Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive,I’m Aixinjueluo Bei/ICS Anchor. 欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是爱新觉罗·贝/ICS主播。 The China Shanghai International TechnologyFair opens this Thursday. High-tech companies in Shanghai will be showcasing【展示】theirlatest technologies and products. Zhang Hong brings us a preview of somehighlights. 中国(上海)国际技术进出口交易会(简称上交会)将于本周四开幕,上海各高新企业也将展出最新的科技产品。请记者张鸿为我们带来本届上交会热点前瞻。 -- Level Six. -- Level Seven. 六楼、七楼。 The contactless holographic【全息的】displayallows people to pick a floor without touching the elevator button. It helps toavoid the risk of possible infection from touching a contaminated【被污染的】surface. 免接触全息显示技术应用于电梯上,能够隔空控制、选择楼层,由此避免直接触摸带来的交叉感染风险。 Interviewee: Shi Jinghua, CEO at YesarGroup 受访者:石景华上海衍视电子科技公司首席执行官 “The technology can be applied to basicallyany equipment with a screen. For example, the self-registration and paymentmachines in the hospital and ticket-selling machines at railway stations.” “这项技术可以应用到各种各样有触摸屏的设备中,比如医院的挂号机、缴费机,高铁自助售票机等。” These disinfection【消毒;杀菌】robots have also been upgraded. They can now operate for 7 to 8 hours on asingle charge. 消毒机器人也进行了性能升级,一次充电后,能够提供7到8小时的续航时间。 Interviewee: Ma Xiayi, Marketing Manager ofTaimi Robotics Technology Co. 受访者:马夏怡上海钛米机器人科技公司市场经理 “Our disinfection robots are now equippedwith sensors for PM 2.5 and hydrogen peroxide【过氧化氢】. The robotwill stop disinfecting a targeted area when the hydrogen peroxide reaches acertain density【密度;浓度】.” “我们的消毒机器人还配备了PM2.5和过氧化氢浓度的感应器,达到一定浓度之后就会停止喷雾。” Another company developed an AI model toprovide weather forecasts for aviation. It can even detect the slightdifferences between the two ends of each runway, while traditional modeling canonly provide a general forecast within a range of 3 to 5 kilometers. 新技术还让航空气象预报越来越精细。这套人工智能模型可以精准探测到同一机场的不同跑道,甚至一条跑道两端细微的天气差别。而此前,传统的预报模型只能预判3到5公里范围内大致的天气变化。 Interviewee: Su Zhongyue, Chief Expert atAI Research Institute, EM Data 受访者:苏仲岳上海眼控科技人工智能研究院首席科学家 “The model allows the airport to make betterarrangements for flights so there will be less last minute cancellations.” “这套模型让飞机能够作更精细的调度安排,取消的航班就会减少。” The model has been used by CAAC's EastChina Region Administration and will provide weather information for airportsincluding Pudong and Hongqiao airport. 中国民用航空华东地区管理局已将这套人工智能模型投入使用,将为浦东机场和虹桥机场提供天气信息。 The China Shanghai International TechnologyFair will be held from Thursday to Saturday at Shanghai World Expo Exhibitionand Convention Center. Over 1,000 companies are taking part in the fair. 上交会将于本周二至周四(4月15日至17日)在上海世博展览馆举办,超过一千家企业参展。 #热词加油站 showcase【展示】 holographic 【全息的】 contaminated 【被污染的】 disinfection 【消毒;杀菌】 hydrogen peroxide【过氧化氢】 density 【密度;浓度】