NEWS ON 04/26 1.SLIGHT INCREASE OF COVID INFECTIONS REPORTED IN CHINA 国务院联防联控机制:全国短期内出现规模性疫情可能性较小 2.2023 SH VIRTUAL SPORTS OPEN BEGINS 2023赛季SVS上海虚拟体育公开赛开幕 3.EVACUATION OF CHINESE NATIONALS FROM SUDAN CONTINUES 外交部:正组织中国公民通过海路向苏丹周边国家转移 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.*SLIGHT INCREASE OF COVID INFECTIONS REPORTED IN CHINA 国务院联防联控机制:全国短期内出现规模性疫情可能性较小 The National Administration of Disease Control and Prevention said today that there has been a slight increase of coronavirus infections in some areas in the country, but a large-scale outbreak is unlikely during the Labor Day holiday. Zhang Hong tells us more. 4月26日,国家疾控局表示,个别地区疫情有小幅上升的迹象,但在“五一”假期期间不太可能出现大规模的爆发。记者张泓带来详细报道。 The administration said there are pockets of infections in various regions. 国家疾控局表示,各地疫情处于局部零星散发状态。 He Qinghua, *Official with the *National Administration of Disease Control and Prevention 贺青华国家疾控局传防司一级巡视员 “4月中旬以后,单日阳性数和阳性占比均呈小幅上升态势。感染者主要集中在三类人群:一是未被感染人群,二是免疫水平已经下降的人群,三是存在免疫缺陷人群。‘五一’假期人员大规模的流动可能会增加疫情传播的风险,但是造成规模性疫情传播的可能性小。” “Since mid-April, new infections have been on the rise slightly. The infected patients are mainly those who haven't been infected before, those who have a lower immunity level, and those who have immune deficiency【缺陷】. Travel during the Labor Day holiday is likely to increase the risk of transmission, but there is little possibility of a large-scale outbreak.” A CDC researcher said there have been no reports of people developing severe symptoms or an increase of deaths due to the XXB.1.16 variant. 中国疾控中心一名研究员称,还没有因感染XBB.1.16而导致重症入院和死亡增加的报道。 Chen Cao, Researcher* of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention 陈操中国疾控中心病毒病所研究员 “本土病例中XBB变异株占比增长明显,从3月初的1.5%增加到4月10日至19日这一周的18%。从总体上看,本土病例仍以BA.5.2和BF.7及其亚分支为主。目前证据显示,XBB.1.16的全球流行风险低于XBB.1.5和其他正在流行的变异株。” “Locally transmitted XBB infections are on the rise. From April 10th to 19th, they accounted for 18% of all infections, an increase from 1.5% in early March. Locally transmitted COVID cases are still mainly the BA.5.2, and BF.7 strains. The global prevalence of XBB.1.16 is lower than XBB.1.5 and other dominant variants.” People are reminded to wear a mask, wash their hands frequently, and monitor their health status. The National Health Commission said it has urged hospitals to be well-prepared and ensure that emergency clinics are open 24-7. 专家提醒人们出行仍要戴口罩,勤洗手,监测自己的健康状况。国家卫健委称,已敦促医院做好充分准备,并确保急诊24小时开放。 2*.2023 SH VIRTUAL SPORTS OPEN BEGINS 2023赛季SVS上海虚拟体育公开赛开幕 The 2023 season of the Shanghai Virtual Sports Open has started this week. This year's prize pool exceeds 1 million yuan. Zhang Yue has more. 2023赛季的上海虚拟体育公开赛已于本周开幕。今年的奖金池超过100万元人民币。记者张乐带来详细报道。 Skiing was the first event.It was held at a shopping mall in Pudong so that more people could watch for free. The ski simulator replicates skiing movements, and helps participants improve their skills. 滑雪赛作为揭幕战,在浦东的一个购物中心举行,以便更多的人免费观看。滑雪模拟器能够模拟滑雪动作,从而帮助参赛选手提高技能。 Participant 参赛选手 “滑雪门槛有点高,说实话,上海滑雪资源比较欠缺一点,虚拟比赛可以让上海更多雪友来参与这项活动。天气原因什么的都不用考虑,就一直在这个(滑雪机)上面,很方便,随时来都可以比。” “Skiing is an expensive sport, and it has a higher entry threshold compared to basketball or football. Shanghai doesn't get enough snow, but I feel like I am in the Alps now, and I can practice anytime.” Virtual golf, rowing, racing, and cycling are the other events in the Virtual Sports Open. Cycling and rowing winners will be determined through a league, while skiing, golf, and racing will be open to anyone of any age. Students from eight universities will be competing with each other in the cycling events. 2023赛季还包含虚拟高尔夫球、虚拟赛艇、虚拟赛车和虚拟自行车四大项目。虚拟自行车与虚拟赛艇两大项目全赛季将通过“联赛制”的方式打造精品赛事。虚拟滑雪、虚拟高尔夫球、虚拟赛车则面向广大体育爱好者开放报名。虚拟自行车联赛“高校赛”部分将邀请来自八所大学的自行车队参与竞速角逐。 Yang Yibin, General Manager of* Juss Sports 杨亦斌上海久事体育产业发展(集团)有限公司总经理 “虚拟体育为未来体育产业的发展一定是打开了一个新的空间,它可以通过一些技术手段把原来传统体育、传统赛事的价值从线下延伸到线上。虚拟体育可以通过新的科技手段来降低大家参与体育赛事的门槛。未来,有可能形成比较独特的体育生态系统,而且最关键的是,未来可能在元宇宙当中,虚拟体育会成为它非常重要的内容。” “Even though virtual sports cannot compare to real sports, they make it easier for people to participate in their favorite sports as the games remove the space and time barriers. It also allows for innovation with new technologies and game-play style, creating exciting experiences for players.” Eight professional clubs have been invited to the rowing event. Registration for golf and cycling is still open, and residents can apply for a spot on the Juss Sports app. 虚拟赛艇联赛邀请了全国8家专业赛艇俱乐部角逐国内首个虚拟赛艇联赛冠军。虚拟高尔夫球赛和虚拟自行车联赛的报名仍然开放,用户可以在“久事体育APP”上参与报名。 Virtual sports have become more acceptable in the past several years. The International Olympic Committee has hosted its first-ever virtual sporting event series ahead of the Tokyo Games, where 250,000 competitors from 100 countries and regions played in virtual versions of motorsports, cycling, baseball, sailing, and rowing. The 7-month-long Shanghai Virtual Sports Open will run until the end of October. 在过去的几年里,虚拟体育越来越被大众所接受。国际奥委会在东京奥运会之前举办了首届奥林匹克虚拟系列赛,吸引了来自100多个国家和地区的25万多名选手参加虚拟赛车、自行车、棒球、帆船和赛艇等比赛。为期7个月的上海虚拟体育公开赛将持续到10月底。 3**.**EVACUATION OF CHINESE NATIONALS FROM SUDAN CONTINUES 外交部:正组织中国公民通过海路向苏丹周边国家转移 Despite the announcement of a truce【休战】, the violence in Sudan continues. the Chinese Foreign Ministry said today that the evacuation of Chinese nationals from Sudan is still underway. Around 800 people have been evacuated by sea and another 300 by land to neighboring countries since April 25th. According to the latest data from Sudan's health ministry, at least 460 people have been killed and over 4,000 others injured since the beginning of the conflict. Stephen Rancourt has the story. 尽管宣布了休战,但苏丹的暴力事件仍在继续。外交部于4月26日表示,协助在苏丹中国公民转移撤离工作仍在进行中。自4月25日以来,约有800人通过海路撤离,另有300余人从陆路撤离到苏丹周边国家。根据苏丹卫生部的最新数据,冲突已造成至少460人死亡,另有4000多人受伤。记者Stephen Rancourt带来详细报道。 In the capital city of Khartoum, airstrikes and heavy shelling continue. The World Health Organization said there was a "high risk of biological hazard" in Khartoum after one of the warring parties seized a national laboratory. 在苏丹首都喀土穆,空袭和猛烈炮击仍在继续。世界卫生组织警告称,苏丹国家公共卫生实验室已被冲突中的一方控制,喀土穆存在“高度生物危害风险”。 Dr. Nima Saeed Abid, World Health Organization Representative in Sudan 尼玛·赛义德·阿比德 世卫组织驻苏丹代表 “There isa high risk of biological hazards because in that lab we have already isolate we have measles isolates as well as cholera isolates. So, with the electricity shut down and with no technician taking care of all these.” “情况非常危险。被占领的实验室存放有麻疹和霍乱等疾病的分离物或样本,由于停电且没有技术人员,这些材料无法被妥善管理。” Streets are empty and shops are closed in Khartoum. The WHO believes nearly 15 million people in Sudan need emergency humanitarian support. 受冲突影响,喀土穆沿街商铺已全部关闭,街道上空空如也。世卫组织预计,苏丹全国有近1500万人需要紧急人道主义支持。 Khartoum Resident 喀土穆居民 “Our current food supplies are almost finished.Regarding the water, we wait for the truce times in order to go out, to bring water.” “我们现在已经几乎没有食物了。至于饮用水,只能等停火的时候出门装水回家。” Hundreds of civilians chose to flee to neighboring countries. At the Egypt-Sudan border, people waited for over 12 hours to cross into Egypt. 数百名平民选择逃往邻国。在埃及-苏丹边境,人们等待了12个多小时才进入埃及。 Sudanese Refugee 苏丹难民 “I've been at the border for over 14 hours, it has been closed since last night and we haven't been able to cross. There's no food or water and I haven't eaten in almost two days.” “我已经在边境呆了14个多小时了,从昨天晚上开始就关闭了,我们一直没能过关。没有食物和水,我几乎两天没吃东西了。” China's permanent representative to the United Nations yesterday called on the warring parties in Sudan to promptly end hostilities. 中国常驻联合国代表昨天呼吁苏丹冲突双方尽快停火。 Zhang Jun, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations 张军中国常驻联合国代表 “希望双方确保人道停火执行到位,切实保护平民,保护在苏丹外国机构、人员和外交使团安全,为人道救援和人员撤离转移提供安全保障和后勤便利。” “We hope that the **humanitarian【人道主义的】*truce will hold, civilians will be effectively protected, the safety of foreign institutions, personnel, and diplomatic missions in the country will be ensured, and security and logistics support will be provided for humanitarian aid and personnel *evacuation【撤离】*and relocation.” Zhang warned that if the current situation drags on and escalates【(使)升级】, there will undoubtedly be a higher risk of spillover. This is not in the interests of Sudan, and will harm regional peace and security. 张军警告称,如果当前冲突延宕升级,势将造成更大外溢风险,不符合苏丹的利益,也将危及地区和平稳定。 #热词加油站 deficiency/dɪˈfɪʃ(ə)nsi/【缺陷】 truce/truːs/【休战】 humanitarian/hjuːˌmænɪˈteəriən/【人道主义的】 *e**vacuation/ɪˌvækjuˈeɪʃ(ə)n/【撤离】 escalate/ˈeskəleɪt/*【(使)升级】* 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~