NEWS ON 04/01 1.A WECHAT MINI-PROGRAM LAUNCHED TO UPLOAD ANTIGEN TEST REPORTS 上海:抗原检测大数据平台上线****检测结果快速上传查询 2.SHANGHAI EMERGENCY HOTLINE UNDER PRESSURE 浦西封控第一天 120来电数超平日5****倍 3.SNIEC TREATMENT SITE STARTS ACCEPTING COVID PATIENTS 新国际博览中心收治患者 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.A WECHAT MINI-PROGRAM LAUNCHED TO UPLOAD ANTIGEN TEST REPORTS 上海:抗原检测大数据平台上线****检测结果快速上传查询 A Wechat mini-program that allows users to upload COVID-19 antigen【抗原】 self-test kit results has officially been launched. 在新上线的新冠抗原检测大数据平台"疫测达",市民可以自行上传新冠病毒抗原检测试剂盒的结果。 The mini-program aims to help collect all the antigen self-test kit results in China and the data includes photos, test times, and personal information. Data from the mini app will be linked to Suishenban, the Shanghai civil resource platform. The city government says that the mini-program is also expected to be accessible by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention【疾病预防控制中心】 in order to help with future pandemic management and control efforts. 该小程序旨在帮助收集新冠病毒抗原检测结果。数据包括照片、检测时间和个人信息。 小程序数据将与上海市民信息资源平台-随申办进行对接。 市政府表示,下一步,抗原检测结果,还计划接入疾控等平台,在未来对疾病的管理和防控工作有所帮助。 2.SHANGHAI EMERGENCY HOTLINE UNDER PRESSURE 浦西封控第一天 120来电数超平日5****倍 Shanghai's emergency hotline 120 has become extremely busy since the pandemic resurgence in the city. The total number of emergency calls during this period is now six times last year's daily average. The Shanghai Medical Emergency Center would like to remind the public to save the use of emergency vehicles for critically ill patients. 自从新冠疫情暴发,上海的120急救热线变得非常繁忙。在此期间120急救中心呼叫总数是去年日均值的六倍。 上海市医疗急救中心提醒公众,为了能及时救治危重患者非必要尽量不呼叫救护车。 Xu Jian Emergency Physician 许健,急救医生 “This patient's blood pressure was high in the morning and returned to normal after taking medication. But now he is having trouble seeing out of his right eye.”这个病人是上午血压高,吃了药之后血压下来了。但是他现在右眼看不清了。 An ambulance was dispatched to pick up the man at a locked down residential compound in Xuhui District. However, he wasn't immediately taken to the hospital because he did not contact the designated hospital in advance. 一辆救护车被派前往徐汇区的一个封控小区收治一名男子。 不过,由于他没有提前联系定点医院,他并没有能够立即被送往医院。 Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital accepted the patient more than one hour after the patient was put in the ambulance. What was supposed to be a ten-minute transfer process, took nearly two hours. 在该患者被送上救护车1个多小时后,上海市第六人民医院接受了他。 本来应该十分钟的转送过程,却用了将近两个小时。 Xu Jian Emergency Physician 许健,急救医生 “We have to take all patients. We don't know if the hospital we are going to will accept them, if they don't we have to send the patient to another hospital.” 我们的没有回绝制度,有病人都要接。我们不知道现在去的医院收不收,不收我们还要送另一家医院。 Recently, some non-critical patients have also called the city's medical emergency number due to the closed management of the apartment compound. 近期,由于小区封控管理,一些非急危重症患者也拨打了市医疗急救电话。 Xu Ping Shanghai Medical Emergency Center 许萍,上海市急救医疗中心科教部、部长 “We have recently received some calls about the need for vaccinations or nucleic acid testing.” 最近我们收到很多电话,有说需要打疫苗的,也有说要测核酸的。 The Shanghai Medical Emergency Center reminds the public that non-emergency patients can be transported in a special vehicle arranged by the community after the subdistrict【小区】 or neighborhood committee contacts the medical institution. It is better to save ambulances for critical patients. 上海市医疗急救中心提醒公众,非急危重症患者可在街道、居委会联系医疗机构后,由社区安排的专车转运。最好能将救护车留给急危重症患者。 Zhang Zhifeng, Director Shanghai Medical Emergency Center 张志锋,上海市急救医疗中心主任 “We would like to provide services for patients with urgent and serious needs. We hope to do our best to help more people in need.” 我们想把真正的急危重症患者甄别出来,我们希望尽我们的力量,能帮助到更多的人。 The center recently increased the number of operators on duty to 108, and they've also increased the number of ambulances on duty in the urban districts by nearly 50%, from 86 to 126. 最近,上海市急救医疗中心将值班的操作员人数增加到108人,他们还将市区值班的救护车数量增加了近50%,从86辆增加到126辆。 3.SNIEC TREATMENT SITE STARTS ACCEPTING COVID PATIENTS 新国际博览中心收治患者 The Shanghai New International Expo Center【上海新国际博览中心】 quarantine site, which can accommodate 14,000 beds, began accepting COVID patients at 10pm yesterday. A total of 1,000 patients have moved into the facility, as well as medical teams dispatched from several hospitals. Lei Shuran has more. 昨晚10点,拥有14000张床位的上海新国际博览中心临时集中隔离收治点开始收治新冠肺炎患者。该隔离收治点已经接收了1,000名患者,多家医院派出的医疗队已陆续集结入驻。更多消息,请听雷舒然带来的报道。 It was rainy and cold last night in Shanghai. The treatment center was ready to ensure a smooth admission process for patients as they arrived. 昨晚,上海气温有点低还有雨,为了让患者到达以后收治工作能够顺利进行,集中隔离收治点提前想了很多预案。 Chen Erzhen Ruijin Hospital 陈尔真,瑞金医院副院长、新国际博览中心临时集中隔离收治点总指挥 “We realized that patients need to walk through a passage after exiting the buses. So we prepared umbrellas to keep them out of the rain. All of our nurses came out to guide the patients to their beds.” 我们想到病人一下车要走到里面有一个通道,因而怕他淋到雨。所以我们准备了雨具,准备每个护士出来迎接我们病人,能够顺利到达他的床位。 Other than the umbrellas, food had also been prepared for those who might be hungry. 除了雨伞,医疗队还为所有人准备了食物。 Medical Team from the Tenth People's Hospital formed a temporary CPC Branch【党支部】, with Party members vowing to better serve the patients. 第十人民医院医疗队组成临时党支部,所有党员誓言要全心全意地为患者服务。 Li Yingchuan Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital 李颖川,上海市第十人民医院副院长 “They have both the Party flag and hospital emblem marked on their protective suits, so other staff can clearly tell that this person is a CPC member. People couldn't tell from each other as we all wear these suits. Patients can also tell which is a Party member, and know they can be trusted and depended on.” 他们的防护服上既贴了党旗又贴了院徽,所以工作人员可以清楚地识别这个人就是党员。因为大家都穿着防护服,所以谁也不认识谁。因此这也让患者知道这是党员,是可信,可以依靠的。 At 10 o'clock last night, the first group of patients arrived at the treatment center, and were settled into wards N4 and N5. Medical staff from Shanghai Sixth and Tenth People's Hospital went right to work. 晚上10点,第一批患者到达,N4、N5场馆开始正式接收患者。上海市第六、十人民医院的医务人员立刻投入工作。 Xi Yiqun Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital 奚益群,上海市第六人民医院副院长 “I feel all the difficulties are worth it. We hope patients coming here will recover very well, and that everything we do here will be worth it.” 觉得我们所有的困难都值得了,我们是希望病人能够进来,能够非常好地在这里康复,那么我们所有的付出都是值得的. Medical teams from 11 hospitals will settle into this treatment center over the following days. 未来几天里,来自其他 11 家医院的医疗队也将入驻该救治中心。 #热词加油站 1.antigen /'æntɪdʒ(ə)n/ 【抗原】 2.subdistrict /'sʌb,dɪstrɪkt/ 【小区】 3.CPC Branch【党支部】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~