cover of episode 04/16 SHLIVE | When Chinese style meets daily clothing 日常搭配也能穿出中国风

04/16 SHLIVE | When Chinese style meets daily clothing 日常搭配也能穿出中国风

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Welcome to MONEY TALKS! I’m Timothy Pope/ ICSNEWS ANCHOR. 欢迎收听《财道》我是Timothy Pope/ICS主播。 When people mention traditional Chineseclothing, the first thing that probably comes to mind is the Hanfu–the traditionalcostume clothing that has been a fad for Chinese young people. So what aboutthose who might want a bit of tradition in your daily dress? Well now that'savailable too, as Zhang Shixuan reports. 说起中国传统服饰,最先想到的或许是汉服。近十年来,年轻人中掀起了“汉服热”,不过,汉服只有在特定的场合才适合穿着。但如果想要把传统元素融入日常搭配中,该怎么办呢?“新中式”服装来了!请听记者张诗璇报道。 An apparel【服装】renaissance【文艺复兴】 hasbeen taking shape, with a growing army of the young looking to the past fortheir sartorial【衣着的】choices. They are actually willing to pay more for clothes featuringclassic fashion, but they are also looking for something that they can wear fortheir normal workdays. 在国风服饰复兴的当下,越来越多的年轻人在穿衣选择上也想要“复古”一把,愿意花更高的价格购买传统元素的时装。同时,他们也希望能有一些适合工作场合的传统服装。 Interviewee: Consumer of Chinese-styleclothes 受访者:传统服饰消费者 “I started getting interested intraditional clothes 10 years ago, and I like how Chinese culture has embraced internationaldesigns. I like clothes that cater Chinese tastes, I once spent 20,000 yuan onone outfit【整套服装】.” “我十年前开始喜欢传统服饰,喜欢中国文化的兼容并包。我希望衣服能够适合中国人的特点,我花过最多的一套有两万块。” “If I were 20 years old I would weartraditional clothes all day. But now, now I'm in my 30s, and I have to dressfor the occasion. So I hope that there will be some improvements on thetraditional models.” “如果我还是20多岁的小伙子,我会大胆穿,但现在30多岁了,还是要分场合来看。所以如果传统服饰能进行一定改良的话,我很愿意接受。” “I will buy them if they fit my style, andI like them. The best would based on Chinese elements and have some details ofwestern styles. I could pay several hundreds, or even more than 10,000 onsomething like that. I think it's great to wear Chinese-style clothes forimportant occasions.” “如果要是符合我的衣着风格和喜好,我就会买。最好是底色有中国元素,细节上学习西方的设计理念。花几百几千甚至上万我都可以。重要场合穿中式衣服确实很好。” So not surprising that a new brandspecifically targeting these young customers made its debut【首秀】at theongoing Shanghai Fashion Week. The company brought more than 100 items to theshow over the weekend. 在上海时装周上,一个专注于年轻消费者市场的全新“新中装”品牌也进行了首秀,展示了百余件服饰。 Interviewee: Jiang Biao, BrandingDirectorDongfangEnya 受访者:蒋飙 “东方·恩雅”服装设计师 “Many of our designs were adopted fromChinese traditional bronze ware, ceramic【陶瓷的】 rubbings 【拓本】andarchitecture. Many of the necklines were adopted from the Chinese stand-upcollar or Hanfu. And there are also some western style elements in the designs.” “我们的设计中有很多图形、纹样来自中国传统青铜器、陶瓷拓片和建筑拓片花纹。很多领型也是从立领或者汉服的领型演变而来的。版型部分也融入了西方元素。” This is the first time that the State-ownedconglomerate【集团】Orient International has introduced a brand specifically tailoringclothes featuring new Chinese classic fashion. 这是国企东方国际集团首次推出新中式时装品牌。 Interviewee: TongJisheng, Chairman of theBoard, Orient International 受访者:童继生东方国际集团董事长 “We will first have a market coming out inBeijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. And then, based on consumers' interest andfeedback, we will expand the business to the whole country, and even overseas. “我们希望在北上广先做一个市场布局,看看消费者兴趣体验,然后再有机会向全国各地甚至海外拓展。” E-commerce site Tmall says special garmentslike Hanfu led the pack among other popular costumes, generating 1.26 times thesales of conventional blouses during last year's Double Eleven shoppingfestival. Industry leader say there is still plenty of ways the traditional fashiontrend can grow. 天猫电商平台显示,在去年的双十一购物节上,汉服等特殊服装的销量领先于其他服饰,是普通衬衫的1.26倍。业内人士表示,中国风时装的潮流仍将以不同方式持续增长。 Interviewee: Pro. BianXiangyang, VicePresident, China Fashion Association 受访者:卞向阳教授中国服装设计师协会常务理事 “The industry should continue integrationof the traditional culture to make sure it can be inherited. The market needs more things people can wear daily,that can combine international trends with our traditional culture. That way,people will be interested in wearing the new clothes, both locals andforeigners.” “我们要坚持对传统文化进行梳理,明确哪些东西可以传承。我们更需要能在日常生活中穿着的衣服,把国际流行和传统文化结合。这样无论是中国人还是外国人,都能喜欢上新中式服装。” Professor Bian says that while some threemillion people have purchased costume Hanfu, daily apparel featuringtraditional Chinese elements has now grown to an even larger market, with majorplayers having already made revenue topping more than 10 billion yuan ($1.53billion). 卞教授认为,既然已经有三百多万人购买过汉服,那么融合了中国传统元素的日常服饰会越来越受欢迎。数据表明,一些主要的新中式时装品牌收入已达100亿元。 #热词加油站 apparel【服装】 renaissance【文艺复兴】 sartorial【衣着的】 outfit【服装;搭配】 debut【首秀】 ceramic【陶瓷的】 rubbings【拓本】 conglomerate【集团】