cover of episode 04/06 TOP NEWS丨上海邮政管理局辟谣/新国际方舱亲子舱/武汉金银潭医护支援

04/06 TOP NEWS丨上海邮政管理局辟谣/新国际方舱亲子舱/武汉金银潭医护支援

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NEWS ON 0**4/05 1. RUMORS OF VIRUS SPREAD BY DELIVERY SERVICES DISMISSED 上海外卖快递关闭消息辟谣 2. SPECIAL AREA OFFERED AT SNIEC FOR FAMILIES 新国际方舱亲子舱搭建完毕 3. **DOCTORS, NURSES FROM WUHAN HELP SHANGHAI BATTLE OMICRON 比心!武汉金银潭医护支援来了 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. RUMORS OF VIRUS SPREAD BY DELIVERY SERVICES DISMISSED 上海外卖快递关闭消息辟谣 The Shanghai Postal Administration today (April 5) debunked rumors saying a huge number of delivery workers had tested positive and the rapid spread of COVID-19 cases is due to post parcels. Lei Shuran has more. 近日关于大量快递人员核酸检测为阳性、邮政包裹导致感染病例等谣言在网上流传。今日(4月5号),上海市邮政管理局对此进行了辟谣。更多消息,请听雷舒然带来的报道。 The administration said all parcels arriving in Shanghai are disinfected prior to delivery, and sorting tools and delivery vehicles are also disinfected regularly. Plus, delivery personnel are required to wear masks. 管理局表示,所有到达上海的包裹在投递前均会进行消毒处理,分拣工具和投递车辆也会定期进行消毒。此外,快递人员必须戴口罩进行投递。 Currently, only zero-contact delivery services are available, so all parcels are either put in neighborhood lockers or delivered to recipients by community volunteers wearing protective suits. People should wear masks if they go out to fetch parcels. 目前,上海仅提供零接触递送服务,因此所有包裹除了放入社区储物柜,就是由身着防护服的社区志愿者投递给收件人。而收件人外出取包裹时也应佩戴口罩。 Rumors have been spreading on the Internet that the resurgence of COVID-19 in Shanghai began with lax pandemic control protocols by delivery services and **contaminated【被感染的】**parcels. The administration urges people not to spread such rumors and to respect delivery personnel who are helping keep the city on track during the lockdown. 网上有传言称,上海疫情快速传播的来源是快递服务管控松懈和邮件感染。上海邮政管理局敦促民众不要散布相关谣言,并呼吁民众尊重封控期间维持上海正常运转的快递员们。 2. SPECIAL AREA OFFERED AT SNIEC FOR FAMILIES 新国际方舱亲子舱搭建完毕 A special area has been set aside for parents and children infected with the Omicron strain of the coronavirus at the Shanghai New International Expo Center quarantine site. It's the biggest such site in Shanghai with 15,000 beds, which are expected to be fully occupied tonight (April 5). Lei Shuran has more. 上海新国际博览中心方舱医院为感染新冠病毒的家庭设立了一个特殊区域进行治疗。该中心是上海最大的隔离站点,拥有15,000个床位,预计今晚收满患者。更多消息,请听雷舒然带来的报道。 At 9:15pm yesterday(April 4), a shuttle bus was bringing infected people to the center. 昨晚(4月4日)9点15分,一辆闪着急救灯的市急救中心转运大巴抵达下车点。 The passengers were children and their parents, of which the youngest is just 2 years old, and the oldest 68. Each individual was assigned a bed of their own with family members in the same compartment. 这辆大巴上全部都是孩子和家长。这批入院患者年龄最小的是2岁,年龄最大的是一位68岁老人。每位成人和孩子分别有自己的床位,同一隔室里相邻而居。 Chen Erzhen Ruijin Hospital 陈尔真,瑞金医院副院长、上海市集中隔离救治组组长 “With our continuous exploration of the construction of the cabin hospital, and according to the most critical problems reported by the patients, we have been constantly improving hardware, as well as optimizing the admission process. The most important thing for us is to provide the infected with an optimal isolation environment.” 随着我们对方舱医院建设不断探索,也根据病人反映的突出问题,我们在硬件建设上不断完善,在收治流程上不断优化,最关键的,我们是要给这些感染者提供一个最佳的隔离的环境。 Doctors do two rounds each day inside the quarantine center, while nurses monitor patients throughout the day. Patients will be treated with a combination of Chinese and Western medicine once a fever is detected. Patients who develop more severe symptoms will be transferred to a **designated【指定的】**hospital. 方舱医院内每天早晚实行两次医生查房,此外时段,护士们也会对入住者保持监测。如果出现发热等情况,都会及时采取中西医结合治疗。万一症状加重,也有对应的诊断标准以及转诊定点医院方案。 Wang Wei Shanghai Children's Medical Center 王伟,上海儿童医学中心党委副书记、医疗队领队 “Judging by the severity of their fever and coughs, as well as their mental status, most children have gentle symptoms. The likelihood of transitioning from asymptomatic to mild or severe illness is rather low.” 包括发烧、他的咳嗽情况以及精神的情况来判断,那么大多数小孩在里面还是基本比较平稳的,真正从无症状转成轻症或重症的概率还是比较低。 There are currently 2,000 medical staff at the Shanghai New International Expo Center quarantine site. 目前在上海新国际方舱隔离点有2000名医护人员。 3. DOCTORS, NURSES FROM WUHAN HELP SHANGHAI BATTLE OMICRON 比心!武汉金银潭医护支援来了 Xinjing Town welcomed special guest Cheng Fang at one of its nucleic acid test sites yesterday (April 4). She works at Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital and is here to help Shanghai fight the ongoing pandemic. 昨日,在长宁区新泾镇的一个检测点,迎来了武汉金银谭医院南区重症监护室护士长程芳。她将帮助上海一同抗击疫情。 Nurse Cheng is known for her patience with children when doing nucleic acid tests. She and five other medical workers from Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital were sent to help with testing at several compounds in Changning District.   程护士面对孩子耐心温柔,这次她和武汉金银潭医院其他五名医务人员被派往长宁的几个社区帮助进行核酸检测。 **Cheng Fang ** ICU Head Nurse, Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital 程芳,武汉金银潭医院南区重症监护室护士长 “Considering the local spread of coronavirus and our daily workload, our hospital hasn't dispatched medical teams to other places. Due to the severity of the pandemic in Shanghai, our hospital decided to send one doctor and five nurses to help out.” 因为我们现在本土疫情也不是很乐观,我们一直也在接受病人,所以我们金银潭医院以前都没给我们派这种外援任务的。但是这是上海,我们还是给了金银潭1医5护基本的标配过来了。 After more than three hour at this test site, Cheng hurried on to the next compound. 程芳花了三个多小时完成了一个检测点的工作,接着又匆匆赶到下一个社区。 **Cheng Fang ** ICU Head Nurse, Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital 程芳,武汉金银潭医院南区重症监护室护士长 “I lived through this, so I understand the feeling of living in such an empty city. I was almost in tears when I arrived in Shanghai yesterday. I felt very distressed.” 武汉人可以理解理解这种空城的感觉。我昨天到上海就是有一种要掉眼泪的感觉,就是心疼吧,就是很心疼。 Zhang Ting Nurse,Xinjing Community Health Service Center 张婷,新泾镇社区卫生服务中心护士 “We have been working around the clock these days, screening and re-examining positive cases. Cheng Fang keeps encouraging us. We are sure Shanghai can overcome the coronavirus.” 一直在筛查、排摸、复查,10几天一直来连轴转。(程芳)她鼓舞、激励我们,上海一定会赢的。 After finishing at the test site, Cheng and her colleagues will head to a temporary hospital to help care for patients. 采样完成后,程芳和她的同事们将进入方舱医院帮助照顾患者工作。 **Cheng Fang ** ICU Head Nurse, Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital 程芳,武汉金银潭医院南区重症监护室护士长 “A saying goes—fall in love with a city because of someone. I love Shanghai maybe because of doctor Zhong Ming and the Shanghai medical teams who supported us during the pandemic in Wuhan. We are comrades-in-arms【战友】. When Shanghai needs us, we will not hesitate to help.” 以前说因为一个人爱上一座城吧,上海可能就因为钟鸣主任,还有我们上海医疗队。战友它是一种生死情,我的战友需要我帮助的时候,我是不需要考虑为什么的,就是要去。 #热词加油站 contaminated[kənˈtæmɪˌneɪtəd]【被感染的】 designated[ˈdezɪɡˌneɪtəd]【指定的】 comrades-in-arms【战友】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~