cover of episode 04/10 TOP NEWS | 习近平同马克龙举行会谈/丘成桐谈中国数学现状与未来/抖音腾讯合作

04/10 TOP NEWS | 习近平同马克龙举行会谈/丘成桐谈中国数学现状与未来/抖音腾讯合作

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NEWS ON 04/07 1**.XI: CHINA, FRANCE SHOULD ENHANCE COOPERATION 习近平同法国总统马克龙举行会谈 *2.FIELDS MEDAL WINNER SHARES VIEWS ON CULTIVATING MATH TALENTS IN CHINA 菲尔兹奖首位华人得主丘成桐:如何在中国的土地,培养出一流的学者* 3.DOUYIN, TENCENT REACH AGREEMENT ON LONG, SHORT VIDEO COOPERATION** 抖音与腾讯视频达成合作,长短视频之争终结 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1**.*XI: CHINA, FRANCE SHOULD ENHANCE COOPERATION 习近平同法国总统马克龙举行会谈 China and France should enhance cooperation and build a promising future, President Xi Jinping said yesterday while addressing the closing ceremony of the fifth meeting of the Chinese-French Council of Entrepreneurs in Beijing. Xi attended the ceremony with French President Emmanuel Macron, who is on a three-day state visit to China. Song Wenjing has more. 4月6日,国家主席习近平在北京同来华进行为期三天国事访问的法国总统马克龙共同出席中法企业家委员会第五次会议闭幕式并致辞。习近平表示,中法应该抓住机遇,加强合作,共创美好未来。记者宋文静带来更多报道。 Noting that China has fully unleashed its economic vitality【活力】 and cooperates in various fields with France and the European Union, Xi said both nations should take the opportunity to enhance cooperation. 习近平指出,当前中国经济社会活力充分释放,中法、中欧各领域对话合作全面激活,双方应该抓住机遇、加强合作。 Xi said China supports French companies participating in the China International Import Expo, the China International Fair for Trade in Services and the China International Consumer Products Expo. 中方支持法国企业有效利用中国国际进口博览会、中国国际服务贸易交易会、中国国际消费品博览会等重大对外开放平台。 He noted that China will continue to view and develop relations with the European Union from a strategic and long-term perspective, support European integration【融合】 and support unity and prosperity in the EU, adding that he expects the EU to uphold an objective and correct understanding of China and adhere to the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership. 中方将继续从战略高度和长远角度看待和发展中欧关系,支持欧洲一体化建设,支持欧盟团结繁荣。期待欧方秉持客观正确的对华认知,坚持中欧全面战略伙伴关系定位。 Solidarity and coordination are necessary to promote common development, Xi said. This year, China will host the 3rd Belt and Road Forum on International Cooperation. Xi said China looks forward to working with France to deepen bilateral ties within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. 我们要坚持团结协作,促进全球共同发展。今年,中国将主办第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛。中方期待同包括法方在内的各方一道,深化在“一带一路”框架内的双边和第三方市场合作。 Noting that next year will mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, Xi called for steady and sustainable development of China-France ties during a period of international volatility and uncertainty. 习近平强调,明年将迎来中法建交60周年。面对动荡不安的国际形势,我们要推动中法关系乘风破浪、行稳致远。 Macron said he and Xi had witnessed the signing of a series of important deals between the two governments, which demonstrate the common ambition of France and China to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation. 马克龙表示,他和习近平主席共同见证双方签署一系列重要协议,展现了法中在深化互利合作方面的共同雄心。 He said France is ready to work with China to deepen their strategic partnership, and push for progress in various fields. 法方愿同中方携手深化法中全面战略伙伴关系,推动双方各领域合作持续取得重要进展。   *2.FIELDS MEDAL WINNER SHARES VIEWS ON CULTIVATING MATH TALENTS IN CHINA 菲尔兹奖首位华人得主丘成桐:如何在中国的土地,培养出一流的学者* Professor Shing-Tung Yau shared his views on "the present and future ofmathematics in China" at the Shanghai Master Forum on Science. He is the first Chinese-born mathematician to win the Fields Medal. Reporter Zhang Hong tells us more about his ideas. 在第二期“浦江科学大师讲坛”上,丘成桐教授以“中国数学的现状与未来”为题作报告。丘成桐教授是国际数学界最高荣誉菲尔兹奖的首位华人得主。记者张泓带来详细报道。 As the Dean of Qiuzhen College at Tsinghua University, Shing-Tung Yau now leads a program that accepts students in the first or second year of high school and even outstanding students in middle school. He believes training doesn't have to wait until a student turns 18. 丘成桐教授是清华大学求真书院的院长,该书院每年招收高一、高二学生,甚至是优秀的初中生。他认为数学学科的训练不必等到学生年满18岁之后。 Shing-Tung Yau*, *Foreign Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences 丘成桐 中国科学院外籍院士 “美国数学界很多主要的学者来自美国五十多所中学,这些中学的学生都是十三四岁入学,受到极为严格的训练。最后两年的训练使用大学本科的教材,由大学教授水平的老师来教导。” “Many important mathematical scholars in the United States graduated from more than 50 middle schools, where they were enrolled at 13 or 14 years old and were trained strictly. In their last two years of middle school learning, they were taught by professor-level teachers and they used undergraduate textbooks.” Yau was awarded the Fields Medal, the highest honor in international mathematics, in his early 30s. He is fond of poetry and writes them himself. He emphasized the importance of a general education. 丘成桐30多岁获国际数学界最高荣誉的菲尔兹奖。他喜欢古典诗词,也会自己创作诗歌。他强调通识教育的重要性。 Shing-Tung Yau, *Foreign Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences 丘成桐 中国科学院外籍院士 “其实不一定讲诗词,因为一个好的有学问的科学家总是有相当深厚的文化修养才能够问得出好的问题,能够想出一些有修养的学问,其实主要是文化的基层的培养。我的有些朋友是弹钢琴或者是下棋等种种不同方式培养的,都有同样的效果。诗词是刚好,因为我对诗词有兴趣。我还没看过任何一个有学问的学者是完全没有文艺修养的。” "It doesn't have to be poetry. An outstanding scientist always needs profound cultural foundations when pursuing his studies. Some of my friends are fond of playing the piano or playing chess. This is indeed a way to cultivate【培养】 talented people. I haven't met an excellent scholar who doesn't have a strong interest in the arts." When asked about Artificial Intelligence, he said it won't be able to replace the work of mathematicians for now. 当被问及人工智能时,他说目前人工智能还不能取代数学家的工作。 Shing-Tung Yau*, Foreign Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences 丘成桐 中国科学院外籍院士 “有一部分人工智能能够帮忙,我们拿到很多资料,有些能够借助人工智能融在一起,但是基本上人工智能得到的资料都是人类思考过的。它要在观念上有突破,至少目前为止我认为做不到。你想要人工智能产生一个从前没有产生过的概念,我认为它做不到。” “AI can help with some aspects of our work. It can help collect the data we need, but currently I don't think it can make any huge breakthroughs in mathematics like a human.” This is the second Shanghai Master Forum on Science held at Fudan University. The first one was held in November last year. Organizers plan to invite scientists who have won honors such as a Turing Award or Nobel Prize to share their thoughts and encourage more students to study science. 这是在复旦大学举办的第二届“浦江科学大师讲坛”。首期讲坛于去年11月举行。会议组织者计划邀请获得图灵奖或诺贝尔奖等荣誉的科学家来分享看法,并鼓励更多学生学习科学。 3.DOUYIN, TENCENT REACH AGREEMENT ON LONG, SHORT VIDEO COOPERATION 抖音与腾讯视频达成合作,长短视频之争终结 Chinese short video platform Douyin announced today that it has reachedanagreement with Tencent to explore* joint【联合】** promotion of each other's short and long videos. The company said it is now authorized to use portions of content from Tencent's long-form video streaming site Tencent Video. 中国短视频平台抖音今天(04/07)宣布,已与腾讯视频达成合作,双方将围绕长短视频联动推广。腾讯视频将向抖音授权其享有信息网络传播权及转授权权利的长视频。 Rules about how secondary content can be generated have also been clarified. Douyin said users of platforms under the Douyin Group will be able to create short videos using content from long videos that appear on Tencent's platform. The company said that the cooperation will bolster the creation and dissemination【传播】 of high-quality short videos and provide a better experience for users. Tencent has long protested the practice of some Douyin users making short videos from copyrighted material appearing on Tencent's platform without obtaining approval. 此外,腾讯视频与抖音还明确了短视频衍生创作的发布规则。未来,抖音集团旗下平台的用户将能够使用腾讯平台的长视频内容进行二次创作。本次合作将为优质短视频内容创作与传播提供充分保障,为用户创造更良好的使用体验。此前长期以来,腾讯一直反对抖音用户在未经批准的情况下,利用腾讯平台上的版权资料制作短视频。 #热词加油站 vitality/vaɪˈtæləti/【活力】 integration/ˌɪntɪˈɡreɪʃ(ə)n/【融合】 cultivate/ˈkʌltɪveɪt/【培养】 joint /dʒɔɪnt/【联合】 dissemination/dɪˌsemɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/【传播】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~