NEWS ON 04/25 1.DRAFT LAW CALLS FOR PROTECTION OF QINGHAI-TIBET PLATEAU 青藏高原生态保护法草案进入三审 2.FIRST BIG AUTO SHOW OF 2023 EXCITES FOREIGN EXHIBITORS 上海车展:2023年首届大型车展**“点燃”外国参展商激情** ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1**.DRAFT LAW CALLS FOR PROTECTION OF QINGHAI-TIBET PLATEAU 青藏高原生态保护法草案进入三审 A draft law plans to improve the protection of snowcapped mountains, glaciers and frozen soil on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It was submitted to an ongoing session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for a third reading yesterday. 青藏高原生态保护法草案计划加强对雪山、冰川和冻土的保护。4月24日,该草案提请十四届全国人大常委会会议第三次审议。 The draft law calls for policies to restrict human encroachment【侵犯】on snowcapped mountains and glaciers in order to protect these resources and the ecosystems around them. The Constitution and Law Committee has also adopted suggestions to increase penalties for breaking the law. Individuals who drop litter on the plateau will be fined up to 10,000 yuan. 该法律草案提出制定政策,严格控制人为扰动雪山冰川,以保护这些资源及其周围的生态系统。宪法和法律委员会还通过了从重处罚违法行为的建议。在高原上随意倾倒、抛撒生活垃圾的个人,将处以最高一万元罚款。 2.FIRST BIG AUTO SHOW OF 2023 EXCITES FOREIGN EXHIBITORS 上海车展:2023年首届大型车展“点燃”外国参展商激情** As the first top tier auto show in the world this year, Auto Shanghai is in the spotlight. For the first time in 4 years, a broad international audience and exhibitors have been brought together and discuss about the future of the automobile industry. Zhang Shixuan has more. 作为今年世界上第一个顶级车展,上海车展成为全球焦点。四年来广大国际观众和参展商首次汇聚一堂,讨论汽车行业的未来。记者张诗旋带来详细报道。 They are all here, at the 360,000-square-meter auto show--watching new models from emerging Chinese brands and communicating with business partners. 观展者齐聚一堂,在36万平方米的车展上,参观新兴中国品牌的新车型,与商业伙伴进行交流。 “For the time being, I'm still curious, to get an overview over the market. And therefore, I'm really keen to see all the exhibitions of the local producers.” **“**目前,我仍然很好奇,想了解(中国)市场的概况。因此,我真的想来看看当地生产商的所有展览。” “It’s actually my first time in China. And I think it's very interesting to see especially how the German brands are preparing or presenting themselves here in China, because they of course have a lot to overcome from past time.” “这是我第一次来中国。我觉得看到德国品牌在中国是如何准备或展示自己非常有趣,因为它们当然要克服过去的很多问题。” The broad international audience brings a huge potential market for auto suppliers. They include German-**headquartered【以……为总部所在地的】**ZF Group. Two-thirds of the company's board of management have attended. Stephan von Schuckmann, the head of Asia Pacific business is also here. 广泛的国际受众为汽车供应商带来了巨大的潜在市场。其中包括总部位于德国的采埃孚集团。该公司三分之二的管理委员会成员都参加了此次车展。亚太地区业务负责人斯蒂芬·冯·舒克曼(Stephan von Schuckmann)也出席了车展。 Stephan von Schuckmann, Member of the Board of Management of ZF Group 斯蒂芬·冯·舒克曼 采埃孚集团管理委员会成员 “I've been to Shanghai already 3 times this year to visit individual customers and get back into dialogue with our customers which I feel is very important. We have at this point of time been apart for over 3 years now and managed our relationships. It's really nice and also kind of an expectation which in this auto show to get back together with people, look them in the eye, sit at the table and have a direct context. I really enjoy it. If I look at the development here in the auto show and I look at how advanced the products that are coming on the market, it's been so dynamic and so much has happened even during these difficult pandemic times. And the technological solutions that I see in the vehicle sector coming out here, Wow. I'm pretty amazed.” “今年我已经来上海三次了,拜访个别客户并重新与他们对话,我认为非常重要。我们已经分开了三年多,但仍维持着关系。能在这个车展上与人们重聚、面对面地交流特别好,也是我期望已久的事。我真的很享受这种感觉。看看车展所展示的进步是多么大,看看市场上将要推出的产品是多么的先进,这里充满活力,甚至是在艰难的疫情时期也有这么多事在推进发生。我看到在这里推出的汽车领域的技术解决方案,真是令人惊叹。” Stephan said the company's sales in the Asia-Pacific region, which are mainly in China, take up almost one quarter of its global sales. And that share is expected to rise to 30 percent by 2030. And the auto show is definitely the perfect place to spot industry changes, and grab clients' attention. A series of its new products, technologies, and solutions are on display, including a new e-drive system and imaging radar. 斯蒂芬说,该公司在亚太地区(主要是在中国)的销售额,几乎占了其全球销售额的四分之一。而这一份额预计到2030年将上升到30%。而车展无疑是发现行业变化、抓住客户注意力的最佳场所。它的一系列新产品、新技术和新解决方案正在展出,包括一个新的电子驱动系统和成像雷达。 Holger Klein, Chief Executive Officer of ZF Group 柯皓哲采埃孚集团首席执行官 “What is interesting is here our PRO AI. I introduced PRO AI last time Auto Shanghai. And I said look this is a variable【可调节的】automotive graded super control computer, the fastest in the world. And many people were asking okay now this can perform 20 to 1,000 Tera operations. That's a lot. Who needs this? What changed is many come now and say we need more. And we are offering more and more of those. We now have sold 14 million. The average age of a new car buyer is around 30 years in China. If you would look at Europe, it would be 50 years plus. That leads to a second specific, which is I see a lot of these buyers are innovation【创新】lovers.” “值得一聊的是我们的PRO AI。我在上一届上海车展介绍了PRO AI。我说,这是一台可调节的车载超级控制计算机,是世界上速度最快的计算机。当时很多人都表示,这个计算机的性能可以达到20到1,000 万亿次计算,很强,但谁需要这个?但现在,有越来越多的人说他们需要更多这样的产品。而我们也在提供越来越多的这种产品。如今我们已经卖出了1400万辆。在中国,新车买家的平均年龄是30岁左右。而欧洲是50岁以上。这就是中国市场的第二个特点,即买家中有很多是创新爱好者。 At the auto show, ZF announced that it will have its global innovation base right in China. Its fourth tech center will start operation later this year in Guangzhou. 在车展上,采埃孚集团宣布它的全球创新基地将在中国建立。其第四个技术中心将于今年晚些时候在广州开始运作。 Stephan von Schuckmann, Member of the Board of Management of ZF Group 斯蒂芬·冯·舒克曼 采埃孚集团管理委员会成员 “If I specifically focus on the Asia Pacific region, especially on China, this is the most advanced new energy vehicle market. And what I anticipate is probably the tipping point somewhere around 2025. China is obviously the biggest player in Asia Pacific. It's the biggest automotive market so it's for us that obviously a focus market. One must not underestimate the Asia Pacific region and the ASEAN region. Now Chinese customers that are extremely successful here in China, are actually gaining market share, compared with international OEMs, are starting to also grow in the ASEAN region. So they're starting to export more and more vehicles. So what we say is by focusing on China, we automatically start focusing on the ASEAN region because the export factors are starting to increase with Chinese customers.” “如果目光聚焦到亚太地区,特别是中国,(会知道)这里是最先进的新能源汽车市场。我预期2025年左右可能是转折点。中国显然是亚太地区最大的玩家。它是最大的汽车市场,所以对我们来说,它显然是一个重点市场。亚太地区和东盟地区的市场不容小觑。现在,中国车企在中国取得巨大成功,与国际代工厂相比,实际上正在获得更多国际市场份额并开始在东盟地区实现增长。中国开始出口越来越多的汽车。所以我们认为,关注中国,我们就自动开始关注东盟地区,因为出口保理商开始随着中国车企的增加而增加。” Just last year, when the group locked in a sales revenue of almost 44 billion euros, it launched a series of new production and R&D projects in the Chinese cities of Ji'nan, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shenyang, Zhangjiagang and Rizhao. 就在去年,当该集团实现了近440亿欧元的销售收入时,它宣布推出在中国的济南、广州、上海、杭州、沈阳、张家港和日照等城市进行一系列新的生产和研发项目。 #热词加油站 encroachment/ɪnˈkrəʊtʃmənt/【侵犯】 headquartered/ˌhedˈkwɔːtəd/【以……为总部所在地的】 variable/ˈveəriəb(ə)l/【可调节的】 innovation/ˌɪnəˈveɪʃ(ə)n/【创新】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~