NEWS ON 03/31 1.SHANGHAI MAKES PLANS TO ENSURE SUPPLY OF FRESH VEGETABLES 上海确保生鲜蔬菜供应 2.NEW QUARANTINE SPOTS BEING PREPARED ACROSS SH 各区加紧建设隔离方舱 3.REPORT ON MU5735 CRASH TO BE COMPLETED NEXT MONTH 东航MU5735事故后续报道 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.SHANGHAI MAKES PLANS TO ENSURE SUPPLY OF FRESH VEGETABLES 上海确保生鲜蔬菜供应 Shanghai has launched a program for the emergency supply of vegetables and contacted supply sources in neighboring provinces to ensure delivery. Shanghai Vegetable Group is delivering around 4,000 tons of vegetables each day to meet the growing demand. Song Wenjing has the story. 上海启动蔬菜应急保供工作方案,积极组织兄弟省市货源,同时加大调运配送力度确保蔬菜及时到货。 上海蔬菜有限公司每天运送约 4,000 吨蔬菜以满足市民日益增长的蔬菜需求。更多内容,请听记者宋雯婧的报道。 Tons of fresh produce from all around the country were unloaded at a vegetable wholesale【批发市场】 market in Jiading district this morning. More than 70 vehicles were dispatched to make deliveries to various districts across the city. 今天早上,来自全国各地的数吨生鲜在位于嘉定区的一家蔬菜批发市场卸货。 70多辆运货车被派往全市各区递送生鲜蔬菜。 Deng Yanglei SF Express Group (Shanghai) Express Co. 邓阳雷,顺丰速运集团上海速运有限公司安全负责人 “We use small-sized vehicles to make the delivery more convenient in downtown areas. We hope to make these deliveries in a timely manner.” 我们换成小车子,这样进市区比较方便一点,能第一时间把新鲜优质的蔬菜送到群众手中。 Shanghai Vegetable Group is delivering around 4,000 tons of vegetables each day. Strict pandemic prevention and control measures have been imposed at the city's major wholesale markets. Anyone looking to enter the are must show proof of a negative nucleic acid test taken within the previous 48 hours. 上海蔬菜有限公司每天要运送约4000吨蔬菜。 全市主要的蔬菜批发市场已经实施了严格的疫情防控措施。 在岗人员必须出示过去 48 小时内核酸检测阴性的证明。 Ding Shaoxue Director of Publicity Dept,Shanghai Vegetable Group 丁绍学,上海蔬菜集团宣传部部长 “To ensure the supply of vegetables, we have delivered 785 tons to 12 districts. We not only need to ensure the quantity, but also keep them at a reasonable price.” 为了落实应急保障供应任务,我们今天专门给12个区调拨了785吨的应急蔬菜。我们不仅要保证量,还要确保价格平价。 Another 16 tons of fresh vegetables including tomatoes, mushrooms and eggplant from Zhejiang's Jiashan County also arrived in Shanghai this morning. 浙江嘉善县的西红柿、蘑菇、茄子等16吨新鲜蔬菜也将于今天上午运抵上海。 Shen Junlin Jiashan Ningyuan Agricultural Development Co. 沈君林,嘉善宁远农业开发有限公司负责人 “We deliver around 10 tons each day. We usually harvest them at three or four in the morning and immediately send those fresh and quality vegetables to residents in Shanghai.” 我们现在正常每天十几吨。我们早上都是三四点就开始采摘了,应该说是即采即送的,把新鲜的、质量好的蔬菜送到上海市民手中。 All vegetables will be temporarily stored in a 1,000-square-meter refrigerator at a dispatch site【调度点】 in Qingpu before being repacked and delivered to each household. Vegetables can be kept fresh there for three to four days. 所有蔬菜都将暂时储存于位于青浦的一个调度站点的占地1000平方米冷库的中。在这之后重新包装并运送到每个家庭。 蔬菜可以在此保鲜三到四天左右。 2.NEW QUARANTINE SPOTS BEING PREPARED ACROSS SH 各区加紧建设隔离方舱 All districts in Shanghai have been setting up more centralized quarantine sites【集中隔离收治点】. Lei Shuran has more. 上海正在争分夺秒加紧建设更多的集中隔离收治点。更多内容,请听记者雷舒然的报道。 Looking from above, this site with 481 beds on Caobao Road has been separated into three areas, each connected by a one-way passage. One area is for patients, another for medical staff and the other is headquarters. It has been open since Monday afternoon. More than 300 medical and general staff are stationed here. 从空中俯瞰,拥有481张床位的漕宝路集中隔离收治点已经被分为了三个区域,每个区域由一条单向通道相连。 分别对应的是患者,医护人员和指挥部。它从星期一下午开始收治患者,目前约有300多名医务人员和工作人员在此驻守。 Cang Jing Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University 仓静,复旦大学附属中山医院副院长 “Almost all of the beds are now taken. The patients mainly have mild symptoms or are asymptomatic【无症状的】.” 今天中午为止,病人基本上已经全部收满 1045 主要收治无症状感染者和轻症。 300 people have been working day and night to ensure sewage【污物】 treatment, medical waste disposal and staff training. The quarantine site was set up in three days. 为了改建这个集中隔离收治点,300人内不眠不休,并且在污水处理、医废转运、人员培训等方面加足马力,严格把关。隔离方舱在短短三天内就建立起来了。 Xi Junwen Caobao Rd. Quarantine Site Vice Director 席俊文,徐汇区牙病防治所副所长 “This place had been abandoned for six years and lacked many facilities. So we found the building's architect for details about its sewers so we could upgrade the system. There are very special requirements for the treatment of medical waste, and we have done a lot of work in this regard.”这个地方已经废弃6年,所以很多设施都不完善。我们也是找到了当初的建设者的设计师,详细了解地下水道的走向后全面把水系统的污水处置好。这些医废垃圾的处理都有很特殊的要求,所以这方面我们做了很多的工作。 A quarantine site in the western part of Changning District is nearly ready. 位于长宁区的西侧,一个集中隔离收治点也正在做收尾工作。 A building in a Fengxian District industry park is also being prepared as a quarantine site. It will have 500 beds. 奉贤的一个产业园区里的商办楼也正在加紧改造成集中隔离点,可提供500个床位。 3.REPORT ON MU5735 CRASH TO BE COMPLETED NEXT MONTH 东航MU5735事故后续报道 The Civil Aviation Administration of China said today that as recovery operations at the MU5735 crash site are nearly completed, the key task now is to find out the cause of the fatal accident and a preliminary report will be completed within 30 days. 民航局相关负责人在今天的新闻发布会上介绍,目前指挥部的主要搜救任务已经基本完成,接下来的重点任务将放在调查事故的主要原因上。初步调查报告将在事发30天内完成。 The total search area of the crash site in southern China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region measured 10 million square meters as of Wednesday. Recovery crews have found more than 49,000 pieces of aircraft debris, including key parts of the engines and wings. They are being disinfected, categorized and labeled. Experts are also studying the trajectory【轨迹】, angle and impact force of the aircraft while the plane's 2 black boxes are being decoded. 截至周三,位于中国南部广西壮族自治区坠机现场的总搜索面积已达1000万平方米。 救援人员已经搜集到的4万多件残骸,包括发动机和机翼等重要部件。正在逐一进行消杀、清洗、辨认、分类和编号。专家们还在研判飞机接地时可能的运动轨迹、姿态和撞击力,同时两部飞行记录器(黑匣子)的数据也正在解码中。 #热词加油站 1.wholesale/'həʊlseɪl/【批发市场】 2.asymptomatic /ə,sɪmptə'mætɪk/【无症状的】 3.sewage /'suːɪdʒ/【污物】 4.trajectory /trə'dʒekt(ə)rɪ/ 【轨迹】 5.centralized quarantine sites【集中隔离收治点】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~