cover of episode 03/30 TOP NEWS丨江浙省市大白抵达上海/世博展览馆改建/东航遇难乘客身份确认

03/30 TOP NEWS丨江浙省市大白抵达上海/世博展览馆改建/东航遇难乘客身份确认

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NEWS ON 0**3/29 1. MEDICAL TEAMS FROM ZHEJIANG, JIANGSU ARRIVE IN SHANGHAI 兄弟省份支援到达!江浙省市大白抵达上海 2. EXHIBITION CENTERS BECOME TEMPORARY QUARANTINE SITES 世博展览馆改建为临时集中隔离收治点 3. ALL 132 VICTIMS OF FLIGHT MU5735 IDENTIFIED THROUGH DNA TESTING 132名东航遇难乘客身份确认 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. **MEDICAL TEAMS FROM ZHEJIANG, JIANGSU ARRIVE IN SHANGHAI 兄弟省份支援到达!江浙省市大白抵达上海 Neighboring Zhejiang Province has sent 1,500 medical workers to assist with PCR testing efforts in Shanghai, while a team of 500 has also arrived from Jiangsu Province. Plus fresh **produce【农产品】**is being transported to the city. 为支援上海新一轮核酸筛查,这两天,兄弟省市浙江、江苏分别派出1500人和500人的检测队伍抵达上海。同时,新鲜的农产品也正运往上海。 At a residential compound in Minhang District this morning (March 29), medical workers from Ningbo immediately **rolled up their sleeves【摩拳擦掌,准备动手】**and got to work. 今天(3月29日)上午,在闵行区皇都花园小区,一大早从浙江宁波赶来的"大白",来不及休整,就马不停蹄地投入了核酸检测工作。 Mao Peizhi Pharmacist,Ningbo Women & Children's Hospital 毛佩芝,宁波妇女儿童医院药剂师 “We left Ningbo at 6 this morning. It's a sense of responsibility to offer help here.” 六点多出发,从宁波出发来上海,有一种责任感吧。 Zhao Weizhong Director, Qibao Community Health Service Center 赵伟忠,七宝社区社区卫生中心主任  “Sometimes we need to work until three or four in the morning. With the support of medical workers from Ningbo, Hangzhou and Jiangsu, we are more confident of getting our work done.” 应该说有时候晚上要到凌晨三四点才能下班。这次有宁波,杭州包括江苏的兄弟单位支持,我们这次完成任务更有信心。 At a community in Xuhui District, medical workers from Taicang, Jiangsu were on the job for a second day. 在徐汇区梅陇街道华理苑,来自江苏太仓的大白也投入了检测工作。他们昨天就已经抵达浦东启动筛查,今天持续作战。 Mo Xiaoli Nurse,Taicang No.1 People's Hospital 莫小莉,太仓市第一人民医院护士 “Some of us work half a day, while some work the whole day until late at night. As medical professionals, we are **duty-bound【义不容辞的】**to handle the work.” 有些是半天,有些是一整天,有些还有持续到晚上的都有。我们作为医护人员都是义不容辞的。 As for fresh produce, 10 flat-bed trucks loaded with 127 tons of fresh vegetables departed Dujiangyan City in Sichuan Province last night (March 28). It's expected to arrive in Shanghai in about 30 hours. Organizers said more than 10 vegetable suppliers in Dujiangyan responded to the requests. 昨晚(3月28日),10辆装载着127吨新鲜蔬菜的平板车从四川省都江堰市出发,预计30小时左右到达上海。相关负责人者表示,都江堰市有10多家蔬菜供应商回应了上海的物资需求。 **Kuai Shijun, ** Head,Shengshouyuan Vegetable Farm 蒯世军,圣寿源蔬菜基地负责人 “We have more than 90 people picking **lettuce【生菜】and another 80 picking other vegetables. It's our responsibility to provide vegetables to Shanghai.” 收采生菜的有九十多人,收采其他菜品的有七八十人,总共有一百六七十人。作为一种责任,来支持上海的蔬菜供应。 Another four flat-bed trucks carrying 62.5 tons of fresh fruit and vegetables arrived in Shanghai this morning from Yichang City, Hubei Province. 今天上午,另外四辆载有62.5吨新鲜果蔬的平板车从湖北省宜昌市抵达上海。 2. **EXHIBITION CENTERS BECOME TEMPORARY QUARANTINE SITES 世博展览馆改建为临时集中隔离收治点 A number of stadiums and exhibition centers have been converted into temporary quarantine sites to contain the coronavirus resurgence in Shanghai. And hundreds of medical workers have been dispatched to these sites to offer treatment. Stephen Rancourt has more. 为了遏制反复肆虐的新冠肺炎疫情,一些体育场馆和展览中心已被改造为临时隔离点。数百名医务人员前往这些地点提供相关治疗。更多信息,请听Stephen Rancourt带来的报道。 The preparations for another new quarantine site at Shanghai New International Expo Center in Pudong was almost finished and is expected to begin receiving patients tonight. The site plans to offer about 14,000 beds for asymptomatic carries and patients with mild symptoms. Over 900 medical staff from the city's 6th and 10th People's Hospitals will be administering treatment at the site. 位于浦东的上海世博展览中心的另一个新隔离点已基本完成准备工作,预计今晚开始接收患者。该站点计划为无症状患者和轻度症状患者提供约14,000张床位。现场将会有来自上海市第六、第十人民医院共900余名医护人员进行救治工作。 Three of the pavilions at Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center have also been converted into temporary quarantine sites. Two of these have already been housing positive cases with mild symptoms and asymptomatic cases. Experts in pulmonology【肺病学】, **gastroenterology【肠胃病学】**and **cardiology【心脏病学】have already been dispatched to staff the facilities. 上海世博展览馆的三个展馆也改造成了临时隔离场所,其中两个已经接收了轻度患者和无症状患者。而肺病学、肠胃病学和心脏病学专家已经前往该场所提供治疗服务。 Chen Erzhen Vice President,Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 陈尔真,瑞金医院副院长 “We are improving the quarantine sites here to offer a better environment for those with asymptomatic infections. The 4,000 patients here are in a stable condition.” 我们在不断地完善,我们在不断地优化,能够让我们的这些无症状感染者在比较好的环境当中度过他们的隔离。总体来说,我们现在收的4000多例患者是比较平稳的。 The quarantine site in Hall 4 has also started receiving patients today. The medical team from Shanghai General Hospital and Shanghai Children's Medical Center are on site to provide treatment. 4号馆的隔离点今日也开始接收患者。上海第一人民医院和上海儿童医学中心的医疗团队将在现场进行救治。 Wang Han Vice President, Shanghai General Hospital 王悍,上海市第一人民医院副院长 “We've prepared sufficient resources for medical workers and that will relive concerns.” 我们医院这次给我们医护人员的物资配备是非常充足的,所以我们还是怎么说呢,没有后顾之忧的。 The newly opened hall contains approximately 1,400 beds. 新开设的临时点大约有1400张床位。 3. **ALL 132 VICTIMS OF FLIGHT MU5735 IDENTIFIED THROUGH DNA TESTING 132名东航遇难乘客身份确认 All 132 victims of China Eastern Airlines flight MU5735 crash have been identified through DNA testing. The remains and belongings of the victims are now at Wuzhou Funeral Parlour【殡仪馆】. 在东航MU5735飞机失事中遇难的132名乘客身份已全部通过DNA检测确定。遇难者遗体及遗物现安放在梧州殡仪馆内。 A 1,180-member psychological assistance team **comprising【包括】**medical staff, psychologists and other personnel were providing counseling to victims' family members. Decoding and analysis continues on the plane's two black boxes. The flight data recorder can record 1,000 types of flight data—including altitude, speed, direction and how the crew operated the aircraft—for 25 hours. The cockpit voice recorder records everything said in the cockpit as well as ambient sounds for up to 3 hours. Apart from analyzing black boxes, the investigation team is also collecting evidence like aircraft debris, video clips of the crash and accounts by witnesses. 一支共1,180人组成的心理援助小组正在为受害者家属提供相关咨询,其中包括医务人员、心理学家和其他成员。对失事飞机上两个黑匣子的解码与分析工作也在继续。其中一个黑匣子(飞行数据记录器)可以记录25小时内包括高度、速度、方向以及机组人员操作等共1,000种飞行数据;另一个黑匣子(驾驶舱录音机)可记录驾驶舱内长达 3 小时的一切说话内容以及环境声音。除了分析黑匣子的工作外,调查组目前也在收集飞机残骸、坠机视频片段和目击者陈述等证据。 #热词加油站 produce[prəˈdus]【农产品】 lettuce[ˈletəs]【生菜】 comprise [kəmˈpraɪz]【包括】 duty-bound【义不容辞的】 roll up one’s sleeves【摩拳擦掌,准备动手】 funeral parlour【殡仪馆】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~