NEWS ON 04/22 1. CUSTOMIZED TREATMENT FOR THE ELDERLY 公卫中心为老龄患者开展订制化诊疗 2. MASS CITYWIDE DISINFECTION WORK UNDERWAY 公共环境大冲洗,阻断疫情传播链 3. DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES HELP SMEs RESUME OPERATION “数字化”助力中小企业复工复产 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.CUSTOMIZED TREATMENT FOR THE ELDERLY 公卫中心为老龄患者开展订制化诊疗 Many patients hospitalized at the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center are seniors, and the center has been treating them with individually customized【订制的】 plans. Many of the patients that have been treated and discharged are more than 90 years old, some of them are even over 100. Lei Shuran has more. 在上海市公共卫生临床中心接受治疗的很多患者都是老年人,公卫中心为高龄患者展开订制化诊疗。很多正在接受治疗或已经出院的病人已经超过90岁,一部分患者的年龄甚至超过了100岁。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。 The Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center has treated more than 1,100 patients over the age of 60 since March, accounting for nearly a quarter of the total number patient's they've treated. A total of 838 patients have been discharged so far, the eldest of whom is 107 years old. 3月以来,公卫中心累计收治60岁以上老年人1100余例,占收治患者总数的近四分之一。目前累计出院838例,其中最年长的患者已经107岁。 Qian Zhiping /Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center 钱志平 上海市公共卫生临床中心 新冠病房主任医师 What's special about the patient is that she is very aged, and has multiple chronic diseases【慢性病;基础疾病】. This brings great challenges to our clinicians【临床医师】in terms of the safe and rational use of medications during and treatment. 这个患者她有个特点,一是非常高龄,第二个她的基础疾病比较多。这对于我们临床医生在日常诊疗中使用药物的安全以及合理用药带来非常大的挑战。 As of 12 pm April 21st, there were 293 patients over the age of 60 at the center, of which 114 were over the age of 80. The center has adopted a 'one person, one plan' policy for the severe cases, as well as multi department joint rounds and consultations to better deal with chronic diseases. 截至4月21日中午12点,公卫中心在院新冠患者中,有293名60岁以上的患者,其中114名80岁以上。公卫中心为高龄患者开展"一人一方案"的诊疗,同时开展联合查房会诊,更好地治疗慢性疾病。 The Public Health Clinical Center has also accepted nearly 700 pregnant patients, most of which were showed either mild or no symptoms. 86 children have been born at the center since March 1st, only 2 of them tested positive for coronavirus. 公卫中心还收治了近700位感染新冠的孕产妇,均为无症状或轻症状感染者。自三月一日起,已成功分娩86位“公卫宝宝”,只有2位阳性。 Fan Xiaohong /Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center 范小红 上海市公共卫生临床中心主任 We set up a separate buffer area to take care of the 84 newborns that tested negative for coronavirus. We also have a green channel, through which they are sent to the Neonatal Ward at Fudan University Children's Hospital in Minhang District. They are treated as close contacts and kept under medical observation there. Once they are confirmed as negative through a second PCR test, we'll send them back to their families. 对84位新冠核酸阴性的宝宝,我们进行单独缓冲区域来收治,同时我们建立了一个快速绿色通道,送到我们复旦大学附属儿科医院在闵行的儿科医院新生儿病房,按照密接处理,进行隔离医学观察,检测核酸都是阴性的话,就可以解除密接医学观察,回到家人怀抱。 As for newborns who test positive for the virus, they will stay at the center and continue to be monitored by a professional pediatric medical team. 新冠核酸阳性的新生儿,将继续留在院区得到专业儿科团队的后续治疗。 2.MASS CITYWIDE DISINFECTION WORK UNDERWAY 公共环境大冲洗,阻断疫情传播链 Shanghai has stepped up environmental disinfection measures【消杀措施】 in risky areas to further decrease the risk of the virus spreading. The fire department and the sanitation authority are working everyday to disinfect the streets and garbage bins. Lei Shuran has more. 为进一步减小病毒传播风险,上海在风险区采取公共环境整治消杀措施。消防部门和绿化市容行业每日开展街面冲刷以及废物箱消杀。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。 At 9am today, the fire brigade in Minhang District helped to disinfect two residential communities in Meilong Town. The doorknobs and elevator buttons are the key areas to be cleaned and disinfected since they are touched by people frequently. 上午九点,闵行区消防救援支队前往梅陇镇的两个涉疫小区开展消杀工作。由于门把手、电梯按钮为高频接触区域,消防救援支队将对其进行重点消杀。 The Xuhui fire brigade dispatched a team of 11 people to disinfect the homes of people who tested positive for coronavirus, each location requires 40 to 60 minutes on average to complete. So far, local fire brigades across the city have conducted more than 400 disinfections, covering over 100 million square meters. 徐汇消防救援支队派出11名队员,深入阳性感染者居住场所开展消杀工作,平均每个场所消杀40-60分钟。到目前为止,上海消防累计执行消杀任务400余次,消杀面积超过一亿平方米。 The city's sanitation department【环卫部门】 also sends out vehicles to disinfect the streets and garbage bins every day. In Yangpu district, a team of 200 has been working on the roads within the district in sections. 同时,绿化市容行业出动环卫车辆每日开展街面冲刷以及废物箱消杀。据悉,杨浦区有一支200人组成的专门的消杀防疫小组,分区分块分段进行道路保洁。 Zhang Jing, Operating Dept. Manager /Yangpu Environmental Development Co. 章竞 杨浦环境发展有限公司业务部经理 We'll disinfect the key local sites in our 12 subdistricts, covering nearly 600,000 square meters, once every one to two days, no longer than three days. (杨浦区)12个街道,以一至两天,最长不超过三天,对主要区域进行消杀作业,轮着来的,面积在60万平方米左右 In Hongkou, local subdistricts are also making sure that garbage is collected from people's homes. This residential building in Hongkou district is under lockdown and all the household trash is required to be collected and disinfected. 同时,虹口区街道确保能够及时收集居民生活垃圾。虹口区这栋居民楼是封控楼,所有的生活垃圾需要进行收集和消杀工作。 Staff in trash disinfection team 垃圾清运队工作人员 We'll disinfect the trash first, take the garbage and then disinfect the collection area to curb the spread of the virus. 我们进行消毒然后收垃圾,收完之后要对他堆放的点重新再消一遍,如果有病毒避免交叉传染。 Two transports pick up the trash from residential communities. More than 1600 bags of garbage are collected each day and professional teams have also been brought in to enhance the disinfection work. 两辆短驳车将垃圾运出居民区,日产日清,每天的量有1600多包。与此同时,街道也通过派驻专业力量的方式加强消杀。 3.DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES HELP SMEs RESUME OPERATION “数字化”助力中小企业复工复产 Going digital has been crucial for companies wanting to improve business in Shanghai during the extended lockdown. Many small and medium-sized enterprises in the city are now trying to introduce more digital technologies to create new opportunities and industrial patterns. Zhang Yue has more. 封控期不断延长,对于想要改善在上海业务的公司来说,数字化转型至关重要。上海许多中小型企业目前正试图引进更多数字化技术,带来新机遇,创造新的产业模式。记者张乐带来更多详细报道。 Many Shanghai-based SMEs, including this new materials maker, are working to apply AI technology. The company hope it can alleviate【缓解】 labor and supply shortage pressures caused by the ongoing lockdown. 包括这家新材料制造公司在内的许多上海中小企业致力于人工智能技术的应用。这家新材料制造公司希望人工智能技术能缓解持续封控带来的劳动力短缺和供应短缺压力。 Zhou Yi, GM /Upass Material Technology 周仪 上海优珀斯材料科技有限公司 总经理 Previously, we only introduced digital technologies to part of our production lines. The performance didn't match our expectations. If we fully apply digital technologies to production, inventory【库存】 management and delivery, our operation will be more efficient. 之前我们更多的是在比较不成片的、碎片化的生产自动化,不是很系统,很难真正发挥我们预想中的结果。如果数字化,甚至生产到仓储、到发货,它也会给我们带来比较精准、快捷的效应。 There are some major problems like a capital shortage and lack of professionals to overcome. But digital technology experts say the uncertainty caused by COVID-19 and the merits of AI have encouraged companies to speed up their digital transformation. 现在还有很多例如“人才、资金等相对薄弱”的问题需要克服。不过,数字技术专家认为,疫情带来的不确定性和人工智能技术的优势,使企业加快了数字化转型。 Bi Ran, System Architect /Baidu 毕然 百度杰出架构师 For example, companies are likely to get results when applying AI technology in scenarios like quality testing and safety management. 我们在工业质检环节 安防环节 选择这样的场景去第一次用AI成功的概率是极高的。 Some SMEs have already benefitted from the digital transformation. This circuit board maker's improved production lines can produce more than 10 different circuit boards for everything from medical equipment to automobiles. And as the company's factories nationwide can share information online, its Shanghai factory's orders can be shifted to other regions during the ongoing lockdown. 一些中小企业已经从数字化转型中受益。这种制造工业电路板的设备通过数字化赋能,每一条产线每天能够实现10多种不同类型电路板的加工和制造,满足从医疗设备到消费电子等不同行业的用料所需。同时,该公司分布在全国各地的工厂可以在线共享信息,在面临疫情封控、生产中断的情况下,上海区域的工厂可迅速把生产任务转移到异地工厂,确保产品的按时交付。 Guo Xiaoman, GM /PCBAI 郭骁满 启想智联总经理 By using digital technologies, managing things can be done online and our factories can share production information. That means our factories in other regions can pick up orders from the factory here by producing products with exactly the same quality. 通过数据化和在线化的方式,打通了生产制造过程的数据共享。也就是说,我把现在的订单转移到另一家工厂,它也知道这个东西应该怎么做,机器控制程序应该怎么做,相当于不管在那个工厂做,做出来的品质是一样的。 This raw materials trading platform is also one of the beneficiaries【受益者】. Its trading volume has increased during Shanghai's lockdown with more than 2,000 daily active users making purchases. 电子原料的电商平台也从数字化转型中获益。封控期间,平台交易量"不降反升", 2000余家日活跃用户在平台上进行采购。 Zeng Ye, Chairman /Ickey (Shanghai) Internet & Technology 云汉芯城(上海)互联网科技股份有限公司董事长 曾烨 我们跟全球的供应商以及供应商仓库进行数据对接,我们客户可以在平台上实时查到所需要的部件到底什么地方是有现货的。 Digital technologies help us connect with suppliers around the world. And our clients can find the warehouses stocking the materials they want. The local government has also been helping more Shanghai-based SMEs with their digital transformation. The city's SME service center says it is now offering guidelines and application scenarios to those companies wanting to digitalize their businesses. 与此同时,上海也帮助越来越多的当地企业走上数字化之路。上海市中小企业发展服务中心目前正持续设计好路径、搭建好场景,推动有需求的中小企业"上云",加快数字化转型。 #热词加油站 customized [ˈkʌstəmaɪzd]【订制的】 chronic diseases【慢性病;基础疾病】 clinician [klɪˈnɪʃən]【临床医师】 disinfection measures【消杀措施】 sanitation department【环卫部门】 alleviate [əˈliːvieɪt]【缓解】 inventory [ˈɪnvəntri]【库存】 beneficiary [ˌbɛnɪˈfɪʃəri]【受益者】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~