NEWS ON 0**4/14** 1.NYU SHANGHAI**HOSTS JOB FAIR FOR INT'L STUDENTS** 上海:加大国际引才步伐 浦东举办专场招聘会 2.FLIGHT PRICES SOAR FOR MAY DAY HOLIDAY 五一假期临近 热门航线机票提前售罄 3.MIDDLE, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS GET FINANCE LECTURES FROM PROFESSORS 初高中学生聆听上海师范大学教授金融课程 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.NYU SHANGHAIHOSTS**** JOB FAIR FOR INT'L STUDENTS 上海:加大国际引才步伐 浦东举办专场招聘会 A job fair for international students was held this afternoon in Pudong. Companies in biomedicine【生物医学】, integrated【集成的】 circuits and artificial intelligence were among those offering jobs. Zhang Hong brings us the details. 今天(04/14)下午,浦东新区举办了针对国际化人才的专场招聘活动,参会企业涵盖生物医药、集成电路、人工智能等领域。记者张泓带来详细报道。 40 companies were offering more than 300 positions at the job fair at NYU Shanghai's Qiantan Campus. 在上海纽约大学前滩校区的招聘会上,40家公司提供了300多个职位。 Ms. Li, HR Staff of** Group** 李女士 携程国际事业部人力资源工作人员 “携程的管培生计划是针对现场的一些有(外语)语言能力的、能被外派到国外去的应届毕业生。” “We have a management trainee program and we're looking for college graduates who speak foreign languages and can work overseas.” Some freshmen were on hand to scout for future opportunities. 现场还来了不少非应届毕业生,提前了解就业行情。 Russian Student, Mathematics Major 俄罗斯籍国际学生 数学专业大一学生 “In my case, I consider mostly the academic field.” “我个人对高校相关的就业机会比较感兴趣。” Pakistani Student, Finance Major 巴基斯坦籍国际学生 金融学大一学生 “I came here just for university, but I would absolutely decide to live here after my graduation as well.” “当初是为了上大学才过来,但现在我的想法转变了,毕业之后我一定会考虑留在上海。” A special zone was set up for postdoctoral【博士后】 researchers. 现场特别设置的博士后招聘专区,也吸引了不少专业人才。 Li Gen, Postdoctoral Researcher** of Global Public Health, NYU Shanghai 李根 上海纽约大学全球公共卫生博士后研究员 “和脑科学、心理健康相关的企业,我的(教育)背景和它的需求还是有一定匹配程度的。” “I'm looking for companies in fields like brain science and psychological health because it matches my education.” Pan Tingting, HRStaffofSDODT 潘婷婷 上海数药智能科技有限公司人力资源工作人员 “我们对于博士后的需求还是比较大的,因为我们公司是科创型公司,所以也是希望能够招揽到更多这样的人才。” “We have great demand for postdoctoral researchers as our company focuses on innovative technologies.” Nine companies at the job fair received a subsidy today for setting up a postdoctoral research station. Pudong has been encouraging companies to work closely with postdoctoral researchers so that more academic findings are commercialized. 现场首批9家单位收到博士后创新实践基地入驻资助。浦东新区一直鼓励企业与博士后研究人员密切合作,以便有更多学术成果的商业化。 2.FLIGHT PRICES SOAR FOR MAY DAY HOLIDAY 五一假期临近热门 航线机票提前售罄 The May Day holiday is only two weeks away and many people have made travel plans. According to airlines, ticket prices for both domestic and international flights have doubled during the holiday. Zhang Yue has more. 再过两周就是五一假期,今年旅客预订周期明显提前。据航空公司称,假期国内和国际航班的票价都翻了一番。记者张乐带来更多报道。 Flight tickets have already sold out for some popular routes on April 28th and 29th -- the last working day before andthefirst day of the holiday. Some airlines have changed to larger planes to meet demand or opened new routes to some destinations. 五一假期前日(04/28)和首日(04/29)的航班,不少已陆续售罄。航空公司通过调整机型来增加运力。除了调整宽体机上岗执飞,航空公司还通过新开航线和班次,来尽可能满足旅客的出行需求。 *Zhao Zhenlin,**Manager of Spring Airlines 赵振霖 春秋航空市场部值班经理 “像三亚、西双版纳、丽江等等,目前的销售进度基本上都要七八成,有的甚至已经售罄。我们根据进度也已经从A320的机型换成大飞机。” “Most flights bound for Sanya, Xishuangbanna and Lijiang have sold 80 percent of the tickets, and some have even sold out. We are changing Airbus 320 toalarger aircraft.” *Zhang Wu'an,*Spokesperson of Spring Airlines 张武安 春秋航空新闻发言人 “(五一期间)航班总量同比在疫情之前要高出10%,出境游的航班量已经恢复到疫情之前的50%了。” “The number of flights during the holidayhas increased 10 percent compared to the same period in pre-pandemic years. And the number of overseas flights has recovered to 50 percent of that before the pandemic.” Tourists said ticket prices for some popular destinations have increased considerably【巨大的】. 旅客们表示,一些热门景点的票价已经大幅上涨。 Tourist 旅客 “西安到上海的票价从五百元变成了九百元,差不多翻一倍。” “A ticket price from Xi'an to Shanghai rose from 500 to 900 yuan. It has nearly doubled.” Shanghai is also a popular destination for young travelers during this year's May Day holiday. 今年五一假期,上海也是年轻人青睐的热门旅游目的地之一。 *Zhao Nan,Director*of*Umetrip 赵楠 航旅纵横行业发展总监 “从目前订票情况来看,五一假期飞往上海的旅客以年轻群体为主,90后旅客占比为40%,80后旅客占比约37%。广州、北京、深圳、成都、重庆是上海的主要客源地城市。” “Based on the booking of tickets, travelers flying to Shanghai during the holiday will mainly be young people. Nearly 80 percent of them are younger than 40 years old. And they mainly come from Guangzhou, Beijing, Shenzhen, Chengdu and Chongqing.” Train tickets for April 29th, the first day of the holiday, will go on sale tomorrow. 铁路出行方面,五一假期首日,即4月29日的火车票,将于明天开售。 *3.MIDDLE, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS GET FINANCE LECTURES FROM PROFESSORS 初高中学生聆听上海师范大学教授金融课程 Some middle and high school students now have access to finance lectures delivered by professors from Shanghai Normal University, who have been going to various schools this semester. Reporter Zhang Hong takes a look at the latest lecture of such kind. 一些初高中学生现在有机会聆听上海师范大学教授的金融课程,这些教授本学期已经在不同学校开展了教学活动。记者张泓带我们看看最近的这类讲座。 Dozens of students at the High School Attached to Shanghai Normal University yesterday listened to a statistics lecture by Professor Fu Yi from Shanghai Normal University. It was the second time a finance lecture was held in the school this semester. Most of the students have been learning mathematical modeling as an optional course, so they were looking forward to it. 昨天(04/13),上海师范大学附属中学的几十名学生聆听了上海师范大学傅毅教授的统计学课程。这是该校本学期第二次举办金融课程。大部分学生一直在学习数学建模这门选修课,所以他们都很期待。 Tang Yixuan, Student of High School Attached to Shanghai Normal University 汤诣轩 上海师范大学附属中学学生 “数学在我心中一直是一个非常抽象的概念,但是金融给了我一个媒介,让我去把它具象化,所以说既然有这样一个能够将它具象化的媒介,我为什么不来尝试一下或者去了解一下呢?学习一些跟生活应用相关的东西是很好的,比如我有100万,我应该怎么去理财。” “To me, mathematics is abstract, but learning finance is a way for me to put these abstract ideas into practical use. It's good to learn about something closely related to life. For example, if I have 1 million yuan, what should I do with it?” Lu Siyuan, Student of High School Attached to Shanghai Normal University 卢思源 上海师范大学附属中学学生 “我认为这节课会教你如何理财以及宏观经济。我经常在新闻上看到美元汇率时涨时跌,我很好奇其中的原因。我也是希望能从这节课中了解更多关于金融的知识,能够把我们学的数学知识和金融联系起来。” “I think this lecture teaches you how to manage your money and about the macro-economy. I always see on the news that USD exchange rate has been going up and down and I'm curious about the reasons. I want to learn more about finance in these lectures and maybe use the mathematical modeling we learned to solve financial problems.” Professor Fu said he and his five colleagues at the School of Finance and Business designed six topics for the series and they've been to five schools this semester, addressing about 4,000 students. 傅教授表示,他和商学院的五位同事为该系列活动设计了六个主题,本学期他们已经去了五所学校,向大约4000名学生开设课程。 Fu Yi, Professor of School of Finance & Business, Shang**Hai* Normal University 傅毅 上海师范大学商学院教授 “主题包括理财产品、统计数据、大数据和数字经济。每位老师都会结合自己的专业特点来对每一个板块进行细致地讲解。人们现在更容易获取信息,但当人们被信息淹没时,决策变得越来越难。我们希望通过这一系列的课程,帮助学生科学决策、理性决策,培养学生正确的价值观、金融观以及消费观、财富观。” “Topics include financial products, statistics, big data, and the digital economy. Each professor talks about the area they specialize in. People have easier access to information now, but it's becoming more difficult to make a decision as people are overwhelmed【被淹没的】 by information. Through lectures, we want to help students make reasonable decisions and cultivate their concept of consumption, value and wealth.” Associate Professor Yang Baohua is also on the team. She recently gave a lecture to grade 8 students and was surprised to see how much they knew about financial products. 杨宝华副教授也是该团队的一员。她最近给八年级学生上了一堂课,看到他们对金融产品的了解程度,她感到很惊讶。 Yang Baohua, Associate Professor** of **School of Finance & Business, Shanghai Normal University 杨宝华 上海师范大学商学院副教授 “我们想当然地认为他们年纪还小,没有投资经验。但当我进入这个实际演讲过程中,我发现各类同学对于金融市场发展的关注,大大超乎我的意料。他们问了我很多问题,至少比我在那么小年纪的时候关注度要高很多。” “We take it for granted that they're young and don't have experience in making investments. But during my lecture, I found they actually know more about the financial market and financial products than I expected. At least they knew more than I did at that age. They asked me a lot of questions.” The professors said they always change the context of their lectures depending on the grade level. They hope it can become a regular course in schools so more studentscanlearn about finance. 教授们表示,他们总是根据年级的不同改变讲课的内容。他们希望这能成为学校的常规课程,让更多学生了解金融知识。 #热词加油站 biomedicine/ˌbaɪoˈmedɪsɪn/【生物医学】 integrated/ˈɪntɪɡreɪtɪd/【集成的】 postdoctoral/ˌpoʊstˈdɑːktərəl/【博士后】 considerably/kənˈsɪdərəbli/【巨大的】 overwhelmed/ˌoʊvərˈwelmd/【被淹没的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~