cover of episode 03/16 TOP NEWS丨盒马“共享用工”计划/邓伦偷逃税被罚/俄乌第四轮谈判

03/16 TOP NEWS丨盒马“共享用工”计划/邓伦偷逃税被罚/俄乌第四轮谈判

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NEWS ON 0**3/15 1. TEMPORARY DELIVERY WORKERS HIRED TO ALLEVIATE LABOR SHORTAGES 缓解用人荒,盒马启用“共享用工”计划 2. ACTOR DENG LUN FORCED TO PAY 106M IN BACK TAXES AND FINES 邓伦偷逃税被罚1.06亿 3. 4TH ROUND OF UKRAINE-RUSSIA MAY RESUME TODAY 俄乌第四轮谈判今日重启 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. **TEMPORARY DELIVERY WORKERS HIRED TO ALLEVIATE LABOR SHORTAGES 缓解用人荒,盒马启用“共享用工”计划 With demand soaring for food deliveries, retail grocery chain Hema Fresh is recruiting temporary workers from restaurants to tackle a personnel shortage. Zhang Yue has the details. 为了缓解分拣和配送环节的人力缺口,电商平台盒马鲜生重启了2020年时实施过的"共享用工"模式,即从餐馆招聘临时工,以增强保供能力。更多信息,请听张乐带来的报道。 A Hema Fresh store on Huajing Road in Xuhui is busier than usual. With several locked down residential **compounds【封闭区】**within 1 kilometer of the store, the company sent workers from other outlets to ensure customers would get their orders. The store’s manager said they have three times the staff compared to normal and that they extended operating hours to meet demand. At another Hema Fresh store on East Gaoke Road in Pudong, nine people were hired to deliver food under the grocery chain’s shared labor plan. The store said at least 10 more are needed to meet demand. 徐汇区华泾路上的这家盒马门店生意比平日还要火爆。由于周边一公里范围内多个居民区均处于封闭管理之中,因此该店由原本仅支持顾客上门自提,转为针对封闭小区集中配送。该店的经理表示,他们的员工数量是平日的三倍,并延长营业时间以满足需求。在浦东高科东路的另一家盒马店中,九名“共享员工”在盒马“共享用工”的规划下负责食品的运输。该店表示,至少还需要10个人才能满足当前需求。 Wang Wei Store Manager, Hema Fresh, Hengsheng Wanli Square 王伟,盒马鲜生恒生万鹂广场店店长 “Many of our employees in charge of sorting, packing and delivering orders are still in lockdowns, causing a workforce shortage at our store.” 鉴于目前现状,我们很多门店的拣货员还有配送员处于管控当中。我们现在人员是有很大一部分的缺口。 The store said many the temporary workers have jobs at restaurants, which have been banned from offering dine-in services. 该店表示,许多“共享员工”原本在餐馆工作,但当下餐馆不允许提供堂食就餐。 Li Xiong Temporary Employee, Hema Fresh **李雄,盒马"共享员工" ** “The pandemic has had a huge impact on restaurants. I saw Hema Fresh was recruiting temporary workers, and I was looking for a job. The income is stable.” (疫情)对线下餐饮冲击很大,刚好盒马这边有在招临时工嘛,刚好我也需要这份工作,有一份稳定的收入。 More than 300 people have applied to join Hema Fresh’s employee sharing plan, which the company launched nationwide when the pandemic started back in 2020. Also, 42 volunteers from Wuhan City have joined food delivery company Meituan this week after learning of the shortage. 24-year-old Deng Yi started sorting seafood after arriving in Shanghai yesterday (March 14). 2020年新冠肺炎时期,盒马鲜生就在全国范围内启动“共享员工”模式,现在已有超过300人申请加入。此外,在人员短缺的背景下,武汉市的42名志愿者于本周加入了外卖公司美团。 24岁的邓一昨天(3月14日)抵达上海后便开始了分拣海鲜的工作。 **Deng Yi, ** volunteer 邓一,武汉志愿者 “I was born in Shanghai, but I work in Wuhan. It is an honor and responsibility to come back home and support my hometown.” 自己也是上海人,不过我是在武汉上班。自己家乡这边需要支援,肯定是义不容辞的事情。 The company said it will **allocate【分配】these volunteers to distribution sites as needed across Shanghai. 美团表示,这些志愿者将根据需要分配到上海各地的分发点。 2. ACTOR DENG LUN FORCED TO PAY 106M IN BACK TAXES AND FINES 邓伦偷逃税被罚1.06亿 The Shanghai Tax Service said today (March 15) that Chinese actor Deng Lun must pay 106 million yuan (16.7 million dollar) in back taxes and fines for tax evasion. According to a statement on the Shanghai Municipal Tax Service of the State Taxation Administration’s website, the actor evaded paying 47.66 million yuan (7.51 million dollar) in personal income tax as well as 13.99 million yuan (2.2 million dollar) in other taxes between 2019 and 2020. Deng was cooperative after the tax audit was filed, and he took the initiative to pay some of what he owed. According to the law, Deng will need to pay 106 million yuan, this amount includes the fines from tax evasion and what he owes in back taxes. 上海市税务局今日(3月15日)表示,中国演员邓伦涉嫌偷逃税款,须缴纳1.06亿元的税款和罚款。 根据国家税务总局上海市税务局网站的一份声明显示,邓伦在2019年到2020年期间,通过虚构业务转换收入性质进行虚假申报,偷逃个人所得税达到4766万元,其他少缴个人所得税为1399万元。在税务检查过程中,邓伦积极配合检查并主动补缴税款,同时主动报告税务机关尚未掌握的涉税违法行为。上海市税务局第四稽查局依据相关法律法规规定,对邓伦追缴税款、加收滞纳金并处罚款,共计1.06亿元。 3. **4TH ROUND OF UKRAINE-RUSSIA MAY RESUME TODAY 俄乌第四轮谈判今日重启 The fourth round of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine via video link began yesterday(March 14)but were paused for technical reasons. Ukrainian President Vlodomyr Zelenskyy said the talks would resume today(March 15). Lei Shuran has more. 俄乌第四轮谈判昨天(3月14日)以视频方式举行,随后进入"技术暂停"阶段。乌克兰总统泽连斯基表示,谈判预计将于今天(3月15日)继续。更多信息,请听雷舒然带来的报道。 The Ukrainian delegation said the negotiators require additional time for preparatory【预备的】 works and clarification of specific definitions. The office of the Ukrainian president stated that a peace agreement with Russia could be established within 1 or 2 weeks at the earliest, and at the latest in May. Russia has not responded. Russian forces’ military operations continue. The Russian Defense Ministry announced today that Russian troops have seized Kherson, a provincial capital in the south of the country. In the east, the Mayor of Donetsk says at least 20 people have been killed in a missile strike. Russia has accused Kyiv of firing the missile into a residential area, the Ukrainian military denies the claim. 乌克兰代表团称,"技术暂停"期间,相应工作组将完成一些补充性工作,双方在谈判中明确表达了各自立场,但"沟通困难"。乌总统办公室顾问则表示,双方最快有望在一至两周内,最迟在5月签署和平协议。俄方对此尚无明确表态。与此同时,俄军的特别军事行动仍在继续推进。俄国防部今天宣布,俄武装力量已完全控制与克里米亚相邻的乌克兰南部港口赫尔松州。此外,顿涅茨克市长表示,该地居民区昨日遭到导弹袭击,至少有20人在袭击中丧生。俄方强烈谴责乌克兰这一举动,但相关指控遭乌克兰方面否认。 Alexei Kulemzin Donetsk Mayor 阿列克谢,顿涅茨克市市长 “According to preliminary estimates 20 civilians are dead, 13 are wounded. We keep searching but the damage is huge, and it is highly populated city center.” 初步统计有20名平民死亡、多人受伤,我们还在展开搜救。破坏是巨大的,因为这里是人口密集的市中心。 Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russia does not exclude the possibility of taking major population centers under full control, while ensuring the maximum safety of the civilian population. 俄总统新闻秘书佩斯科夫表示,从现在起,不排除俄方武装力量将控制乌大型居民点的可能性,以最大限度地保障当地居民安全。 Dmitry Peskov 佩斯科夫,俄总统新闻秘书 “It is true that at the start of the special military operation the President of Russia ordered the Defense Ministry to refrain from immediate storming of major population centers including Kyiv because armed groups in Ukraine have set up firing positions. Any military actions in densely populated areas would inevitably lead to heavy casualties among civilians.” 在俄方开启特别军事行动时,普京曾下令不要抢攻包括基辅在内的城市。因为乌方武装力量部署了大量武器装备急于对大型城市进攻,将导致居民伤亡。 The European Union yesterday approved a fourth round of sanctions on Russia. The main measures include revoking Russia’s **most favored nation status【贸易最惠国待遇】**as well as a ban on investments in oil companies and companies in the energy sector. 昨日,欧盟正式决定对俄罗斯进行第四轮制裁。主要措施包括,取消俄罗斯的贸易最惠国待遇,禁止欧盟企业投资俄油气行业等。 #热词加油站 compound[ˈkɑmˌpaʊnd]【封闭区】 allocate[ˈæləˌkeɪt]【分配】 preparatory[prɪˈperəˌtɔri]【预备的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~