NEWS ON 0**3/22 1. AIRCRAFT DEBRIS, PERSONAL BELONGINGS FOUND AT CRASH SITE IN TENGXIAN 东航客机坠毁事故救援进展 2. BUSINESSES FIGHT TO RIDE OUT PANDEMIC 共克时艰,临港企业坚持生产 3. U.S. FED READY TO MOVE FASTER ON INFLATION 美联储:如有必要,或更激进加息应对通胀 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. **AIRCRAFT DEBRIS, PERSONAL BELONGINGS FOUND AT CRASH SITE IN TENGXIAN 东航客机坠毁事故救援进展 Vice-Premier Liu He and State Councilor Wang Yong, along with other officials set off for Wuzhou, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region last night (March 21) to guide the rescue efforts and the investigation into the cause of the crash that took place yesterday afternoon. Aircraft debris has been found in Tengxian County. All-out recovery operations are underway, but none of the people onboard have been found so far. Zhang Hong brings us the details. 中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理刘鹤和国务委员王勇代表党中央、国务院,昨晚(3月21日)率有关部门负责同志赶赴广西梧州,指导东航客机坠毁事故现场救援及事故原因调查工作。目前,现场发现失事飞机碎片,但尚未发现失联人员,善后处置等工作正在进行中。更多消息,请听张泓带来的报道。 Aircraft debris and some personal belongings have been found at the crash site in the mountains of Molang Village in Tengxian County. 客机失事地点位于梧州藤县莫琅村的一片山坳中,三面环山。搜救人员发现部分飞机残骸,以及失联人员的一些随身物品。 Local fire rescue teams, armed police forces and medical workers were sent to the site, to search for survivors. People were also sent to ensure stable communication among recovery crews. 当地的消防救援队、武警部队以及医务人员组织救援力量赶往现场寻找幸存者,同时还派相关人员保障救援队间的沟通。 Liang Ning China Mobile 梁宁,中国移动通信集团广西有限公司藤县分公司网络组 “Five emergency vehicles are here to ensure smooth communication. We also set up a base station using drones so rescuers can communicate with each other on the mountain.” 有5部应急车在这里进行进行保障信号保障,特别是我们昨天晚上也飞了一个无人机的高空基站, 一线搜索范围里面信号是没有问题了。 Volunteers and villagers in Tengxian County set up a "motorbike team" to bring people and materials into the mountains. 物资保障方面,藤县当地的党员志愿者和村民自发组成一支"摩托车小分队",轮流运送人员和物资进山。 **Huang Jianzhao, ** Deputy Party Secretary, Langnan Town, Tengxian County 黄剑钊, 广西梧州市藤县市埌南镇党委副书记 “We carry emergency supplies like tents, water and food into the mountains. And we also help bring rescue personnel inside.” 我们主要是搬运帐篷、水、八宝粥之类的应急物资进去,还有(运送)工作人员出入。 Flight MU 5735 was carrying 132 people, 123 passengers and 9 crew. The plane crashed into the mountains of Tengxian Country at 2:28pm yesterday. The aircraft was a nearly 7-year-old Boeing 737-800 passenger jet. The plane's operator China Eastern Airlines suspended all of its Boeing 737-800 aircraft after the crash. 昨天下午2点28分,东方航空MU5735航班在广西梧州市藤县的一片山坳中坠毁。事发客机上共132人,其中旅客123人、机组成员9人。事故飞机是一架飞行了近7年的波音737-800 客机。而在本次坠机事件后,该飞机的运营商中国东方航空公司便暂停使用了所有波音737-800飞机。 Boeing China said it is in contact with **the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board【美国国家运输安全委员会】and technical experts are prepared to assist with the investigation led by the Civil Aviation Administration of China. The Administration has called for screening hidden risks to boost civil aviation safety. 波音公司表示,目前正与美国国家运输安全委员会取得联系,将派遣技术专家协助中国民航局发起的调查。而民航局也呼吁排查隐患,提升民航安全。 China Eastern Airlines has set up 9 teams to deal with the emergency and help relatives of the passengers who were onboard. A temporary waiting area was set up for relatives and friends of the passengers at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport where the flight was expected to land. 中国东方航空公司也成立了9支队伍来应对紧急情况,协助遇难乘客的家属。作为该次航班预计降落地的广州白云国际机场为遇难乘客的亲友们开辟了临时接待区。 2. **BUSINESSES FIGHT TO RIDE OUT PANDEMIC 共克时艰,临港企业坚持生产 Factories in Shanghai are struggling to keep their assembly lines running while online companies are also trying to **stay afloat【维持生计】**as rolling lockdowns make it difficult to know how many employees can make it to work on a daily basis. Sun Siqi takes a look at their strategies to stay alive. 在疫情防控的隔离措施下,上海许多工厂正努力维持企业内生产线的流转,而在线新经济企业也正努力维持着生计。更多消息,请听孙思奇带来的报道。 Out in suburban Lingang, SAS's two assembly lines are running at full capacity. Production is based on orders. 赛亚森公司是一家实行订单式生产的企业,位于临港产业区内。这家企业2条产线,40个工位,全都开足马力。 “Here's one of the orders. You can see there are only 90 minutes from the time we receive the order to when we have to deliver the products. If our assembly line slows down for any reason, be it supplies, workforce or breakdowns, the contract breach risk rises.” 这就是我们客户(发过来)的订单,从接收到客户订单到产品交付,其中只有90分钟的时间。如果我们产线因为物料问题、人的问题、设备问题导致任何一分钟停线,都会增加产品交付风险。 With orders for 40,000 parts a month, the company has adjusted its stocking strategy. Accommodation for workers has also become **paramount【重要的】**to keep the assembly lines running. 为了完成每月4万套产品的生产,企业一方面加强供应链风险评估,增加库存,确保生产物料不断档;另一方面,对人员管理也做了细致的考量。 Xu Guojun China GM,SAS Automotive System 徐国俊,赛亚森汽车系统(上海)有限公司中国区总经理 “We ask workers who live in large compounds to stay at the factory. We provide them with underwear and other overnight necessities.” 对居住人员密集度比较高的小区,在比较困难的时候,让这些员工住在工厂内部进行封闭式管理,提供像一次性内衣和个人生活补贴。 Canada-based electronics repair company STG's Shanghai subsidiary takes in old laptops from abroad, **refurbishes【翻修】**them and then ships them back out. It just expanded its European market share. 位于洋山特殊综保区内的璞擎电子,是一家"两头在外"的企业,从海外以保税方式进口电脑旧机,经过维修、翻新后,复运至海外销售。今年春节以后到现在,企业一直坚持生产。 **Chen Xi, ** Secretary of the Board,STG Engineering 陈熙,天擎国际集团董事会秘书 “In fact, our daily capacity has increased 16 percent. We've improved our techniques and efficiency.” 这周我们还实现了产能的爬坡,每天的产能提升了16%。 With Lingang's leading companies finding ways to stay open, about 80 percent of the area's total production capacity has continued. 临港区内的主要企业找到了维持生计的办法,因而该地区约80%的生产目前仍能维系。 In Baoshan District, an online store for **succulent plants【多肉植物】**with 360,000 followers is running livestream daily product promos for 18 hours. 在宝山区,一家拥有36万粉丝的多肉植物网店正在进行每日产品促销活动直播,时长已达18个小时。 Wang Xin Livestream Salesperson 直播销售人员 “We have 3 salespeople, including myself, and we are rotating shifts【轮班】. Our revenue is about 100,000 yuan per day. Our service has never stopped.” 我们有3名销售人员进行轮班,包括我自己。每天的收入约是10万元。店面的服务从来没有停过。 The firm was inspired by booming sales in the online agriculture sector in 2020. It hired about 50 villagers to care for the plants. People who purchased a plant, but can't have it delivered due to a lockdown can ask the business to car for it until it can be sent. The company is expected to generate about 40 million yuan in sales this year. 2020年互联网+农业领域蒸蒸日上的态势给这家公司带来了灵感来。该公司雇佣了约50名村民来照料这些多肉植物。此前购买植物的人由于疫情原因无法进行交付,现在他们可以要求公司在合适的时候用车进行运送。该公司今年的销售额预计达到约为人民币4,000万元。 3. U.S. FED READY TO MOVE FASTER ON INFLATION 美联储:如有必要,或更激进加息应对通胀 The US Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Monday (March 21) that, the Fed is prepared to raise its benchmark short-term interest rate faster than expected to contain inflation. The speech came less than a week after the Fed raised the interest rate by a quarter-point in an attempt to battle inflation that is running at its highest level in 40 years. 在美国联邦储备委员会宣布加息25个基点利率来对抗40年来最高的通胀后不过一周,美联储主席鲍威尔就昨日(3月21号)表示,目前美国通胀过高,上升幅度比普遍预期更大、持续时间更长。美联储或在必要时采取更激进的行动,一次性加息25个以上基点,以恢复价格稳定。 Powell attributed much of the inflation pressures to the Covid-19 pandemic. He said interest rate hikes would continue until inflation is under control, and central bankers would be open to raising rates by a comparatively aggressive half-point at multiple Fed meetings. He also added that policymakers could go so far as to send rates into "restrictive" territory that would slow economic growth and possibly raise the unemployment rate if needed to tame high inflation. 鲍威尔将大部分通胀压力归因于新冠肺炎疫情的大流行。他表示,美联储将继续加息,直到通胀得到控制。美联储委员也在多次相关会议上对加息持开放态度。同时,他还补充道,政策制定者甚至可以将利率推向“限制性”区域。这将减缓经济增长,并可能在需要抑制高通胀时导致失业率的攀升。 #热词加油站 paramount[ˈperəˌmaʊnt]【重要的】 refurbish[ˌriˈfɜrbɪʃ]【翻修】 succulent plants【多肉植物】 rotate shift【轮班】 stay afloat【维持生计】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~