cover of episode 04/09 SHLIVE | Wuhan Returns to Normal 武汉“重启”一周年 满满人间烟火气

04/09 SHLIVE | Wuhan Returns to Normal 武汉“重启”一周年 满满人间烟火气

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Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive,I’m AixinjueluoBei / ICS News Anchor. 欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是爱新觉罗•贝 / ICS 主播。 Wuhan is now prospering with a return oftourists and a rebounding【回升】 economy one year after the lockdown was lifted【解除】. Here’sSun Siqi with more details. 自“解封”已过去整整一年,武汉经济回暖的同时也迎回了一批又一批的游客。请听记者孙思奇带来的报道。 On April 8th, 2020, Wuhan reopened after 76days in lockdown. Blockades at highways in and out of the city were removedearly that morning. A year later at the same toll gate【收费站】, trucksare now transporting vegetables and other goods into town, not boxes ofpandemic control gear【装备】. 2020年4月8日,历时76天的“封城”结束,武汉“重启”。当日凌晨,进出城的高速闸口处的重重路障被移除。一年后的今天,在同样的高速收费站,货车运送的已不再是防疫物资,而是蔬菜和其他各类商品。 Interviewee: Officer at GongjialingTollgate ,Wuhan 受访者:武汉市龚家岭收费站工作人员 “About 40,000 vehicles pass the gate a daynow, that’s almost the same as 2019.” “我们现在的日均流量达到了4万台次,相比于2019年几乎持平。” At Wuhan Tianhe Airport, counters arepacked with travelers, many of whom just toured Hubei Province. New flightroutes opened to 13 popular tourist destinations in Shandong, Dunhuang andJiayuguan in Gansu Province. 90 percent of the seats are occupied. 在武汉天河机场,值机柜台前排满了旅客,其中不少是来湖北旅游的游客。今年,武汉天河机场新开了至山东、敦煌和甘肃嘉峪关等13处热门旅游地的航线,上座率达到了百分之九十。 Interviewee: Mr. Pei, Tourist 受访者:裴先生游客 “We just went to see Sanxia and the canyonin En’shi. We took a direct flight. ” “我们去了三峡和恩施大峡谷。我们搭乘的都是直飞的航班。” Wuhan’s streets are bustling【熙熙攘攘的】 onceagain. Long lines form outside this popular breakfast spot by 9 am. 武汉的街道也恢复了往日的热闹与生机。这家“网红”早餐店,早上九点就已经排起了长队。 Interviewee: A tourist 受访者:游客 “As you can see, I don’t even have a placeto sit. I’d say Wuhan is back to its former self.” “你看,我们都没地方坐着吃,但是感觉整个武汉已经恢复正常生活了。” A year ago, the shop was close to going outof business during the lockdown. But government policies like rent reductionand loans helped it and other small businesses weather 【经受,度过】 thewinter. 51 billion yuan ($7.78 billion) worth of tax and fees were scrapped 【取消】.Businesses received a total of 101 billion ($15.4 billion) yuan in rescueloans. 去年此时,这家小店由于疫情的影响几乎面临倒闭,但政府出台了租金减免、小额贷款等政策,支持商家们共渡难关。政府共减免了510亿元的税费,并向商户提供了总额1010亿元的扶持贷款。 Known for its cherry blossoms, 42,000doctors and nurses that came to the city’s aid last year were invited to comeback and enjoy the scenery. More than 20,000 medical workers and their familymembers have accepted the invitation. 武汉樱花闻名遐迩。今年樱花盛开之际,四万两千名在疫情期间曾支援过武汉的医护人员也受邀回到武汉,共赏美景。有超过两万名的医护人员及其家属应邀而至。 Interviewee: A medical worker 受访者:医护人员 “Our mood is totally different now. Otherdoctors and nurses have arrived, and we made friends when times were the worst.We’re more than happy to gather again under the blossoms.” “我们的心情不同了。有这么多战友回来,而且我们是在艰难困苦中建立的感情,能够相约在樱花树下特别高兴。” Wuhan has reported zero local transmissionssince May 18th, 2020. Mass vaccination started in December. As of Tuesday, 3.7million doses had been administered 【实行】. In the firstquarter of 2020, Wuhan’s GDP suffered a sharp decline of about 40 percent. Despitethe hardship, the city soon recovered and grew rapidly over the next threequarters. By the end of last year, the slide was narrowed to 4.7 percent. Plansare underway to invest more than 250 billion yuan ($38.1billion) in over 2,000public health projects. As lives return to normal, so does hope and prosperity. 自2020年5月18日起,武汉本土病例零新增;12月,新冠疫苗接种工作启动。截止至4月6日,已接种疫苗370万剂次。2020年第一季度,武汉地区生产总值比上年同期锐减40%。尽管困难当前,武汉迅速复苏,在后三个季度中实现了经济的快速增长。至去年年底,其地区生产总值与上年同期的差距缩小到了4.7%。超两千个公共卫生项目正在计划建设中,预计投入2500亿元。在武汉,生活回归正常,希冀与繁荣就在前方。 #热词加油站 rebound【回升】 lift【解除】 toll gate【收费站】 gear【装备】 bustling【熙熙攘攘的】 weather【经受,度过】 scrap【取消】 administer【实行】