cover of episode 03/25 TOP NEWS丨新冠自测试剂盒/金融机构助力餐饮业/东航失事飞机黑匣子

03/25 TOP NEWS丨新冠自测试剂盒/金融机构助力餐饮业/东航失事飞机黑匣子

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NEWS ON 0**3/24 1. SELF-TEST KITS COVERED BY MEDICAL INSURANCE 新冠自测试剂盒纳入医保体系 2. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS HELP SUPPORT SMALL, MICRO-SIZED COMPANIES 金融机构助力餐饮业跨越疫情难关 3. COCKPIT VOICE RECORDER FOUND AT MU5735 CRASH SITE 东航失事飞机黑匣子已找到 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. **SELF-TEST KITS COVERED BY MEDICAL INSURANCE 新冠自测试剂盒纳入医保体系 Coronavirus antigen testing reagents and corresponding test items are now covered by basic medical insurance. Zhang Yue tells us more. 新冠肺炎病毒检测试剂及相应检测项目现已纳入基本医疗保险范畴。更多信息,请听张乐带来的报道。 At a pharmacy in Yangpu District, antigen test **kits【成套装备】are now available under the health insurance system. One package contains 20 reagents and costs 428 yuan (67.23 dollar). A tutorial video is playing on the tablet placed on the counter, showing customers how to use the test kit. 杨浦区的一家药店内,新冠检测试剂盒现开放售卖。一盒装内有20个试剂,售价为428元。柜台上的平板电脑正播放着教程视频,向消费者展示要如何使用自测试剂。 Qian Binghui Pharmacist, Huashi Yutiancheng Pharmacy 钱炳辉,上海华氏余天成大药房有限公司执业药师 “Our supply meets the demands of several branches across the city.” 目前我们第一批公司一共采购到5万人份,货源比较充足,可以满足门店所覆盖的社区群众需求。 The city government is allocating the kits so that people in different areas can get one. 上海市政府目前正在分配这些自测试剂盒,以便不同地区的民众都能买到一个。 Liu Xinyu Director, Yangpu Medical Security Bureau 刘欣宇,上海市杨浦区医保局局长 “In Yangpu District, there are 39 drug stores that are covered by medical insurance system. We are on our way to stock up on the test kits to meed people's demand.” 我们组织了全区39家医保定点零售药房紧急备货、进货,确保至少有一种试剂向市场供应。 The Shanghai Health Commission reminded residents that the result of the self-test kits cannot be used to prove one's health when seeing a doctor or entering public areas since the accuracy isn't high enough. 上海市卫健委提醒市民,由于自测试剂盒的准确度不够高,因此自测试结果不能用作就医或进入公共场所的健康凭证。 2. **FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS HELP SUPPORT SMALL, MICRO-SIZED COMPANIES 金融机构助力餐饮业跨越疫情难关 The **catering industry【餐饮行业】faces supply chain hurdles【困难,障碍】, especially small and micro-sized firms, due to the pandemic. Financial institutions have responded with timely loans. Zhang Shixuan has more. 由于新冠肺炎疫情的影响,餐饮业尤其是小微企业正面临供应链障碍,举步维艰。而金融机构施以援手,通过贷款来助力餐饮业跨越难关。更多消息,请听张诗旋带来的报道。 In this empty seafood processing room, a notebook lies on a chopping board, but the last shipment recorded was on March 22nd. This small seafood importer used to have cash flow of around 1 million yuan (157 thousand dollar) in half a month. But the sudden outbreak has changed things. 在一间空荡荡的海鲜加工室里,砧板上放着一本笔记本。但本子上记录的最后一批货物却停留在了3月22日。这家小海鲜进口商半个月的现金流就能达到100万元左右,可不料突如其来的疫情却改变了一切。 Dong Weiwen General Manager, Shanghai Baso Foods 东伟文, 上海百峰食品有限公司总经理 “2 weeks ago, revenue was just 50,000 yuan (7855 dollar), which wasn't even enough to pay my staff.” 从今天往前推的两周,我们大概所有收入只有5万元钱,付工资也不够。 Along with the drop in sales, Dong's company also owes compensation to overseas customers, and air freight refund fees, forcing the company to apply for a loan. But Dong says things have been better than his expectations. Rural Commercial Bank【农商银行】 approved a 3 million yuan (471 thousand dollar) loan at an interest rate of 3.7%. 随着销量的下滑,东先生的公司还亏欠了海外客户的赔偿金、空运退费等,迫使公司不得不申请贷款。但东先生表示,贷款结果比他预期的要好。农商银行特此批准了300万元的贷款,利率为3.7%。 Dong Weiwen General Manager, Shanghai Baso Foods 东伟文, 上海百峰食品有限公司总经理 “So I had no access to cash because of the outbreak, and then suddenly this loan provides a life-line【生命线】.” 一下子把我们所有的资金的链条给卡壳了。那所以这样一笔钱,对我们目前经营来讲,是雪中送炭。 The loan was technically【严格遵循规则地】 a form of relending from the Export-Import Bank of China【中国进出口银行】. The bank released almost 200 million yuan for relending, which will benefit about 50 companies. 严格来说,这笔贷款是中国进出口银行的一种再贷款形式。该行发放再贷款近2亿元,惠及了约50家企业。 Zhao Zhifeng Deputy General Manager, Inclusive Financial Dept., SRCB 赵智峰,上海农商行普惠金融部副总经理 “Even if some become non-performing loans, but still within the tolerance rate, our bank and the Export-Import Bank of China will deal with the losses according to our agreements. This will give commercial banks more confidence to approve loans for small and micro-sized businesses.” 如果一旦这一批投放的小微贷款出现一定的不良的时候,在监管的不良容忍度下面,我们和口行(进出口银行)会按照一定比例,按照协议约定,共同来承担这个不良(贷款)的本金损失。从风险共担的机制角度讲,会让商业银行更敢于给小微企业放贷款。 The Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration today (March 24) released a joint announcement stating that qualified small companies will be exempt from value-added tax for the remained of 2022. 财政部与国家税务总局今日(3月24日)联合发布公告,自2022年4月1日至2022年12月31日,符合条件的小微企业,免征增值税。 3. **COCKPIT VOICE RECORDER FOUND AT MU5735 CRASH SITE 东航失事飞机黑匣子已找到 Search and rescue work continues at the site of a crashed China Eastern Airlines passenger jet in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The cockpit voice recorder was retrieved【取回,找到】 yesterday (March 23). Lei Shuran tells us more. 广西壮族自治区东航客机失事的现场搜救工作仍在继续。昨日(3月23日),驾驶舱录音机(黑匣子)已经找到。更多信息,请听雷舒然带来的报道。 As of 4 pm today (March 24), 21 personal belongings from passengers on board and 183 pieces of plane wreckage had been found at the crash site in a mountainous area of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It has rained continuously since last night and the weather forecast calls for more rain in the days ahead. 截至今天(3月24日)下午4点,在广西壮族自治区山区的坠机现场,已发现机上乘客个人物品21件,飞机残骸183件。自昨晚以来,一直下雨,而天气预报显示,未来几天会出现更多降雨。 Huang Shangwu Guangxi Fire and Rescue Department 黄尚武,广西消防救援总队作战训练处副处长 “We have focused on searching and rescuing passengers and crew. We are using thermal imagers and life detectors, but the signals are rather weak due to the weather. This means we need to do manual searches, and we are also using drones.” (我们)以搜救生命为主的任务开展,我们使用了热成像仪、生命探测仪进行表层搜索,和热量搜索。但是由于天气原因,我们的仪器,搜索信号还是比较弱,因此我们采用人工搜索和空中无人机搜索配合。 No survivors have been found so far. Some human remains and parts of the plane have been recovered at the crash site, and handed over to the investigation team. 目前还没有发现幸存者,而部分人体遗骸和飞机碎片已在坠机现场找到,并移交给调查组。 Following the retrieval of the cockpit voice recorder yesterday, the team expanded the range of the search area to locate the flight data recorder. Analysts said the radio beacon transmitter within the black box could be damaged due to the force of impact when the plane crashed into the ground. 继昨日检索黑匣子后,调查小组扩大了搜索范围,来定位飞行数据记录仪。分析人士表示,当飞机坠入地面时,黑匣子内的无线电信标发射器可能会因强大的冲击力而损坏。 The cockpit voice recorder contained between 2 and 3 hours of audio and was sent to Beijing for decoding. The flight data recorder includes the aircraft's altitude, speed, angles and crew operations. 黑匣子中记录了2到3小时的音频,现已送往北京进行解码。飞行数据记录器中包括飞机升空高度、速度、角度和机组操作等。 Zhu Tao Civil Aviation Administration of China 朱涛,国家民航局航空安全办公室主任 “Downloading and decoding the data will take some time, and the process could be prolonged further if the internal storage unit is impaired. The data will help determine what caused the crash. Investigators will continue searching for the flight data recorder in order to get a more complete picture of what happened.” 记录器所记录的数据下载和译码需要一定的时间。如果内部存储单元出现损坏,则可能需要更长的时间。完成密码后,将为分析判断事故原因提供重要的证据。接下来调查人员将继续全力搜寻另一部飞行数据记录器,也就是FDR,为还原整个事件经过提供更加全面的数据支持。 As of 8 am today, 305 relatives of passengers aboard flight MU5735 had arrived in Wuzhou City.   截至今日上午8时,MU5735航班乘客的家属已抵达梧州市,共305人。 #热词加油站 kit [kɪt]【成套装备】 life-line[ˈlaɪfˌlaɪn]【生命线】 technically【严格遵循规则地】 hurdle [ˈhɜrd(ə)l【困难,障碍】 retrieve [rɪˈtriv]【取回,找到】 catering industry【餐饮行业】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~