NEWS ON 03/25 1.MONUMENTAL EFFORT TO ENSURE SUPPLIES 蔬菜基地加班加点**默默坚守“保供战役”** 2.SHOPPING MALLS STEP UP SUPPORT FOR MERCHANTS 商场减租发券,多措并举助商户度难关 3.AUSTRALIA TO ROLL OUT 4TH VACCINE SHOT 全球疫情:澳大利亚第四剂加强针 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.MONUMENTAL EFFORT TO ENSURE SUPPLIES 蔬菜基地加班加点**默默坚守“保供战役”** The Shanghai government, food suppliers and companies are working to ensure food and protective gear supplies as rolling lockdowns continue around the city. Zhang Shixuan has more. 随着沪上部分农贸市场、蔬菜批发市场进入封闭管理,为了确保市民的餐桌以及防护用品供应、不断档,上海市政府、食品供应商以及企业第一时间组织协调,加大力度从外省调拨货源。更多内容,请听记者张诗旋的报道。 At around 4 this morning, this vegetable processing factory was already humming as employees packed vegetables for transport to hospitals and nursing homes. Many of the employees leave home at 2am to get to work. There is also a refrigerator with vegetables, including cabbages. They are prepared for institutions that could be locked down. 今天凌晨4点左右,这家蔬菜加工厂已经开工。员工们将打包的蔬菜运往医院和养老院。许多员工都是凌晨2到岗的。这里还有一个储存卷心菜之类的蔬菜的冰箱。这是为了可能被封控的区域做的准备。 Gu Wei, General Manager Shanghai Lanzhi Non-staple Food 顾炜上海蓝芝副食品有限公司总经理 “For example, Ruijin Hospital, Jinchen Elderly Nursing Home and some social institutions. We should prepare enough vegetables for two days.” 是为了譬如说瑞金医院总院,还有金辰养老院,还有一些社会的机构(运送蔬菜)。我们蔬菜类是按两天的量来备的。 Restaurants and community health centers in some districts are also making every effort to ensure pandemic workers are being well fed. 一些地区的餐馆和社区中心也在尽一切努力确保防疫人员的饮食健康。 Minhang District said nearly 400 tons of vegetables have been allocated to locked down compounds【地区】so far this month, which has kept farmers busy. 闵行区表示,本月到目前为止,工人们已经加班加点地向封控地区分配了近400吨蔬菜。 He Weina, Manager Shanghai Fengwei Fruits & Vegetables Profession 何娓娜****上海丰伟果蔬专业合作社负责人 “We send out 2,000 to 3,000 packages every day. All of our employees are working at least 12 hours, and usually leave at 2 or 3 am.” 我们(每天)配送在两千到三千份左右,(工作)全部在12小时以上,一般到凌晨两、三点才结束。 Makers of personal protective gear have also been working around the clock to support increasing demand. 个人防护用品的制造商也一直在日以继夜地工作,以满足日益增长的需求。 Ni Guohua, General Manager Shanghai Dragon Corporation 倪国华龙头股份党委书记、总经理三枪集团党委书记 “We can produce some 3,000 protective suits and 50,000 medical masks a day. We are now expanding our capacity and looking to add more equipment. We hope we can make another 500 medical protective suits per day.” 目前来讲,我们医用的防护服每天的产能差不多在3000件, 医用的口罩在5万个一天。 我们还在增加力量和生产设备,我们医用防护服希望再增加每天500件以上的产能。 Another textile tech firm in Jinshan has switched from making clothing for export to produce PPE【个人防护用品】. It makes around 50,000 protective suits a day. 金山的一家纺织技术公司已从原来的生产出口服装转为生产个人防护用品。该公司每天大约能生产5万套防护服。 2.SHOPPING MALLS STEP UP SUPPORT FOR MERCHANTS 商场减租发券,多措并举助商户度难关 Retailers and restaurants in Shanghai have been hit hard by the recent rise in corona-virus infections. Many shopping malls are now offering support so food and beverage outlets can weather the storm【闯过难关】. Lei Shuran has more. 上海的商户门店受疫情影响严重。为缓解商户经营压力,一些商场推出多种帮扶措施。更多内容,请听记者雷舒然的报道。 At Global Harbor in Putuo District, many retailers said sales had declined due to recent residential and office lockdowns. 在普陀的环球港,许多商户表示受许多小区以及公司的封控的影响,营业额下降了很多。 Merchant Global Harbor 上海环球港商户 “Yesterday, all we sold was a T-shirt for 108 yuan. Daily sales are normally around 7 to 8 thousand yuan.” 昨天卖了一件短袖,108。正常的是7、8千一天 The company that owns the mall is now waiving half-a-month in rent, the property management fee, as well as water and electricity bills to its tenants. It will cut a combined 10 million yuan in costs for the mall's tenants. 环球港所属公司表示,现在送来"三减半"的帮扶政策,也就是减免半个月租金、物业管理费和水电燃气费。 这将会总共减免商户约近千万的费用。 Ding Zuohong, Chairman of the Board,Yuexing Group 丁佐宏,月星集团董事局主席 “Shopping mall owners should step up support for retailers. I think helping local retailers with their operations also shows people we have confidence in the city.” 我认为商场应该先站出来,给商户支持。每个商户守住,就是守住一个城市,守住一份信心。 Found 158 Square in Huangpu District is also helping its restaurants. The square's owner handed out dining coupons to nearby residents. The vouchers【抵用券】 are valid at all Found 158 F and B outlets and are intended to lure customers to order take away during the period they are prohibited from providing dine-in services. 黄浦区的158坊也在帮助其餐厅。158坊的业主向周边居民发放外带卡。外带卡对在158坊内的所有餐厅都有效,这旨在吸引客户在禁止堂食期间订购外卖。 Li Shengying Marketing Manager,Found 158 *李圣滢,158坊市场部经理* “We hope restaurant owners here can remain in business, and we can get through the difficulties caused by the pandemic.” 还是希望商户们能尽量保持他们的正常运营 这个疫情期间大家能够攻克艰难。 More than 700 vouchers have been handed out. 外带卡目前已经对外发放了700多张。 3.AUSTRALIA TO ROLL OUT 4TH VACCINE SHOT 全球疫情:澳大利亚第四剂加强针 Australia said today that the country will roll out a fourth vaccine dose for people over the age of 65 in April. this comes amid a steady rise in COVID-19 cases in the country fuelled by the BA.2 Omicron sub-variant and concerns of co-circulation of COVID-19 and flu viruses during the cooler months. Australia has ad-ministered two vaccine doses to 95% of people above 16, and nearly 67% have been given a third dose. 由于新冠变异病毒奥密克戎毒株BA.2的蔓延该国新冠肺炎病例稳步上升。以及随着天气转冷,该国或同时面临新冠疫情和流感压力。澳大利亚今天宣布,将从4月起/为65岁以上居民等脆弱人群/接种第四针新冠疫苗。目前,澳大利亚95%的16岁以上的人接种了第二剂疫苗,约67%的人口接种了第三剂疫苗。 #热词加油站 1.compound /'kɒmpaʊnd/【地区】 2.voucher /'vautʃə/ 【抵用券】 the storm【闯过难关】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~