cover of episode 04/14 SHLIVE | Dump Radioactive water into Sea? 伤心太平洋:日本核废水要入海了

04/14 SHLIVE | Dump Radioactive water into Sea? 伤心太平洋:日本核废水要入海了

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JAPAN TO RELEASETREATED FUKUSHIMA WASTEWATER INTO SEA CHINA URGESJAPAN TO ADDRESS NUCLEAR WASTEWATER CONCERNS NEWS ON 04/14 Welcome to thisedition of ShanghaiLive, I’m He Jian, I’m Aixinjueluo Bei/ICS Anchor. 欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是何健,我是爱新觉罗·贝/ICS主播。 Japan announcedtoday it will release more than 1 million tons of treated radioactive【放射性的】 water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant into thePacific Ocean in two years, an option fiercely opposed by the area’s residents.Here’s Sun Siqi with the story. 日本今天宣布,将在两年内把福岛核电站失事后的100多万吨放射性废水排入太平洋,这一决定遭到当地居民强烈反对。以下是孙思奇带来的报道。 Yoshihide Suga,Japanese Prime Minister We judged thatreleasing the treated water into the sea is possible, and came to an agreementon the basic measures. 我们判断排放入海为可行方法,并将以此为基本方针。 Tokyo ElectricPower Company plans to filter【过滤】 the water toremove isotopes, leaving only tritium, a radioactive isotope hydrogen that isdifficult to separate from water. The company will then dilute【稀释】 the liquid until tritium levels fall below regulatorylimits before pumping it into the ocean. Groups of protesters gathered outsidethe Prime Minister’s residence in Tokyo. 东京电力公司计划过滤掉水中的其他同位素,只留下氚——一种很难从水中分离出来的放射性氢同位素。随后,该公司将稀释这些液体,直至氚含量符合监管标准,再将其排入海洋。成群结队的抗议者聚集在官邸外。 It’s notpossible. There’ll be radioactive material however much you try to dilute it.How can you just throw radioactive water into the sea? 稀释不了,没那个可能。不管怎么稀释,都会有辐射物质残留,怎么能把有辐射物质残存的废水排入大海呢? Our oppositionto this will not change just because the government made its decision. 我们反对排放入海的态度是不会放弃的,不会因为政府决定了,我们就放弃。 SouthKorea summoned【召见】 Japan’s ambassador to Seoul to protestthe plan. Koo Yoon-cheol, S.Korea’s Office of Government Policy Coordination The decisionwill not only cause danger to the safety and maritime【海的】 environment of neighboring countries, it was alsomade unilaterally【单方面的】 without sufficient consultation withour country, which is Japan’s closest neighbor. 这一行为给周边国家安全,和海洋环境带来威胁,这也是日方在没有与地理位置临近的韩国进行充分磋商和寻求理解的情况下,单方面做出的决定。 The accumulating【堆积】 wastewater has been stored in tanks at the Fukushimaplant since 2011, when a massive earthquake damaged its reactors and coolingwater became contaminated【污染的】. The annualstorage costs are about 800 million US dollars and space is running out.Japanese authorities had considered other options, including building moretanks or evaporating the water. They considered pumping it into the ocean themost "realistic" option. 自2011年大地震以来,福岛核电站反应堆遭到破坏,冷却水受到污染,这些废水一直被储存在福岛核电站的水箱中。水箱每年产生约8亿美元的存储成本,同时也面临水箱空间不足的问题。日本当局也考虑了其他处置方式,包括建造更多的水箱或将水蒸发。他们认为把核废水排入海洋是最“现实”的选择。 China’s ForeignMinistry called Japan’s decision to release water from the Fukushima nuclearplant extremely irresponsible and urged Tokyo to respond to its concerns. ZhangNingben has the story. 中国外交部表示,日本决定排放福岛核电站核废水的行为是极其不负责任的,并敦促日本有关方面对各方关切作出应有回应。 Foreign Ministryspokesperson Zhao Lijian said the release will seriously damage internationalpublic health and the interests of people in neighboring countries. 外交部发言人表示,核废水排海将严重损害国际公共健康安全和周边国家人民切身利益。 Japan shouldre-evaluate its handling of wastewater, and refrain from wantonly dischargingit before reaching a consensus【一致】 with allstakeholders and the International Atomic Energy Agency. 日本应重新审视福岛核电站核废水处置问题,在同各利益攸关国家和国际原子能机构充分协商并达成一致之前,不得擅自启动排海。 China also urgedthe United States to address Japan’s decision based on facts when commenting onthe Biden administration’s recently declared stance【立场】 that Japan’s decision has been "transparent,"and "appears to have adopted an approach in accordance with globallyaccepted nuclear safety standards." Zhao Lijian,Spokesperson Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China Internationalauthorities and experts have clearly pointed out that the discharge of tritiumcontaminated wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the oceanwill affect the marine environment and the public health of neighboringcountries. The existing treated wastewater contains other radio-nuclides andneeds to be further purified and treated. China hopes the US will evaluate thefacts. ZhangNingben, Shanghai Live. 国际权威机构和专家明确指出,福岛核电站含氚废水排入海洋,将对周边国家海洋环境和公众健康造成影响。同时,现有经过处理的废水中,仍含有其他放射性核素,需进一步净化处理。美方向来重视环境问题,希望美方在真正的环境问题上,对事不对人,不要让这个重视被打上引号。记者张宁犇,直播上海。 #热词加油站 radioactive[ˌreɪdiəʊˈæktɪv]【放射性的】 filter[ˈfɪltə(r)]【过滤】 dilute[daɪˈluːt]【稀释】 summoned[ˈsʌmən]【召见】 maritime[ˈmærɪtaɪm]【海的】 unilaterally【单方面的】 accumulating[əˈkjuːmjəleɪt]【堆积】 contaminated[kənˈtæmɪneɪtɪd]【污染的】 consensus[kənˈsensəs]【一致】 stance[stæns]【立场】