cover of episode 04/08 SHLIVE丨China mints 200 new billionaires 2021福布斯富豪榜上的中国顶流

04/08 SHLIVE丨China mints 200 new billionaires 2021福布斯富豪榜上的中国顶流

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THE RICH GET RICHER AS CHINA MINTS 200 NEWBILLIONAIRES News on 04/07 Welcome to MONEY TALKS! I’m Timothy Pope/ICS NEWS ANCHOR. 欢迎收听《财道》我是Timothy Pope/ICS主播 Forbes published its annual billionairesindex on Tuesday and said that Chinese super-rich now account for 20 percent ofthe wealth on the list. And there aren’t just more billionaires than ever...the rich are getting richer as well. Forbes says the world’s billionaires areworth a combined 13.1 trillion US dollars, up from 8 trillion just a year ago.China has 698 names on the list - second only to the US and up from 456 last year.China’s richest person - the bottled water tycoon Zhong Shanshan jumped to 13thrichest on the list after the IPO of Nongfu Spring in Hong Kong last year.Amazon chief Jeff Bezos remains the richest of the rich, with Tesla boss ElonMusk having made a huge jump from number 31 on the list to second place this year.The rest of the top five include LVMH CEO Bernard Arnault, Microsoft’s BillGates, and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. 4月6日,《福布斯》公布了年度亿万富翁指数,称中国的超级富豪目前占上榜富豪总数的20%。现在的亿万富翁并不比以往更多……富人也越来越富。《福布斯》称,全球亿万富翁的资产总额从一年前的8万亿美元增加到13.1万亿美元。上榜的中国富豪人数从去年的456人上升到今年的698人,仅次于美国。去年农夫山泉在香港上市后,中国首富——瓶装水大亨钟睒睒的排名跃升至第13位。亚马逊(Amazon)首席执行官杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)仍然是富豪中的顶顶流,而特斯拉(Tesla)老板埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)则从第31名跃升至第2名。前五名中还包括LVMH首席执行官伯纳德·阿尔诺、微软的比尔·盖茨和Facebook的马克·扎克伯格。