival will launch a new event called"Artra" in June. As a side event of the Arts Festival, the eventfeatures three shows aimed at younger audiences. Reporter Zhang Hong takes alook. 上海国际艺术节将于6月推出名为“Artra自定艺”的全新品牌。作为艺术节的周边活动,“Artra”将推出三个面向年轻观众的节目。以下是记者张泓的报道。 "Integrate"will make its debut【首次亮相】 and is the creation of Chinese-American choreographerShen Wei. It features Shen’s paintings and installations, followed by videos projected on fourgiant screens before ending with a contemporary dance. The show will be stagedat West Bund Dome, which is part of the West Bund Dream Center. 美籍华裔编舞家沈伟创作的多媒体互动展演《融》将举行全球首演。沈伟以绘画元素和装置元素作为演出开场;紧接着,四面巨型屏幕会播放一段影像;最后是一曲现代舞。该剧将在西岸上海梦中心的西岸穹顶艺术中心上演。 Chen Anda, DeputyGeneral Manager Shanghai West BundDevelopment Group Co. 陈安达, 副总经理 上海西岸开发(集团)有限公司 The West Bund isknown for its cluster of museums showcasing static forms of art. In the future,the West Bund Dream Center will have theaters to present dynamic【动态的】 forms of art. Shen Wei’s work is an integration of various arts.We want to make the West Bund a place with an assortment of artforms. 以前西岸更多的是美术馆,偏向静态展示,未来的剧场、演艺中心更多偏向动态的,我们希望梦中心特别单元能够呈现更多元的文化方向。沈伟这个项目不仅是舞蹈,在我们看来更是跨界的艺术融合项目,预示西岸的文化线索从单向的以美术馆静态展示为主向更多元、更动态、更跨界的方向延伸的趋势。 "Apologue2047 Selected" by film director Zhang Yimou will be staged at ShanghaiGrand Theater. It combines Chinese folk art with audiovisual【视听的】 technology. Also in June, a concert named"No-boundary Playground" will be held featuring young singers and dancersfrom a popular reality show and ZideGuqin Studio, which attracted more 2.5million hits on Bilibili for a video of one of its performances. 由电影导演张艺谋执导的舞台剧《对话·寓言2047》将在上海大剧院上演。该剧结合了中国民间艺术和现代声像技术。此外,音乐会“没有边界的游乐场”将于今年6月举行,汇集了来自国内爆款真人秀以及“自得琴社”的年轻歌手和舞者。“自得琴社”的演出视频在视频网站哔哩哔哩上的播放量超过250万次。 YangJialu, VicePresident The Center forChina Shanghai Int’l Arts Festival 杨女士,副总裁 中国上海国际艺术节中心 The China ShanghaiInternational Arts Festival is held every October and lasts for one month. Itfeatures operas, dramas and ballets, which are classic performances that tendto attract older spectators【观众】. We want the side event "Artra" to be morecreative and attract younger people. 上海国际艺术节于每年十月开幕,为期一个月。传统演出形式包括歌剧、戏剧、芭蕾等,面向的受众年龄较大,所以我们想在每年上半年五六月份办一个艺术节的副品牌artra,通过前瞻、先锋、多元融合、艺术与科技融合的表演形式,主动拥抱年轻群体,使观众群破圈、下沉。 Tickets for"Apologue 2047 Selected" are now available online, while tickets for"Integrate" go on sale tomorrow and those for "No-boundaryPlayground" on May 8th. 舞台剧《对话·寓言2047》门票现已开启线上发售,多媒体互动展演《融》门票明起发售,而音乐会“没有边界的游乐场”门票将于5月8日起售。 #热词加油站 supermoon【超级月亮】 illuminate[ɪˈluːmɪneɪt]【照亮】 as the namesuggests【顾名思义】 sightseeing[ˈsaɪtsiːɪŋ]【观光】 debut[ˈdeɪbjuː]【首次亮相】 dynamic[daɪˈnæmɪk]【动态的】 audiovisual[ˌɔːdiəʊˈvɪʒuəl]【视听的】 spectator[spekˈteɪtə(r)]【观众】 更多视频内容,欢迎订阅我们的油管频道↓↓↓