cover of episode 03/20 TOP NEWS | 习主席即将访俄/首批十家企业IPO获批复/职业教育与产业需同频共振

03/20 TOP NEWS | 习主席即将访俄/首批十家企业IPO获批复/职业教育与产业需同频共振

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NEWS ON 0**3/17** 1.XI TO MAKE A STATE VISIT TO RUSSIA 习近平主席即将对俄罗斯进行国事访问 2.FIRST 10 REGISTRATION-BASED IPOs APPROVED FOR MAINLAND MARKETS 证监会同意!内地首批10家企业IPO获批复 3.EDUCATORS, INDUSTRY COME TOGETHER RAISING WORKFORCE SKILLS, BENEFITS 教育和产业共同发力,提升职业工人技能福利 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.XI TO MAKE A STATE VISIT TO RUSSIA 习近平主席即将对俄罗斯进行国事访问 The Chinese Foreign Ministry announced today that President Xi Jinping will make a state visit to Russia from March 20th to 22nd at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said Xi's visit will be a trip of friendship, cooperation and peace. 中国外交部今天(03/17)宣布,应俄罗斯联邦总统弗拉基米尔·普京邀请,国家主席习近平将于3月20日至22日对俄罗斯进行国事访问。外交部发言人汪文斌表示,习近平主席访俄将是一次友谊、合作与和平之旅。 Wang said Xi will have an in-depth exchange of views with Putin on bilateral relations and major international and regional issues of common concern. The spokesperson said cooperation between China and Russia is open and above board, and is not subject to any interference or coercion from a third party. He also said China has always opposed unilateral【单边的】 sanctions【制裁】 and long-arm jurisdiction without a basis in international law and without the authorization of the Security Council. Wang added, China will continue to play a constructive role in easing the Ukraine crisis. 汪文斌称,习近平主席将同普京总统就双边关系以及共同关心的重大国际和地区问题深入交换意见。汪文斌强调,中俄之间的合作正大光明、坦坦荡荡,不受任何第三方干扰和胁迫。中国一贯反对没有国际法依据、未经安理会授权的单边制裁和“长臂管辖”。中方将继续为俄乌劝和促谈发挥建设性作用。 2.FIRST 10 REGISTRATION-BASED IPOs APPROVED FOR MAINLAND MARKETS 证监会同意!内地首批10家企业IPO获批复 Today marks the one-month anniversary of China's launch of a registration-based initial public offering system, and the country's securities watchdog【监管机构】 marked it by announcing approval of the first ten listing applications under the new regime.   今天(03/17)是中国全面实行股票发行注册制改革的一个月纪念日,中国证监会宣布批准了10家企业的IPO(首次公开发行股票)注册申请。 The ten firms plan to raise a total of 17.4 billion yuan from their IPOs, according to the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Under the new system, the Shanghai and Shenzhen bourses are themselves responsible for reviewing IPO applications, rather than first requiring them to gain administrative approval as in the past. On approval, the exchanges then submit relevant documents to the CSRC for review. The stock exchanges passed this set of ten IPO application documents to the CSRC on Tuesday, meaning it took only two days for the regulator to approve them. Following approval, companies can choose their own times for issuing shares, just so it is done within one year. Securities Daily reports today that industry insiders expect the first ten to go public around the end of next month. 中国证监会称,这10家企业计划通过IPO筹集合计174亿元人民币。在新制度下,上海和深圳的证券交易所负责审查IPO申请,而不是像过去那样要求获得行政批准。企业获得交易所审批后再将相关文件提交中国证监会审核。证券交易所于周二(03/14)向中国证监会提交了这十份IPO申请文件,这意味着证监会仅用两天时间就批准了这些文件。审批后,企业可以在一年内自行选择发行股票的时间。据《证券日报》今日(03/17)报道,业内人士预计首批10家企业将于下月底上市。 3.EDUCATORS, INDUSTRY COME TOGETHER RAISING WORKFORCE SKILLS, BENEFITS 教育和产业共同发力,提升职业工人技能福利 The latest Government Work Report says China aims to create around 12 million urban jobs this year, targeting a surveyed urban unemployment rate of around 5.5 percent. Vocational education plays a big part in that, and our reporter Zhang Shixuan has been finding out how the construction industry has been supporting the effort. 政府工作报告在今年发展主要预期目标中提出,城镇新增就业1200万人左右,全国城镇调查失业率5.5%左右。职业教育将在其中发挥重要作用。关于建筑行业如何助力这一过程,记者张诗旋带来详细报道。 Putting some cement on the ceramic tiles and sticking them on the wall. It may look simple, but it took Tong Lin 12 years to achieve this level of proficiency. He began architecture work when he was 21 years old, and in the just-concluded vocational skills competition in China's architecture industry, he won the first prize. 在瓷砖上涂抹一些水泥,然后贴在墙上。这看起来很简单,但童林花了12年时间才达到熟练水平。他21岁开始从事建筑工作,在刚刚结束的全国建筑行业职业技能竞赛中获得了一等奖。 Tong Lin, Worker 童林 工人 “过程中不断学习。确实做得比人家好,能得到人家的认可,你就有成就感。” “I've been learning all along. I've gotten better than most people at it, everyone acknowledges that, and it gives me a real sense of achievement.” Tong followed his father into the work, and his accomplishments may now give him a chance to join a constructionteam as a full-time staffer, instead of having to rely on looking for jobs project-by-project. 童林跟随父亲进入了这个行业,他目前的成绩让他有机会进入一家建筑公司成为全职员工,而不必依靠逐个项目寻找工作。 Yu Yongbo, General Manager of Decoration & Fair-faced Concrete Branch /// China Construction 8th Engineering Bureau Technology Construction 于永波 中建八局上海公司装饰与清水混凝土分公司党总支书记、总经理 “以前他是跟劳务公司签订的劳务合同,成为产业工人就是直接给我们中建八局这种建筑公司直接签订合同。其实我们公司是给产业工人专门设计了一个序列,然后产业工人就是相当于它有个技术这个层级。我们之前一般招的都是大学生本科以上的学历,他们掌握的是一些管理职能,产业工人就是它必须要对技术层面做实操的。在农民工期间他的五险一金基本是不能全交的,从农民工到产业工人的身份的转变,现在相当于就是我们给他上一些这个社会保险,这些待遇会越来越好。” “In the past, workers signed a contract with a labor-providing company, but now we're planning to transfer them into what we call industrial staff. They will be able to sign a contract directly with construction firms like us. We have set up a new human resources project for that. In the past, we would only hire college graduates with management skills this way, but once joining us, the workers will be abletoget better social insurance, better treatment.” Zhang Shixuan, Reporter 张诗旋 记者 They are fuelingChina’s industrial transformation. Andat the same time,it's the urgent demand for high-quality development in China that triggers the increasing demand for such skilled talent, and provides better opportunities for them. 他们正在推动产业转型。正是中国高质量发展的迫切需要,对这类技术人才的需求越来越大,并为他们提供了更好的发展机会。 Yu Yongbo, General Manager of Decoration & Fair-faced Concrete Branch /// China Construction 8th Engineering Bureau Technology Construction 于永波 *中建八局上海公司装饰与清水混凝土分公司党总支书记、总经理 “现在我们国家的建筑业是对标世界一流,然后国家转型向高质量发展。在这个时候呢,我们能用机器人、能用智慧建造的,基本就不用工人了,只需要一些技术工人来操作。对于绿色建造,大量的装配式,这样需要在工厂里加工的工人。还有就是我们一些必须需要手工的工人,比如装饰工人。一方面就是我们原来的农民工兄弟,他们优秀的我们选进来进行培训,另一方面就是职业技术学校这些毕业的应届生。尤其是数控机床的一些操作,还有我们一些项目精益管控的需求。” “China's construction industry is targeting the world's first class. And in promoting high-quality development, we are using more robots for intelligent construction, which require technical workers to operate. And in green technologies, we havealarge number of prefabricated elements, which require workers to process them in factories. And we also need workers with good craft skills. We plan to hire some from these current workers and train them later, and we'll also hire fresh graduates from vocational【职业的】 schools, especially for the operation of numerically controlled machines.” The company plans to hire 200 industrial workers this year, from both the outstanding workers it has identified itself, and from fresh vocational school graduates. 该公司计划今年招聘200名产业工人,既从公司认定的优秀工人中招聘,也从职业学校的应届毕业生中招聘。 Cheng Fucai, Research Professor /// Institute of Sociology, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences 程福才 *上海社会科学院社会学研究所研究员 “在过去这些年,我们一直在说人口红利,人口红利除了大学毕业生之外,相当一部分来自于接受了我们的中等、高等职业技术教育培训的这些专业技术人才。我们现在大概每年培养出来的这种职业技术人才的毕业生可能接近1,000万左右,那跟高等学校的毕业生是差不多的。但是应该客观的说,在整个劳动力市场当中,它的社会声望不是那么高,所以此前可能很多家长不愿意让孩子去进入这样的一个工作序列当中去,但是这些年我们会发现有比较大的一个变化,就是这一类的有技术工种的工人,他们的薪酬在上升,而且还在持续地上升。” “During the past few years, we have been talking about the demographic【人口】 dividend, which includes more than just college graduates. A large proportion of them are skillful talented graduates of vocational schools. Every year, there are almost 10 million vocational school graduates in China, close to the number of college graduates. In the past workers like this didn't have a very high reputation in society, so many parents were not willing to see their children involved in jobs like this. But these years, there's been a big change, and technical workers have seen their incomes rising constantly.” Chinese Premier Li Qiang told his news conference Monday that China is to embrace what he called a talent dividend to boost economic development, and that implementing an employment-first policy remains one of the government's top priorities to stabilize the job market. With more than 10,000 vocational schools, China now has the largest vocational education system in the world. Cheng warns, however, that there remains a gap between specific vocational educations and the actual demands of the corporate world. To narrow that gap, he says, requires more of what China Construction is doing, and putting industrial associations in direct contact with vocational schools, enabling them later to reward top skills with top-paying jobs and staff benefits. 国务院总理李强在周一(03/13)的新闻发布会上称,中国将利用人才红利促进经济发展,实施就业优先政策仍然是稳定就业市场的首要任务之一。中国拥有1万多所职业技术学校以及世界上规模最大的职业教育体系。然而,程教授却表示,职业教育与业界实际需求之间仍存在差距。为缩小这一差距,中国建筑行业需采取更多措施,使行业协会与职业学校建立直接联系,并用高薪工作和员工福利奖励职业技术人才。 #热词加油站 unilateral /ˌjuːnəˈlætərəl/*【单边的 sanction /ˈsæŋkʃ(ə)n/*【制裁 watchdog /ˈwɑːtʃdɔːɡ/监管机构 vocational /voʊˈkeɪʃən(ə)l/职业的 demographic /ˌdeməˈɡræfɪk/【人口】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~