cover of episode 04/11 TOP NEWS|国家会展中心方舱交付/城乡结对保障上海蔬菜供应/无人车进小区派送

04/11 TOP NEWS|国家会展中心方舱交付/城乡结对保障上海蔬菜供应/无人车进小区派送

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NEWS ON 04/08 1.NAT'L EXHIBITION & CONVENTION CTR. TO BEGIN ADMITTING PATIENTS 国家会展中心方舱交付 2.URBAN & RURAL DISTRICTS PAIRING ENSURES VEGETABLE SUPPLY 市区郊区城乡结对保障上海蔬菜供应 3.UNMANNED VEHICLES HELP DELIVER SUPPLIES IN SHANGHAI 电商平台保小哥****无人车进小区派送 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.NAT'L EXHIBITION & CONVENTION CTR. TO BEGIN ADMITTING PATIENTS 国家会展中心方舱交付 The 50,000-bed makeshift临时代用的物品】hospital that has been set up in the National Exhibition and Convention Center will begin receiving COVID-19 patients tomorrow. 设立于国家会展中心拥有 50,000 张床位的方舱医院将于明天起开始接收新冠感染患者。 Construction is nearing completion at the landmark convention center covering over 600,000 square meters in Qingpu District. 这座位于青浦区占地逾60万平方米的方舱医院即将竣工。 The construction companies designed different ventilation systems according to the characteristics of each pavilion【展馆】. So far, all the equipment for nurses and doctors have been delivered to the No.3 Pavilion and all workers are operating in shifts to ensure the work continues around the clock. 工程方根据场馆地形和空间结构特点,度身定制了空气循环过滤方案。 目前,在三馆外,护士工作站所需要的信息化站点设备也已运抵,所有医护人员都确保24小时轮班工作,保障需求。    Lin Jingsheng, Engineer Ruijin Hospital 林靖生瑞金医院学科规划与大设施管理处处长、正高级工程师 “We're running out of time right now. We've a lot to do, including installing the computer systems, the software, and the network, so that the doctors and nurses will be able to begin working tonight.”  终端是一小时前刚刚运到的,所以我们时间非常紧。我们先要把这个终端拆箱,然后安装系统、安装软件,并连打印机进行相关设置。再要安装到护士站和医生站,让他们今天晚上立刻开始工作。 Over 50,000 workers from state-owned, and private enterprises, have been working day and night on the construction of the sites. 5万多名来自国有企业和民营企业的建筑工人,都在建设工地日夜奋战。 More than 347 toilets along with over 6,700 beds have been put in place at the No. 2 pavilion. Apart from medical services, the teams at the makeshift hospital will also make sure basic needs of quarantined patients are met, such as food and drink, sleeping, sanitation and WiFi. 2号馆已建设了347个移动厕所,6700多张床位。 除了医疗服务外,方舱医院的团队还将确保被隔离患者饮食、睡眠、卫生、上网等基本需求得到满足。 City officials say makeshift hospitals primarily care for asymptomatic carriers无症状患者 and provide treatment for those with mild symptoms, should a patient's condition worsen they will be transferred to designated hospitals for more intensive treatment. 市政府官员表示,方舱医院主要收治无症状患者并为轻症患者提供治疗。如果患者病情加重,他们将被转移到定点医院进行进一步治疗。 2.URBAN & RURAL DISTRICTS PAIRING ENSURES VEGETABLE SUPPLY 市区郊区城乡结对保障上海蔬菜供应 The delivering of agricultural products from the fields to residents' doorsteps has become an urgent affair during the lockdown. Lei Shuran tells us more about how the problem is being tackled at a community in 华泾 Town, Xuhui District. 疫情期间,田间地头的大量蔬菜,如何对接到挨家挨户?记者雷舒然将向我们详细介绍徐汇华泾镇的对策。 1,300 vegetable packs from Shanyang Town, Jinshan District arrived in the morning at the Guanghualvyuan community entrance gate, in Xuhui District, one week from the community's last delivery. 上午十点,徐汇区光华绿苑小区门口,来自金山山阳镇的1300份已分装的蔬菜包抵达。这个小区的上一次统筹配给是在一周前。 There are lots of agricutural products in the suburban fields waiting to be sold. They have the need of opening up distribution channels too. 在郊区有大量的农产品在田间,也需要打通供销途径。 Jinshan's Shanyang Town and Huajing Town in downtown Xuhui has been a long-time urban-rural pairing, with one providing and one purchasing. However, limited transportation resources have stopped the cooperatives from operating at full capacity. 金山山阳镇与徐汇华泾镇长期城乡结对,一个可供应,一个有需求。不过有限的运输资源,令合作社的物资无法全部释放。 Chen Xiaoqin, General Manager Shengke Fruit & Vegetable Cooperative, Jinshan 陈小琴,金山区盛科果蔬专业合作社总经理 “It requires passes, so we are extremely short on vehicles, as some of our trucks don't have the passes. And now each driver has to be bound to one vehicle. We need at least two more trucks each day to complete our transport.” 运输需要通行证,所以车辆特别地紧张。有车的但是他没有通行证,而且现在需要人车合一,我们每天最起码还要增加两个固定的车辆来回给我们跑 。 The cooperatives in Jinshan managed to transport 10 tons of resources to Xuhui in one day. The goods will be taken straight to residents' homes through contactless delivery【无接触配送】 by volunteers. The two districts plan to continue their cooperation to make sure residents get what they need. 今天,合作社向徐汇运送了10吨物资,抵达小区后,志愿者将蔬菜包送到居民家门口,全程无接触。下一步,双方还将继续合作,保证货源、保证供应。 Lin Le, Vice Town Mayor Huajing Town, Xuhui District 林乐,徐汇华泾镇副镇长 “What we are rather short of now are bulk goods【大宗物资】like grain and vegetables. Meanwhile, there are some special needs which cannot be fully satisfied by the scale of one town alone. Therefore we have been building a provision platform for certain goods like baby products, which will cover the whole district.” 我们现在相对比较缺乏和紧张的还是粮食蔬菜这种大宗物资,同时还有一些特殊的需求。这个光靠一个镇的范围不能完全满足,所以我们在全区搭建母婴用品这些特定商品的供应平台。 The Shanghai municipal life supply ensuring task force today, refuted【驳斥】 an online screenshot claiming that all group buying will be suspended in Shanghai from Saturday, stating that it was completely fabricated, and no such notice has been published. The city has been urging businesses and logistics service providers to strictly implement pandemic prevention measures and open for business as soon as possible, so as to provide residents with daily necessities. The public security department has been tracing the rumor's source.        上海市生活保障工作组今天辟谣了一张网上截图,该截图称从周六开始上海将暂停所有团购,工作组对此宣称该图完全是捏造的,政府从来没有发布这样的通知。我市一直在督促企业和物流服务提供者严格落实防疫措施,尽快开门营业,为居民提供生活必需品。公安部门一直在追查此谣言的来源。 3.UNMANNED VEHICLES HELP DELIVER SUPPLIES IN SHANGHAI 电商平台保小哥****无人车进小区派送 Some communities in Pudong have started using unmanned vehicles to deliver necessities like food to locked down residents. 为解决封控小区物资运输问题,浦东的一些小区目前开始试点启用自动配送车。 In this neighborhood in Pudong, some unmanned vehicles deliver goods after receiving commands given by community workers and volunteers. The vehicles automatically plan their routes to distribute goods. 志愿者们将分拣好的物资装上车后,输入门牌号,自动配送车根据预先设置好的路径自动驾驶。 Lei Yan, Unmanned Vehicle Safety Manager Meituan 雷岩,美团自动配送车安全负责人 “The unmanned vehicles have a radar system and sensors, so they can calculate routes, avoid barriers and park in a designated spot.” 通过识别道路之后,它可以进行自动驾驶。它的传感器和激光雷达可以识别周围的物体进行避障、停车等功能。 In addition to contact-free delivery, they can carry a maximum load of 150 kilograms and travel up to 20 kilometers per hour. Volunteers in the community have vouched for**【认可】**their efficiency. The community's 60 volunteers had been struggling to deliver all the supplies on time for some 5,000 people. 除了可以实现无接触配送这一优点外,这辆无人配送车一次可运输150公斤重的物资,最高速度达20千米每小时。据了解,该小区内共有居民约5千人,平日都靠60多名志愿者负责物资配送,工作量巨大。而有了这辆车则可以大大缓解了志愿者运输压力。 Zhu Weijie, Volunteer 朱微杰,绿洲康城清水湾志愿者 “Now we only need to follow the vehicle and unload the supplies. It was quite hard for us to deliver all the supplies before as the loads were too heavy.” 它帮我们节省了这么多路程,现在我们电瓶车跟着它后面去卸货就可以了。 The local government and delivery companies also announced new regulations for couriers. Couriers must now have a negative PCR test report, plus they need to wear a facial shield, mask and gloves.         上海市政府和快递公司也公布了对快递员的新规定。快递员现在必须有阴性核酸检测报告,而且运输过程中他们需要戴面罩、口罩和手套。 #热词加油站 1.makeshift /'meɪkʃɪft/【临时代用的物品】 2.pavilion  /pə'vɪljən/ 【展馆】 3.refute  /rɪ'fjuːt/ 【驳斥】 4.asymptomatic carrier【无症状患者】 5.contactless delivery【无接触配送】 6.bulk good【大宗物资】 7.vouch for【认可,担保】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~