cover of episode 04/18 TOP NEWS | 徐汇开设核酸检测舱/无接触物资中转站设立/上海场所码数字哨兵

04/18 TOP NEWS | 徐汇开设核酸检测舱/无接触物资中转站设立/上海场所码数字哨兵

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NEWS ON 04/15 1.INFLATABLE PCR TESTING LAB OPENS IN XUHUI DISTRICT 徐汇区开设核酸检测舱 2.CONTACTLESS TRANSFER STATIONS OPEN TOEASE FLOW OF GOODS 无接触物资中转站设立,打通跨省物流堵点 3.HEALTH CHECK MACHINE, VENUE CODE APPLIED IN PRECAUTIONARYAREAS 上海:场所码、“数字哨兵"上岗 助力一线防疫 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.  INFLATABLE PCRTESTING LAB OPENS IN XUHUI DISTRICT 徐汇区开设核酸检测舱 Six inflatable tents were installed on Longteng Avenue in Xuhui District tohouse a large-scale testing lab in an effort to increase the city's capacity torun PCR tests. 疫情当前,为了提高城市核酸检测能力,徐汇区与华银康医疗集团合作共建了气膜实验室。实验室位于徐汇区龙腾大道,由6座气膜方舱实验室组成。 The newly installed testing lab has a capacity of 100,000 tubes per day, orone million samples if using pool testing methods. More than 180 staff memberswork at the facility, with more than 100 testing devices and two lines running24 hours a day. Test results can be obtained in as little as 4 hours afterbeing sent to these labs. 新建造的实验室通量可达每日十万管,如果按照10混1采样,每日可筛查100万人次。目前,实验室配备了一百多台PCR扩增仪,180多名工作人员,两条生产线24小时运转,从试剂配置到报告出具最快4小时完成。 2.  CONTACTLESS TRANSFER STATIONSOPEN TO EASE FLOW OF GOODS 无接触物资中转站设立,打通跨省物流堵点 Contactless transfer stations have been set up in Shanghai's neighboringJiangsu and Zhejiang to facilitate inter-provincial deliveries. Three stationshave already opened. Sun Siqi has more. 为解决解决跨省物流问题,上海邻省江苏和浙江设立了无接触物资中转站,目前已有三个物资中转站投入使用。记者孙思奇将带来更多详细情况。 Transfer stations have been introduced in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province andPinghu, Zhejiang Province to improve efficiency of freight【货物】 transport while complying with pandemic protocols since truck driversreturning from Shanghai to other cities are required to quarantine. Truckscarrying supplies from around the country drive to these stations. After beingdisinfected, the semi-trailer detaches the tractor. Then, it is hooked up to atractor from Shanghai to deliver the goods to Xijiao International AgriculturalProducts Trade Center in Qingpu district. Truck drivers from other cities,therefore, don't need to enter Shanghai. 由于司机一旦入沪,返回到当地都要进行隔离,因此为了提高物资运输效率且遵守防疫要求,浙江平湖和江苏昆山设立了两个物资中转站。来自全国各地的保供物资,运输到这里,进行消杀后,再换上上海方运输车头,由顺丰承担物流运输,运往位于上海市青浦区的西郊国际农产品交易中心,这样,外地司机就不用入沪了。 Wang Jie, Head Zhejiang PinghuSupply Transfer Station 王杰 浙江省援沪生活物资平湖中转站行政点长 So far 23 trucks have arrived at our station. After swapping【交换】 drivers, the trucks will take these supplies to Shanghai.  到目前为止,回到我们中转站的,只回来了一辆车。很多送到了上海因为卸货能力,速度跟不上,都停在上海。  But more time and personnel are now needed to handle deliveries at XijiaoTrade Center as cargo from other cities is required to be unloaded in thecenter first, and re-loaded for different destinations due to pandemicprevention requirements. Many truck drivers have been waiting hours to getcargo unloaded. 40 workers have been busy day and night to unload, sort andpack goods. 但现在,由于防疫要求,外省市运输过来的物资,必须先卸到市场内,然后再装货,运输到各个需求方,时间和人力成本大大增加。很多卡车司机为了卸货已经等待了数小时。40名工作人员夜以继日地将货物入库、卸货、分拣、装袋。 Gu Huiliang, General Manager ** Xijiao International Agricultural Products Trade Center 顾惠良 西郊国际农产品批发市场总经理 We work until 3:30am in the morning and start againat 8:30am. We only sleep for two or three hours a day at most. 我们干到凌晨三点半左右,早上八点半又开始干,基本上一天就睡两三个小时最多了。 To enhance efficiency, trade center managers are working with the city'scommercial authority to increase daily workers to around 80. And with thereopening of some supermarkets and outlets, companies with permits are alsoallowed to take delivery of goods at the market. 为提高效率,西郊方面正在与市商务委积极沟通,将每天的装卸工数量增加到80人左右。而随着终端的一些生鲜超市以及商铺的复工复产,符合防疫条件,具备通行证的企业或者单位,可以前来采购自提。 Department Head ofXijiao International ** AgriculturalProducts Trade Center 西郊国际部门负责人 More groceries andsupermarkets have reopened. Our efficiency will improve if they drive their ownvehicles here. Then we don't need to unload the goods and move them to otherdelivery vehicles. 终端慢慢地复活,只要他有车,我的统配会更加高效一点。我就不需要把上家车辆的物资卸地,再重新搬到这十几辆车上去。 About 800 tons offresh produce and necessities arrive each day at Xijiao Trade Center. TheShanghai Commerce Commission says another transfer station is expected to bebuilt to speed up the flow of goods。 目前每天跨省进来的生鲜物资有800吨左右。上海市商务委表示,后续计划增加一个物资中转站,加速物资的流动。 3.  HEALTH CHECKMACHINE, VENUE CODE APPLIED IN PRECAUTIONARY AREAS 上海:场所码、“数字哨兵"上岗 助力一线防疫 Shanghai has introduced a "venue【场所】 code" and a machine for health checks that officials are calling a"digital sentry" in precautionary areas【防范区】. Zhang Hong has the details. 目前,场所码和能核验健康信息的"数字哨兵"已在上海防范区内投入使用。记者张泓将带来更多详细情况。 The digital sentryis placed at the Community Health Center in Zhangyan Town, Jinshan District.It's currently listed as a precautionary area. 这台"数字哨兵”已经在位于防范区的金山张堰镇社区卫生服务中心,正式上岗。 Residents arerequired to scan the health code on the government service app Suishenbanbefore entering venue. The health check machine will verify the person's healthinformation and complete the entry registration. 居民将随申码靠近"数字哨兵"的扫码处,就能“一站式”核验健康信息,并完成场所的进入登记。 Wang Xiaoying,Community Health Center Staff Zhangyan Town,Jinshan District 王小英 金山区张堰镇社区卫生服务中心工作人员 The machine showsnucleic acid results within 48 hours, antigen test results【抗原测试结果】, travel code andtemperature. (机器)可以显示48小时的核酸、抗原,再就是行程码,都可以,还有体温监测。 Shanghai Resident 上海市民 It's veryconvenient and took us less than one minute to pass. 挺方便的,大概一分钟以内就可以通行了。 More than 30digital sentries have been placed in venues in Jinshan, including entrances toprecautionary areas, communities and hospitals. The research and developmentteam is working to make it easier for seniors to use. 目前,30多台"数字哨兵"分布在金山区张堰镇、朱泾镇等防范区的道口、社区和医院等场所,研发团队还在抓紧推进技术升级,进一步方便老年群体使用。 Huang Luwei,Project Manager China MobileShanghai, Jinshan Branch 黄陆伟 上海移动金山分公司项目经理 In the future, weplan to add PCR code or social security card scans for people to enter. Thiswill be more convenient for the public. 后期我们打算在"数字哨兵"上,直接能通过扫核酸码通行,以及扫社保卡通行,以更方便市民的使用。 Residents can alsoscan venue codes via the Suishenban app for access in the precautionary area.The app will show the individual's health code, recent nucleic acid testreport, and other health status information. 居民也可以扫描随申码进入防控区,随身办平台上会显示出个人健康码、近期的核酸检测报告等健康状况信息。 A Zhangyan Townofficial said residents in precautionary areas can go out every other day. 张堰镇官方发布,防控区内的居民可隔天外出。 #热词加油站 freight【货物】 swap【交换】 venue【场所】 precautionary areas【防范区】 antigen test results【抗原测试结果】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~