cover of episode 03/28 TOP NEWS | 中洪建交/上海静安现代戏剧谷启程/前2月工业企业利润同比下降

03/28 TOP NEWS | 中洪建交/上海静安现代戏剧谷启程/前2月工业企业利润同比下降

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NEWS ON 0**3/27** 1.CHINA, HONDURAS ESTABLISH DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS 外交部:洪都拉斯决定同中国建交不设任何前提 2.JINGAN GETS READY FOR THEATER CELEBRATION 2023上海·静安现代戏剧谷启程!23部剧目将集中展演 3.*CHINA'S INDUSTRIAL PROFITS FELL IN JAN-FEB PERIOD 国家统计局:1—2月份全国规模以上工业企业利润下降22.9% -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.CHINA, HONDURAS ESTABLISH DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS 外交部:洪都拉斯决定同中国建交不设任何前提 The Chinese Foreign Ministry said today that the government of Honduras decided to establish diplomatic【外交】 relations with China based on the one-China principle without any preconditions*【前提】. Zhang Hong tells us more. 3月27日,中国外交部表示,洪都拉斯决定同中国建交,是基于一个中国原则作出的政治决断,不设任何前提。记者张泓带来更多报道。 China and Honduras signed a joint communique in Beijing yesterday on the establishment of diplomatic relations. The communique said that Honduras recognizes that there is but one China in the world, the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China, and Taiwan is an inalienable【不可分割的】 part of China's territory. 3月26日,中国同洪都拉斯在北京签署《中华人民共和国和洪都拉斯共和国关于建立外交关系的联合公报》。根据联合公报,洪都拉斯共和国政府承认世界上只有一个中国,中华人民共和国政府是代表全中国的唯一合法政府,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。 Mao NingChinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson 毛宁中国外交部发言人** “中国和洪都拉斯建交之后,中方将在一个中国原则基础上,秉承相互尊重、平等互利、共同发展的精神,积极推动同洪方各领域互利合作,助力洪都拉斯经济社会发展。” “After the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Honduras, China, on the basis of the one-China principle and in the spirit of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit and common development, will actively promote mutually beneficial cooperation with Honduras in various fields to help with its economic and social development.” A Spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council said today that establishing diplomatic relations with China is the correct choice for Honduras and in line with the prevailing trend. 3月27日,国台办发言人表示,洪都拉斯同中国建交,是顺应大势的正确选择。 In Honduran capital Tegucigalpa, people said they believe the move will benefit their country. 在洪都拉斯首都特古西加尔巴,不少民众在接受采访时表示,洪中两国建交将促进洪都拉斯经济发展。 Brenda Rivas**,Honduran Nurse 布伦达·里瓦斯 洪都拉斯护士 “We welcome China, so that our country can grow. With them we will have the opportunity of employment.” “我们欢迎中国,(洪中建交)将促进我们国家的发展,我们将拥有更多的就业机会。” Fernando Romero,Honduran University Student 费尔南多·罗梅罗 洪都拉斯大学生 “I believe that it is a beneficial relationship for the country. China will come to be the economic link with the country, will come and support us economically to develop a lot of industries and promote a lot of development.” “我认为洪中建交对我们国家非常有益,中国与洪都拉斯将建立更多经济上的联系。我们可以发展更多产业,取得更大的发展。” Honduras has a population of about 10.2 million people and is in Central America. Its economy is heavily dependent on agriculture. Trade volume between China and Honduras was about 1.6 billion US dollars last year. 洪都拉斯位于中美洲,人口约为1020万,农业系国民经济主导产业。去年,中洪双边贸易额约为16亿美元。 2.JINGAN GETS READY FOR THEATER CELEBRATION 2023上海·静安现代戏剧谷启程!23部剧目将集中展演 Today is World Theater Day, a day to raise awareness about the importance of theater arts and their role in entertainment. The Jing'an government announced today that the 2023 Modern Drama Valley will be held next month, featuring 300 performances of 23 productions. Zhang Yue brings us more. 3月27日是世界戏剧日,该节日旨在提高人们对戏剧艺术的重要性及其在娱乐方面作用的认识。静安区政府这天宣布,将于下个月举行“2023上海·静安现代戏剧谷”,届时将有23部作品的300场演出。记者张乐带来详细报道。 From April 20th to May 8th, residents will able to seeRed Sorghum, a stage opera adapted from the novel by Mo Yan; the mandarin version of Shakespeare'sHamlet, a children's drama calledPeter and the Wolf, an Italian opera titledLa Gioia, andWho's Afraid of Virginia Woolf performed by a visiting troupe from Romania. Jing'anDistrict administrators say discounts will be implemented【实行】. 从4月20日到5月8日,市民将看到莫言原著改编的舞台剧《红高粱家族》、莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》国语版、儿童剧《彼得与狼》、意大利歌剧《喜悦》,以及罗马尼亚访问剧团演出的《谁害怕弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙?》。静安区政府表示,将实行票价补贴政策。 Hua Xiangyi, Deputy Director ofJing'an Bureau of Culture & Tourism 华祥义 静安区文化和旅游局副局长 “票价补贴的最高幅度达到30%,同时把最高票价限定到600元以下。我们希望更多的居民能够以实惠的价格看到来自国内外的优秀演出和歌剧。” “The maximum price of the tickets will be under 600 yuan, additionally there will be discounts of up to 30% on some tickets. We hope more residents will be able to see good shows and operas from home and abroad in an affordable price.” One of the biggest highlights of this year event will be the “Drama Bus”. Actors and actresses will be performing in a bus, which will tour the district for 8 hours a day everyday during the event, passing through popular sites like Jing'an Park, and the Kerry Center. 今年活动的最大亮点之一是“戏剧巴士”。演员们将乘坐一辆巴士表演,每天全区绕行8小时,途经静安公园和嘉里中心等热门景点。 Liu Qing, Deputy Director of****Shanghai Theatre Academy 刘庆 上海戏剧学院副院长 “市民们可以在沿途登上巴士,甚至像专业演员一样尝试服装和化妆。我们正试图让人们近距离参与和了解戏剧艺术的方方面面。”  “Residents will able to board the bus along the route, and even try the costumes and wear makeup like a professional performer. We are trying to bring people closer to art and operas.” 23 productions will be performed in Jing'an theaters, on street corners, and in parks during the event. 活动期间,23部剧目将在静安各剧院、街角和公园轮番上演。 3.CHINA'S INDUSTRIAL PROFITS FELL IN JAN-FEB PERIOD 国家统计局:1-2月份全国规模以上工业企业利润下降22.9% China's major industrial firms reported a 22.9 percent year-on-year decline in profit during the first two months of the year, to 887.2 billion yuan. 据报道,今年前两个月,全国规模以上工业企业实现利润总额8872.1亿元,同比下降22.9%。 The National Bureau of Statistics said today that the decline was due to falling revenue caused by lower market demand, which has yet to fully recover. Official data showed that major industrial firms' revenue dropped 1.3 percent year on year to 19.3 trillion yuan during the period. NBS statisticians said the decline in revenue was greater than the drop in costs, weighing on corporate profits. Official data also showed that China's producer price index【指数】 in the first two months dropped 1.1 percent year on year, which also put pressure on firms' profits. 对此,国家统计局分析指出,收入下降是由于市场需求下降导致的,而市场需求尚未完全恢复。官方数据显示,全国规模以上工业企业的收入为19.3万亿元,同比下降1.3%。国家统计局的统计人员表示,收入降幅大于成本降幅,对企业利润造成影响,此外,国内1至2月份生产价格指数PPI同比下降1.1%,对企业盈利也形成较大压力。 #热词加油站 diplomatic /ˌdɪpləˈmætɪk/外交 preconditions /ˌpriːkənˈdɪʃn/前提 inalienable /ɪnˈeɪliənəb(ə)l/不可分割的 implement /ˈɪmplɪment/实行 index /ˈɪndeks/【指数】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~