NEWS ON 0**3/21 1. PAXLOVID DRUG FOR COVID-19 ARRIVES IN SHANGHAI 辉瑞新冠治疗药物首批抵沪 2. CHINESE AMBASSADOR: CHINA IS PART OF THE SOLUTION, NOT PART OF THE PROBLEM 中国驻美大使接受美媒专访 3. CHINA GIVEN OLYMPIC BRONZE AFTER BRITISH TEAM DQ’D 世界田联认证!中国队获东京奥运男子4X100米接力铜牌 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. **PAXLOVID DRUG FOR COVID-19 ARRIVES IN SHANGHAI 辉瑞新冠治疗药物首批抵沪 China's newly revised COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment guidelines include two COVID-19 drugs—Paxlovid, an antiviral pill developed by Pfizer, and a mono-clonal antibody developed domestically. 21,200 boxes of Paxlovid was shipped to Shanghai and was cleared by Customs last Thursday (March 17). 《新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(试行第九版)》的修订要点显示国家药监局批准的两种特异性抗新冠病毒药物即辉瑞公司研发的利托那韦片(Paxlovid)以及国产单克隆抗体(安巴韦单抗/罗米司韦单抗注射液),被写入最新版诊疗方案。上周四(3月17号),上海海关验放全国首批辉瑞新冠口服药,共21,200箱。 The Paxlovid shipment entered Shanghai at Pudong Airport and was sent to Waigaoqiao Bonded Zone for inspection. After clearance, the medicines were distributed to hospitals all over the country to treat COVID-19 patients. **The National Medical Products Administration【国家药品监督管理局】approved the import and registration of Paxlovid on February 11th. 这批药品从浦东机场口岸入境,随后立即被提离并转运至外高桥保税区进行查验。通关后,这些药品被火速运往全国抗疫一线。早在2月11日,国家药品监督管理局批准了辉瑞新冠治疗药的进口和注册。 2. *CHINESE AMBASSADOR: CHINA IS PART OF THE SOLUTION, NOT PART OF THE PROBLEM 中国驻美大使接受美媒专访 During a televised interview on the CBS news program "Face the Nation" on Sunday (March 20), Chinese Ambassador to the United States Qin Gang said China is part of the solution and not part of the problem, while elaborating on China's position on Russia-Ukraine conflict. 昨日(3月20号),中国驻美大使秦刚就乌克兰问题接受美国哥伦比亚广播公司"面向全民"节目专访。在节目中,秦刚表示,中国是解决问题的一方,不是制造问题的一方。 Qin said that President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden the video call last Friday (March 18) was candid【坦诚的】, deep and constructive. President Xi made China's position very clear, that is China stands for peace and opposes war. So allegations that China is providing military assistance to Russia in its conflict with Ukraine is "disinformation". China is ready to provide further humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and other affected countries. 秦刚表示,上周五(3月18日),习近平主席同拜登总统视频通话,通话是坦诚、深入、建设性的。习近平主席明确表示,中方主张和平,反对战争。因此,有关中方向俄罗斯提供军事援助的说法是“虚假消息”。中方正在劝和促谈,并为乌克兰和相关国家提供人道主义援助。 Qin Gang Chinese Ambassador to the United States 秦刚,中国驻美大使 “What China is doing is sending food, medicine, sleeping bags and baby formula, not weapons and ammunition to any party.” 中方给乌克兰人民送去食品、药品、睡袋和婴儿奶粉,而不是向任何一方提供武器弹药。 The ambassador noted that China will continue to promote peace talks and urge an immediate ceasefire【停火】. 秦刚指出,中方将继续劝和促谈,呼吁停火止战。 When asked whether Beijing would provide financial support to Moscow, Qin emphasized that the trade, economic, financial and energy cooperation China has with Russia are normal business ties between two sovereign countries based on international laws and World Trade Organization regulations. 当被问及中方是否会向俄罗斯提供金融支持时,秦刚强调,中国与俄罗斯开展有关贸易、金融和能源合作等是两个主权国家之间基于国际法和世界贸易组织规定的正常商业往来。 He further explained China has good relations with Russia, and good relations with Ukraine. China maintains close communications with the United States and with Europe, enabling China to reach out to all parties concerned in the crisis. 同时,他指出中方同俄、乌都保持良好关系,也与美、欧等方面保持密切沟通。这使得中方能同危机所有相关方说上话。中方的独特地位,有助于和平解决这一危机。 Qin Gang Chinese Ambassador to the United States 秦刚,中国驻美大使 “China's trusted relations with Russia is not a liability. It's an asset in the international efforts to solve the crisis in a peaceful way. China is part of the solution. It's not part of the problem.”中俄互信关系不是负资产,而是正资产,有利于和平解决危机的国际努力。中国是解决问题的一方,不是制造问题的一方。 In the nine-minute interview, the Chinese ambassador, who was repeatedly interrupted by the host before he could finish his sentence, also reiterated that national sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, including Ukraine, should be respected and protected. 在9分钟的采访过程中,主持人咄咄逼人,多次无理打断秦刚的回答。但自始至终,秦刚大使明确阐释了中方立场:包括乌克兰在内的所有国家的国家主权和领土完整都需要得到尊重和保护。 3*. **CHINA GIVEN OLYMPIC BRONZE AFTER BRITISH TEAM DQ’D 世界田联认证!中国队获东京奥运男子4X100米接力铜牌 The Chinese men's 4x100 meter relay team at the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games has been awarded the bronze medal after Britain's team was **stripped【剥夺,取消】**of its silver medal, **the International Association of Athletics Federations【国际田径联合会】**said today (March 21). Lei Shuran has more. 今日(3月21号),世界田联正式官宣,东京奥运会男子4×100米接力比赛中,由于英国男子接力队被取消银牌成绩,中国队递补获得铜牌。更多内容,请听记者雷舒然的报道。 The federation updated the profiles of the Chinese sprinters—Su Bingtian, Xie Zhenye, Wu Zhiqiang and Tang Xingqiang—to indicate they won bronze in the race. 在世界田联官网上,苏炳添、谢震业、吴智强和汤星强四位中国男子接力成员的信息中都添上了"奥运会铜牌得主"这一介绍。 They finished fourth with a time of 37.79 seconds in Tokyo in August 2021, with Italy, Great Britain and Canada taking the top three places. However, British sprinter Chijindu Ujah later tested positive for the banned substances ostarine and S-23, commonly used to build muscle. **The Court of Arbitration for Sport【国际体育仲裁法庭】**ruled on February 18th that his results in the men's 4x100 meter final, as well as his individual results in the 100 meters at the Tokyo Olympics were nullified【取消】. The disqualification didn't affect Italy's gold medal, but it did move the Canadian team up to silver. 去年8月举行的2021东京奥运会男子4X100米接力决赛中,意大利队率先撞线,夺得金牌。英国队、加拿大队紧随其后,中国队则以37.79秒的成绩位列第四,与奖牌失之交臂。然而,英国运动员乌贾在决赛后的尿样检测中呈阳性。在2月18日,国际体育仲裁法庭发布公告,确认乌贾违反了反兴奋剂规则。他本人及其所在的英国男子短跑接力队也因此被取消了东京奥运会银牌成绩。这一宣布不会影响意大利队获得的金牌,不过加拿大队因此递补获得银牌。 It was the first Olympic medal for China in a sprint relay. China's final tally【记录,积分表】 for the Tokyo Olympics improved to 38 gold, 32 silver and 19 bronze medals. 自此,中国男子接力队实现了奥运奖牌"零的突破"。而中国代表团在东京奥运会的奖牌数也将更新为38金32银19铜。 #热词加油站 candid [ˈkændɪd]【坦诚的】 ceasefire [ˈsisˌfaɪr]【停火】 strip【剥夺,取消】 nullify [ˈnʌləˌfaɪ]【取消】 tally[ˈtæli]【记录,积分表】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~