cover of episode 03/30 TOP NEWS | 外交部回应蔡英文“窜美”/杭州亚运会场馆筹备/美参议院听证会

03/30 TOP NEWS | 外交部回应蔡英文“窜美”/杭州亚运会场馆筹备/美参议院听证会

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NEWS ON 03/29 1.CHINA FIRMLY OPPOSES TSAI ING-WEN'S PLAN TO MEET U.S. OFFICIAL *国台办敦促美方不安排蔡英文”*过境”窜访 2.SWIMMERS GET IN SOME TEST LAPS AT HANGZHOU'S NEW AQUATIC FACILITY 杭州亚运会场馆筹备“进行式” 3.US SENATE HOLDS FIRST HEARING INTO SVB, SIGNATURE BANK FAILURES 美参议院举行银行倒闭事件首场听证会 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.CHINA FIRMLY OPPOSES TSAI ING-WEN'S PLAN TO MEET U.S. OFFICIAL *国台办敦促美方不安排蔡英文”过境”窜访 A Foreign Ministry spokesperson today warned of resolute【坚决的】counter-measures about a potential meeting between Tsai Ing-wen and Kevin Mc-Carthy, speaker of the US House of Representatives. The spokesperson said it would be another serious violation of the one-China principle should the meeting take place during the Taiwan leader's so-called “transit【过境】” through the United States. Zhang Hong tells us more.  外交部发言人今天警告说,若蔡英文与美国众议院议长凯文·麦卡锡接触,必将采取措施坚决回击。该发言人称,如果会面发生在台湾领导人所谓的“过境美国”期间,这将是对一个中国原则的又一次严重违反。记者张泓带来详细报道。 Zhu Fenglian, a spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said the so-called "transit" is in essence a provocation and will constitute actions that violate the one-China principle. She added that Tsai plans to peddle**【散布】*the idea of Taiwan independence internationally and seek support from anti-China forces in the United States. 国台办发言人朱凤莲称,所谓“过境”实质上是一种挑衅,将违反一个中国原则。她还说,蔡英文伺机在国际上兜售台独思想,并谋求美国反华势力的支持。 Zhu Fenglian, Spokesperson of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council *朱凤莲 国台办发言人 “蔡英文‘过境’,不是老老实实待在机场或宾馆,而是以各种名目要同美国政府官员、国会议员接触,搞美台官方往来,与外部反华势力勾连。她如果与美众议长麦卡锡接触,将是又一起严重违反一个中国原则和损害中国主权和领土完整,破坏台海和平稳定的挑衅。” “Tsai will not just be at the airport or a hotel during her transit, she wants to contact US government officials and members of US Congress under various pretexts to seek official exchanges between the US and Taiwan, and collude with external anti-China forces. It will be another provocation that seriously violates the one-China principle, undermines China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and damages peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.” Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning also said that the central government firmly opposed any form of official interaction between the United States and Taiwan. 中国外交部发言人毛宁也表示,中方坚决反对任何形式的美台官方往来。 Mao Ning, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson 毛宁 中国外交部发言人 “犯错次数的叠加,不能提供任何合法性。台湾当局领导人赴美“过境”是假,谋求‘突破’、宣扬‘台独’是真。不是中方过度反应,而是美方一味纵容支持“‘台独’分裂势力,性质恶劣。制造问题、挑起事端的不是中方,而是美方和‘台独’分裂势力。” “Repetition of mistakes cannot legitimize the action. The reported trip by the leader of the Taiwan authorities is not so much a 'transit', but an attempt to propagate Taiwan independence. China is not overreacting. The United States keeps emboldening Taiwan independence forces, which is egregious in nature. It is not China, but US and Taiwan independence forces that stir up trouble and make provocations.” Mao stressed that China urged the United States to strictly abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiques. China will closely follow the situation, she added, and resolutely defend its national sovereignty and territorial integrity. 毛宁强调,中国敦促美国严格遵守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报的规定。她补充说,中国将密切关注局势,坚决捍卫国家主权和领土完整。 2.SWIMMERS GET IN SOME TEST LAPS AT HANGZHOU'S NEW AQUATIC FACILITY 杭州亚运会场馆筹备“进行式” As the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou draw near, preparations are in high gear. Top athletes from all over Asia will compete at 40 venues in the city of Hangzhou. 12 other cities in Zhejiang province will also be hosting some events. Our reporter Zhang Yue went to one of the venues, for a sneak peek at what's in store for the athletes, and the spectators【观众】. 随着杭州第19届亚运会的临近,各项准备工作正在紧张进行。来自亚洲各地的顶级运动员将在杭州市的40个场馆以及浙江省的其他12个城市进行比赛。本台记者张乐前往了其中一个场馆,提前一睹运动员和观众们将看到的场景。 Zhu Menghui was excited to visit the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Centre Aquatic Sports Arena to get in a few laps. Born in the city of Taizhou in Zhejiang province, the 50-meter butterfly gold medalist was selected for the National Swim Team in 2015. Zhu won a silver medal at the last Asian Games in Jakarta five years ago, and this time, she is aiming higher. 朱梦惠兴奋地来到杭州奥体中心游泳馆游了几圈。朱梦惠出生于浙江省台州市,在2015年被选入国家游泳队,曾是50米蝶泳的金牌得主。在五年前雅加达举行的上届亚运会上,朱梦惠赢得了一枚银牌,而这一次,她的目标更高。 Zhu Menghui, Gold Medalist of 50m Butterfly 朱梦惠全国游泳锦标赛*50*米蝶泳金牌* “最大的期待应该就是杭州亚运会了,因为在杭州嘛,然后又是自己的家乡,能在本土作战,我也希望可以游出一个好的成绩来。” “My biggest expectation now is to be able to compete again in the Asian Games, because they will be held in Hangzhou. I am from Zhejiang province, and I hope to perform better at a home arena.” Zhu and her teammates have been training in Anji county during the past few months. Former world champion Le Jingyi is very supportive of her successors. 在过去的几个月中,朱梦惠和她的队友一直在安吉县进行训练。前世界冠军乐靖宜非常支持她的接班人。 Le Jingyi, Former World Champion *乐靖宜 前奥运金牌得主、上海市青年体育联合会会长、泳神俱乐部理事长 “亚运会这样的比赛,我觉得对于我们中国游泳队来讲,应该是算轻松的一个比赛。我们以前是真的没有这么漂亮的场馆比赛的,所以他们很幸运。” “For Chinese swimmers, the Asian Games will be quite an easy task. At my age, we have never competed at a swimming venue that is this big and beautiful. Young Chinese athletes are lucky.” Huang Chenyue, General Manager of Arena China *黄晨悦 阿瑞娜中国总经理、浙江游泳队亚运合作伙伴 “我们陪伴浙江泳队超过十年,我们希望用质量过关、性能过硬的游泳装备,保护我们的运动员,更加安全地参加训练和比赛。” “We have been a partner of the Zhejiang Provincial Swimming Team for more than a decade. We hope the athletes are able to take part in training and competitions safely, by using good quality swimming gear.” The brand-new Hangzhou Olympic Sports Centre Aquatic Sports Arena in Xiaoshan district, Hangzhou is one of the main venues where the 19th Asian Games will be held. 位于杭州萧山区全新的杭州奥林匹克体育中心游泳馆是第19届亚运会的主要举办地之一。 Zhang Yue, Reporter *张乐 本台记者 “This place is huge! It's the second largest aquatic arena in China, after the Water Cube in Beijing. During the Asian Games this September, more than 6,000 people will be watching from the seats.” 这个场馆非常大!它是中国第二大水上运动中心,仅次于北京的“水立方”。今年9月亚运会期间,将有超过6000名观众坐在座位上观看比赛。 The facility will host swimming, synchronized swimming, and diving. 53 individual events in all. 这个场地将承办游泳、花样游泳和跳水比赛,共计53个个人项目。 A fancy new building, new locker rooms and showers, all the amenities, and the ability to seat thousands of spectators are all great, but at the end of the day, a pool is only as good as its water. 一座漂亮的新建筑、新的更衣室和淋浴间、所有的设施,以及能容纳数千名观众的能力都很好,但归根结底,一个游泳池的好坏取决于水质。 Zhang Shuiping, Venue Employee of 19th Asian Games *张水萍 杭州亚运三馆工作人员 “臭氧发生器,除了水中的悬浮物,还可以滤除常规消毒无法杀灭的寄生虫(如隐孢子虫、贾第鞭毛虫),使得过滤水安全可靠。我们的水处理系统采用硅藻土过滤。池子的四周我们都安装上了两个为一组、180度的广角摄像头,可以无死角全覆盖去观察到我们水下的情况,那最快能在5秒内就确认我们落水者的位置,进行施救。” “The pool's state-of-the-art pump and filtration systems can remove anything larger than 2 micrometers, allowing it to filter out parasites that cannot be killed by conventional disinfection. We have installed two sets of 180-degree wide-angle cameras inside the pool to provide full coverage and observe the situation underwater without blind spots. This helps us to locate a drowning person within 5 seconds and provide rescue assistance.” The Aquatic Sports Arena is three kilometers from the Asian Games Athlete's Village. It's also pretty close to the city center, only about 12 kilometers from The West Lake. 该游泳馆离亚运会运动员村只有三公里远。它离市中心也很近,离西湖只有12*公里左右。* Venue employees have been conducting tests on water temperature, the air conditioning systems, as well as on the anti-slip mats around the pool. The 19th Asian Games will take place in other cities and counties as well, Ningbo, Huzhou, and Wenzhou will also be hosting some of the events. 场馆员工在持续对水温、空调系统以及游泳池周围的防滑垫进行测试。第19*届亚运会还将在宁波、湖州和温州等其他市县举办部分赛事。* *3.US SENATE HOLDS FIRST HEARING INTO SVB, SIGNATURE BANK FAILURES 美参议院举行银行倒闭事件首场听证会 The US Senate Banking Committee on Tuesday held its first hearing into the recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. 3月28日,美国参议院银行委员会就最近硅谷银行和签名银行的倒闭事件举行了第一次听证会。 At the hearing, the committee accused the country's top bank regulators of not seeing the ballooning risk that weakened Silicon Valley Bank before its collapse. The Federal Reserve officials said they had informed SVB's management as early as the fall of 2021 of risks stemming【起源于】*from its unusual business model, but the bank's managers failed to take the steps necessary to fix its problems. The committee also heard that the US Fed is considering whether stronger bank rules are needed to prevent a similar bank failure in the future. 在听证会上,该委员会指责美国最高银行监管机构没有看到风险不断膨胀,导致硅谷银行崩溃。美联储官员表示,他们早在2021年秋天就已通知硅谷银行的管理层,指出其不寻常的商业模式所带来的风险,但该银行的管理者未能采取必要的措施来解决其问题。委员会还听取了美联储是否需要制定更严格的银行规则以防止类似银行破产的建议。 #热词加油站 resolute/ˈrezəluːt/*【坚决的】* transit/ˈtrænzɪt/【过境】* peddle/ˈped(ə)l/【散布】* spectator/spekˈteɪtə(r)/****【观众】 stem/stem/****【起源于】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~