NEWS ON 0**4/07 1. VOLUNTEERS HELP TO DELIVER SUPPLIES IN COMMUNITIES 最后100米先锋队 2. E-COMMERCE PLATFORMS HELP TO DELIVER FOOD SUPPLIES IN LOCKED-DOWN SHANGHAI 盒马全国调配配送分拣人员支援上海 3. DELIVERY MEN HELP FAMILIES WITH BABIES 穿越浦江的奶粉专列 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. **VOLUNTEERS HELP TO DELIVER SUPPLIES IN COMMUNITIES 最后100米先锋队 In order to manage the delivery of daily supplies for people in lockdown, CPC party members have been working as volunteers to transport goods from community gates to residents' doorsteps. Lei Shuran has more. 为了打通物资配送的最后"100米",上海普陀区象源丽都小区近40位党员居民,自发组建"蓝骑士"车队,将物资从社区大门运送到居民的家门口。更多消息,请听雷舒然带来的报道。 There are 3,000 households with more than 8,000 residents under lockdown at Xiangyuanlidu community in Putuo District. The community formed a supply support team by recruiting residents that are CPC members, to maintain the orderly delivery of daily supplies. Some 40 people volunteered for the job within ten minutes of the notice being posted, and began working immediately. 上海普陀区象源丽都小区有3000户居民,共8000余人目前处于封控中。该社区通过招募小区内的党员居民,组成了一个物资供应小组,以维持日常用品的有序分发。公告发出后,大约有40人自愿报名,并立即投入工作。 Da Gui Resident 大桂,普陀区象源丽都居民 “They said they were recruiting young and strong men. I may not be young any more, but I'm still quite strong.” 他们说招募年轻体壮的小伙子,年轻称不上了,壮还是蛮壮的。 Xie Guanhong Resident 谢贯红,普陀区象源丽都居民 “A critical time requires some people to stand up and solve the problem. And I think I'm rather young.” 关键时刻只要站出来一两个人去解决问题,我觉得我也比较年轻。 The scale of volunteer team didn't stop expanding at this community, as more and more people joined in not only delivering, but also jobs such as helping with **PCR testing【核酸检测】and caring people in need. 从物资保障"蓝骑士",到核酸检测组,再到重点人群关照组,小区志愿者队伍还在不断壮大,越来越多的居民加入这个志愿者队伍。 Ni Xiaoqian Community Party Branch Secretary 倪晓倩,普陀区象源丽都居民区党总支书记 “Pressure has been heavy recently, and to be honest, we worked very hard. But this team has come to stand together we become comrades fighting side by side. We will win this battle together.” 这段时间来自基层各方面的压力还是很大的,说实在的,非常辛苦。但是这支队伍走出来的话,也是站在了我们身后,成为了我们并肩作战的战友,大家一起打赢这场战役。 Also, 1,300 packages of vegetables from Jinshan District arrived today (April 7) at the Guanghualvyuan community in Xuhui District, thanks to a cooperation mechanism between the 2 districts. Around 10 tons of goods were delivered to Xuhui from Jinshan today. 此外,物资有序运转离不开上海金山区和徐汇区中的合作。今天(4月7日)有1300箱蔬菜从金山区运抵徐汇区光华绿苑社区,同时今日金山区还向徐汇运送了约10吨的物资。 2. **E-COMMERCE PLATFORMS HELP TO DELIVER FOOD SUPPLIES IN LOCKED-DOWN SHANGHAI 盒马全国调配配送分拣人员支援上海 Agriculture collectives【合作企业,集体企业】, supermarkets and e-commerce platforms have implemented various measures and added more deliverymen to ensure timely food transportation for the millions of citizens who are living in Shanghai, which was subjected a phased lockdown as part of the efforts to **stem【控制,遏制】**the spread of COVID-19. 在严峻的疫情面前,农业合作企业、超市和电商平台实施了多项措施,各地纷纷调派分拣配送人员驰援上海,助力疏通送货到家的最后一公里。目前,上海采用了分区分批封控策略来应对疫情。 Yang Yi-tao, an employee of Fresh hippo in Xi'an is packing this morning and is about to come to Shanghai to help with the food logistics and transportation in the midst of the ongoing lockdown. 杨益涛是盒马生鲜西安区域物流负责人。今早,他正在收拾行李,准备和同事火速赶往上海,助力上海的食品和物流运输工作。 Yang Yitao **Freshippo Xi'an ** 杨益涛,盒马西安区域物流负责人 “Apart from the daily necessities, I also brought this equipment, which enables me to have an overall picture of Fresh hippo logistics in Shanghai.” 我们带了日常工作使用的PDA,这个是在疫情中,全链路使用的操作设备。 Xi'an, capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province, imposed a citywide lockdown on Dec 2021 to curb the spread of the COVID-19 resurgence. Since Yang and his colleagues had been devoted to updating the logistic process during last year's lockdown, he started to draft a plan for the city and he's confident that he'll accomplish the task this time. 去年,西安因为疫情防控需要,进行近一个月的全市封控管理。作为民生保供企业,杨益涛和同事也奋战在一线,通过优化流程,不断提高配送速度。虽然杨益涛人还未到上海,但他心里已经有了继续精简配送流程思考和初步方案。 Yang Yitao Freshippo Xi'an ** 杨益涛,盒马西安区域物流负责人 “For example, we might open a new warehouse first and simplify the working process to improve the productivity. This is the purpose of us going to Shanghai.” 比如,我们有可能新开一个仓库,把我们以前5到6步的动作,通过3步的方式提高产能百分之三十到五十的可能性,这是我们前去的目的。 So far, Fresh hippo has dispatched more than 200 employees around the country to help providing life supplies in Shanghai. 目前,盒马生鲜已经抽调全国各地二百多人前去支援上海。 3. **DELIVERY MEN HELP FAMILIES WITH BABIES 穿越浦江的奶粉专列 Some families in Pudong are running out of **baby formula【婴儿奶粉】**for their babies due to the ongoing lockdown. A team of delivery men have been covering more than 100 kilometers a day from Puxi to deliver baby formula and other infant products to families in Pudong. The team has already served hundreds of families. 眼下,在浦东部分封控时间较长的区域,一些孩子家长的奶粉存货已经快要见底。为了解决他们的"急难愁",一支由外卖小哥组成的车队,每天穿越浦江,日行一百多公里,为这些家庭提供应急补给。服务开展以来,已为上百个家庭解决了"燃眉之急"。 Bie Rui, a manager of a mother and baby products store, has been extremely busy recently. The manager and his colleagues have been living in the store since Puxi was locked down. He arranges dozens of deliveries at around 3 pm every day. The store receives about 200 orders a day. 这两天,母婴店店长别瑞的电话,时刻响个不停。从浦西地区封控开始,他和同事就留守在店里,每天线上接单量在200单左右。每天下午到了3点,他都要为几十个家庭加急配货。这些订单,大多来自浦东。 Bie Rui Manager,Mother and Baby Products Store 别瑞,母婴店店长 “Many orders are urgent due to the long lockdown in Pudong. Families are running low on milk powder and diapers.” 因为浦东的封控时间比较长,很多都比较紧急,而且是特别需要奶粉、纸尿裤,基本上已经是"断粮"了。 As customer demand has far exceeded delivery capacity during the lockdown, mother and baby stores are working with takeaway platforms to deliver remotely with special vehicles for families in urgent need. Zhao Chaoyue is one of the delivery men. 封控期间,相关营业门店骤减,在运力有限的情况下,采购难度随之上升。为此,母婴店与外卖平台联手,拿出保供车辆,专门为最急需的家庭远程配送。打包装车之后,配送员赵超越就驾驶着他的"关爱宝宝专车",上路送货。 Zhao Chaoyue Delivery Man 赵超越,外卖平台配送员 “I worked until 2 or 3 am and delivered about 30 orders on my busiest day. The orders I receive must be delivered to the customer. These are the things that babies need most, and I have to deliver them as quickly as possible.” 最忙的时候一天30单左右,要送到两三点,接到的单一定要送到手。你说孩子那么小这种情况下,必须第一时间给送过去。 Zhao also repeatedly reminds volunteers at the entrance of residential complexes to immediately deliver infant products to families. The deliveryman says he hopes to help more people during these difficult times. 为了确保物资能送到急需的家庭手中,赵超越会在小区门口反复拜托志愿者。他表示,这样做也是希望能够在当下如此困难的情况下尽可能帮助更多的人。 #热词加油站 collective [kəˈlektɪv]【合作企业,集体企业】 stem[stem]【控制,遏制】 baby formula【婴儿奶粉】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~