Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I’m Aixinjueluo Bei / ICS News Anchor. 欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是爱新觉罗·贝 / ICS** 主播 After travel dropped sharply during the coronavirus pandemic last year, scheduled daily flights out of Shanghai Pudong International Airport have increased to more than 1,500, or roughly the same as in 2019. Most of them are domestic flights. Zhang Yue has the story. 去年新冠疫情期间空港出行人数锐减。而今,浦东机场的计划航班量已经达到日均1500架次以上,接近疫情前的2019年同期水平。其中以国内航班居多。请听张乐带来的报道。 The airport’s managers said domestic flights and passengers this year have already surpassed**【超越】those from the same period in 2019. At 10am, Terminal 2 was crowded. 机场工作人员表示,目前浦东机场的国内航班量和客流量已大幅超越2019年同期水平。上午十点钟,机场2号航站楼人潮涌动。 Interview 旅客Passenger** 疫情好转了!出去玩了,旅游,去林芝! I am going to Linzhi, Xizang as the pandemic situation is improving. 旅客Passenger** 至少出差的人明显要比过去多了很多吧! At least there’re more people on business trips than before. Shanghai-based Spring Airlines has even opened a new direct flight route**【航线】 between Shanghai and Wulong, Chongqing. 总部位于上海的春秋航空,新开设了上海往返重庆武隆的直飞航线。 旅客Passenger (以前)没有直飞的,我们就想去看看嘛,尝尝鲜 There was no direct flight before, so this time I want to go to Wulong on the direct flight. The airline has opened more than 100 new domestic routes since last year, with 60% of them out of Pudong International Airport. 去年以来,春秋航空一共新开了100多条国内航线,其中六成放在浦东机场。 ** Xu Xiaolin,** Duty Manager,Spring Airlines** 徐晓琳 春秋航空浦东航站值班经理 ** 受疫情影响,国际航班还没有完全恢复,那空下的时刻,我们就利用这个时刻来开发国内航班。International flights have not resumed completely due to the pandemic. We used the opportunity to open new domestic flights. Shanghai-based Juneyao Airlines has also resumed**【恢复】 all domestic flights once suspended【暂停】by the pandemic. 总部位于上海的吉祥航空也恢复了所有因疫情被削减的国内航班。 Sun Wei Assistant to GM,Juneyao Airlines** 孙尉 吉祥航空地面服务部总经理助理 ** 不仅如此,我们还把重庆的班次增加到了每天四班, 比疫情之前还翻了个倍。We have also doubled the number of flights between Shanghai and Chongqing to four everyday. Juneyao Airlines schedules 350 flights per day, a 20% increase from the same period in 2019. Flights departing Pudong International Airport have been at about 80% capacity. As of late March, the airport’s average daily passenger numbers have surpassed 110,000, 14% more than the same period two years ago. The number of domestic flights has increased to nearly 900 everyday, up 24% from the same period in 2019. 吉祥航空的日均航班量目前达到350班,比2019年同期增长两成。从浦东机场出港的航班运能已恢复到80%左右。到3月下旬,浦东机场日均国内客流在11万人次以上,达到2019年同期的114%;国内航班量逼近900架次,比2019年同期上涨了24%。 #热词加油站 surpass /səˈpɑːs/【超越】 route /ruːt/【航线】 resume /rɪˈzjuːm/【恢复】 suspend /səˈspend/【暂停】