NEWS ON 0**4/12** 1**. PREVENTION MEASURES IN PRECAUTIONARY AREAS 严格落实分区管控,防范区非必要不出户 2. SHANGHAI INTRODUCES NEW PCR CODE 上海上线“新核酸码” 3. COMMUNITIES BUY IN BULK TO STAY ALIVE 多方发力,助力小区规避团购风险 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. **PREVENTION MEASURES IN PRECAUTIONARY AREAS 严格落实分区管控,防范区非必要不出户 With first batch of "**precautionary【预有戒备的】**areas" announced in Shanghai, communities in these areas have enacted control measures in order to mitigate the risks while allowing residents' range of activity expand. Lei Shuran has more. 上海公布首批“防范区”名单,名单中的社区已陆续采取相应措施,在合理扩大防范区居民活动范围的同时,减少感染风险。更多消息,请听雷舒然带来的报道。 In this community at Zhennan Road, Putuo District, one person per household is allowed to go outside the community per day. The neighbourhood committee **keeps tabs on【密切关注】who exits the grounds and disinfects every person leaving and entering the entrance gate. The neighboring community is still listed as a locked down area. There are also volunteers patrolling inside the community. 位于普陀区真南路的这个防范区,每户一天只允许一人外出。居委会会密切关注居民的进出,并时刻做好消杀工作。邻近的小区属于封控区,社区中有志愿者在巡逻。 Security Guard 小区安保人员 “Everyone needs to write down what time they exit and enter the grounds, and sign their name after coming back. The security guard also needs to sign for verification.” 出去的时间和回来的时间都要写的,回来居民签完字保安也要签字、要核对。 At this community in Nanqiao Town, Fengxian District, supplies from the government continued to arrive even after the community was announced as precautionary area. Also, volunteers of the neighborhood have decided that caring for special groups such as elderly people living alone will continue even after the city opens up again. 奉贤区南桥镇的一个社区也在防范区的名单内。即便如此,政府发放的物资仍有序抵达。同时,志愿者表示,即使在疫情结束之后,也会继续照顾独居的老年人。 Zhou Lan General Party Branch Secretary of Beigangsiju Community 周兰,贝港四居党总支书记 “This work will not end when the restrictions are lifted. We will maintain the spirit of this volunteer team, and better serve seniors who are living alone as well as other vulnerable groups in the community.” 这项工作不会随着疫情的结束而结束,我们还将发挥这支志愿团队的精神,为小区困难孤寡老人、弱势群体服务好。 Donghai Community in Zhuqiao Town, Pudong New Area has also been listed as precautionary area. The neighbourhood committee has suggested residents not to walk around, and can ask volunteers for help if they have needs for buying supplies or picking up medication. Checkpoints have been set on streets that connect to other communities, which still belong to locked down and controlled areas, with personnel standing guard 24 hours a day. 浦东新区竹桥镇东海社区也被纳入防范区名单中。该小区居委会建议居民不要四处走动。如若有需要购买物资或药物,他们可以向志愿者求助。在串联其他封控社区的街道上都设有隔离检查站,站点有24小时站岗的人员。 2. SHANGHAI INTRODUCES NEW PCR CODE 上海上线“新核酸码” A new PCR code on the government services app Suishenban was adopted on April 9th in Shanghai. Neighborhood committee employee and volunteers have helped people struggling to get their code. Zhang Hong has this story. 4月9日,上海在政务APP“随申办”中上线了新的"核酸码"。为保障核酸检测顺利进行,各小区的居委、志愿者等总结经验,连夜做了各项预案,让居民使用核酸码采样流畅便捷。更多消息,请听张泓带来的报道。 Residents lined up for a PCR test at Yuyuanfang residential compound in Jing'an District. Volunteers helped those who encountered difficulties accessing the new PCR code, especially seniors. They reminded residents to bring their ID card and expats their passports just in case. 上午,愚园坊的居民正排队进行核酸检测,秩序井然。个别老年人不知道核酸码,或者手机操作有问题,志愿者都及时子以帮助。志愿者们还提醒居民或外籍居民携带好身份证或护照以防万一。 Huang Yijing Volunteer 黄怡靖,静安区志愿者 “We check screenshots of the code in advance, and the PCR tests are going smoothly.” 我们也及时关照居民截屏截好。目前看下来,大家(检测)还是一切正常的。 Mr. Liu 刘先生,居民 “It is more convenient and saves us the trouble of getting a new code for each test.” 这要比原来方便,省的每次都要重复弄了呀。 In another community, a woman scanned the code and was set to get tested. 另一个小区内,一位女士顺利地进行扫码,完成了核酸采样。 Ms. Cai 蔡女士,居民 “I can also apply for the PCR code for my daughter and elderly family members.” 它有一个亲属随申码,直接点进去,把孩子信息登记进去,自动就上传上去了,挺好的。 Staff members helped seniors so they could bring a printed PCR code, which is valid for one month. 街道工作人员将个别没有手机的老人的信息做了手工录入,把核酸码打印出来后,让老人带着去做核酸检测,二维码有效期为一个月。 Staff Member Jing'an Temple Subdistrict 工作人员,静安寺街道 “We can see how many people have done the test on Suishenban's app. We advise residents to use a brighter mobile phone screen to improve our efficiency when scanning codes.” 我们在回到主页面的时候,可以看到有多少根管、有多少人参与了检测。(建议居民扫码时)光线比较亮的时候,建议大家把屏幕竖起来,不要朝天,这样可以提升我们扫码速度。 A Yuyuanfang neighborhood committee employee said scanning the PCR code can now be done with a mobile phone instead of a PDA, or handheld PC. Test results can be found in the Suishenban app, its Wechat mini program, or Alipay. 愚园坊居委会工作人员表示,扫描核酸码不需要PDA设备或者手持电脑,使用智能手机即可进行。核酸检测的结果可以在支付宝或微信小程序的随申办中查询。 3. **COMMUNITIES BUY IN BULK TO STAY ALIVE 多方发力,助力小区规避团购风险 Group ordering has soared in locked down communities as people are finding creative ways to put food on their tables. Yangpu District police officers are working with community workers and volunteers to strengthen the organization of group buying in order to prevent infection and fraud. Sun Siqi tells us more. 目前,上海的不少封控小区的居民都通过团购来采购生活物资。为了保证团购质量,排除隐患,杨浦区的社区民警与小区居委、志愿者和企业等对接,做好防疫消杀同时,规避诈骗等风险。更多消息,请听孙思奇带来的报道。 Deliveries of fresh vegetables, fruits and milk arrived at a residential compound in Yangpu at 9:30am. Police and volunteers sorted and disinfected the packages before delivering them to households. 上午9点半左右,团购物资抵达杨浦区的一个居民区。由于近来气温较高,鲜奶、瓜果蔬菜等容易变质,民警立刻与志愿者们对物资进行分拣消杀,尽快配送。 Community Resident 社区居民 “Our group-buying organizer is very reliable. He tries his best to find suppliers for us. But many seniors in our community are not familiar with group buying.” 我们有一个满靠谱的大团长在给我们想办法搞物资。我们这边老人多,他们都不太会团购。 Volunteer Shi Jing's son helps organize **bulk buys【团购】**in his compound. The IT industry worker surveys neighbors for what they need and contacts reliable suppliers to purchase food and other essentials. 小区志愿者施静的儿子是互联网公司员工,居家办公之余,发挥特长成为小区的团购带头人,统计各家各户需求,组织团购。 Shi Jing Community Volunteer 施静,社区志愿者 “He stayed up very late last night and slept only two hours the night before. Though I am worried about him, I support him as he is helping our community. My son and I are both Party members, so we need to play a leading role at this crucial time. He is the group organizer, and I am responsible for the deliveries.” 昨天他几乎是通宵的,前个晚上只睡了2个多小时。我也很心疼,但是为了居民嘛没办法。我和儿子都是党员,这时候应该是党员发挥自己的模范先锋作用。所以儿子做的是团购的团长,我就做了配送组的组长。 Zhao Xingwei Community Police Officer,Siping Road Police Station 赵兴伟,四平路派出所社区民警 “Group buying can be risky as some have made use of it to **swindle【诈骗】**money. So we work with community staff to check supply sources and ensure that residents can get what they paid for.” 有些有存在别样心思的人,他们利用团购或者利用收款不发货,存在一种一定的诈骗的嫌疑,所以我们分局也指导我们社区民警对居委这块一定要了解好,确保居民团购不"踩空"。 But group buying is a headache for many seniors in the compound. To address the issue, local police have contacted nearby shop owners and work with the community to ensure seniors get food and other necessities. 杨浦区中不少小区里的老年人比例较高,许多人又不懂如何团购,因此社区民警就积极联系周边营业的商店,和居委、志愿者们一起,帮助小区居民尤其是老年人购买生活必需品。 #热词加油站 precautionary[prɪˈkɔʃ(ə)nˌeri]【预有戒备的】 swindle[ˈswɪnd(ə)l]【诈骗】 keep tabs on【密切关注】 bulk buy【团购】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~