cover of episode 04/27 SHLIVE | TOP OF THE DAY 致敬牺牲消防员/黑龙江野生东北虎/骆驼图书馆

04/27 SHLIVE | TOP OF THE DAY 致敬牺牲消防员/黑龙江野生东北虎/骆驼图书馆

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NEWS ON 04/27

  3. CAMEL LIBRARY IN PAKISTAN BRINGS BOOKS TOKIDS DURING PANDEMIC 巴基斯坦:传递爱心的“骆驼图书馆” Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I’m He Jian / ICS News Anchor. 欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是何健,我是爱新觉罗贝 /ICS 主播。 1.COLLEAGUES, FAMILY MOURN FIREFIGHTERS WHO DIED IN LINE OF DUTY 向英雄致敬!纪念金山4.22火灾牺牲消防员 AShanghai fire department has confirmed that two of its firefighters,33-year-old Feng Chenmin and 25-year-old Tang Weijia sacrificed their liveswhile putting out a blaze【火焰】 at a warehouse insuburban Jinshan district last week. Song Wenjing tells us more about theheroes. 昨日,上海消防政工微信公众号发布了 22日金山区厂房火灾中英勇牺牲的两名消防员的信息,他们的名字是丰晨敏、汤伟佳,分别只有33岁和25岁。请听记者宋雯婧报道。 Onthe afternoon of April 22nd, a warehouse used to store electronics accessoriescaught fire on Linsheng Road. While battling the blaze, Feng, Tang and otherfirefighters entered the warehouse【仓库】to save people trapped inside. The fire changed suddenly at 3:30pm, causingFeng and Tang to lose contact with their colleagues. They were later found tohave collapsed on the warehouse’s third floor. One camera captured the lastfootage of them as they entered the warehouse. 4月22日下午,位于金山区林盛路上的一座电子零部件仓库发生火灾。在灭火的同时,丰晨敏、汤伟佳和其他几名消防员进入仓库对被困人员实施救援。下午三点半,火情突然变化,丰晨敏和汤伟佳与其他队友失去了联络。后经搜救,二人被发现倒在三楼救援现场,摄像机记录下了他们进入火场前的最后画面。 FengChenmin was born in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province. He joined the Shanghai firedepartment in 2007. He had taken part in more than 4,000 rescue missions andhad won three awards. He had written in his diary that honor is a part of afirefighter’s responsibility. 丰晨敏出生于浙江衢州,于2007年加入上海消防支队,入伍以来共参与各类灭火救援战斗和社会救助行动4000余起,先后荣获嘉奖3次。在日记中,丰晨敏写道:“荣誉代表着我们消防员的职责。” Interviewee:Ai Bixian, Jinshan District Jinwei Fire Rescue Station 受访者:艾必先 上海市金山区金卫消防救援站特勤分队三班班长 “Fengalways told us to keep ourselves safe, and not to run around. He always kept aneye on us.” “出警的时候,他一直强调的就是一定要安全,不要乱跑。他一直跟在我们的后面。” Interviewee:Zheng Fangcheng, Jinshan District Jinwei Fire Rescue Station 受访者:郑方成 上海市金山区金卫消防救援站站长 “He never admitted defeat. He always wanted to do better than others. He was verystrict with himself.” “他不服输,什么事情都要做得比别人好,对自身的要求非常非常严格。” Feng’smother was understandably heart broken to learn of his fate. 可以想见,丰晨敏母亲对儿子的牺牲十分悲痛。 Interviewee:Wang Juxiang, Feng Chenmin’s Mother 受访者:汪菊香 丰晨敏母亲 “Ifelt that my world collapsed, but we cannot change reality. He chose thiscareer. He sacrificed himself for others. That’s part of his duty.” “我感到天都塌下来了,但现实无法改变。他选择这份职业,为人民而牺牲,这也是他崇高的职业。” TangWeijia was born in Shanghai’s Jinshan District. He became a firefighter in2014, and had taken part in more than 600 missions and was credited【表彰】 with saving at least 20 people’slives. He had won 7 awards during his career. Tang was actually on vacation theday of the warehouse fire. He had gone to the fire station to prepare for asporting event. When the fire alarm sounded, he didn’t hesitate to go. 汤伟佳是上海金山人,2014年1月参加消防救援工作。入职以来参与处置各类灾害事故600余起,营救被困群众20人,先后7次荣获嘉奖。4月22日火灾当天,汤伟佳正在休假。他回到消防站准备接下来的运动会,但是当警铃响起时,他毫不犹豫加入了行动。 Interviewee:Li Tao, Jinshan Fire Detachment Zhangyan Rescue Station 受访者:李涛 金山区张堰消防救援站特勤二班班长 “Ikept calling his name on the radio at the scene of the fire. I was desperatefor an answer, but there was no response.” “我用电台一直在喊着他的名字,就想听到他给我回复一句。但是叫了很久很久,一遍一遍, 就是没有回应。” Interviewee:Fan Xiaodong, Jinshan Fire Detachment Zhangyan Rescue Station 受访者:范小东 金山消防救援支队张堰救援站特勤二班班长 “Therewas a fire station close to the vocational school Tang went to for thepetrochemical industry. He heard the fire engine sirens and saw thefirefighters often. It had a big impact on him and he decided to become afirefighter.” “石化工业学校南边就是学府特勤站。他在读书的时候一直听到警铃,一直看到消防员们出警,那时候就受到了影响,最后他自己成为了一名消防员。” Tang’sexample led his cousin to becoming a firefighter in Jinshan. 受到哥哥影响,汤伟佳的表弟也成为了金山的一名消防员。 Interviewee:Liu Jiacheng, Jinshan Detachment Tinglin Rescue Station 受访者:刘佳成 上海市金山消防支队亭林救援站特勤一班消防员 “Ican no longer fight side by side with my cousin. His strong spirit and couragewill inspire me to keep safeguarding people’s lives and property in place ofhim.” “现在我长大了,也加入了消防员这个职业,但是不能和哥哥一起战斗了。我会秉承哥哥的优良传统,继承哥哥的勇气,代替他继续监守,保卫人民群众财产生命安全。” Tang’sfamily hasn’t been able to break the news of his death to his paternalgrandmother out of fear of how much it will hurt her. 汤伟佳的家人担心奶奶无法承受伤痛,选择了暂时保密。
  4. TIGERCAUGHT AFTER ATTACKING WOMAN 东北虎“完达山1号”出没 已进行隔离监控 ASiberian tiger that attacked a villager on Friday in Mi Shan, Heilongjiang Province has been captured andsent to the China Hengdaohezi ’Fe-line BreedingCenter in Mudanjiang. Song Wenjing hasmore. 周五,在黑龙江密山市,一只东北虎袭击了当地村民。该虎已被捕捉,并送至牡丹江市的横道河子猫科动物饲养繁育中心。请听记者宋雯婧报道。 Thetiger attacked Li Chunxiang while she was working on a farm. She was reportedlyin a stable condition after she was sent to a local hospital for surgery totreat her wounds. The male tiger was shot with tranquilizer【镇静剂】 darts and taken to the breedingcenter. The tiger, aged around 3 years, suffered no trauma【外伤;精神损伤】. It weighs 225 kilograms and hasbeen placed in quarantine for 45 days in an area monitored 24 hours a day. Thebig cat has been acting normally according to reports. The Russian Academy ofSciences said the tiger crossed into Russian territory from China last Thursdayand returned to China early on Friday. Experts said they had not yet determinedwhere it came from originally. 被老虎扑倒的村民叫做李春香,当时她正在劳作,经当地医院处理伤口后情况稳定。警方随后用麻醉针控制住了这只雄性东北虎,并将它送至繁育中心。该虎约3岁左右,没有外伤,重225公斤,需进行45天隔离检疫观察。报告显示,该东北虎表现正常。俄罗斯科学院称,这只老虎周四跨过边境来到了俄罗斯,周五又回到了中国境内。专家表示,暂不知晓老虎从哪里来。 Interviewee:Zhang Minghai, Director at National Forestry and Grassland Administration 受访者:张明海 国家林业和草原局猫科动物研究中心主任 “Itis inferred that the tiger recently moved in the border area between China andRussia, but we can’t make any conclusion about which side it came from until weget the result of provenance【起源,出处】 identification.” “这只东北虎近日在中俄边境活动,但在得到示踪结果之前,我们还推断不出它来自哪里。” Theanimal was found in an abandoned house in Linhu on Friday morning afterattacking Li. Experts said the number of Siberian tigers has increased inChina, which shows the environment is improving. 在袭击了李女士后,周五早晨,在临湖的一处废弃房屋发现了这只东北虎。专家表示,我国境内东北虎数量增加,标志着生态环境正在改善。 3.CAMEL LIBRARY IN PAKISTAN BRINGS BOOKS TO KIDS DURING PANDEMIC 巴基斯坦:传递爱心的“骆驼图书馆” The founder of the Camel Libraryproject in Pakistan hopes to expand it to cover more villages and is lookinginto funding. The country closed its schools due to the pandemic, sending over50 million students home in March of last year. 在巴基斯坦,“骆驼图书馆”项目的发起人贾拉勒希望继续扩大这个项目,以覆盖更多的村庄,并正在寻求资金支持。自去年三月,疫情在巴基斯坦蔓延,当地政府关闭了学校,5000多万学生无法上学。 The Camel Library project beganin Pakistan last August, helping children in remote areas to continue learning.Camel Ro-shan carries the books to four different villages in the district ofKach, making the journey on alternate【交替的】week days. Children choose the books they like and return them when Ro-shanreturns. Village schools have re-opened, but local officials say they have receivedmany more requests for the library to continue due to its popularity. 去年八月起,“骆驼图书馆”项目启动,帮助偏远地区的孩子们阅读和学习。每隔一周,骆驼“罗山”会带着书本走遍4个偏远村庄,而孩子们可以选择他们喜欢的书带回家阅读,等到下周再归还。尽管现在村里的学校已经重新开学,但当地官员表示,他们还是收到了更多要求骆驼图书馆继续服务的请求。

#热词加油站 blaze  [bleɪz]【火焰】 warehouse['wer.haʊs]【仓库】 credit['kredɪt]【表彰】 tranquilizer['træŋkwə.laɪzər]【镇静剂】 trauma['trɔmə]【外伤;精神损伤】 provenance['prɑvənəns]【起源,出处】 alternate['ɔltər.neɪt]【交替的】